Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire

618 ratings
Spire Biomes
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44.842 MB
Jan 18, 2024 @ 12:37pm
Jan 19 @ 1:07pm
16 Change Notes ( view )

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Spire Biomes

For the sixth year in a row, I'm glad to present another anniversary project! The date is 2024/01/18 and that means it's been six years since Kiooeht gave us the power to do whatever we want to the spire via Mod the Spire. Once again, a whole bunch of people came together to make another amazing mod for all of you to enjoy.

The map of Slay the Spire is one of the things few mods ever touch, so we're here to change that in the most compatible way possible! Introducing Spire Biomes, all over the first three acts you'll see pockets of color, modifying the nodes within in various ways.
These biomes range from simple modifiers to existing content to theme parks of new monsters, mechanics, events and more! We hope to introduce some fresh ideas to liven up the most stagnating part of StS while staying within the bounds of balance the act permits. We hope you'll enjoy slaying all the new spire denizens!

Of course, not every biome can be to your liking. Thankfully, we thought of that, and you are free to filter them in the mod config menu. Available by clicking on the mods button in the main menu, selecting Spire Biomes in the list of mods and clicking on config.
There's also an option to disable shaders, some biomes make use of them to add snazzy new visuals, however weaker PCs can really struggle with them. If you need the extra boost in performance, please be sure to try and disable them.

Numbers make the happy chemicals in our brains go brr, so here are some stats:
  • 25+ new Biomes, full of modifiers, content and fun!
  • 30+ new Monsters!
  • 10+ new rewards!

With so many moving parts it's impossible to foresee every interaction and some biomes may still require some tweaking, so please use the provided threads to leave feedback.
If you find bugs, please use the bug reports thread to report them, same with the crash reports as explained below:

You can find the crashlog in \Steam\steamapps\common\SlayTheSpire\sendToDevs\logs\SlayTheSpire.log if you haven't restarted the game after the crash.

The most important bit is most likely going to be at the very end, it'll look something like this
20:43:36.118 ERROR core.CardCrawlGame> Exception caught java.lang.NullPointerException: null ...

Please give us everything from that point onward. Thank you!

Special Thanks:
To the many people in the Slay the Spire discord server who invested their time into contributing. I won't be adding all of them to the workshop page as contributors because it's a little unwieldy at this point, but if you want to see everybody, you can do so here (or look at the biome authors when you hover them in game):

Some individuals have put in a ton of effort beyond what was asked for, and I'd like to thank them specifically:
  • Modargo for his help with every step of managing this project. He made this project go very smoothly, and I greatly appreciated his feedback for most of the balancing for contributions.
  • Alchyr for creating the entire map manipulation framework. It might not seem like much, but this mod is quite the technical marvel in the background, and we have him to thank for it.
  • Pandemonium for all his help with making the Biomes look and work as well as they do. I don't understand the magic he used, but I sure know it's working when I see how good the biomes look on the map.
  • 泡泡茶壶 for creating the chinese localization!
  • しょーとけーき for creating the japanese localization!
  • moviejw for creating the korean localization!
  • Kelzon212 for creating the russian localization!
  • Kiooeht for creating ModTheSpire which made all of this possible in the first place.

For the code and documentation, as well as the contribution rules and more, please go to the Spire Biomes (original name Spire Map Overhaul) github repo, found here:
Popular Discussions View All (3)
Feb 1 @ 12:08am
PINNED: Bug&Crash Reports
(Gk) Erasels
Dec 19, 2024 @ 2:15pm
PINNED: Balance Feedback
(Gk) Erasels
Jun 9, 2024 @ 8:04am
Invasion | Behemoth
Pumpkin Patch Feb 3 @ 2:49pm 
Are there any plans for compatibility with Together in Spire?
Last_MK Jan 28 @ 10:17am 
Is there a way to add cards with specifics modification to your deck via the command prompt thingy?

Or just boost the chance of them being applied?

That doesn't seem to be an option in the configs.
(Gk) Erasels  [author] Jan 11 @ 2:30pm 
This mod isn't compatible with Together In Spire so those are most likely consequences of that. Also please use the Bug&Crash Reports thread for reporting these.
SleepingLucid Jan 10 @ 7:20pm 
So it turns out that in, Home of the Chasers, an encounter fight ( defeat a weakened elite for a great reward) also didn't work. Seems to be some of the things that you have to go and fight through text. Although I don't know, because I fought the Thief King and it worked. So maybe it's just certain ones?
SleepingLucid Jan 10 @ 12:22pm 
The boss lair room is not allowing me to draw cards lol Don't know if this is because of together Spire mod or not. Just something for you to check into?
glennvtx Jan 7 @ 2:36pm 
Divinity biome makes me happy.
glennvtx Jan 1 @ 7:24pm 
(The Comment Below Me) Is Right, The Burning Biome Also Does It, Makes It So Laggy Attacks Don't Even HAPPEN.. I Had To Abandon My Run.. Still A Great Mod!
grisi Dec 29, 2024 @ 12:27am 
Fog biome has some serious perfomance issues, it makes my RTX 3070 ti cry
glennvtx Dec 28, 2024 @ 6:27pm 
saw them, great mod! one complaint "spruce charm" simply doesnt work....... also is pretty bad anyway
GGJordy Dec 10, 2024 @ 7:08am 
Apologies if asked before, but is there a way to stop "home of another character" merging with Downfall? Not great if im playing regular STS and all the cards for the boss characters show up