Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Pandora Celeste
Type: Game
Game Category: Board Games, Thematic Games
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 4
Play Time: 90 minutes
File Size
321.363 KB
Apr 3, 2024 @ 2:57am
Nov 4, 2024 @ 11:07pm
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Pandora Celeste

Try out this Demo Mod of our boardgame love letter to sci-fi monster movies, where before you can deal with the Monsters, you first have to survive the Ship!

You are woken by the Ship's computer, which tells you that there is something Nasty on board and it has engaged its Emergency Protocols. This sends a shiver down your spine, because you know that those Protocols are designed to protect the Ship and its Cargo - they're not designed to protect you!

So you need to work together to shut down the Protocols before they kill you (or worse). But as each Protocol is shut down, something Big and Nasty emerges from the shadows and starts to hunt you through the Ship.

When the final Protocol shuts down, it triggers the Abandon Ship Protocol. But can you get off this deathtrap before someone else in the Crew completes their Hidden Agenda and beats you to the Escape Vehicles?