Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

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Half-Life 2 Episode 2 Achievements Guide
Da NexusOne
The last Half-Life 2 100% achievements guide, i completely left this project to limbo because i had so many other plans to do, i don't know if anyone was still waiting for this guide, but if someone did, congratulations i guess... This time we are going to break down Episode Two, this guide is packed with detailed explanations, illustrative images, strategies and other suggestions of other guides.
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Please comment below if you spot any misspelling, wrong information, or if you just want to make a request. I am always reading your comments.
Please comment below if you spot any misspelling, wrong information, or if you just want to make a request. I am always reading your comments.

Anyway, let's get started!
If you want to make things a lot quicker by loading directly into the maps, you can use a Console command to do so. But first, we need to enable the Console.

Click the Options tab in the menu
Select the Keyboard tab on the top of the small window
Select the Advanced tab on the bottom
And finally check the option Enable developer console. and apply the changes

With the developer console enabled, you can now press ' (Default key) to open it, and now type the command "Map (Map Code name)".

The part with the orange outline is a mere example of a map code name.

What you are doing is basically telling the game to load directly into a section of the map named ___, now if you don't know the code names for each map of the game, there is a link in the very top of the guide that leads to a list of Half-Life 2 maps. Copy the map code name the achievement section is asking in the list and paste it on the console, it should look like this:

If done correctly, you will load successfully in the map, but if you really want to, you can unlock nearly all achievements in a single run.
Gnome Alone
Description: If you are reading this achievement, Gabe Newell has successfully launched Gnome Chompski into space. If you did not also receive the achievement 'Manufacturing Ascent', Newell has abandoned his plans to shoot Noam Chomsky into space.

Requirement: The easiest achievement to unlock, simply start the game, that's all, nothing else.
Little Rocket Man
Description: Send the Garden Gnome into space.

Requirement: This achievement is not even hard, it's just, annoying, getting this gnome through the entire game isn't bad enough, you also have to carry it Inside your car, which, by the way, has some horrible hitboxes. The gnome is located in that first building you get in with Alyx, the one where you and her make a transmission to White Forest, on the right side of the exit door will be a wooden platform, underneath it you'll find the gnome.

Now, the problem comes to carrying him, i best recommend holding him with a Gravity Gun and throwing him into enemies, when you'll need to use both hands, just throw him away in a player-acessible-area, and when you get to the car... Sigh... Well...

You'll have to deal with it, you have to place the gnome In the perfect spot just so you can have some seconds of driving away, do NOT use turbo or make very hard curves, go gentle. After all of that pain, you can finally put the stupid gnome inside Magnusson's rocket right near Lamarr. DO NOT FORGET TO CLOSE THE DOOR, If you don't close the door, the achievement won't pop up.

When you launch the rocket, the achievement unlocks.

Now... If you REALLY, don't want to frustate yourself, you can use a very special trick. ;)
Put the command: "map ep2_outland_11" reach to the rocket and place this other command: "prop_physics_create props_junk/gnome.mdl;ent_setname gnome"

What you did was creating a Gnome Prop and setting it's name to Gnome. Actually, you can switch the model to any of your choice, It doesn't matter, you can put, i don't know, a mug, a bottle... Anything, what It really checks for the achievement is if the prop Is called "gnome" by the game's other entities, the entire command simply creates a prop and names it to "gnome". A little cheat for anyone that doesn't want to waste too much damn time.

Chapter: Entire Game

The hidden gnome.

Bye bye.
Bone Breaker
Description: Kill 30 enemies with thrown physics objects.

Requirement: Once you get the Gravity Gun, you'll need to pick up an object and throw it at an enemy, simple as that. After 30 kills, the achievement is unlocked.

Chapter: Any

The player holding a rock with the Gravity Gun.

Grave Robber
Description: Steal a Zombine's grenade.

Requirement: When some boulders fall from the hill and break down the fences to the mine shaft, you and Alyx will traverse through It, finding many dead zombie bodies. Reaching near to surface again, you will find a area infested with zombies, once you clear them all and reach to the exit, you will find a Zombine with a zombie fighting an Antlion on the left side, simply wait a second or two so he can pick up his grenade, use your Gravity Gun and pick the grenade with the Right Mouse Click. After that, the achievement will be unlocked.

Chapter: To The White Forest (ep2_outland_01)

The first Zombine in the entire game.

Acid Reflex
Description: Kill an acid Antlion Worker.

Requirement: This one is pretty easy, all you need to do is kill an Acid Antlion Worker, that's all, nothing else. This achievement may be unskippable, but some people miss this in the first playthrough, for some reason... You can kill these guys anyway you want.

Chapter: To The White Forest (ep2_outland_01a)

An acid Antlion Worker

Piñata Party
Description: Find and break every web cache in Episode Two.

Requirement: You must break open all 9 Antlion Grub caches. The first is found on To the White Forest; the rest are found on This Vortal Coil. There are a lot of them, so i'll be giving a link to another guide made my InhumaneTuna which explains a lot more about this achievement, once you break open all 9 web caches the achievement should unlock.

Chapter: To The White Forest to This Vortal Coil (ep2_outland_01a to ep2_outland_04)

An underwater web cache.

Into The Breach
Description: Help Griggs and Sheckley hold off the antlion invasion inside the mine shaft. (This achievement is unskippable)

Requirement: When falling down a hole, you will find a giant cave, there, you will meet Griggs and Sheckley, a giant horde of Antlions will come to attack you and you'll need to protect Alyx and the vortigaunt trying to revive her.

This area is very easy to beat, all you need to do is to put both sentries on both sides of Alyx and the vortigaunt, yes there are a lot more strategies, but with this one you don't have to do anything, not even micro. Just keep an eye for loose antlions that escape from your turret's line of sight and that's it. If you want to, you can also put some Hopper Mines around. When the other vortigaunts appear, you can now do basically nothing, as they are super overpowered, passing this event will instantly grant the achievement.

Chapter: This Vortal Coil (ep2_outland_02)

The entrance to the giant cave.

The cave.

The best spot for the sentries.

The effectiveness of this spot.
Deadly Harvest
Description: Kill an enemy by planting a Hopper Mine.

Requirement: You need to kill any enemy with a Hopper Mine, notice that if you throw the Hopper like a grenade with your Gravity Gun, it will not count, you'll need to plant the Hopper and wait for It to hop and explode on an enemy. The best way to unlock this achievement is when you are fighting a huge amount of antlions with Griggs and Sheckley. Just plant a hopper in one of the entrances with the red lights, wait an unfortunate antlion to step on It, and boom, achievement.

Chapter: This Vortal Coil (ep2_outland_02)

The Hopper Mine ready to explode an antlion.
Get Some Grub
Description: Squish every Antlion Grub.

Requirement: This one is pretty easy to miss, there are A LOT of antlion grubs, 333 of them to be exactly, and i can't even try to show them on this here guide, so i'll be giving you again, another guide for this exact achievement, guide is made by captainnibbles and Teneb:


Chapter: To the White Forest to Freeman Pontifex

A group of antlion grubs.
Description: Defeat both antlion guards outside the White Forest. (This achievement is unskippable)

Requirement: When you get out of the cave you will see various combine units going to the north, where White Forest is located. You'll have to go down a hill on the left where you will then reach a valley with two caves on each side. Then, two antlions guards will come in to attack you from the caves, you will need to kill both of them to progress. The best strategy to do is camp on the Thumper In the middle of the valley, as antlions will not get close to it as long as it's turned on, be careful, as the antlion guards don't get scared by them. As soon as you defeat both antlion guards, the achievement is unlocked.

Chapter: Freeman Pontifex (ep2_outland_05)

The valley where you'll have to fight against both antlion guards.

The cave the first antlion guard will appear.

Both antlion guards.
Hit and Run
Description: Run over 20 enemies with the car.

Requirement: Once you get a car on a broken bridge you will need to reach to White Forest, during that time, you will need to run over 20 enemies, any type of enemy qualifies for this achievement. It's very hard to miss this achievement, just make sure you are running over enemies than just shooting them down, when you run over 20 of them, the achievement should unlock.

Chapter: Freeman Pontifex (ep2_outland_07)

A zombie moments before disaster.
Meet the Hunters
Description: Survive the Hunter ambush with Alyx. (This achievement is unskippable)

Requirement: Once you activate the power of a building so you can use the transmissor to alert White Forest, various hunters will appear around the perimeter, simply kill them all and the achievement is unlocked, shotguns are very effective against hunters but throw props at them with your gravity gun instead, so you can unlock two achievements at the same time.

Chapter: Riding Shotgun (ep2_outland_06a)

The area where the hunters will appear.
Description: Kill a Hunter with its own flechettes.

Requirement: You know I said earlier about killing the hunters with props? Well, to unlock this achievement is quite difficult to understand, but when you do, it will be pretty easy. Now, you'll want to pick up a prop with your gravity gun and wait until a hunter shoots flechettes at the prop (I recommend getting a wheel because there Is a lot of them around the place), as soon as the flechettes hit the prop, throw the prop back to the hunter, the flechettes will explode on the hunter, if the hunter dies, the achievement should be unlocked.

Chapter: Riding Shotgun (ep2_outland_06a)

The player holding a tire waiting for the hunter to shoot flechettes at It.
Puttin' On a Clinic
Description: Defeat the chopper in Episode Two without any misses.

Requirement: You'll need to defeat the chopper throwing the timed bombs without any misses, there is no strategy, just good aim, well at least one strategy, but kinda not... So when the chopper starts spamming the bombs, do not pick them up, he will run away faster than you and you'll probably miss, pick the last bomb he drops and wait until he comes back — then you throw It. You'll probably not get this one on first try, It really depends on your skill, by the way, the Hunter-Chopper hitbox is really big, so if you miss it and complain about the game glitching or something like that... You might have a littleee case of serious brain damage. C:

Chapter: Riding Shotgun (ep2_outland_07)

The area where you'll have to fight against the Hunter-Chopper.

The player holding a Hunter-Chopper bomb, and about to throw it back.
Description: Destroy the Combine Autogun in the junkyard. (This achievement is unskippable)

Requirement: After you destroy the Hunter-Chopper, rebels will help you repair your car, but to progress forward you'll need to destroy a Combine Autogun in a junkyard, all you have to do is reach to the building, open the case, and lob a grenade Inside. The junkyard Is filled with zombies and headcrabs, you'll want to be crouched all the time, be careful, as there is a Combine Sentry Gun right behind you. Some Combine units will be inside the building aswell, so be ready. Once you destroy the Autogun, the achievement simply appears from thin oxygen.

Chapter: Under the Radar (ep2_outland_09)

The junkyard.
Hot Potat0wned
Description: Kill a Combine soldier with his own grenade.

Requirement: This achievement is easier to unlock in the junkyard right before you destroy the Combine Autogun, you can do this in either the small building near the sentry gun, or the building where the Autogun Is. You'll need to wait until a combine throw a grenade at you, the best way to make them do this is by running in their line of sight and getting cover, if they actually throw a grenade at you, simply pick it up with your Gravity Gun and wait for some time, why? Because you want the grenade to have the lowest fuse time possible, so the combine have less chance of surviving, after that, throw the grenade to the owner of the grenade. If you throw the grenade from Combine A to Combine B, the achievement will not pop up, you'll need to kill the combine that threw It with his own grenade. If you do this correctly, the achievement should unlock... By the way: Pwned.

Chapter: Under the Radar (ep2_outland_09)

The player holding a grenade from a Combine Unit.
Gordon Propelled Rocket
Description: Unlock the rocket launcher lambda cache in chapter Under The Radar.

Requirement: After you destroy the Combine Autogun and get your car back, you will find various hidden caches through your radar, the second cache will be on a building on the left, pass through the broken van to get Inside the building. It Is a large room with a huge metal plate and a hole underneath, lower the plate and throw a grenade Inside it, step on the plate and the physics will throw you to the platform above, simply lower the lever and pick up the Rocket Propelled Grenade. As soon as you pick it up, the achievement "PA-POOOWS!".

Chapter: Under the Radar (ep2_outland_09)

The building.

The Interior of said building.
Cache Checker
Description: Find every radar cache in chapter Under The Radar.

Requirement: After you destroy the Combine Autogun, the rebel will indicate the radar they mounted in your car, that radar indicates radar caches, when you see a lambda icon in the radar you want to get off your car and investigate. Once you get all FIVE radar caches the achievement will pop up. I'll be giving you another guide made by PingWing for this achievement. (The RPG cache also counts as radar cache.)


Chapter: The Entire Chapter: Under the Radar (ep2_outland_09)

The first radar cache you will find.
Pedal to the Metal
Description: Beat Dog in a race to White Forest.

Requirement: Once Dog pushes the body of a dropship away, you'll need to race with him, simply win the race and the achievement will pop up. There Is no strategy here, just keep spamming Shift to use Turbo, try not to hit anything, or else you will slow down a lot.

Chapter: Under the Radar (ep2_outland_10a)

Dog running as fast as he can.
Quiet Mountain Getaway
Description: Survive the ambush at the White Forest Inn.

Requirement: When you and Alyx get ambushed by combines around the ouland's buildings, you'll need to fight off the many Combine units and Hunters. Simply kill all of the units to unlock the achievement.

Chapter: Under the Radar (ep2_outland_10)

The area where you will be ambushed.
Secondary Silo Secured
Description: Secure the launch doors on Missile Silo 2. (This achievement is unskippable.)

Requirement: As you are ascending to the Missile Silo 2 control room, you'll have to fight against many combine units, all you need to do is close the silo doors by pulling a lever in the control room. If said thing Is done correctly, the achievement should pop up.

Chapter: Our Mutual Fiend (map ep2_outland_11a)

The silo.

The silo's control room.
Defensive of the Armament
Description: Save the missile silo from the Combine offensive. (This achievement is unskippable.)

Requirement: Simply kill the entire horde of striders and hunters, after that, the achievement pops up.

Chapter: Our Mutual Fiend (ep2_outland_11b)

The area you'll have to fight striders and hunters.

Neighborhood Watch
Description: Save all buildings outside the missile silo from destruction.

Requirement: This is a pretty nasty difficult achievement to unlock, you'll need to kill all striders before they touch the buildings around the map, notice, some striders won't destroy buildings, and yet some do, this is nothing related to RNG, It's related to the game's code, so it's very good to check how and where each strider & hunters spawn, memorize their spawn locations! By the way, i'll be giving you another guide to help you with that.


Chapter: Our Mutual Fiend (ep2_outland_11b)

The area you'll have to fight striders and hunters.

Total-Achieved: Episode Two
If you managed to unlock every achievement, congratulations!
Welp, that's all of it, no more achievements to do, you did it all. Even though this episode has very few achievements, some of them are extremely difficult, it should be noted that you can unlock all of them in a single playthrough, but If you miss any, remember you can always load directly in the map again. Glad to help you all, thanks for the support, and again, if you find any misspelling, incorrect information, or have any type of request to make, please comment down below. Anyways, goodbye and have a good time!

Half-Life 2: Achievements Guide:

Half-Life 2 Episode 1 Achievements Guide:

30 commenti
NexusOne  [autore] 23 set, ore 18:28 
@NoobGuy For some reason when i was writing this guide i liked capitalizing the "i", for no reason at all, maybe because of misinterpretation. Guide's grammar is fixed now, thanks a lot!!
NoobGuy 17 set, ore 12:24 
By the way this is overall a very good guide. I appreciate that you've made this.
NoobGuy 17 set, ore 12:21 
Here's more because im extra bored today. These are for the Twofer achievement. Also I realized that literally EVERY TIME you typed "it" and "is" you capitalized the "i" for some reason.

"you will see various combine units going to north, where White Forest Is located. You'll have to go down a hill on the left side and you will reach a valley which two caves on each side of the valley"
perhaps change it to "you will see various combine units going to THE north, where White Forest is located. You'll have to go down a hill on the left side WHERE you will THEN reach a valley WITH two caves on each side of the valley."

Also maybe change "you will need to kill both to continue forward" to "you will need to kill both to PROGRESS""
NoobGuy 17 set, ore 12:14 
You asked for people to point out spelling mistakes so here's some for Into The Breach. Note that some of the things I'm correcting are things I personally think SHOULD be changed rather than things that NEED to be changed due to being worded incorrectly.

#1: In the first sentence you capitalized the letter "i" in the word "is" for some reason.

#2: Again in the first sentence you said you have to put both sentries IN EACH SIDE of Alyx. I'm guessing you meant to type "ON BOTH SIDES of Alyx".

#3: AGAIN IN THE FIRST SENTENCE, you typed "but THIS one you DONT EVEN NEED to do anything" which could be changed to "but WITH this one you DONT HAVE to do anything

#4: We have reached the next sentence. Truly an accomplishment. You typed "you can ASWELL put some MINE HOPPERS around" which could be changed to "you can ALSO put some HOPPER MINES around."

#5: You typed "you can now DEFINITELY DO nothing" which could be changed to "you can now DO BASICALLY NOTHING"
NexusOne  [autore] 30 giu, ore 16:16 
@silly sot Sorry for the inconvinience, both achievements are now fixed, thanks for pointing that out.
silly sot's silly sot 21 giu, ore 10:03 
i've spent the past hour looking for it
silly sot's silly sot 21 giu, ore 10:02 
meet the hunters is on ep2_outland_6a not on 7
GromowSanchous 2 giu, ore 9:36 
W1zZard_ 4 mag, ore 8:41 
If you struggle at the helicopter chase after the advisor tries to suck you off leave the gnome behind and go untill you hit the loading screen at the tunnel after go back and the helicopter will despawn and you can go and get the gnome and bring it to the car
NexusOne  [autore] 22 gen, ore 4:23 
WE DON'T TALK ABOUT HL3. :demoticon: