Lethal Company

Lethal Company

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Change key bindings
By AreaQ
Mod that allows you to change key bindings. As of right now the keyBindings.json is a bit all over the place since its using the unity built in Input json system. I am hoping this is a temp fix and I hope the next patch fixes this issue. If this is not the case, I'll try to make a more perm fix
[Updated to V40] Install the mod and configure it
EDIT: This mod is no longer needed as keybinding now exist within the game

This mod loads the Unity keybinding json from a file instead of it being hard coded. This will only work without issues on version: v40.

Below is the link to the DLL, the json file and the README on how to install the mod.
https:// www. mediafire .com /folder /qa1zdva6bvfr6/ Lethal+Company+Keybinding
(Remove the white space)

If you want to have the zip version
https://www .mediafire .com/ file/ 639a2lqk977wgtg/ key-binding-mod.zip/ file

To update the you key bindings, in the json file, you can see a section called "bindings". Here you can see a bunch of paths that look like the following:
"path": "<Keyboard>/w"

Here you just change the w to the letter you want the new binding to be.

For special characters, you have to use their text version instead e.g if you want to use the comma, you have the type in the word comma and not the symbol.

Do note that this does not change the letters the game expects so the game will still say to use the default bindings even if you change it.
BzZ7t Dec 2, 2023 @ 9:38am 
I found out the path was <Mouse>/backButton
Had found it here:
AreaQ  [author] Dec 2, 2023 @ 9:13am 
I haven't tested it myself but you should be able to just use "Mouse4" as the key
BzZ7t Dec 2, 2023 @ 8:49am 
How can I change a key bind to Mouse 4?

I hate using Ctrl for crouch lol
Caronos Nov 27, 2023 @ 11:09am 
found a detailed list for special key names:
AreaQ  [author] Nov 21, 2023 @ 2:15pm 
I have added a zip file alternative now
twitch.tv/nyantagi Nov 21, 2023 @ 11:59am 
Please, zip the folder