ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Iron Nexus: ASA Server Guide
By Zera_Fox
Settings, tips and Guides for the Iron Nexus: ASA server network
The Working Class
Job Modules:
  • Caravan
    Auto-Pulling from Follow-Target up until 75% of creature's max weight.

  • Craft yourself a Crafting Terminal (Learnable at level 15)
  • Create your Preferred Module Type
  • Place Module into Creature Inventory and "Consume" to activate it.
  • "Consume" again to deactivate it so it can be removed from the inventory.

Crafting Saddle creatures will create a "Components" folder in their inventory when a Module is equipped.
The Module does not vanish it's simply in the new folder!
Refined Evolution
Increases a creature's stats for the duration in which an item is active.
Crafting is done in a Refining Table which learned at level 50 and created inside a Vanilla Fabricator.

All refinements follow the same upgradeable path in stat respective increase:
  • Primitive: 10%
  • Ramshackle: 15%
  • Apprentice: 20%
  • Journeyman: 25%
  • Mastercraft: 30%
  • Ascendant: 35%
Refining Types:
  • Health
  • Stamina
  • Weight
  • Melee
  • Speed

Crafting Saddle creatures will create a "Components" folder in their inventory when a Module is equipped.
The Module does not vanish it's simply in the new folder(s)!

Reduces Hunger Value over-time to speed up Food Consumption Rate
  • Drain Multiplier: 2
  • Drain Duration: 60 seconds

Appetizer X
Reduces Hunger Value on a Flat Rate to speed up Food Consumption Rate
  • Flat Food Drain: 50

Appetizer Tranq Dart
Reduces Hunger Value at a flat-rate while also applying Torpor.
  • Passive tamable dinos will receive a buff for 1.5 minutes allowing you to feed them every 10 seconds, there will be a visual effect on them letting you know the buff is active. You can also shoot multiple times to make the buff last longer (buff time will be extended not reset), it will not damage or scare/aggro them.
  • Wild dinos both conscious and unconscious dinos will have 40 food instantly removed, if you shoot unconscious dinos it will not damage them or lower taming effectiveness.

    • Flat Food Drain: 100
    • Torpor Multiplier: 7
    • Passive Feeding Interval: 5 seconds

Tips and Tricks
  • Blue Appetizer:
    At x5 Food Drain of 60s, you need to input x5 into Food Drain Multiplier on Dododex, view the Tame Time for your food choice and use that number in Blue Appetizers.
    EX:: 150 Argent takes 22m to tame with Prime so 22 Appetizers needed for exact count for fastest tame time.
  • Red Appetizer:
    Red Appetizers instantly drain 100 food from the creatures food stat. For this calculation, you want to select the food type you're using and then view the Starve Timer. The food required to eat is then divided by 100 to get exact amount of appetizers needed to avoid waste.
    Ex: 150 Argent requires 1450 Food from Prime Meat. Divide 1450 by 100 = 14.5 Red Appetizers for instant tame drain.
  • Nanny
    • 25% imprint cap
  • Hitching Posts
    • Max Hitching Posts per Tribe: 4
    • Max Creatures per Post: 5
  • Removed Features:
    • Mating and Gestation Bonuses removed from Hitching Posts
    • Mutator Disabled
    • Propagator
    • Vivarium
    • Dino tools/options on Multi-Tool
Awesome Spyglass
Shows Detailed information about targeted creatures, including food to tame, buffs and HP/Torpor levels.

  • Outline Mode: Disabled
  • Supply Drop Info: Disabled
  • Item bag Info: Disabled
  • Structure Info: Enabled
  • Player Info: Enabled
  • Buff Info: Enabled
  • Tame Food Info: Enabled
  • Egg Info: Enabled
  • GPS: Enabled
  • Crosshair: Enabled
Egg Collector
An Egg Collector to help collect and even passively generate eggs for you!

This egg collector will pick up unfertilized eggs that have been dropped from your tames and prevent them from spoiling.

Most importantly, you can 'integrate' female egg layers into it, which will destroy the tame, but add its egg type to its passive generation list.
Eggs on the passive generation list will be passively generated using the same timers and chances as if the female was mate boosted with a nearby Oviraptor.
Individual egg types can be toggled on or off for passive generation in the structure's inventory.

You can also insert fertilized eggs and have them incubated for you. (We are currently testing ourselves to see at what point this process stops, but we assume 1%. This will be updated once we've confirmed results.)

There is no risk of losing the integrated egg layers by picking up the structure to move it.
Upgrade Station
This mod allows players to upgrade the quality of weapons, armor, and saddles from primitive up to Journeyman.
Players can also salvage weapons, armor, saddles, and structures for resources.

Upgrade Station
Upgrade Armor, Tools and Saddles from Primitive, Ramshackle or Apprentice all the way up to Journeyman if you so choose.
Salvage functionality similar to the Grinder, at a 20% resource return rate and 25% EXP rate. Your grinder is still the best way to go!
  • Upgrade Rarity/Quality caps at Journeyman
    This makes Drops and Loot from Caves/Bosses still better than anything that can be crafted & Upgraded.
  • Resource Requirements increase a great deal per Rarity/Quality increase.

Auto-Repair for items upgraded in the Upgrade Station is disabled and items with damage will need to be repaired before being upgraded.

Blueprint Station
Create Blueprints of Armor, Tools, Saddles and Structures.
Creating Blueprints of items crafted with Crafting Skill is not possible and is disabled by the server.
Other Helpful Resources
Important Server Information
A few tips and extra information you'll need to know to get the best out of our mods and server settings.
Also a few fair warnings about can and will happen if you choose to ignore restarts, saves and other in-place server procedures.

Player Provided Tools & Tips

Breeding Spread-sheet
I needed something a little more multi-user friendly than ARK Smart Breeding and instead came up with a Google Spreadsheet system that automatically calculates, highlights and tracks data for you. It's not as fancy and flashy as Smart Breeding App but it is a lot more user-friendly I think, as well as easier to share among all tribe-mates.
It's complete with a "Notes" area that will flag next to the Dino's name for anything important you want to list about your Creature.

Console Commands to help improve gameplay

  • ark.vertexcountscaling 1
    Seems to help with fatal error render crashing
  • r.volumetricCloud 0
    Turns off the fancy clouds
  • r.Shadow.Virtual.Enable 1
    Changes how the lighting engine works, vastly smooths out the FPS when opening and closing doors.