Arma 3
172 ratings
Embraer EMB 312 Tucano
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Plane
File Size
102.054 MB
Oct 3, 2024 @ 7:19am
Dec 1, 2024 @ 3:34am
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Embraer EMB 312 Tucano

In 1 collection by Luca
Modern Vehicles
5 items
The Embraer EMB 312 Tucano is a low-wing, tandem-seat, single-turboprop, basic trainer and counter-insurgency aircraft developed and produced by Embraer in Brazil.

High manoeuvrability, stability at low speeds, and four underwing pylons allow the aircraft to engage in tactical bombing campaigns in low-intensity conflict or counterinsurgency environments and in counternarcotics interceptions.
This mod includes the following variants:
  • EMB-312 T-27
  • EMB-312 AT-27
  • EMB-312 AT-27 M/35
  • EMB-312 AT-27 M/35S
EMB-312 T-27:
A real variant, the unarmed trainer/civilian version.
EMB-312 AT-27:
A real variant, the armed military version. Used for training and combat alike.
EMB-312 AT-27 M/35:
A fictional, upgraded, variant aimed at bringing its capabilities closer to those of its successor - the EMB 314.
These upgrades include a camera for the copilot, additonal - wing mounted - .50cal machine guns and improved battlefield datasharing.
EMB-312 AT-27 M/35S:
Same as the M35 variant, albeit as a single seater, giving the pilot control over the targeting camera. Also comes with a different propeller for further visual distinction.

All variants support Arma 3s pylon system and as such varied loadouts.

Known Issue
The instruments are misaligned, not sure if that will ever be fixed.

This mod includes a compat file for FIR AWS(AirWeaponSystem), though since I do not use it there might be some oddities.

Retexture Template
A template for retextures is found here.[]
Courtesy of Ruizu.

Luca - Implementation
Yooles - Screenshots, feedback & testing
Jota - Blender help
C.Ritter - Pilot animations
Gabriel Santana[] - Model
Ruizu - Body retexture template, PAF livery

This addon is published under APL-ND[].
  • You may not reupload this addon.
  • You may not use this addon on monetized servers.
  • You may not change/rework any files of this addon.
If you want to do any of the above ask for permission first!
Luca  [author] Feb 2 @ 1:57am 
@Kougaku Ren
No, not taking any commissions at the moment, sorry.
Kougaku Ren Feb 1 @ 7:22pm 
Hello, by any chance do you make commission?
R. Gonzalez Jan 28 @ 8:01am 
You are right, works now. Thnks!
Luca  [author] Jan 28 @ 4:24am 
@R. Gonzalez
It works fine for me, try a different browser/clearing cache and in private window.
R. Gonzalez Jan 28 @ 4:18am 

Could you please check the texture template files? I just can't download them because of "http error"

great mod!
Ace Jan 17 @ 5:39am 
Fair enough. I had a feeling. Maybe I could fiddle with the HMD mod as a substitute...

Still a pretty awesome mod even if the HUD/gun reticle isn't quite in a perfect state. Having access to cheap COIN aircraft like this is perfect for ops like what I've been running lately.
Luca  [author] Jan 16 @ 1:28pm 
Think I said it to you before on my other plane mods - HUDs are tough as fuck to deal with and I have not found a way to set one up properly as the actual config seems to need adjusting based on position of mempoints in the model. And while I can work with configs of pretty much anything in arma HUDs very much still elude me. So unlikely to ever happen.
Ace Jan 16 @ 1:22pm 
I just realized Kiba3x has already, in fact, found my mod lol
Ace Jan 16 @ 1:08pm 
This is an awesome mod, though the gun sight can sometimes get shaken out of alignment from flying around, which makes it difficult to aim without ArmA crosshairs turned on since in real life it's a holosight I assume, and in-game, it's just a texture painted on glass. Having a real HUD or at least a simple holosight feature would be very helpful. I do not know how feasible this would be so if it's not possible it's not a big deal. It's still a great mod for COIN or mercenary ops.

Also, the AI seem to struggle with using AIM-9s, but I cannot be sure if this is the fault of your mod, or the fault of ArmA being trash with aircraft weapons as usual.

@Kiba3x if you want a version of Kimi's HMDs mod that doesn't do that, I have a version in my workshop that removes the broken PBOs that kimi refuses to remove. :)
Luca  [author] Jan 10 @ 3:35am 
Would have liked to, but couldnt find a good camo pattern template to use sadly.