101 ratings
Parchment/Legacy UI (outdated)
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Jan 6, 2024 @ 4:20pm
Aug 21, 2024 @ 4:22am
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Parchment/Legacy UI (outdated)

Ensure you're playing at 1920x1080 or higher resolution for the mod to work properly.

This mod brings the legacy parchment UI + golden UI for WH1 factions and stone/silver UI for WH2 factions and adds an equivalent of similar UI to new WH3 factions making the UI overall less dark and flat.

If you wish to get legacy UI sounds as well, you can find that version of a mod here

Report a Bug/Feedback
If you encounter an issue and want it fixed, leave a comment with the information what is the issue and how can I reproduce it. If you wish to make my work faster and easier, upload a screenshot somewhere and attach a link. That would be perfect.
Common bugs/issues that can be caused by this mod at it's current stage:
- overlapping/colliding textures
- difficult to read text - dark text on dark background or light text on light background

If you have any suggestions, you can leave a comment with them and I may or may not act upon them. I made the mod mainly for myself, meaning I'm not gonna implement something I'm not gonna like. Maybe harsh but honest.

Save game compatible - yes. The mod is save game compatible as it only changes UI look.
MIXER - yes, compatible.
SFO - probably incompatible. You'd have to test and see, but probably submod is required.
Other UI mods - probably not. This is an extensive UI overhaul editing a large part of TWUI files. The mod is most likely not compatible with other UI mods. It has been reported that moving other UI mods above mine in the load order does help in some cases. You need to test and see.
In case of mods that add new mechanics/features to factions with their own components or give existing factions access to mechanics they normally don't have an access to (such as warband upgrades), I can't say with certainty how are they going to work and look.
Popular Discussions View All (3)
Jul 30, 2024 @ 9:14am
PINNED: Known Issues
Jul 30, 2024 @ 9:13am
PINNED: Longer description
Jan 6, 2024 @ 6:20pm
PINNED: Detailed Changes List
Thorsten Dec 16, 2024 @ 10:30am 
Thank you very much for your mod. Its really well done. Since i am playing the DLC factions atm and i am missing your mod very dearly.
David / Waveshaper Dec 15, 2024 @ 3:55am 
Heya, just leaving a comment here aswell as on the sound version. The mod currently breaks the ogres as the new meat meter on bottom left is not visible, and the pre-battle screen still has the "how much meat you want to eat for more charge" feature (which is no longer present in the game). After autoresolve the UI does not come back and the game crashes to desktop (did extensive testing, it's this mod causing it).
David / Waveshaper Dec 13, 2024 @ 1:56pm 
Thanks for the info!
pickmeister  [author] Dec 13, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
@David / Waveshaper: I added "outdated" into the title, so people can expect the new 6.0 components, or any other new UI features that CA added, to either behave weird or not work at all (depends on the implementation), until I find the time and update the mod.
For all the old races, the mod should be ok. For the Omens of Destruction DLC factions, your mileage may vary.
David / Waveshaper Dec 13, 2024 @ 4:04am 
Why is the outdated tag added? Does the mod not work after 6.0? (Many outdated mods work is why I'm asking).
pickmeister  [author] Dec 6, 2024 @ 5:32am 
@Phenex: Thanks for the list. I'll fix it at some point but can't promise when at this point. Busy RL, sorry.

@BigMountain: Yeah. The solution is me fixing it. I am hoping to get to it soon but can't promise anything.
BigMountain Dec 6, 2024 @ 1:46am 
I love this mod, but as you mentioned, some UI are difficult to read, as dark text on dark background. Is there any solution?
Phenex Nov 27, 2024 @ 11:41pm 
Kislev ice court training has a white font color for the turn number. The burnt parchment color on wh3 factions has very dark edges that sometimes make turn counters hard to see, as well as settlement naames. This also clashes with the green and blue colors of recruitment I would highly recommend using the standard parchment color for WH3 races. The Changeling recruitment panels have the textures stretched. Absolutely love this mod btw, and might want to update the research rate text to reflect the new changes to overflow.
pickmeister  [author] Nov 23, 2024 @ 10:02am 
@Shingsora: I just played with it with no issues. What do you find not working?
pickmeister  [author] Nov 23, 2024 @ 10:01am 
@keipii: Both suggestions are certainly be possible. But both require a new mod, which I don't plan to make. Sorry.