Ion Fury
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Ion Fury - Capital Offence - All Secrets "Video Guide"
De Plasma SKX
Welcome to my guide for Ion Fury's thrilling episode, "Capital Offence," where I'll be your trusty guide, taking you on a journey through this action-packed game. Join me as we embark on a quest to discover all the hidden secrets and areas within the game, and I'll provide insightful commentary along the way.

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Chapter: Night on the Town

0:12 - The all Seeing Eye
4:57 - Trouble in Paradise
8:10 - Fan Service
13:24 - Cultural Divide
21:03 - Reformation Plaza
Chapter: Downtown Disaster Relief

0:12 - Abandonment Issues
3:05 - Alphabet Soup
6:24 - D.C. Meltdown
8:20 - Nukage Nightmare
Chapter: Institutionalized

0:12 - Washington Institute
5:23 - Corporate Chaos
10:13 - Subhuman Resources
15:41 - Executive Disorder
18:34 - Grand Slam [Secret Level]
Chapter: The Six Underground

0:12 - Off the Rails
1:07 - Casual Casualties
5:09 - Tunnel Disturbance
10:31 - Power Up!
Twist of Freight No Secrets on this level!
Chapter: Countryside Carnage

0:12 - Inhospitable Hospitality
4:21 - Knee Deep
9:38 - Heskel's House of Horror
Chapter: Ordinary Laboratory

0:12 - Hellmouth
2:05 - Hazard Disposal part 1
4:51 - Parting Procedure
9:21 - Hazard Disposal part 2
11:50 - Destructive Desires No Secrets on the Counter but a cool little Extra Secret on the next Chapter: Subterranean Climax