Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Vật phẩm (303)
Show Me (Origin)
Tạo bởi star
It's Tell Me mod but it shows hint ON MOUSE OVER. And this is server mod. Recommended ShowMe (this mod) + Health Info I have to enable only 2 mods? Yes. Actually you can disable all other interface mods and enable only Show Me. But it's better to enable He...
Simple Health Bar DST
Tạo bởi DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Smart Minisign
Tạo bởi 半夏微暖半夏凉
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
Tạo bởi MySora
恨穹不是妹,恨妹不成穹! 初始属性很差,但随着等级上升可以获得大量属性。 交流群号: 619059773 这是一个很不适合单人游玩的人物,建议拉上自己的小伙伴一起玩。 如果你对这个人物足够了解的话,也可以尝试挑战独自游玩。 码师:Fl 策划:凤栖 画师:魔法少女唐间竹子(人物贴图) Copyright 2022 。此产品仅授权在 Steam 和WeGame平台指定账户下, Steam平台:MySora 模组ID:workshop-1638724235 WeGame平台: 穹の空 模组ID:workshop-...
[DST] Legion
Tạo bởi ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
不死鸟传说:地球穹顶 / Phoenotopia:Earth Dome
Tạo bởi Guns of the Patriots
不死鸟传说:地球穹顶,一个动作解密向人物mod mod交流群:631154620 故事背景 本mod的主人公,凯尔,原本只是个普通的乡下女孩。 但是某个夜晚,巨大的宇宙飞船出现在空中,掳走了她村里的村民。 孩子们陷入了深深的恐慌与悲伤中。 作为残存的孩子中最年长的大姐姐, 她为了拯救村民们而踏上了冒险的旅途。 就在她渐渐接近真相时,暗影将她拖入了永恒领域中。 期间,凯尔的所有力量都被吸走了,就连记忆也残缺不齐。 作为玩家的你,能否让凯尔找回丢失的力量,帮助她与亲人们团聚呢? ————————————————...
Tạo bởi 黎明
当你想要一个工具缺不方便携带时.... 原本功能:砍,开采,挖,钓鱼,划船,捕捉,刮(牛毛和胡子那种),划船(速度很快), 施法钓鱼,3*3耕地,3*3浇水,发光。 靠近科学二本,可以在工具栏里找到并制作,解决了找不到工具的麻烦。 每次进入世界默认正常模式 施法钓鱼需要在全开模式下才可以 更新内容: 可以开关万能工具是否发光 ps:不会给植物浇水的同时施肥(可恶),加一条,也不会AOE伤害...
Tạo bởi 铭之所名
便携糖果袋 Portable Bag
Tạo bởi 辰暮
More reasonable bag 为方便节日物品的拾取、储存、使用, 糖果袋不再可装备, 可以放在背包箱子等物品栏 可设置是否能装入冬季盛宴零食、冬季盛宴装饰、万圣节药剂、糖豆 种子袋已同样成为便携袋子...
Tạo bởi 椰姬幼稚园
本MOD由幽冥王汉化,上传创意工坊是为了 小伙伴进房自动下载MOD方便,无需再QQ传送给别人后再放进mods目录,而且此MOD为上传者自己房专用,只与几个小伙伴玩,不外传作它用。...
Tạo bởi Nightload
原版地址: 仅为汉化Global Positions的设置项,原版有的bug还是有 同步更新原版2022-06-04更新的版本 原版描述: 在地图上显示其他玩家(并悬停在他们身上看他们是谁)。 当玩家指示器离你很远的时候,显示它们(屏幕侧面的气泡)。 灯光信号火灾,显示在指示器和地图上。 通过alt+点击Ping地图,创建显示...
Tạo bởi kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:全球定位-Global Positions 🔍 🔎全球定位-汉化新版🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598521242🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 帮你找到小伙伴的位置! 这个模组能够将所有在同一世界探索地图在玩家的地图共享给所有人,并且能够用ALT+鼠标左键在地图上标记给其他人看(当然,这是可以配置的) @@@按住TAB键,可以选择是否将自己的地图共享给队友...
Tạo bởi Jay
Tạo bởi 󰀅TAE󰀅
1.几乎所有界面全部萌画添加背景图片 2.因为图片太多文件大不好上传,所以有些界面是一样的背景 3.会代码的可以自己单独去修改 4.图片也是可以自己替换定义的 5.具体方法教程可以看B站视频教程 6.B站可以搜索“饥荒全面萌化教程”, 7.新增音乐替换及自定义背景音乐教程 教程链接
圆形种植/建造(Round Deploy)
Tạo bởi 浅の诗
使用方式 按Ctrl+N确定圆心,将要种植或建造的物品拿在手上,然后按N开始自动工作。如果手上没有物品,则自动丢弃物品栏第一格的物品。 将物品拿在手上后,按P键可以预览物品的位置(暂时不对是否可以放置做校验,具体以实际放置为准) 按Ctrl+Shift+N可以隐藏中心与参考范围 使用时需要先关闭几何放置mod(Geometric Placement) 默认按J键打开设置界面 感谢缘生死大佬提供的介绍
[大狐狸][Millennium Fox][WhaRang]
MOD支持英文(仅部分),在MOD设置里设置语言。 Mod support English (only part), set the language in mod settings. 欢迎大家加入饥荒交流QQ群:693602866 第一贡献者:千年狐作者 JinYering 前言:刚入坑的时候就一直玩千年狐,很喜欢这个人物,但那时候千年狐作者还没出联机版,所以16年的时候就开始做这个MOD,但只在贴吧跟群里发过,现在发现千年狐好久没更新了,可能不会再更新了吧,不希望这个人物就此消逝,所以就发上来了,希望别...
Tạo bởi Survival
修仙分为武者、练气、筑基、金丹、元婴、虚神、凝体、劫变、大乘、化真、虚仙、金仙、大罗金仙、仙王、先帝、天神。 从元婴期渡劫开始会有雷劫伴随,每次渡劫同时都会有奖励,等级越高奖励越多。仙王及之后会开启携带保鲜模式,注意不是反鲜! 吃东西、杀怪都会有真气、仙元的增加。曼德拉汤加成最高! 注意,当你死亡没有足够的真元保存自己的灵魂时会降级~ -----------------------------2020-3-5更新---------------------------- 本次增加: 1、永夜模式,随机永夜以及...
Tạo bởi 小开心
客户端Mod 按 HOME 键 or F8键【呼出 or 隐藏】菜单 按 END 键【 停止自动化操作 】 可以自动补充饥饿值 【可选食物】 可以自动捕获 【蝴蝶、萤火虫,蘑菇孢子】 可以自动烹饪 【需选着好4种食材】 可以自动钓鱼 【池钓,海钓,开启时以手持鱼竿为准】 可以自动采集资源 【可选采集种类】 可以自动照顾农场 【自动播种,自动施肥】 --------************************-------------- version : 1.2 更新日志 1. 自动喂食加入一项自选材料...
Tạo bởi 萌新玩家
仅做个人娱乐用途。 整合了简单经济学商店和Achievements and Level System,并增加了成就点购买项。商店现在可以购买成就金币了,一个一点成就点。 接下来要做的预告:考虑到原版成就是在没有商店的情况下自己收集材料,所以部分成就不平衡,下个版本可能会把部分拥有成就改成消耗。比如野骑改成拥有一个鞍具之后会消耗掉它,然后再获得成就点,宝石也是一样。 吃东西也许会改成烹饪,工作量比较大,不一定做(咕咕咕)。还有其他一些成就调整替换,我会收集一些比较有趣的成就意见,应该在未来两个月陆续改。 另外...
Tạo bởi 夏夜
代码归属原作者:柴柴!!!代码归属原作者:柴柴!!! 改动能力点数和次数的设置,改动部分数值,仅作为群友自用,请勿订阅! ...
掉落堆叠(Drop & Stack)
Tạo bởi 凉时白开
新模式: 真正的全堆叠. 旧模式兼容项: 标准掉落(砍树,挖矿,鸟笼,杀怪,等等); 交易(猪王,鱼王,蚁狮,神话聚宝盆); 猪人便便; 石果开采; 熊大毛丛;邪天翁羽毛;格罗姆黏液; 灰烬; 风滚草采集;包裹拆解; 地皮挖掘; 食物腐烂; 刮剃(牛毛人须). New Mode: The Really All Stacking. The list of supported drops by Old Mode: Standard drops(Chop, Mine, Birdcage, Kill, etc.);...
Tạo bởi noeyedeer
新版商店,交易系统 已过滤客户端作弊手段 若无重大bug,本mod停止更新 注意事项: 1.玩家上架的物品数量太多可能会导致不显示交易商品(正常档不会出现这种情况) 2.重要事情说三遍,请不要在自己的存档里面开启本mod,请不要在自己的存档里面开启本mod,请不要在自己的存档里面开启本mod 如果不介意交易物品保留到另一个本地存档的话,请随意 3.不兼容中文语言包mod? 操作简介: 商店为浅黄钥匙形状,右键可以移动商店ui位置,商店界面右边点击人物图标可以选择进入商店或者是交易界面,商店容器在商店左下角的...
Tạo bởi 椰姬幼稚园
本MOD由幽冥王汉化,上传创意工坊是为了 小伙伴进房自动下载MOD方便,无需再QQ传送给别人后再放进mods目录,而且此MOD为上传者自己房专用,只与几个小伙伴玩,不外传作它用。...
Tạo bởi 风雪烟飘渺
Tạo bởi 萌萌哒女王Yao~
这是一个从随机生物大小被移除出来的作品 如果你觉得随机大小太难了 不妨试试不妥协 而这个 则是可以让不妥协在你的游戏中变成中文 但是如果你开了随机大小,则不需要此模组...
Tạo bởi 阿楠灬太难了
鹿鹅:攻击鹿鹅会累积雨水值,并被雷击,攻击击飞,建议使用眼球伞或者雨衣 龙蝇:攻击会击落掉落护甲,更容易暴怒 熊大:攻击会击落护甲跟武器 巨鹿:攻击会立即冰冻 蚁狮:增加血量,技能回血变多 蜘蛛女王:增加移动速度,死亡会掉落3蛛 蜂后:召唤小蜜蜂数量变多 树人:攻击击飞,死亡生成梦魇 复活的骨架:死亡会解除封印释放三基佬 小生物加强自行发现吧 玩家每次死亡都会回复boss1000点血量 如果有想法或者什么东西太强了没法打, 请加QQ群811341825...
Tạo bởi 浅の诗
个人向mod,请酌情使用 *修改堆叠上限 *使部分不可堆叠物品进行堆叠 *物品自动堆叠 *使智能小木牌自带皮肤(智能小木牌mod) *玩家自定义命令 (输入/qs_pickup捡起周围5范围内的物品) (输入/qs_minisign更换周围智能小木牌(智能小木牌mod)的皮肤【需要把带皮肤的小木牌拿手上】) *二本垃圾桶 *新增一个烹饪锅,可以同时烹饪多份材料 *防呆,也许能能阻止船上插上星杖的月台在月圆四周无人时发生某些惨案 *风铃草打包 *风铃草自选 *修复格罗姆雕像 ...
灵魂携带/Soul carrying
Tạo bởi fybreak
死亡和溺水不会掉落物品,死亡只掉落告密的心,重生护符,第二次机会表. 死亡和溺水不掉落物体 Death and drowning do not drop objects 玩家身上没有空位也可以使用 进行复活 Players can resurrect with "reviver" even if they have no free slots on their person. ...
Tạo bởi Rogby
死亡保留增益,可戴绿护符 ...
生物加强(Monster strengthened)
Tạo bởi ★清流★
加强大部分的敌对生物(Strengthen most hostile creatures),后续会加上额外的掉落物品 BOSS:龙蝇,熊大,巨鹿,鹿角鹅,小鸭子,远古守护者,蜂后,蛤蟆,毒蛤蟆,蜘蛛女王,树精,座狼,钢羊,海象 生物:大象,高脚鸟,触手,鱼人,蠕虫,疯猪,小蜘蛛,蜘蛛战士,白蜘蛛,洞穴蜘蛛,喷吐蜘蛛,狗,冰狗,火狗 boss:dragonfly,bearger,deerclops,moose,mossling,minotaur,beequeen,toadstool,toadstool dar...
Tạo bởi stdio
原作者:阿比 原链接: 本MOD自己服务器自用,感兴趣的请订阅原作者版本! 修改部分: 1、升级的移速加成减少 2、炉子的建造成本较高 3、修改附魔buff的获得几率约为25% 4、反伤buff修改为照明buff...
Tạo bởi 北甍
Upload it again and fix it while you're at it Default N key, start alchemy The first four squares of the body need to be placed in advance It will be used automatically if you have a banana fan on you This revision will feel more stuck Default F8 is switch...
Tạo bởi 浅の诗
声明!本MOD并不代作者的任何观点。本MOD仅表示服主们对这类MOD的态度,如果玩家要强行使用这类mod本MOD也无法完全阻止。 -----------------------------------分割线------------------------------------- 检测开了作弊器的用户并强制退出游戏。 在专用服务器时,可以在modoverrides.lua中添加禁用的mod, 添加方式为在配置文件blockmods={ } 的括号中写上禁用的mod文件名,文件名用英文的引号包起来,多个mod...
Tạo bởi 老实人
此版本添加了 穹专属物品 神话专属物品 穹经验药水 必须同时开启小穹和神话模组 珍贵栏出售:紫金葫芦 穹打包纸 穹蝴蝶结 穹经验药水 其他内容进游戏自行查看 注意!!此本版移除了点金功能,打怪获取金币,不用点金打怪也能获取金币 建议订阅柴柴原版经济学 ...
Tạo bởi 老实人
修改打怪得金币(获得怪物血量的百分比金币可设置) 修改点金金币数量 修改基础金币数量,开局不赠送物品 新增一个交易系统,可以在游戏内赚钱用钱了。 使用专属道具来赚取金币。 点击左上角的图标打开商品交易面板,使用金币换取需要的东西。 珍贵品每3天的早上会刷新(手动刷新每次花费200) 不同的季节商品的价格不一样。 原作者:柴柴...
Tạo bởi 萌萌哒女王Yao~
启用,不可使用控制台, 回档,T键,等一系列操作。 “从前我有个朋友总管不住自己的手,所以来拜托我帮他把T键扣了!”...
Tạo bởi 北甍
For more details see the old module: 糖果屋/Candy House Build a little world. Restoration of the old candy House (Finally someone painted!) New items: Crystal Ball: Player/Ghost, teleport back to Candy House from any world location Green mangrove: Grow cotton...
绝世神剑 Pro
Tạo bởi Mr.Qi
一 等级系统 这把剑可以无限的获得经验而升级 每升一级就可以带来1点的伤害加成 同样可以提升吸血和san奖励的提升 以及护盾能量的上限 二 伤害可自调节且为真实伤害 武器本身可在mod设置界面设置多项可调节的属性 其中就包括伤害 最高可以达到饥荒最高伤害已达到瞬杀效果 最低也可以只有一点 伤害为特殊伤害 可以造成普通武器无法击杀的怪物和特殊回血的设定 三 免疫寒冷和炎热 手持武器可以将温度固定在最低0度 最高68度的限制内  四 免疫冰冻和火焰带来的伤害 手持武器收到冰冻和火焰伤害都会立刻免疫不会受到控制掉...
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Tạo bởi 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
Tạo bởi zyoz100
Tạo bởi zyoz100
自用,涉及穹 托托莉 太真 神话 成就商店 大虫子(虚空恐惧)卡尼猫 大狐狸的增强修改 具体可参见设置界面。 侵权删除对应修改。...
花样风滚草 Interesting Tumbleweed
Tạo bởi 恒子while(1)
花样风滚草,也可以叫作“四次元风滚草”,为风滚草增加了更多的可能性。 推荐玩法:少资源模式,除了风滚草外,将其他资源均调成无,一切资源均靠风滚草,考验人品的时候到啦~ -----新增属性----- 幸运值: 1.每个人在加入世界时都会获得50点初始幸运值,幸运值将决定你从风滚草中开出好东西或者坏东西的概率。 2.幸运值的上限为100,下限为0。幸运值越高,开出好东西的几率越大;幸运值越低,开出怪物的几率越大。 3.默认情况下,每开一个风滚草,幸运值会下降一点,当然也可以通过mod设置界面设置游戏难度来控制下...
Tạo bởi 尼给鲁哒哟
details of this mod(I believe your browser can translate Chinese )-> (Cuz it's too trouble to upload pictures to workshop, content after update will in the url too. my English is poor, so, you know…… https://steamuse...
Tạo bởi noeyedeer
1.禁用管理员标志:该功能可能会导致一些需要管理员权限的mod失效 ,请不要在自己的存档里面开启 2.禁止服务器提示mod更新 3.主世界换人保留数据 4.可用暗影之心对可装备物品包括背包进行绑定 5.防熊: 大概兼容全部mod,限制了玩家绝大部分动作。 某些建筑或者种植的物品不显示主人名字,属于正常现象。 有权限的建筑(除墙体)、植物(除原版树)、雕塑等不会被怪物摧毁和自动燃烧(除雷电等)。 聊天输入 #add 或者 #del 玩家在Tab列表的编号添加/删除权限 支持同时给多名玩家 请输入正确的编号,用...
Tạo bởi 小穹永不败北
特别鸣谢风雪、梧桐大佬提供的代码帮助,感谢风铃草大佬的代码帮助。 代码:小穹永不败北、null 画师:奇怪的萌新、凌子 (ps:有BUG可以评论区反馈 ) 请在开启小穹模组后再开启本模组,由于图版原因,不兼容裙子图层,不兼容部分小穹皮肤,会出现穿模现象。 本mod的功能包括宝石制作,梦之系列,花嫁系列。 注:各个系列都有开关可以控制,花嫁物品设置了升级开关,升级难度可以进行调整,花嫁套装效果可以进行调整,不喜欢的可以关掉 详细介绍见维基
Tạo bởi 小瑾
新增!!:可自定义修改物品最大清理阈值!! 能够把掉落物自动堆叠,同时定期清理服务器。改自workshop=1216718131 清理机制:以腐烂食物为例:假设整个世界有5组腐烂食物,他们各自的堆叠数量为(1,6,18,40,40),清理过程会将5组腐烂食物清理至2组,至于删除哪3组,随机。 所以服务器会清理的东西如果想不被清理掉: 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 奴役熊大、巨鹿、森林...
Tạo bởi 公肥小骑士
本mod搬运自tgp平台.所有权限归原作者所有 (自玩轻微修改) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022.2.1 更新旺达警告表 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021.5.25 修复创建游戏崩溃的问题 ----------------------...
随机生物大小(Random Sized)
Tạo bởi 萌萌哒女王Yao~
欢迎订阅随机生物大小(Random Sized)!!! 时隔多年,我们再次更新了!你还可以像之前一样使用它!,可以在模组配置页面随意调试! 从水下第一个生命的萌芽开始···到石器时代的巨型野兽···再到人类的第一次直立行走,你已经经历许多。现在,开启你最伟大的探索吧:从早期文明的摇篮到浩瀚星宇! 这次,不再有大小层次非常强烈的撕裂感,而是就像是一个生活调味料一般, 让玩家看到这个世界,即使大小有的不一样,也不会有过多的违和感。 这是我想展现的世界。 可将模组内随机生物代码调用到你自己的模组中。 重新构造整个...
Tạo bởi 奇怪的萌新
3维显示错误 是 “显示bug”药水 的效果,是buff不是bug...
Tạo bởi 奇怪的萌新
部分内容被搬迁到龙蝇客栈扩展包 药水,卷轴,法术等 扩展包可以单独运行 旧档生成龙岛的方法 打开控制台 到海上,找个空的地方 控制台输入 require "debugcommands"d_spawnlayout("龙岛") 这时候没有地皮,站上去会掉海里 保存,读档,地皮就有了 可能会导致岛上的传送岩浆池无法使用 mod介绍页面
Tạo bởi 风雪烟飘渺
Tạo bởi 风雪烟飘渺
Tạo bởi noeyedeer
(可配置)兼容了全部mod装备,装备了的装备无法附魔,陨石不会使已绑定的装备消失,小偷大概也不会去偷吧。 原mod 2021.5.5 修复了固守、剧毒崩溃的bug,增加了用紫宝石封印装备的功能 2021.4.13 修复了影袭不能触发问题,装备放在地上也无法附魔...
5x5 box & icebox
Tạo bởi dark_ducker
单机版链接: 好用请点赞、收藏、推荐 更改原版箱子和冰箱容量为5x5,其他不变,可以使用箱子皮肤,建家必备!...
Tạo bởi write cat
汉化版 原版网站: 仅为汉化配置和一些信息 如有BUG请询问原作者...
999 Stack Size
Tạo bởi 辣椒小皇纸
The only mod in workshop that makes you stack you items to 999 with the correct number display. Enjoy and raise it if you like it. Changelog List of tweaks I made for version 1.4 -Compatible With 3.27.2024 UPDATED Version. List of tweaks I made for version...
Achievements and Level System
Tạo bởi Lavax
This mod is no longer updated Go Here to the new version: Introduction Unlock achievements throughout gameplay to collect achievement points. Exchange points for permanent buffs via the user...
Tạo bởi Kyno It basically adds an entire Achievements system to the game! You earn Accomplishments by doing specific tasks, killing creatures and even more. Trivial and dangeours tasks of the game are now filled with many Accomplishments...
Action Queue(DST)
Tạo bởi xiaoXzzz
Original author: simplex. I do update it for the DST.Client only mod.Allows queueing a sequence of actions (such as chopping, mining, etc.) by selecting targets within a bounding box, holding SHIFT. If after doing the select, the character loop in one acti...
ActionQueue RB2 (RWYS supported)
Tạo bởi null
This version of ActionQueue Reborn updates eXiGe's version to add basic support for the Reap What You Sow update. Added features include: * Fix for lureplant (right click TAKEITEM) * Planting seeds on farm soil (PLANTSOIL) * Tending to plants (INTERACT_WIT...
ActionQueue Reborn
Tạo bởi nope
This version of Action Queue has been completely rewritten with a focus on fixing all the underlying issues with the previous versions, optimizing and minimizing any performance impact, along with adding several new features. Action Queue DST ported by xia...
Advanced Attack
Tạo bởi Villkiss
Advanced Controls
Tạo bởi nope
General Control Changes Alternative leftclick action for non-interactable entities is now walk to instead of examine (This allows player following by clicking on other walking players) Alternative rightclick action is now examine when no other rightclick a...
Advanced Security Chest - Modified
Tạo bởi yawntee
Origin ************************************************************************* If there is any error, please leave a message with the error information, and I will fix it as soon as possible... ************************************************************...
Alice Margatroid
Tạo bởi kotori~
*Alice of the Touhou (Megatron), with four different puppets, is proficient in using three different spells. This is machine translation Attributes~ -200 hunger -150 reason -150 lives Alice's initial movement speed and attack speed are both 1.2, but her sa...
almighty amazing fruit knife(friendly to beginners)
Tạo bởi 蠢嗷嗷w
!!!Add the version of English!!! The following translations are from Google and may not be as accurate: You can customize a watermelon knife according to your preference completely! All the following functions can be turned on or off or set! !! DS:https://...
Always fresh
Tạo bởi 菜鸟老李
Always fresh 冰箱里物品永远不坏 中文mod
Tạo bởi 💖gznc💖
Auto cleaning and stacking....
Archipelago World Generation
Tạo bởi Electroely
Generates the world as a set of islands rather than the usual mainland + lunar islands. Mainly created as an experimental idea - no guarantee it will be a fun or balanced experience....
Aria Crystal
Tạo bởi 聆听
===Update v0.4=== Because I dreamed about something that is really really bad about Arya last night, Now I feel so sorry for her and decided to update this mod. New Feature: -Now can turn off gem dropping from the menu. Good luck ! Dr. Rococo 2018-08-24 ==...
Aria Crystal (Rebuild)
Tạo bởi 应急预案
Sorry I am poor in English, the following introduction is for reference only. As the original author is busy with work and has no time and energy to continue to update mod, I will continue to make and update this mod. Original mod:
Asakiri the Cyborg
Tạo bởi 早雾 (Trailer) Chapter 1, Titanium Will. Detailed descriptions on the way. English version available in the mod configuration page. Thought you found it LOL Thanks for playing. Dodge & Rush, please try ALT button whi...
Attack Queue
Tạo bởi Tony
Note: This mod is kinda outdated now Original : This mod is just like Action Queue Reborn but used for attacking Usage AttackQueue key + click on entities as you norma...
Auto fishing
Tạo bởi The Great Trololarion
Description This client mod is designed for those who are too lazy to independently fish in the sea, the automatic fishing system "My Peace Duke" will do it for you. Notes To turn on the automatic for fishing "My Peace Duke" you need to press a pre-configu...
Auto Replace Bone Armor
Tạo bởi coco
Introduction Bone armor has a cooldown of 5 seconds after each injury-free period. By switching multiple bone armors continuously, the cooling time can be greatly reduced in disguise (the CD is reduced to more than 1 second) and the battery life of a singl...
Auto Stack and Pick Up
Tạo bởi Ultroman the Tacoman
This mod gives you MANY settings for automatically stacking or picking up newly spawned and manually dropped stackable items. By 'automatically stacking' I mean that if an item is spawned (e.g., loot from monsters or workables, like trees) or it is manuall...
Auto Stack Mod
Tạo bởi hsifelboud
掉落物品自动叠加,献给资深饥友“2号队员” 在mod设置界面可以调整掉落叠加范围。...
Automatic chest sorting
Tạo bởi buzite26
Allows you to automatically sort loot in chest on closing Work with Chest, Scaled Chest, IceBox, Salt Box, Storeroom IceBox and Saltbox sorting is disabled by default, you can enable it in the settings. Update 1.0.2 : added compatibility with Storm Cellar ...
Base Projection (基地投影)
Tạo bởi 󰀉 NoMu
2023-02-26更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 增加了基地规划功能 - 自动工作支持按录入的角度放置 - 快捷键占用优化 - 快捷宣告支持静默宣告 - 支持材料宣告 - 优化双击选择操作 - 修复旋转的一些bug 2023-02-15更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 优化了模组物品在模组缺失时的贴图显示 - 增加显示名称的选项 - ...
Beefalo Status Bar
Tạo bởi Mindkiller
Beefalo Status Bar It shows up when you mount a beefalo, goes away when you dismount. You can also toggle it on or off (when mounted) if you feel like it's getting in your way. Note that toggling will override the "Show Automatically" setting for the curre...
Bestiary [OUTDATED]
Tạo bởi Luкaട
: This mod is very outdated but I'm working on a full remake (v 2.0) with more functions and configurations, better assets, modded mobs support and more fluid mob discovery/learning and data saving. The Bestiary adds a new book to Don't Starve Together wit...
black dragon
Tạo bởi 树萝莉
I am just passing on Since there are new content updates in the future, there are a lot of things, so I will open a few posts in the discussion area for details. Remember not to turn on or off the water treading function of other mods when using water trea...
Tạo bởi <#FF1493>ky1en
blackstaff It's a mod for cleaning trash on the groud and the water ! 清理地上和水面的垃圾 ! 制作: 武器栏:恶魔燃料*1,树枝*1 耐久:300 强迫症患者福音,使用 blackstaff (黑色法杖)右键可以清理一定范围内不用的东西, 包括不用的背包、装备等等。 某些特殊物品不能清理,例如视频里面的切斯特眼骨。 注意:清理是永久删除,珍贵的东西清理掉无法找回。 版本更新: 1.3 修改bug 1.2 水面上的物品也可以用黑色法杖清理...
Bone Armor Cooldown Visualization
Adds a cooldown visualizer to the bone armor No more estimating if your bone armor is off cooldown, the cooldown visualization tells you exactly when it's ready! Functionality: -Adds a timer whenever your bone armor is off cooldown -(Off by default) Sound ...
Boss Announcement
Tạo bởi 辣椒小皇纸
System announce upon boss killing and players will say how many days left before the hounds or worm attack arrive. English compatible now. Use this mod Multi-World Boss Announcement if you are holding a multi-world server. Special thanks to Flynn for his h...
Boss Attack Predictor
Tạo bởi Sperenza
Predict boss attack/respawn with displayed timer in a widget. Also will display the time of Ruins Regeneration and Ancient Gateway Cooldown Has same features as Hound Attack Predictor, and additionally also predicts Rift cycles It will show the bosses who ...
Boss collection (can adjust health, attack, drop, size, and monster growth over time)
Tạo bởi 菜菜菜
如果你喜欢这个mod那就点个赞吧!可以让更多人看到这个mod bug 意见 反馈Q群 917979244 1.改变BOSS的血量(以倍数来计算,支持0.2-8倍,需要更多的请直接修改数值,默认血量不变) 2.改变BOSS的攻击(以倍数来计算,支持0.2-3倍,需要更多的请直接修改数值,默认攻击不变) 3.改变BOSS的攻击范围(以倍数来计算,支持0.2-3倍,需要更多的请直接修改数值,默认攻击范围不变) 4.增加BOSS的掉落物(0代表不变,0.2代表20%的概率掉落第二份奖励,1代表100%掉落俩份奖励,...
Boss Indicators
Tạo bởi Ryuu
Tired of chasing after bosses or want to know if they're near? Then look no further. What this mod does This mod adds a player-like indicator to bosses to know if they're lurking around, so that you can go and smack them in their face - or run away from th...
Boss Overhaul - Ancient Guardian (Insane)
Tạo bởi Kaxzer
Corrupted by the nightmares that plague the ruins, the beast of the labyrinth has gone mad with power. Battle with a super-powered Ancient Guardian! Fear his agility, tremble before his shockwaves, and be engulfed in shadows! Prevail, and you shall be rewa...
Bug tracker
Tạo bởi 老王天天写bug
More detailed crash logs. This mod is fully localized, but now I haven't finished writing the English version of the document, please wait patiently. What Bug tracker does? This mod helps you quickly locate the crash point.
Burning Timer
Tạo bởi Viktor
This mod displays a timer above burning objects or any campfire telling you the exact time until the fire goes out. No Lag: This mod won't affect your ingame FPS (if it starts lagging, the server will become unplayable on its own since the lag coming from ...
Tạo bởi EL
Tạo bởi 1023051439
有大量修改,原作者 柴柴 自用,侵删,本人代码小白,有什么好点子或者bug尽管留言 食物的血量和精神值效果减半, 食物溢出的血量回复转化为饥饿值回复 饥饿速度1.5倍,脱战移速1.5倍 通过杀怪升级增加三围(F7显示当前等级,可设置)(聊天栏输入/carney fix 可以修复三围异常) R键闪避 (可设置) --短时间内获得爆发性移速,穿墙,攻击免疫 --闪避成功免疫敌人的攻击...
Tạo bởi 柴柴Chai-Chai
———————————————————————————————————— Carney is on her trip has flexible combat skills walking and eating fish make her upgrade,no upper limit can craft useful hat,dagger and backpack ——Even I died,the Death...
Carney(modified by zkip)
Tạo bởi zkip
# Carney卡尼猫(修改自zkip) Carney (Modified by zkip) 这是对mod(的调整: 【微风短剑】 1. 微风短剑的攻击成长从线性改为对数增长,现上限是300,100金拥有60伤害,500金拥有160伤害 2. 微风短剑的砍树效率从原来100金即能达到一下成树改为对数增长,0金30下成树,50金7下成树,100金4下成树,500金2下成树,1000...
Celestial HUD
Tạo bởi Koary
Celestial themed HUD for Don't Starve Together Current HUDs: • Crafting Tabs, Skin Container • Chests, Chester and Hutch • Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment • Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter and Abigail Meter • Age Meter • Clocks, Temperatur...
Tạo bởi 风雪烟飘渺
Character animaion pack
Tạo bởi 老王天天写bug
This mod is not intended for players and has no effect when enabled. This mod file contains all character anims with GIF format. It may helps for modders. examples: Cheers
Cherry Forest
Tạo bởi ADM Follow and help us on Ko-fi to support our creative work ♥️ Almost daily uploads of sketches, videos and in-dev mods to try out early All donations and memberships allow us to continue and provide you all with more > https://...
Tạo bởi EvenMr
This is an optimizer for chinese language translations. For modders who needs Chinese modinfo for globalization Just provide a translated modinfo_chs.lua(Simplified Chinese) and/or modinfo_cht.lua(Traditional Chinese) in the same folder as modinfo.lua, the...
Circular Placement
Tạo bởi 󰀉 NoMu
Updated On 2023.01.12: - Add automatic placement. Press LSHIFT and middle mouse click on any anchors to active. Note that when automatically planting, you need to turn of "Geometric Placement". - Fix bugs. Note that this mod supports Chinese and English cu...
Collection And Patches[合集和补丁]
Tạo bởi EL
请勿订阅 ...
Combined Status
Tạo bởi rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Combined Status (modified) server version (PT-BR)
Tạo bởi Kick Of Silver
Displays health, hunger, sanity, temperature, stations, moon phase and world day. • Origin This mod is a translation of the original mod.
Command Manager (R键控制台)
Tạo bởi 󰀉 NoMu
2023/04/08更新 介绍视频: - 支持快速固定和取消固定按钮 - 支持多行编辑,代码导入导出 - 支持带参数的命令 - 增加更多预设功能 介绍视频: - 这个模组可用于管理你的控制台指令,可将命令保存为按钮、固定到屏幕上或添加快捷键。在游戏中按R即可进入配置页面。 - 此外,模组提供了各种有意思的预设指令,可在点击“初始化预设...
Tạo bởi 猪兔子
Tạo bởi Out 85折代
edit mod configuration in game ...
Craft Menu Tweak
Tạo bởi Godless
Craft Menu Tweak - these are advanced settings for the new menu, each innovation can be turned on or off in the mod settings (by default, everything is turned off except for the main ones) !! Tabs now available in this mod !! Features: - change the appeara...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Tạo bởi IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Craftable Materials
Tạo bởi SoTar
Can craft some rare materials by common materials. You can find update information in Change Note. Support: Red/Blue Gem、Gear、Salt、Barnacle、Moon Rock、Living Log、Marble、Gold、Thulecite、Orange/Yellow/Green Gem、Butter、Walrus Tusk、Volt Goat Horn、Steel Wool、Ligh...
CraftBlock - 3D Base Building
Tạo bởi Pickleplayer
Unlock the secrets of the third dimension with stacking, climbing, and jumping FULL RELEASE! Youtube trailer link: Stack Buildings Upwards! Placing a structure inside of another one will stack it on top Use the new Wooden Malle...
Custom Disable Characters
Tạo bởi MK
You can choose whether you want a role To customize the MOD role, please modify in Modinfo.lua MOD_CHARACTERLIST——character code MOD_CHARACTERNAMES——character names MOD Increased Stack size MAX9999
Cytus Music Mod on server
Tạo bởi 风雪烟飘渺
This is the server version of mod . The original author reserves all rights Original mod address: Original author: Holly 这是一个服务器端的音乐mod,开启后所有人都能听到非常...
Tạo bởi 风雪烟飘渺
Display Attack Range
Tạo bởi ClumsyNoob
Shows the attack range of mobs when they are targeting a player. The display will change color when they attack. Configuration options: Red, Green, Blue: Adjust the RGB color that shown for attack. Range appearance: Select range appearing while targeting p...
Don't auto attack Grumble Bees
Tạo bởi Aly
Prevents from attacking Grumble Bees when Bee Queen is present...
Do your Map !
Tạo bởi ADM
Bored of average maps ? Are World Presets not enough for you ? Do your Map is the all-in-one mod to make the world suits your needs ! How to use : 1 - Enable it BEFORE generating the world, the mod has no effect on post-generated maps, 2 - Open the "Config...
DJPaul's Sort Inventory (repost, fix)
Tạo bởi myxal
Original mod by DJPaul was removed from the workshop. :( Mod description Automatically stacks and sorts your inventory into a sensible order. Options/features: Hit a key (G by default) to sort items. Sound feedback (gobbler effect), aka "fun mode". Select ...
Don't Starve Alone
Tạo bởi 老王天天写bug
Don't Starve Alone is a mod which can completely eliminate the lag of cave worlds for single player. Intro (Thanks Thobeo20vn for translation) This mod cave/surface run base of player location, if you are in the surface, cave server will stop and if you ar...
Don't Drop Everything
Tạo bởi Shang
If You like this, give a thumbs up! Hint: When a player dies, The player must have amulets, A will drop. Players into a state of the soul after death, not drop all the items. ...
DST A3.5.077
Tạo bởi AI
杀戮-成就 详情游戏里成就界面点问号有你想知道的 如果有问题先排除确定是不是这个MOD的问题 开个房间只加这个MOD,进去开T试试,就这么简单的排除法 最后编辑时间2024-08-26 ...
DST Memory Optimizer
Tạo bởi Bear.H越来越水了
1 Introduction In 2014, NSimplex has provided a mod named “memspikefix” for Reign of Giants DLC of Don’t Starve to mitigating the problem of “out of memory” while client is loading large mods at the time of players entering or migrating the game worlds. Th...
DST Memorandum(Client)
Tạo bởi liximi
Brief Introduction --This mod provides a memos panel --You can use it to record multiple recipes and multiple To-Do-lists --Please NOTE
Eirudy [Beta Quick]
Tạo bởi Error
Eirudy *We are trying to fix bugs. *ALways something new. *Wish you felt good playing....
Tạo bởi MySora
修改过的官方人物动画包 主要是调整了hair和hair_hat图层的顺序 已知bug:加入游戏后再返回主页面时 会导致皮肤界面人物不显示...
Eirudy [Beta 2.0]
Tạo bởi Error
Crash? My fault. Brand new 2.0 version, dolls ready, bugs possibility still exists. We appreciate your feedback. See you later. by Error ------------------- 2.0 ver: -English translation. -Magic sword and magic shield more useful. -Dolls: Rachel, Boar and ...
enchantment ( modified by zkip )
Tạo bởi zkip
# 附魔 这是对 (附魔) 的调整: 现在所有(包括mod中的)武器和护甲都可以添加附魔组件。 所有的一起从附魔器具中开始。暗影操作仪中解锁,花费3个月石在合成栏中进行制作。 将武器或者护甲放入器具中(尽管它看起来并不像一个器皿),然后将宝石给与器具即可对器具中的武器或者护甲进行附魔。 对原来的宝石作用进行了更改,现在宝石和附魔相关物品的功能如下: 紫宝石:唤醒武器以解锁附魔系...
Tạo bởi 鱼仔
关于炽热战矛,右键技能已经删除, 【最近更新】 魔剑阿波菲斯(apophis):新增一个框,装备净化晶石后,新增效果,被击中后,7秒的流血,-5/秒,被击中重置流血时间,流血伤害会叠加增加,死亡提示:xx死于:魔剑阿波菲斯的诅咒 删除效果装备时每秒-2血,并且装备魔剑的玩家受到一次攻击伤害就会死亡(无视护甲,火焰灼烧伤害不算)只有装备净化晶石才删除此效果 净化晶石(purified_spar):最大叠加数量1不可叠加,击杀魔剑掉落,用于净化魔剑获得新效果。 艾露莎更新日志请前往http://wiki.fla...
Epic Healthbar
Tạo bởi Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Extended Map Icons (Server)
I did not make this, I just added tidbits for icons and such from this one: Version 1.7...
Extra Equip Slots (Modified)
Tạo bởi Magic
Big thanks to xVars for the original mod: Big thanks to The Jobs for the idea of rendering Armor and Backpack: This fork is b...
Extra Equip Slots (Updated)
Tạo bởi Lio
Adds a backpack and amulet slot to the game. What's new? (v1.8.0.3) • Added compatibility with Seed Pack-It (from Reap What You Sow update) • View Change Notes for more info. Backpacks Amulets Source • Backpack and Amulet Slots by Afro1967 • Extra Equip Sl...
Extra Equip Slots+3
Tạo bởi 郗水
This Mod is currently maintained by me, and the update frequency is about 2-3 months. If you need a faster maintenance frequency, please use the Beta below! Tencent QQ communication group:75...
Extra Equip Slot Plus +
Tạo bởi 唯の小诺
Can be set in options: Extra item slots Extra backpack slot Extra amulet slot Extra compass slot Too many items slots maybe cause UI overflow Compatible with the latest version, directly made of materials in the box Original mod:
Extra Equip Slots
Tạo bởi NubsPixel
I stopped supporting this mod! I don't and wont update this mod anymore. I stopped playing this game a long time ago. It will break your game. ------------------------------------------------------ Adds a backpack and amulet slot to the game. Patch List v1...
Tạo bởi 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Fast Travel (GUI)
Tạo bởi SoraYuki
Description the original author is Isosurface. Build a fast travel network and travel instantly from sign post to sign post. Introduction 1. pop destination select dialog when right click on homesign. About Bugs please provide details: screenshot, log file...
Gumby's Reskins [SERVER SIDE]
Tạo bởi l0rdgumby
This mod takes my client side reskin mods and packs them into one server side mod for you! It's a culmination of the mods I started to make since the beginning to now. There isn't much of a theme here, they're just random ideas I went with and surprisingly...
Tạo bởi 夜雨
哈姆雷特里的 一些建筑 地皮 植物...
Hamlet Turfs
Tạo bởi Magic
Includes 4 types of turfs from Hamlet DLC. Version 0.1.3...
Happy Cheating
Tạo bởi 07x23
是的,如大家所见,这个mod到次完全失效(请取消订阅),但是大家不必为此难过,这个mod本来就不应该出现,游戏bug在不停的被修复是件好事,而且这次的修复还很算让人满意,没有导致正常走位不流畅等问题。 作为作者,确实有自己养的宠物被谋杀的感觉,宠物终究是宠物,不能因为喜爱宠物失去是非的判断,请喜爱这个mod的广大玩家节哀顺便,期待以后更精彩的作品吧...
Increased Stack size MAX9999
Tạo bởi MK
If it works, please give me a thumbs up! 使用星卡-三魔官 雷牙.帕噜 MOD的焦糖布丁报错请直接修改 2591774328\scripts\prefabs\leiya_shiwu.lua 40行 inst.components.stackable.maxsize = sx 修改成 inst._maxsize = sx Change the maximum number of stacks (MAX9999),Stacked animals, Stacked Tool...
Ice Flower Hat 冰之花环
Tạo bởi 木瓜丷
起初是呆呆点名要的花环。 现在的定位是,后勤、存活、奶妈。 冰之花环:具体参数可自由设置。 装备后增加幸运效果的幸运值,具体在幸运效果mod中设置。 花环配方:15花瓣,2蓝宝石,1红宝石。需要三本科技。 耐久同海象帽(25天),使用缝纫包修复,每次修复20%耐久。装备后回复精神,在(地下)月岛时变为三倍扣除精神。 采收物体获得对应经验,升级后增加采收暴击率,触发后双倍采收。 采集包括一般采集、堆肥桶、新农场、多汁浆果、刮牛毛、刮胡子、刮海草海芽、刮蜘蛛巢、牛毛刷洗刷。 收获包括蘑菇农场、(寄居蟹)蜂箱、鱼...
Increased Stack size
Tạo bởi 白白白
Changes the maximum size of itemstacks of all stackable items to the configured amount. (recommended value: 99)...
Hounds attack predictor
Tạo bởi Sperenza
Predict hounds and cave worms attacks with a displayed timer in a widget. The widget is on top left of the screen, there is a timer on the widget indicate how many time left before the next attack. Will be disabled when you use Boss Attack Predictor Idea o...
Hanization Mod Config options
Tạo bởi 去码头整点薯条
本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 包括有: 永不妥协 Heap of Food 感谢不笑猫,不明情况的白...
Hamlet Turfs
Tạo bởi Calm丶
Includes 9 kinds of turfs which are ported from Hamlet! from
Hide Admin Flag(enhanced)
Tạo bởi yawntee
Origin: New Feature Hide all admin flags, Including the screen of selecting charater....
Gesture Wheel
Tạo bởi rezecib
Adds a wheel selection interface for emotes, making it easier to emote. By default, the hotkey is set to G (but you can configure it in the mod config options). Holding G will bring up the gesture wheel, then moving your mouse in a particular direction wil...
Furniture Megapack
Tạo bởi Neckpunch!
enjoy base building? have a ton of extra materials lying around and nothing to do with it? maybe you just like turning every game you play into animal crossing? hoo boy do I have the mod for you. introducing character-inspired furniture packs! adds a new t...
Geometric Placement
Tạo bởi rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Function Collection
Tạo bởi 黯灭
Adding refrigerators and salt boxes can set permanent freshness and freshness return; Adding items and stacking can be modified, up to 999; The usage frequency of tents and small wooden sheds can be modified; Adding pig bags, Campos backpacks, and marble a...
Find Your Blueprints
Tạo bởi ЭclipsЄ
❖ Description Learn crafts by reading blueprints, because the Science Machine, Alchemy Engine, Prestihatitator and Shadow Manipulator were removed. Find blueprints through your actions, gathering resources or slaying mobs & bosses. Craft random blueprints ...
Faroz Character 3.2.5 [Fixed]
Tạo bởi 天小白
在兔娘3.0的基础上修复了崩溃的bug(原因没有分析,用社区的最新人物模组模板更新了代码,所有功能和3.0一致),原模组链接如下 Fixed the crash after the update of DST these days, now you can play with Faroz in game again~ ps. your can just close the ori...
Tạo bởi 夏洛特の光芒
免责声明 此mod包含以下成分【不希望宣传】【全能bt角色】【不符合原作】【解谜】【随时断更】 請请注意,MOD的内容过于缝合,可能會使人產生惡心、頭暈等不適症狀,亦有可能使閣下情緒有負面影響,因此我們認為這個mod不適合任何人使用和开启。 如閣下仍然執意決定要觀看,請閣下自行承受觀看後的後果。若有任何不適症狀,請立刻停止觀看並及時向醫師尋求幫助。 ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ 使用须知 前码师跑路,留下一堆破烂代码(已经上了MOD制作群黑名单,收了定金钱不干活),本mod已被现任码师宣告死刑,无法优化,如果有...
Global Positions
Tạo bởi rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Hanization Heap of Foods
Tạo bởi 去码头整点薯条
This mod is made for those Chinese who don't understand English. 配置汉化请额外订阅 : 配置汉化 Heap of foods 汉化Mod,原版添加了118道食谱,搭配原mod一起开启使用。 Orige: Heap of foods 此MOD请看原版说明,请开启智能锅体验到全部游戏内容 PS:本mod是由群友Vayne所托帮忙制作的,由于缺少实际体验;部分翻译名称不准确,还请反馈修改,见谅。 ...
Hanization Uncompromising Mode
Tạo bởi 去码头整点薯条
This Mod is only for Chinese who dont understand ENGLISH. 配置汉化请额外订阅 : 配置汉化 本MOD为汉化,请搭配开启原版不妥协MOD,并且:关闭其他不妥协汉化MOD避免冲突 Orige-Uncompromising Mode 感谢郎溪小杰哥的无私贡献,几乎所有的汉化工作都是他完成的。 Q1.为什么订阅了之后配置还是英文的? --因为汉化只做了内容汉化,进入游戏就会体验到所有。 Q2.不妥协版本较新,汉化文件不更新,不会导致游戏崩溃吧? --一般是不...
Hybrid Crafting Menu UI
Tạo bởi Instant Noodles
This mod combines the old Crafting Menu (from before the March 2022 Quality of Life Update) with the current default Crafting UI. The old Crafting Menu can be toggled on and off as needed. Usage: Toggle between the old Crafting Menu and Pinned Pages Bar (o...
Infinite Tent Uses
Tạo bởi Mucker
Simple mod that makes tents infinitely durable (aka sets the amount of uses to an unreasonably high number). Configure how many uses your tents have if you so wish, default setting is infinite. Now with Siestas, too. ...
Invincible Buildings / 建筑无敌
Tạo bởi asingingbird
Walls, fences and chests are invincible (cannot be destroyed nor burnt, but can be hammered), including: 1. Fence 2. Fence Gate 3. Wood Wall 4. Hay Wall 5. Stone Wall 6. Thulecite Wall 7. Moon Rock Wall Recently added: 8. Chest 9. Scaled Chest 10. Home Sig...
Insight for Functional Medal
Tạo bởi hubert.zyk
Add Insight for Functional Medal's items. Insight mod is required Add hunger drain info for marble tools Add hunger drain info for Ommateum Certificate Add repair info for repairable tools and certificates Add duration for Krampus Soul Add fishing info for...
Insight (Show Me+)
Tạo bởi penguin0616
Thank you for 600k subscribers! I never would have expected Insight to gain so many subscribers. Thank you for your support! Background Information Inspired by Show Me. Because I like to know everything about everything. Show me was nice, but it was inaccu...
Invincible Structures
Tạo bởi 辣椒小皇纸
It's a server protection mod. With this mod, giants, antlion sinkhole and meteor will not be able to destroy the structures any more. Still, the hammer can destroy them. In addition, Fence Gate and Thulecite Wall can be invincible too. It's better if you c...
Island Adventures: Deluxe Addon
Tạo bởi 忧郁小鸭鸭
Island Adventures: Deluxe Addon -> Github An add-on for Island Adventures, include some new features and skins different from vanilla SW. Dragonfly spawns in the Volcano! Kill the Dragonfly to get gems, gold, obsidian and gradoon heart! Star Staff become t...
Jelliet, the Slime Girl
Tạo bởi <default> This mod took way too much effort compared to what it ended up being. There is so much to talk about... But in the end, all you get is a character with very simple perks. Tons of work, but it seems like I did barely anything...
Island Adventures - Shipwrecked
Tạo bởi Mobbstar Embark on a tropical journey across the seas, Together! Explore a vast new world with new biomes, seasons, and creatures. Island Adventures brings the seas of Don't Starve: Shipwrecked to Don't Starve Together. Key Features ...
Tạo bởi 风雪烟飘渺
profile: Start with a lot of food, three-dimensional 233, moving speed 1.233, twice the hunger rate! The collection speed, production speed and tree cutting speed are slightly faster than other characters, and the soul state moves fast! You can read books,...
Keeth Client
Tạo bởi keeth
A collection of commonly used client mods 新手一步到胃~常用客户端mod合集 ☑如出现重影,请在游戏图像设置里关闭屏幕失真!!!☑ ☑'自动走路'有问题的关闭延时补偿就好了!☑ 点击这里有功能视频介绍~ 十分感谢Tony老师的代码指导, 我一直想加的功能终于加上了! 此模组系列基本包含常用功能,☑所有功能都有单独开关☑,请勿同时开启相同功能的其他mod,可能导致崩溃! 实在抱歉了各位饥友们,最近没怎么维护,因为现在没什么时间玩,以前的玩伴大部分都不玩了,也就没动力了...
【星之卡比】Kirby-Asistance of Another Dimension
Tạo bởi bilibili-灭吟弄月
About the detailed description and latest news of this mod Please subscribe my bilibili account:灭吟弄月(Destroymoon) Tips:There are options to solve some common bugs in Configure Mod. Please check the mods introduction before reporting bugs, if your problem i...
Kill Announcement (New)
Tạo bởi 傳說󰀘覺悟
v1.9.9 1.Add daywalker2 kill Announcement; 1.9.8 Update: 1.Add Sharkboi kill Announcement; 1.9.4 Update: 1.Add daywalker appear and kill Announcement; 2.Add Atrium gate and terrarium refresh Announcement. 1.8.8 Update: 1.Add Hound and Worm attack;2.fix alt...
Koishi Komeiji
Tạo bởi Hansard
Koishi Komeiji, the youkai of the Subconscious from Touhou Project! Koishi was originally a satori who could read mind of others, but she was hurt by the fear and hatred towards her species. She tried to destroy her mind-reading ability by closing her Thir...
Large boats
Tạo bởi The Great Trololarion
Description Adds new sizes of boats: small, large and giant. Recipes Recipe: 1 Board Result: Small boat Recipe: 9 Boards Result: Large boat Recipe: 16 Boards Result: Giant boat Stats Boat: Small boat Radius: 2 Health: 50 Boat: Large boat Radius: 6 Health: ...
Lazy Controls
Tạo bởi Tony
The description is kinda out dated, for more info, please check out the Change Notes Features Attack the lureplant(used to attack lureplant while wearing the bone helm) Auto Re-Equip Weapons Fish Killer Repeat Dropping Shift + double right click the item t...
Lazy Furnace
Tạo bởi Tykvesh
Cook raw food instantly with the improved Scaled Furnace! Just put some raw food in the furnace and press the button! It can also instantly heat Thermal Stones, or turn unwanted junk into charcoal and ashes. https://i.imgur....
lazy technology
Tạo bởi alex
Lazy Technology This mod can liberate your teammates (do not have to engage in frequent housework) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod has been updated on March 21(2.4) Added Upgrade of boxes and refrigerators Yo...
Let Lady WhiteBone Wear Functional Medals!
Tạo bởi Godfrey
Ahoy! Now you can play Myth Characters along with Functional Medals mod to a better extent! Woo-hoo! Much thanks to Flora, our beloved coder of Myth Words and Sweet House, who offered huge amount of help (almost 100%) into building the codes of this mod! P...
M. louis
Tạo bởi ffffff
Don't edit art But you can fix bug or reupload more powerful version. CN Version: Name: Manutsawee Surname: ??? Nickname: Louis --------------------------------------------------------------...
Tạo bởi Ming
超大地图的视野显示半径,使用鼠标滚轮上下调动视距. 这是一个客户端MOD,进入游戏后,在MOD列表中开启即可. MOD只会对你有效... Radius of large map view display, use the mouse wheel up and down to mobilize stadia This is a client MOD, after entering the game, the MOD list open. Will only work for you....
Mami Tomoe -Dev
Tạo bởi 老王天天写bug
Mami Tomoe From tv anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica Sorry, because the programming work is done by me alone, this mod is not completely localized now. It will be improved in the subsequent updates! MOD PAGE: (You may need a translator.) https://dont-starve-...
M. louis(CN)
Tạo bởi 富萝莉
Don't edit art But you can fix bug or reupload more powerful version. CN Version: Name: Manutsawee Surname: ??? Nickname: Louis --------------------------------------------------------------...
Lotus realm
Tạo bởi 墨涤千尘
暂时没有英文版本,There is no English version at the moment 创意来自《古剑奇谭三》莲中境  莲中境 世外的一处小空间,内有一颗神奇的莲花 莲花每隔 10 天(可配置)会长出一颗莲子 莲中境内恒温 35 度 莲中境内没有青蛙雨,没有狗,没有查理 莲中境内雨是假的,淋不湿 莲中境内青蛙不主动攻击,还击也不掉物品 莲中境内水域可以放船,但是水里什么也没有,没啥用 莲中境内防溺水,在水里溺水会被莲花救起,只会弄湿衣服 莲中境内可以耕地,耕地养分永远最高 莲中境内可以换地皮,...
Minimap HUD
Tạo bởi squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
ModsScreen Lag Reducer
Tạo bởi Tony
Reduce ModsScreen's lag And added a button can go to next "Have Update" mod when clicked Use F5 to refresh ModsScreen's all mods's modinfo You can scroll mod list while typing in the filter bar Notice: Do not enable both this mod and Lazy Controls's ModsSc...
Medal Exam
Tạo bởi 繁花丶海棠
客户端模组 游戏中单独佩戴女武神的考验勋章时不能自动攻击小动物,小动物会有红色圆圈提示 游戏中单独佩戴蒙昧勋章时可以看清题目和正确答案并自动答题 上述勋章升级时或卸下勋章栏任意装备时关闭功能 本模组授权任何合集和平台使用...
More Emotes
Tạo bởi 󰀉 NoMu
2022年5月13日更新 - 提高模组兼容性 - 为一些现有表情添加循环版本,包括/loop_wave, /loop_rude, /loop_happy, /loop_angry, /loop_cry, /loop_no, /loop_joy, /loop_bonesaw, /loop_facepalm, /loop_kiss, /loop_pose, /loop_pet, /loop_bigpet, /loop_fistshake, /loop_flex, /loop_impatient, /loop_c...
More cooking/整组烹饪、整组喂鸟
Tạo bởi Ember
可以一次性用整组食材烹饪一组食物,可以一次性喂给鸟一组东西。 You can cook a group of food with a whole set of ingredients at one time, and you can feed a group of things to birds at one time. 兼容厨师的锅和调料站...
More Logs
Tạo bởi 清晨草露
renew: 1. Drops more charcoal 2. Ordinary birch drops birch fruit 3. Pine trees drop pine cones steadily Double the wood, birch fruit, and leave no stump, if you subscribe to "more stack size" at the same time, the drops will automatically stack...
More Foods Pack
Tạo bởi Cutlass
New foods and Crops! Food information is in the Discussion It's good for using with "Craft Pot Mod" Seasonal crops The sap can only be extracted in spring. 10 New giant crops. (Coffee, Aloe, Fennel, Sweet potato, Radish, Turnip, Parsnip, Wheat, Orange, Str...
Multi Rocks
Tạo bởi Shang
If You like this, give a thumbs up! More rocks Make the mines have more duration, more mines for players. Let boulders pick longer. Avoid boulders depletion. ...
Multi-World Boss Announcement
Tạo bởi 辣椒小皇纸
System announce upon boss killing and players will say how many days left before the hounds or worm attack arrive. English compatible now. This mod is only developed for dedicated servers with multiple world(at least three shards). Do not subscrib it if no...
More Useful BOSS Spoils
Tạo bởi 蛋挞
I often see people saying that they have played for hundreds of hours and have not beaten the boss several times. I think the difficulty of the boss is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the property of the boss's drops makes people not interested in ...
MyHome Reworked
Tạo bởi surg
All players become the owners of their walls. In MyHome mode, the walls are invulnerable, and the gates can only be used by owners and friends. MyHome protects against griefers. Comming bosses, aggressive mobs pushes out of MyHome. (optional) The bag of kl...
Myth Characters-神话人物
Characters here! Welcome to the Myth Characters mod. Hello survivors, welcome to our world, may the spirits be with you… For our world is filled with many dangers, many challenges, all waiting for you. Will you choose to enjoy the beautiful sights, lounge ...
New Achievements (reburn)
Tạo bởi 孤独的根号三
If you encounter issues, please disable other mods and enable this mod alone to confirm if the issue is due to conflicts. Issue feedback + multiplayer team car group QQ: 130838626 【MOD Description】 Achievements and Levels: Added new content and achievement...
Night Rain Heart Empty
Tạo bởi 哦寄寄呗呗
Three dimensional: 200,300/200,100 Description word limit, detailed content needs to be explored by oneself Has additional attribute magic values, located in the bottom left corner of the screen. Clicking on the Treasure Ball icon on the right can switch f...
No Danger No Rich
Tạo bởi 某幻想家
简介 当鼠标上出现了什么奇怪的动作时,此时危险离你已经很近了,也意味着机遇的来临 声明 模组发布获得原作者完整授权,所上传的版本为原4.2.1中除“心情”设定以外的全部内容。 现上传者曾主要负责介绍页内容的维护,没什么模组经验,后面模组的更新和维护还需要经过学习和磨练,还望海涵。 意见反馈 新建了模组交流群(QQ:701291170),欢迎反馈意见或建议。 相关内容  介绍页 :网页由 朋也 搭建,内容由 某幻想家 维护(火鸡看了都说好)  DST-MOD Wiki :写在风铃的wiki上,请维护者联系我一...
no grassgekko 禁用草蜥蜴
Tạo bởi Out 85折代
no more grass morphing and plant disease Subscribe and thumbs up if you like it 草不再变异为草蜥蜴。作物不患病 如果对你有用,订阅,点个赞...
No Thermal Stone Durability
Tạo bởi Przemolsz
Like seriously Klei, it was the last item you would've ever wanted to nerf. Server-side only....
No Twiggy Tree
Tạo bởi Tendy
Turn twiggy tree into sapling....
nxn box
Tạo bởi 北甍
Here is the machine translation Flower flower said to have light, so the world has light. Huahua asked for a 4x4 box, so we got a 4x4 box. Thanks to all the water friends in Class one, Grade five! Note: I just expanded from 4x4 boxes by a few billion dots ...
Observer Camera
Tạo bởi Super Jump
A pure English version have been uploaded here: Besides all the functions from Aerial View mod, this mod add a new feature: As long as you hover the mouse over any entity or any position you...
Ocean Fishing
Tạo bởi coco
Famine's sea fishing system is a branch of the marine system. Originally it should be a very pleasant thing to go fishing, but due to the variety of baits in the sea fishing system, different fish have different preferences for various baits, and some fish...
Pack Box
Tạo bởi 半夏微暖半夏凉
You can use it to pack items. Just like Pigking, Pond,Structures,Nest of Moose,Materials, Ancient Altar,etc. Craft in the Survival Tab. To make your own number of the recipe.
PastoralStyle 1.2.4
Tạo bởi 摸摸
After a long period of this game, I suddenly discovered that I wanted an idyllic home, but there were fewer roads and decorations. It seemed that I really needed something. So this mod was born. You can try to download to see it! If you have questions, ple...
Position System (Client)
Tạo bởi 󰀉 NoMu
Note that this mod supports Chinese and English currently, and you can change the language in the mod config page. This mod provides a client position system. With this system, - You can press "shift + alt" and "right click" prefabs or positions in the wor...
Tạo bởi 无声飞雪
Quick Connect
Tạo bởi Tony
Add a "connect to last server button" on both main screen and multiplayer screen Replace "View Players" button with "Rejoin Server" on pause screen Add a rejoin button on connection lost popup Note: You can change the text in the scripts/qc_server_data.lua...
Quick Drop - Client Version
Tạo bởi Fidooop
Hold Shift to be able to right click on an item to drop it! (Hold CTRL at the same time and it will drop a single item from a stack) Thanks to Mister L for whipping up a mod icon for me while my image editor was broken. YES, ...
quick drop fudiu
Tạo bởi Shang
当前版本:1.0...Shang.v1.1 Shift + 鼠标右键单击物品,自动丢弃当前物品。 Shift + 鼠标右键双击物品,自动丢弃相同物品。 Hold Shift to be able to right click on an item to drop it! (Hold CTRL as well and it will drop a single item from a stack)" Fidooop, Shang ...
Quick Emoji
Tạo bởi 宵征
Client only mod. Don't forget to thumb up if you like it. Push : to open Emoji list. Continuing typing to filter. PS: When you want to input an emoji after an English word, please type a space after the word and then input : . Q&A: 1. It doesn't work for m...
Quick Pick
Tạo bởi 辣椒小皇纸
The mod removes the animation of harvest grass, sapling, berrybush and other things, which makes them picked like a carrot. It makes almost everything pick quickly. Changelog Version 1.3.0 -Quick cooking foods on firepit. Version 1.2.0 -Added Wormwood Crop...
Quick equipment (automatic switch)
Tạo bởi 北甍
Using Kitting cane for reference -- by Gleenus (which uses a component update method) 1. Automatically equip walking sticks and weapons while walking and attacking 2. Shortcut button, you click the corresponding button, will be equipped with the correspond...
Quick Work
Tạo bởi 柴阿文
This mod has toggles to remove animations for various tasks. This makes doing said tasks faster. No reproduction without permission. I'm not good at English, so please forgive me for any mistakes. If you have any questions or feedback, please post a commen...
Quick Work/Action (Updated)
Tạo bởi 唯の小诺
This mod is updated as follows: This mod can cancel the stiff action and shorten the waiting time. Setting Description: -Quick pick: pick, pick up, harvest -Build & repair: build, decorate, ...
Tạo bởi The Gorge Team
Re-live the Reaping of the Gnaw in the brand new Re-Gorge-itated mod! (With new Re-imagined gamemodes and perks for added Re-playability!) Play how you like! Either with the original 3-player default set-up, or add some spice to the mix with extra player s...
Tạo bởi Reforged Team
The Forge event has been ReForged! ReForged is the successor to Forged Forge; optimized for new content and modding support. This mod comes up with a bunch of new features that are not included in the Forge event or Forged Forge. To see all of the new feat...
Repairable and Combinable Equipment
Tạo bởi Lilith·Blinks
Allow equipment to be repaired by its recipe, or to combine with the same equipment Each function can be switch on alone, you can even allow your equipment to be repaired to over its limit Details in mod setting...
Tạo bởi Skull
Server side mod. Instruction: Type cammands below to Re select your character / resurrect / Kill youself. spam can be stop by set the time interval! Drop function supported. Configuration supported. Commands: #restart - (Returning to character select scree...
Rewrap Bundles
Tạo bởi linjinzhen
Quickly rewrap bundles and gifts (Source Code) DST version DS version When unwraping bundles and gifts (including normal right-click unrewrap and using the following special methods), the item no longer falls to the ground, but enters the inventory. If you...
Rope Bridge
Tạo bởi Gleenus
Enable the creation of rope bridges Recipe: 1 Boards and 1 Rope in the Science Machine (Survival Tab) How to use: Take your Rope Bridge, get close to an edge and aim on the place you want to place a bridge to. You will see in the screen how many boards and...
Rubbish Collector[dst]
Tạo bởi iceamei冰糖
一键回收全图垃圾,可配置仅限管理员使用 Recycle rubbish from the whole map,can config only admin use The box can be crafted in struct,magic,storage tab Recycle item that you want. https://steamuserimages-a.akam...
Sakana & Chinanago
Tạo bởi 老王天天写bug
This mod is based on 🐟「Sakana!」石蒜模拟器 Original art: 大伏アオ Intro Added two decorations that you can make in "Struct...
Tạo bởi 风雪烟飘渺
Seed Extracter [Leaf Mods]
Tạo bởi amoryleaf/ttv
Do you feel like pinecones have a greater purpose for survival? If so, you've come to the right place! Read on! Do you feel SUPER frustrated that seeds can't be added to the crockpot? I SURE DO. I mean... if we can add inedibles like twigs, why not seeds?!...
Seele Vollerei
Tạo bởi bow-car
Seele Vollerei Description of the new version 'Hatter's hat store' is now in the 'version changes'. Dear players, if you are still enjoying this mod, Seele and you could read English instead of Chinese, please let me know you. If there's still quite amount...
SenHai GuaiFu Helper
Tạo bởi 吵吵机器人
懒人挂机:原地挂机打怪(会根据设置尝试使用头盔技能和职业技能) 自动修甲:包含修甲 打包 拆包 合成 (神恩/天赐/卷轴)自动吃(发光慕斯(16分钟)/发光豆(8分钟)蒜辣(4分钟) 自动贩卖:设置可按需调整 自动逛街:如携带厨师帽与锅铲根据设置自动使用回血(厨师帽与当前角色使用头盔均需绑定) 自动行走模式:方块 米字 随机 跟随(beta) 索敌范围指示器:顾名思义 颜色随机 自动刷草:设置内可调整刷草范围 可刷(草/树枝/芦苇) 刷草超级白嫖:跳过施肥 自动锻造:公开版暂未开放 自动搓火药:公开版暂未开...
Show Character Portrait[Client]
Tạo bởi 狐狸是狗
All character mods now show their saveslot portrait...
Show Coastal Ocean Tiles
Tạo bởi mold-camelot
由于科雷娱乐JoeW对于CN玩家的区别对待,本mod即日起停止维护 Press F6 to show the coastal ocean tiles under player's mouse while holding dock kits. Press F7 to show the coastal ocean tiles around the character....
Show Me(中文)
Tạo bởi 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Show Oceanfish
Tạo bởi 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Simple Economy
Tạo bởi 柴柴Chai-Chai
-- 简单经济学 -- -- Simple Economy -- Implemented a new shopping system, where players can now earn gold in game. Use dedicated items to earn gold. Click on the icon at the top left corner to open the shop interface, and use gold to buy items. Rare items will b...
Simple Map Editor Fix
Tạo bởi The Great Trololarion
About fix This mod fix that closes the vulnerabilities that this mod uses . Original mod: . Also this fix adds new tiles. Fea...
Skin Queue
Tạo bởi Electroely
Forums Link: Lets you queue up items to weave or unravel instead of having to wait each time. Also has an 'Unravel All Duplicates' button as a bonus feature. I made this because I didn't like...
Slots Tweak & UI optimizer
Tạo bởi EvenMr
(Original Extra Equip Slots Plus) The mod has now more functions! Slot Tweaks - Add fully OPTIONAL backpack, amulet and compass slot to the game. - You can now change the number of inventory slots to whatever you want (down to 1, and better no more than 40...
Smart Minisign (PT-BR)
Tạo bởi Kick Of Silver
Add Small Icones on Plates with Item icon • Origin This mod is a translation of the original mod.
Smart Minsign (Server Only)
Tạo bởi coco
Enable this mod to automatically draw an image of the top item in the chest on the small wooden sign when closing the chest Function introduction It can be customized to set whether the small wooden sign function is enabled for the dragon scale treasure ch...
Tạo bởi Pickleplayer
Say goodbye to the F key and jump into a totally new game with this platformless platform fighter! Trailer Link Please report bugs in the bug report section below, and leave any feedback you might have! Redesigned combat! Smash-inspired combat overhaul giv...
Snapping tills
Tạo bởi surg
Aligns plowing to the grid. LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile. Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon. Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x...
Special Events
Tạo bởi adai1198
"Let there be special event!" Admins can apply special events after the world is generated. This mod will send the following two commands for you: ApplySpecialEvent("event") TheWorld.topology.overrides.specialevent = "event" in which "event" could be the f...
Status Announce
Tạo bởi 傳說󰀘覺悟
Released for compatibility with Chinese language, Please go to the original author Status Announcements mods to subscribe, rewards please go to:
Steamed Collection - Skins
Tạo bởi Gearless
Added 15 new Victorian and Steampunk themed skins in the Constant. Brand New Vignette! Sacrificial Bucket's Effigy Now with this shameful anonymous headgear you can't complain about not being repr...
Strengthen Stove【神秘的强化炉】
Tạo bởi い歪比洼卜い
buff 搬运 附魔 mod,魔改附魔玩法 本mod对使用后造成的后果不负有任何代价,分发协议与原mod一致。 感谢原作者的工作,如有侵权烦请告知。 可以对装备强化 / 附魔 科技栏,二本制作 ======================================================================== 附魔高等级的时候,建议垫几件装备,再上,比如上+11,准备4,5件+10的装备,一起上,嘿嘿 =======================================...
Strong Cleaner
Tạo bởi 辣椒小皇纸
A cleaning mod for your server. Cleaning Mechanism: It will check the things on the ground every 20 days(by default, configurable). Things that are check the first time will be added tags. Things with tags that are previously added will be remove during th...
Stronger Giants & Players
Tạo bởi Bear.H越来越水了
Due to personal reasons, this mod will not be updated until ???. Necessary bug fixes are supported. 12 June 2021 1. Add the configuration items of random attack and random defense. 2. Remove some obsolete configuration items. This mod is just for fun when ...
Struggling to survival
Tạo bởi 豌豆射手
Have you forgotten the feeling when you first entered the eternal field? Awesome power has already made you arrogant ... This mod will make you get the negative effects of all characters, even worse! The comfortable life has become a luxury, and living is ...
Succulent Plant!
Tạo bởi MelonDog
Succulent Plant! 4.10.6 Click here for Details Main Features: Plant succulent in Succulent Farm Plant succulent in Mushroom Planter New Crock Pot Recipes A special item that restores freshness for food New gem, amulet and staff A new Character New decorati...
Super AFK
Tạo bởi Ná Nà ツ
Beta version here: This mod have all for you need to drop yours skins! You will not need to customize anything, you just need to turn this mod on and the world will be setup to take up as li...
Super AFK [modified]
Tạo bởi \zs
This mod have all for you need to drop yours skins! - Godmode (without creative mode) - Disable idle kick (afk forever) - Auto open Gifts (without machine machine) - Use small memory (3s to generating world) - Displays the number of gifts received when afk...
Super Connect | Connect Any Server
Tạo bởi 辣椒小皇纸
Good News!!! Now you can connect any server directly with this mod as long as you know the ip and port of the server you want to join. Here is the how the mod works: You should interpret the server ip and port into "". For example, if ...
Super Farming
Tạo bởi Ná Nà ツ
This mod changes the shape and properties of the crop. - Growth Time: 15 days for annual plant and 36 days for perennial plant. - Crop Yields: chance x0, x1, x2, x3 - Attribute: Yes/No Grow In Winter, Withered/Weak In Summer. Also added some new seeds and ...
Super ghost action
Tạo bởi 大雄O∧O
所念皆山河,山河皆是你。 所目皆繁星,繁星不及你。 所思皆美好,美好远是你。 所归皆初心,初心不负你。 If you like, you can:Give the thumbs-up,Subscribe,comment . If you don't like it, don't forget it:Point difference,Cancel the Subscribe,Comment on garbage. Anyway, thank you for having fun. Thank you. htt...
Super Wall DST
Tạo bởi DYC
Click here for DS Version Download Super Wall Maker Hedges and ancient wall from Hamlet have been added! Super Wall: tab
Tạo bởi 秋水
Sorry, this MOD currently only supports Chinese. 本MOD是河蟹防熊锁 (superlock) 的修复版本 致力于修复原来已经停更的河蟹防熊锁在游戏新版本中出现的各种的BUG以及继续完善可能会用到的功能 更多详细功能请参阅MOD目录下的readme.txt 感谢原作者,有效治理了熊孩子,并将各种功能补充完善,我献上由衷的感谢! 原版链接:
Tạo bởi Godless
Adds the ability to pin filters on a pinned bar. Thus, allowing you to quickly open the desired tab or see that you can create something new They work just like the regular tabs of the old menu. To search for tabs, use "filter" in the search or filter modi...
Tạo bởi 鱼仔
【太真详细信息】 更多内容请加Q群: 太真QQ二群: 511656917 更新日志: 修复了禁用物品在游戏内效果不明显的bug 修复琵琶错误叠加攻击特效导致电脑卡顿的问题 新增道具 番号幽冥 与暗影编织者战斗8分钟不死将会解锁这个道具 新增皮肤 板 目前参与群内的设定募集活动会获得这个角色皮肤 如果遇到技能栏消失请上下地洞或者退线重连 反馈bug请附带日志(最好是这样辣) ============================ 更新内容太多,请加群查看太真wiki链接 https://www.alan.p...
Tạo bởi 萝北
Version 1.6.0 has been updated. At present, most of the contents of mod have been translated into English, and the untranslated contents will continue to be improved in the future, and the subsequent contents will also be translated into English. New BOSS:...
The Elder Wand
Tạo bởi Dod0910
Elder Wand from Harry Potter. The Elder Wand, known throughout history as the Deathstick or the Wand of Destiny, is an extremely powerful wand. Damage: 34 Attack Range: 8 Durability: Infinite Spell: Summon Coldlight ( like opalstaff ) It has a small Lighti...
The Gorge Stuff: Fixed Craft Re-Re-Re-Upload
Tạo bởi Ambassador
Makes structures from the Gorge craftable. I uploaded this mod for my personal use only, I own nothing and all credit goes to the original author, Kynoox_. I'll remove this mod if any of the previous versions get new updates or if I'm asked to do so by Kyn...
The Lunar HUD
Tạo bởi 󰀣POWD3d4󰀣
Changes the Don't Starve Together HUD to a Lunar theme Changed: -Crafting Tabs, Skin Container -Chests, Chester, Woby and Hutch -Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment -Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter, Inspiration Meter and Abigail Meter -Clocks,...
Too Many Items Increased
Tạo bởi 北甍
This is a machine translation! Extension of T key module! You must subscribe and open the T key to be effective! Add to this module: Too Many Items Plus Other versions of the T key have not been tested for compatibility https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Too Many Items Revisited
Tạo bởi Aly
You can spawn anything. Search for items and server control. 28 different categories of items. You can do anything now! Usage: General: Press ( T ) to open the menu. (this can be changed in the options) CTRL + Click health, sanity, hunger, wetness, tempera...
Training Dummy
Tạo bởi 豌豆射手
This is an old mod, perhaps you can now use normal in-game items to implement the functionality of this mod Just like the in RPG game, it can help you count DPH(damage), DPS(damage per second) and speed(attack speed) By default, it takes 10 seconds to make...
Tropical Experience | SW HAM Biomes : From Beyond
Tạo bởi vagnerdarochasantos
join our discord: Join Now THIS MOD NOT NEED MORE COMPLEMENTS AND THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHERS MODS. The Tropical Experience mod adds content from every DLC ever released on Don't Starve to Don't Starve Together, as well as adding event content a...
Tropical Experience/三合一海底世界外挂汉化
Tạo bởi ELIOM
这只是三合一/海底世界的中文翻译,不使用海底世界不需要此补丁 This is tropicl experience/Underwater chinese tranlation. 这只是个外挂中文翻译,必须加载本体 TI is Chinese Translation,must use Tropical Experience version:3.14 需要本体must use 界面...
Tạo bởi 白茶
默认配置: 炼金引擎 摧毁物品 暗影操纵器 摧毁物品并打扫地面(全图)同种物品 蕨类盆栽 摧毁物品并打扫地面半径4格地皮内同种物品 鼠标右键(或左键)打开对应建筑,将需要清理的物品放入上述建筑点击按钮即可 特殊物品无法放入格子,例如远古钥匙,天体宝球、泰拉瑞亚等 注意:打扫是指任何地面上直接可见的物品,堆叠物品也会清理 需要自定义绑定建筑和修改范围请修改modoverrides.lua 销毁物品建筑 全图打扫建筑 全图清理多世界运行 范围打扫建筑 范围清理范围 例如全图清理建筑改为避雷针="lightnin...
Uncompromising Mode
Tạo bởi Scrimbles Uncompromising Mode increases the risk and reward for Don't Starve Together. Uncompromising Mode (often shortened to "Uncomp" or "UM") was created with the goal of revitalizing the difficulty of DST. The mod adds randomness,...
Use Main Menu In Game[Client]
Tạo bởi 繁花丶海棠
Main functions 1. Fast goback game without exit when client/server error 2. Pause menu Use main menu in Game (exit will save game) 3. Fast save world/mod change exclude server info change Mod Options Interface scroll bar add subtitle node 4. Generate virtu...
Where you are?++
Tạo bởi 好好睡觉
Wormhole Marks [DST]
Tạo bởi Black Mirror
Changes wormholes icons on mini map to colored icons. Every pair of worlmholes get its color icons after you use one of the wormhole. Can support up to 22 pairs of wormholes. If colors of the icons are not visible enough you can enable Draw over FoW in mod...
Wulin's New Farm Plants (Hardcore)
Tạo bởi 💖gznc💖
Try making them giant! You will get perfect experience! 7 New farm plants. 1 New weapon(with 74.95 damage init). Sprinkler(3x3 Max).;&amp;i...
Tạo bởi 哦寄寄呗呗
Tạo bởi 摸摸
请不要添加各种奇怪的人物补丁,应该很多不兼容,这只是一个副本小游戏罢了 活下来,并,守护月台。哔哩哔哩:M木糖M 的王八整合包,传说世界黑白不两立,黑暗一直在往外扩散令人丧失生命的白雾,于是为了抵抗白雾,王八岛诞生了,王八岛的中心一把法杖吸收白色烟雾,保护了世界和平,可是,黑暗中的奇怪生物却蠢蠢欲动了起来,他们谋划着摧毁这个法杖,威尔逊等人为了保护和平纷纷加入了这场战争,就连杂草们,也加入了进来,一场大战不可避免..................... 犁地草:土堆铲掉可以爆一些种田基础物资,和高级装备,...
[API] Gem Core
Tạo bởi Zarklord
Version 5.1.45 Library of powerful modding tools for mod developers. Visit Gem Core Wiki for API info For bug reports and feature requests go to the Gem Core Issues Page page and create a issue documenting your bug/feature request. Contribute to this mod o...
[DST] Fantasy come (Enlightenment)
Special Statement: This module is a commercial homemade fan module, the game involves characters, items, cover, such as texture, partly from the network reference and subject to plot joint famine online edition set and set "love craft" old myth is given pr...
[DST] Musha
Tạo bởi Sunnyyyyholic
- DS Single Musha <= LINK - - DST MyPet <= LINK - Puppy Princess Musha (The "DST" version and the "SINGLE" versions are different!) 퍼피 프린세스 뮤샤 *Special thanks to: Luka, HappyWow (SageArt_) (여기는 영어 페이지 입니다. 스팀에 자신의 정보를 한글로 바꾸시면 한글페이지로 나올거에요) ---------------...
[DST] Myth Theme
Tạo bởi FIex
鍜岃繖涓増鏈惌閰嶄娇鐢╗url=] 绁炶瘽浜虹墿鐨偆鍏嶈垂 ...
[DST] Nautical HUD
Tạo bởi vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! Version 2.2 - added the CunningFox's HUD Skins library and Wilson's Refresh beard morsel icon!! Version 2.1 - Crafting Menu updated, Wa...
[DST] Performance Pack
Tạo bởi coco
介绍 用于提高游戏的流畅度,极大降低游戏进程所占用的CPU资源(500天以上存档至少降低30%) 本地存档,云服务器均可启用,包括没开洞穴的本地存档也可以启用 是否还需要开启其他优化Mod 本Mod已集成几种原创的优化方式,并添加了主流的清理和堆叠功能。若没有其他特殊优化需求,仅使用本Mod即可 效果有多少 极端情况下,如果有大量生物和杂物处于加载范围,对比没启用前,性能增幅可能超过数倍 通常情况下很容易观察到性能的提升,因为单地面可以容纳更多的玩家而不会卡顿 启用后可以有效防止卡顿,即使发生卡顿,也能阻止...
[DST] Roseate HUD
Tạo bởi vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! HUD Updated Guys!! Enjoy!! Using now HUD Skins library by CunningFox! Version 1.6 - Updated to CunningFox HUD Skin Library, added Wilso...
[DST] WhaRang
Tạo bởi JinYering
* (DS to DST) MOD Scale down. <!> Excluded: Pets, Wall, Skills, etc. * This mod is not complete. If experience frequent errors or crashes, stop using them. Check for Change Notes Subscribe to Single version Version 1.4 Released Hello. There was a mod updat...
[DST]Everyone can use the portablecookpot
Compatible with all MOD character. This mod allows everyone to use the portablecookpot. How do you want to use them? It depends on the mod setting. if you want to use the portablespicer,please Enable this. Warly's exclusive food can be made. (well, I don't...
[DST]Global positioning system
Server version full map location,Use small memory, priority server. author/作者:诸天明月 雪儿 服务器版全图定位,占内存小,优先服务器,只调用指南针代码,官方建筑错位不背锅,因为我这里只影响人物的地图图片而不是建筑图片。...
[DST]Musha 完整版
Tạo bởi 凍了个心
目前应该是没有什么致命BUG 我要求不高能玩就行 因为饥荒本身也有很多BUG 对于初次接触Musha的玩家,建议观看Musha详细视频介绍: 版本修复问题 15.58 兼容能力勋章 Z凤凰指令 15.59 修复嗅觉100崩溃 15.60 修复钢铁兔子帽右键消失 测试了一下发现一直显示更新目前这个问题我准备再蹲两天有可能不是我的问题...
[DST]Totooria Helmold
Tạo bởi 柴柴Chai-Chai Stats: Initial is fragile, 150 hungry, 200 sanity, 75 health Damage = Wendy Can Read LevelUP: Exp upgrade ...
[Gorge] Victorian HUD
Tạo bởi vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! 18/03/2023 - HUD UPDATED GUYS, ENJOY!! Version 7.2 - Added CunningFox HUD Skins library, Missing textures and Wilson's Beard Morsel Ico...
[OLD/BROKEN] Extra Equip Slot Plus (+Render) [Doom]
Tạo bởi DoomOfMax
New version here: Description: Special Extra Equip Slots and rendering of Armor and Backpack (or amulet) at the same time, when equipped. You can get or remove up to 5 Inventory slots, and t...
Summon a magic sword to fight for you. The following contents are machine translation. Please forgive me if the expression is inaccurate. The introduction of the English version is not updated in time. You can experience it directly in the game. usage: 1. ...
[Tips]Show attack time for hounds and bosses
Tạo bởi
function To prompt the attack time of the hound (worm) and the Boss. The coordinates will be displayed when the Boss already exist. If not, it indicates that the Boss doesn’t fit the conditions for generation. To display the attack time of the hound and th...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
Tạo bởi Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...
[T] Map Plugins(DST)
Tạo bởi Talent.M
相信不少单机的人都用过我的地图插件,终于发布了联机版。 功能: More Map Icon - 更多图标显示 Wall Icon Display - 墙壁图标显示 中国的兄弟请帮忙点赞! If you like the mod give it a thumbs up. QQ 群:231241088(已满) QQ 群:790445377 Icon List - 图标列表 Common_PB_List = { --Core "beefalo", --牛 "babybeefalo", --小牛 "carrot_p...
[yuyuyui] SONOKO NOGI [乃木园子]
Tạo bởi 乃木鸽子
-乃木園子は勇者である- ·代码:eatMew、灵衣女王的傲娇鬼铠 ·绘画:魔法少女唐间竹子 ·监督:乃木鸽子 ·英译:狗咸狗
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