Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

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Items (106)
Created by RFT
【CRST】客运站房扩展包: —————————————————— 本模组模型由 彬伐 制作并授权,CRST模块化适配:RFT。 本模组包括:宁武站、豆罗站。两个站房均为客运站房,适配CRST客运站台,不提供货运站台路径连接。 两个站房均提供一个版本:宁武站原站名版、豆罗站自定义站名版。后续扩展包也将均提供一个版本。 本模组可搭配CRST 7m连接站台,也可不需要7m连接站台,不会对人行路径造成影响。 订阅此模组之前请确认已经订阅并开启了CRST基础包。 望大家多多支持!感兴趣的朋友可以私聊我加入CRST系...
Created by RFT
【CRST】中国铁路站房扩展包---忻口站、阳明堡站. 本模组包括:忻口站、阳明堡站(CRST站房模块)。 忻口站是位于山西省忻州市忻府区高城乡的四等客运站,邮政编码034012,建于1935年。离大同站245公里,离太原站110公里,隶属太原铁路局太原铁路分局管辖。 阳明堡站,原名羊头城站,位于中国山西省忻州市,是中国铁路太原局集团有限公司管辖的四等站,建于1937年。 *本次优化了模型引用错误所导致的明显错误问题。 两个站房均为CRST系列货运站房,适配CRST货运站台,不提供客运站台路径连接。 本模组...
【CRST】中国铁路站房-哈尔滨站 1.2
Created by RFT
【CRST】中国铁路站房-哈尔滨站 扩展包 哈尔滨站(Harbin Railway Station),位于中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区 ,是中国铁路哈尔滨局集团有限公司管辖的特等站,是京哈铁路、滨洲铁路、滨绥铁路、京哈高速铁路、哈齐高速铁路、哈牡高速铁路、哈佳快速铁路上的车站 。 哈尔滨站始建于1899年10月,是原中俄共同修筑的东清铁路(中东铁路前身)的中心枢纽站,先后经历了四次站房改造。2017年4月,哈尔滨站进行主站房拆除改造工程。2017年8月31日,哈尔滨站北站房和北广场投入使用 。2018年12月...
Created by RFT
CRST 中国铁路车站模块化站房——滨洲铁路沿线车站。 本模组包括:满洲里站,海拉尔站,牙克石站,扎兰屯站,齐齐哈尔站。 其中 海拉尔站与齐齐哈尔站 适配天桥路径,其他三站为单层站房,不适配天桥,需要刁民从一站台上天桥。 —————————— 滨洲铁路,是原中俄共同修筑的东清铁路(中东铁路)的西部干线,故亦称之为西部线,建于1898—1901年。滨洲铁路是电气化复线铁路,全长934.8公里,其中黑龙江段长375公里,内蒙古段长560公里,隶属中国铁路哈尔滨局集团有限公司管辖。线路自哈尔滨站起,向西偏北行进,...
【CRST】中国铁路站房-长春站 1.2
Created by RFT
中国铁路 长春站 ———————————— 本模组为模块化站房,已经适配 CRST 系列相关车站模组,如果使用到其他模组会造成刁民闪现。 其中,长春站分为南站房 和 北站房 两个版本,并且都包含原站名和自定义站名版本,支持CRST高架候车室。 *优化更新了自定义站名显示效果 *增加车站容量 *优化lod效果 ———————————— 支持的朋友记得点个赞! ——RFT运输公司...
Created by RFT
本模组由原作者 彬伐 授权,RFT二创。 模组包括:岱岳站,朔州站。 ———————————— 本模组为模块化站房,已经适配 CRST 系列相关车站模组,如果使用到其他模组会造成刁民闪现。 其中,岱岳站分为客运站房以及货运站房两个版本,货运站房为自定义站名版,已经适配CRST货运站台; 朔州站为原站名和自定义站名版,并且支持CRST站台天桥。 *优化更新了自定义站名显示效果 *增加车站容量 ———————————— 支持的朋友记得点个赞! ——RFT运输公司...
中国城市/街道/人名/简繁体汉化 Chinese city and street names
Created by LINX
城市经过筛选保留了熟悉度较高的,部分城市或街道名字是虚构的,来自音乐,文学,电影作品. The cities have been screened to retain high familiarity.Some city or street names are fictitious and come from music, literature, and film works....
Created by 布里啾啾
Created by mzk7
韶山9G型电力机车(原版升级) 2002年,中国铁道部向株洲电力机车厂下达了《SS9型电力机车改进设计任务书》,要求株洲电力机车厂在早期生产的韶山9型电力机车的基础上,针对首批机车存在的问题进行改进,按照“模块化、标准化、系列化”的原则,对机车的设备布置、通风系统、车体钢结构等进行重大设计改进。改进型机车是在原韶山9型电力机车的主要技术参数和牵引制动特性不变的基础上,开发一种新型的机车设备布置设计平台,主要特点包括:采用独立通风系统、中央贯通走廊、屏柜化设备布置方式、标准化司机室、卧式主变压器、以及流线型车...
A380 Pack by MJ1989C
Created by MJ1989C
An Airbus A380-800 Pack featuring multiple liveries. Features: CODED!! - Fully animated passenger doors and interiors. CODED!! - Fully animated cargo doors and holds. Watch cargo be unloaded and loaded, a first for TpF Aircraft! CODED!! - Fully Animated Ca...
Build Factories + Earn Achievements by LINX
Created by LINX
You can build factories anywhere and earn achievements with mods....
Angier Track Type-1
Created by angier023
J-Slab High-speed Rail track...
Cargo Asset Set
Created by MaikC
Cargo Asset Set Version 1.61 This mod adds to the game various assets such as containers, building and construction elements, and the Krone semi-trailer in various variants. Content Container 20/40/45/53 feet Std. height 8.6 ft Container 20/40 feet High Cu...
China Railway CR400-AF TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CR400-AF TPF2 Max Speed : 350km/h...
China Railway CR400-BF TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CR400-BF TPF2 Max Speed : 350km/h...
China Railway CR400AF-J Comprehensive Inspection Trains
Created by aoxiang
介绍 CR400AF-J-0002 is the world's leading high-speed test vehicle with a speed of 400 km/h, based on the CR400AF electric multiple unit and using the head shape of the standard CR400AF. The train is an 8-car formation (4M+4T), and the maximum test speed is ...
China Railway CR400WP TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CR400WP TPF2 Max Speed : 350km/h...
China Railway CRH EMU platform alignment signs
Created by aoxiang
重要内容! 本模组目前仅有3款停车位置标识!由于站内地标数量繁多,会使菜单过于复杂,暂未想好如何处理,可能会持续更新!!! 介绍 本模组提供了3种类型地标摆件,请在建筑栏找到"蓝色CRH"图标以发现本模组!
China Railway CRH380D TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CRH380D Max Speed : 350km/h Interior is WIP Will be released soon...
China Railway DF11 Diesel Locomotive
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content Dongfeng 11 diesel loco...
China Railway DF4C Diesel Locomotive(17 IN 1)
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content Dongfeng 4C diesel loco...
China Railway DF4D Diesel Locomotive 0 Series(Freight Type Included)
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
China Railway DF4D Diesel Locomotive Fictitious Livery Collection Package
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content China Railway DF4D Dies...
China Railway HXD1B/HXD1C Electric Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
This mod shows the China railway locomotive HXD1B&C in the game, and makes different modifications. introduction: In 2004, the State Council of China released an ambitious new railway plan, which included the construction of more electrified railways and t...
China Railway HXD3C/HXD3CA Electric Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵 This mod shows the China railway locomotive HXD3C&3CA in the game, and makes different modifications. mod content: Mods include 2 Type ,6 Locomotives。 HXD3C introduction: The medium- and long-term railway ...
China Railway Sifang-Bombardier Type 25T Coach
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 2004年4月18日零时,第五次大面积提速调图开始实施。这次提速调图,几大干线的部分地段线路基础达到时速200公里的要求,平均旅行速度达到时速65.7公里,并增加开行了大量夕发朝至的列车。订阅《中国铁路四方庞巴迪25T型客车》,做好迎接铁路大提速的准备!
China Railway SS3 Electric locomotive(4000 series included)
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
China Railway SS3B&3C Electric locomotive
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
China Railway SS6 Electric locomotive
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
China Railway Type 19K Soft Sleeper Coach
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 19K型客车是25K型客车系列中的一种高级软卧车(车种代码RW)。RW19K通常有8个包厢,除车厢两头为4人包厢,其余为双人包厢,双人包厢内有两个卧铺,带独立卫生间、沙发座椅、衣柜、影音设备等设施,且装备设施相对讲究,定员20人。
China Railway Type 25G Coach Mod DC600V
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 这批25G型是按照《25G型样板车技术规范》制造,和早期车的主要区别在使用了机车直供电技术,铁道部自2003年提出取代空调发电车集中供电转为机车供电的DC600V直流电分散逆变技术。 电力机车在运行时同时向客车车厢输出DC600V直流电,各车厢使用逆变技术,逆变为AC380V、AC220V、AC110V...
China Railway Type 25K Coach
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 25K型客车是各客车厂根据铁道部发出的“铁路客车招标标书”和铁道部“25K型客车统型方案”要求而设计制造的快速空调客车,在25Z型客车的基础上优化而成。“K”是“快速型”的汉语拼音首字母。 25K型客车...
China Railway TYPE DF4C Diesel Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
This mod shows the China railway locomotive DF4C in the game, and makes different modifications. introduction: Dongfeng 4C diesel locomotive (DF4C) is one of the mainline freight diesel locomotive models used by Chinese railways. It was successfully develo...
China Railway TYPE DF4/A&DF4B Diesel Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
This mod shows the Chinese railway locomotive DF4A&4B in the game, and makes different modifications. introduction: Dongfeng 4 diesel locomotive (DF4) is the first model of the second-generation electric drive diesel locomotive in China Railway, and it is ...
China Railway TYPE DF4D Diesel Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
Dongfeng 4D diesel locomotive (DF4D) is one of the diesel locomotive models used in China's railways. It was developed and produced by Dalian Locomotive Factory in 1996. Dongfeng 4D diesel locomotive is a six axle main line passenger diesel locomotive. Tak...
China Railway Type Double-Deck 25K Coach
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 随着开行列车数量的不断增加、列车速度的不断提高,曾经编挂双层客车车厢增大载客量的列车逐渐改为单层甚至停运,双层车底也在存车场静静地等待被拆解的命运。如今很难再一睹双层客车的风采……订阅《中国铁路双层25K型客车》体验准高速双层25K车厢曾经的高光时刻。
china TYPE 22 passenger coach (early type & late type)
Created by Crystal小哨兵
The 22 type passenger cars of China Railway are 22 type passenger cars that have been put into production on a large scale since the 1960s. In the early model, 202 type bogies and iron gangways were used, and oil fired boilers were used for heating. The ma...
China_Railway_C70_general-purpose_open_wagon_series__川島 緑輝 ラブリー
This mod is the C70 Universal Convertible series mod 2024.March 5 update tarp version Effective demonstration November 21st C70MOD version of the big upda...
Chinese Railway Type 25G Coach Mod 2004
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content ...
Chinese Railway Type 25K Coach Standard Livery
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 由于本厂采购不到原厂25K型客车油漆,只能将厂修中的25K型客车统一刷成护眼色(才不是上面要求的呢!) ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 细节展示
Compact Tunnel Entry
Created by Enzojz
With this mod you get ability to build very compact tunnel entries, both for tracks and streets. You can use it to build kinds of junctions. The modular design enbales ability to build different layouts. The entries can be found under: 1. Road -> Street ->...
CH_70Series_Tanker__川島 緑輝 ラブリー
In case of sound loss problems, please unsubscribe the China Railway Rolling Stock Sound Pack and re-subscribe to load it, and raise the priority of the sound pack mod. Without the author's permission, it is strictly prohibited to reprint or carry MOD !!!!...
CR Humen Station
Created by TravelWhale
Ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to introduce you a new Chinese Highspeed Railway station, the Humen Station! --------------------------------------Introduction------------------------------------ Located in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, Humen station is ...
CR Type 25G Coach Mod 2003 Plug Door
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 铁道部在2002年公布了《25G型客车统型方案》的要求设计制造,因此这批25G大多数使用密闭式塞拉门和内翻式设计,订阅《中国铁路25G型客车塞拉门版》体验新技术给您带来的无限风采。 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁...
CR400-AFX emU
Created by 幽泽wize
System vehicle redevelopment series2 Derived from fuxing in the game, there are 8 intercity electric emUS and 5 intercity dual source EMUS, KCIC dressing, Red_Dragon dressing, Blue_War_God dressing Vehicle manual: Speed:350km/h Unit_Power:625KW Appear:2016...
CR Type 25G Coach Mod 2004 Standard Livery
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 2014年末,为推进铁路车辆的标准化和简统化,中国铁路总公司下属各铁路局开始逐步进行普速列车车厢刷绿:2015年后新造的25G和25T型客车全部按照新涂装标准进行涂装,已下线的客车安排在段修或者厂修期间涂刷标准化涂装。订阅《中国铁路25G型客车2004版标准化涂装》做好迎接新时代的准备。 https://...
CRH380A - Chinese HighSpeed EMU Series
Created by TravelWhale
Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to introduce you a beautiful Chinese Highspeed EMU, the CRH380A series!! Developed from CRH2A (Export model of Shinkansen E2 Series), the CRH380A has a higher max speed (380km/h), and a newly designed head shape. It's a wide...
Depot + Asset Badischer Bahnhof Basel
Created by Hessie James
Depot und Track Asset des Badischen Bahnhofs in Basel. Voll Funktionstüchtiges Depot . Beachtet bitte, das die Züge nur in die Richtung ausfahren können auf der die Symbole sind. Die Züge können auch durch das Depot hindurchfahren. Achtung bei der Liniener...
DF11G diesel locomotive
Created by lisasuki
DF11G diesel locomotive...
Created by mzk7
东风5型内燃机车(原版升级) 1970年代中期,随着中国铁路货物列车牵引定数的增加,原来的东风2型、东方红2型等1000马力等级调车柴油机车已经难以满足编组站的驼峰调车作业,不能应付未来的需要;为此中华人民共和国铁道部工业总局和机务局根据中国铁路运输的实际发展需要,在规划铁路牵引动力现代化的基础上,于1975年提出研制新一代调车用柴油机车。同年,唐山机车车辆厂、大连机车车辆厂、大连热力机车研究所等单位开始在东风4型柴油机车及其使用的16V240ZJ型柴油机的基础上,合作研制东风5型柴油机车。 =======...
Fuxing Hao CR400AF-BZ
Created by TravelWhale
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am glad to introduce a new member to both the Chinese Railway and Steam Workshop... the Fu Xing Hao CR400AF-BZ!!! ------------------------------------------ Introduction ------- ----------------------------------------------------- ...
Fuxinghao CR400BF-C-5144 Intelligent Highspeed EMU
Created by 杨牛逼
CR400BF-C-5144 Intelligent EMU Statement: This train model and textures are created by myself, with support from PaPaAmericano for import and TraveWhale for vehicle scripts. Special thanks to them. Unauthorized resale, private distribution, or modification...
Fxd3 electric locomotive
Created by lisasuki
Copyright notice: the model map is authorized by baibei manufacturing studio to lisasuki for use in mod imported into transport feeder 2 game, and released to steam Creative Workshop free of charge. Players are not allowed to use some software to intercept...
Guangzhou Metro Line 1 Train
Created by TravelWhale
Description ADtranz-Siemens A1 Train is the first metro train in Guangzhou.It's manufactured by SIEMENS and ADtranz, and mainly serves at Guangzhou Metro Line 1, the first metro line in Guangzhou. * Notes ** This mod belongs to my Simulation Fever series: ...
Hong Kong MTR CNR C Train
Created by ICS
Hong Kong MTR CNR C Train The Changchun EMU or CNR Changchun EMU is an electric multiple unit train type of the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) system in Hong Kong. It is designed and manufactured by Changchun Railway Vehicles, a member of CNR group (now part o...
Hong Kong MTR CRRC C Train
Created by ICS
Hong Kong MTR CRRC C Train The MTR CRRC Changchun EMU also known as TML C-train is a model of heavy rail electric multiple units of the Mass Transit Railway in Hong Kong. The 8-car sets are manufactured by Changchun Railway Vehicles for the future East Wes...
Hong Kong MTR IKK Train / SP1900
Created by ICS
Hong Kong MTR IKK Train / SP1900 The SP1900 EMU / SP1950 EMU or IKK Train is a model of train that runs on Hong Kong's Tuen Ma line. It was the second model of electric multiple unit rolling stock of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, though they have...
Hong Kong MTR K Train
Created by ICS
Hong Kong MTR K Train The Rotem EMU (also known as K-Train/K-Stock) is an electric multiple unit that operates on the MTR rapid transit railway system in Hong Kong. They were jointly built by a consortium consisting of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan ...
Hong Kong MTR M Train
Created by ICS
Hong Kong MTR M Train The Metro Cammell EMU (also known as M-Train or Modernisation Train) (Chinese: 港鐵現代化列車) is the oldest variation of electric multiple unit that operates on the MTR rapid transit railway system in Hong Kong. A total of 768 cars were bui...
Hong Kong MTR MLR Train
Created by ICS
Hong Kong MTR MLR Train The East Rail line Metro Cammell EMU also known as Mid-Life Refurbishment Train or MLR Train is a model of electric multiple unit built in 1980-1990 by Metro-Cammell for the original Kowloon Canton Railway in Hong Kong. The 29 sets ...
Hong Kong MTR Mtrain
Created by 【PLUS】DRUNK
港铁M train 生产年份:1976-1997...
Hong Kong MTR R-train
Created by ICS
MTR R-Train The Hyundai Rotem EMU (also known as R-Train or 1141B) is a current model of heavy rail electric multiple units used on the Mass Transit Railway in Hong Kong. The 9-car sets are manufactured by Hyundai Rotem for the future North South Corridor,...
HXD1 1000 series electric locomotive
Created by lisasuki
HXD1 1000 series electric locomotive is a "deeply domestic" locomotive developed by Zhuzhou factory on the basis of HXD1 locomotive according to the requirements of the Ministry of railways. The number starts from 1001. The locomotive adopts the inverter a...
HXN5 diesel locomotive
Created by lisasuki
HXN5 diesel locomotive is one of the main line freight diesel locomotives in China. This locomotive uses AC drive, developed by General Electric (GE), and manufactured by CSR Qishuyan Locomotive and rolling stock works by means of technology transfer....
Increase the capacity of buses and trams
Created by 幽泽wize
This is a mod to increase the capacity of the public transport system. Including buses and trams. It won't add to the maintenance costs Update 2022/7/26: optimization feedback incompatibility ...
Created by ICS
MBTA CRRC 1400 In late 2008, the MBTA began the planning process for new Orange and Red Line vehicles. The agency originally planned for a simultaneous order for 146 Orange Line cars (to replace the whole fleet) and 74 Red Line cars (to replace the older 1...
Modular Station Roof
Created by oppiescc
I'm happy to finally release this modular station roof that automatically adjusts to the size of your platforms. It's design is extremely loosely based on the Amsterdam Central Station, but many cities around the world have similar roofs. Features - Adapti...
Modular Station Roof (Modern)
Created by oppiescc
As heavily requested by pretty much everyone; a more modern variant of my modular station roofs mod. I'm very happy with how this one turned out; besides feeling very 'open' because of the abundance of glass, it works really well with the in-game modern st...
More Line & Vehicle Colors
Created by Mr_WolfZ
Adds many more colors for your lines and vehicles. Please note that the game automatically tries to layout the colors in a square, adding an extra column if required. That means it is not possible to add extra hues or colors easily without distorting the c...
MTR380A - The Vibrant Express
Created by TravelWhale
Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to introduce you a beautiful Chinese Highspeed EMU, the MTR380A!! Developed from CRH2A (Export model of Shinkansen E2 Series), the CRH380A has a higher max speed (380km/h), and a newly designed head shape. It's a widely used...
MV Ever Given
Created by cw_315
The MV Ever Given is one of the largest container ships in the world, built in Japan from 2015 to 2018, it is owned and operated by Evergreen Shipping. It has made world headlines after running aground in Egypt's Suez Canal, blocking the route and causing ...
NJ2 diesel locomotive
Created by lisasuki
NJ2 diesel locomotive is one of the diesel locomotive models of China Railway. It is designed and manufactured by General Electric Company of the United States. It is specially used for the traction task of passenger and freight trains in Golmud Lhasa sect...
Oil tanker project 866
Created by Winner
The river tanker of Project 866, the main ship launched at the Nevsky Shipyard in 1958. The game carries all types of petroleum products in five tanks with a capacity of 30 units each. Has a speed of about 31 km / h. Available since 1958. It itself is pres...
Please read the description!! (Just a notice)
Created by TravelWhale
This is a multi-language ability to read mod. It's empty inside and it's born to ask you to read description So, have you read the description? To solve your problem, you'd better read the description....
Railway system optimization
Created by 幽泽wize
is mainly used to improve the Some railway data of the game ontology Mod effects: Add 4 speed limits to the railway (45km/h, 85km/h, 160km/h, 400km/h). Change the speed limit of Bridges in the game to (120km/h, 250km/h, 320km/h, 420km/h). - Modified the lo...
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: YUTONG U10 has begun to run on serveral bus lines in Shanghai since 2018 and widely criticized for its not fit for Shanghai's route situation. =What's in? -YUTONG U10 with simplified Chinese or English smart screen, which can show "turning left!!" or...
RTPC: Road Transportation Pack of China
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN Including highways, country roads and those signs you can see in Mainland China. =What's included? -37 new streets classified in expressway / national highway / street of RTPC. 8 of them are expressway using 3 different fences. 12 of them are national...
Setra S 431 DT Euro V
Created by ICS
The S 431 DT, with its two levels, is not only passenger-friendly, but also exceptionally efficient and variable with up to 87 seats in a full 3-star version with a WC and optional on-board kitchen. This mod include 2 label, first is the Line label and the...
Shader Enhancement
Created by Enzojz
This mod fix and add extra effects on shaders. - Enables shadow free materials - Enables lightmap - Enhanced UV projection solutions ...
Siemens Avenio T Munich
Created by marc345
This mod adds the Siemens Avenio T Munich. Due to problems with the wheels and the approval of the predecessor vehicle, the Stadler Variobahn, the MVG decided not to use the option and instead ordered 8 Avenio trains from Siemens, which have been in passen...
Signal Type-1
Created by angier023
Modern style Digital Signal and Waypoint Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 Future Plan For those who has the interest toward my future production, Currently I have two goal. First, I intended to make a High-speed train of t...
SoundMod for CR400BF-C MOD
Created by TravelWhale
SoundMod for YNB's CR400BF-C-5144 MOD Made By Travelwhale No matter you are redirected from CR400BFC-5144 MOD or a visitor from workshop, JUST CLICK CONTINUE AND SUBSCRIBE THE TRAIN MOD. PLEASE LOAD THIS MOD BEFORE YOU LOAD CR400BF-C-5144 MOD! Enjoy!...
Spitzkehre +++ (ehemals Depot mit Prellbock)
Created by Grimes
This mod adds a depot, passenger and goods station without buildings to the game. Additionally this mod replaces the 'Depot with buffer stop' mod by Grimes, of course savegame compatible. You want to support me? Then send me a small donation via Paypal. ht...
TFMR2.0 Bridge (Transport Fever Modular Road)
Created by East Pavilion-er
This is the complement bridge for TFMR2.0. It unlocks in 1920 and has max speed of 120km/h. It includes three bridges: wide pillar, narrow pillar, and no pillar. It also includes prop versions of the pillars. The prop pillars can be found in the "asset" se...
Created by Celmi
Timetables I can proudly present my newest Project: Timetables! This mod adds timetables to the game. Timetables can be configured for each line and each station individually. There are two types of timetable constraints that can be added to a station: Arr...
Track Design Patterns
Created by Enzojz
This mod is a revival of the Transport Fever mod of the same name, with Compact Tunnel Entry, paraelle tracks and automatic signalling removed, due to the implementation of better mods. This mod give you possibility to create kinds of track patterns precis...
Track/Street Builder Info
Created by VacuumTube
Displays detailed information for track and street construction: Length Terrain height Slope Speed Curve radius With this, construction and planning can be done much more precisely. When hovering on the field, labels and further data is displayed. Mod with...
Tunnel Type-1
Created by angier023
An oval shape tunnel entrance that usually appears on high-speed train tracks. P.S. MinTracks = 1 MaxTracks = 2 Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ Still trying to figure out the coding part for the trains. Stay tuned! Futu...
Tunnel Type-2
Created by angier023
A common concrete tunnel entrance. P.S. MinTracks = 1 MaxTracks = 2 Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ Still trying to figure out the coding part for the trains. Stay tuned! Future Plan For those who has the interest towar...
Tunnel Type-3
Created by angier023
Gotthard Base Tunnel Style entrance. P.S. No MaxTracks limit also Available for the Road. Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ Still trying to figure out the coding part for the trains. Stay tuned! Future Plan For those who ...
Tunnel Type-4
Created by angier023
An oval shape tunnel entrance. P.S. MinTracks = 1 MaxTracks = 2 Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ Still trying to figure out the coding part for the trains. Stay tuned! Future Plan For those who has the interest toward my...
Underground Station
Created by Enzojz
This mod gives you ability to create freely underground station with distinct and interconnected parts, and to create freely street entry at any place you like. This mod requires the following mods to work: * Shader Enhancement mod * Underpass mod To build...
Created by Enzojz
This mod helps you create underpass of any topology freely. Usage: 1. Find entries in Road Construction menu 2. Place at least two entres over the map 3. Click on the finish button that apperas on the screen 4. Finished! * This mod requires "Shader enhance...
Created by okeating
After popular suggestion in the forums, it is finally here: Undo! This was much harder to implement than I first thought, and there are some limitations but it works reasonably well. Features: - Button to undo up to 10 of the last "build" actions, such as ...
[CRF_universal]Universal cargo and parts
Created by 彬伐
This module mainly includes various general models for reference by various models. There are several categories of content including containers, LTL cargo, railway couplers and bogies. Container: 40ftx9.6ftChina-Europe Express Container 40ftx9.6ftZhengzho...
[CRI_T_1]China Railway Standard Track
Created by 彬伐
These tracks are used for mixed operation of passenger and freight trains, and their construction is spread all over the country, including four styles of 43kg/m, 50kg/m, 60kg/m and 75kg/m. Precautions: 1. The radius of the curve cannot be less than 145m 2...
[CUP_T] 4.5m catenary height metro track
Created by 彬伐
The track that matches the metro vehicle with a height of 4.5m in the pantograph...
[uep2]_07a_<CRH_EMU_Depot> - V1.0 -
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _07a_<CRH_EMU_Depot> - V1.0 - ---------------------------- available time: 2003. ----------------------------- Introduction: 1. The MOD contains two lengths: 170 meters / 330 meters. 2. The MOD comes ...
[YXLL_B]400km/h Track Bridge
Created by 樱雪流岚
Since the SQKS under the "China high speed railway 350 km / h box girder railway bridge (900 tons box girder)" mod, I always feel some missing regret. So I made this object to comfort myself. Because this mod violates the SQKS‘s pursuit of "reducing real d...
[YXLL_T]Metro Track
Created by 樱雪流岚
A kind of light rail with a speed limit of 200km / h adopts concrete monolithic track bed, separated short sleeper and type III elastic bar fastener system, retains the original game catenary, and makes a rough rail end bumper. Please open the file for tes...