

102 ratings
Airships Fleet
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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1.160 MB
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Airships Fleet

In 1 collection by [Zerg03] MrHydralisk
MrHydralisk's mods
20 items
If you wanted variety of airship/zeppelin type vehicles, then this mod might give you that.

Mod Contents

Mod adding few propeller-powered helium-filled airship vehicles and hot air balloons vehicles of different size and capacity. All airships have high fuel efficiency, due to rellying on helium for buoyancy in the air, but have low air speed. Hot air balloons is simple vehicles and available through early research, but not as fast.


Observing the movement of drying clothes near a campfire led to experiments with hot air, which led to the creation of the first hot air balloon "Woodpecker". It allowed to move freely through the air over short distances.
Size: 3x3
Fuel: 75 Wood
Cost to make: 400 Wood, 50 Steel, 750 Cloth
Cargo: 90
Operators: 1

A new hot air balloon design was developed with the popularization of chemfuel use. Chemfuel burner of "Sapsucker" provided better fuel efficiency, flight range and more space in the basket.
Size: 3x3
Fuel: 150 Chemfuel
Cost to make: 400 Wood, 100 Steel, 750 Cloth, 5 Component
Cargo: 125
Operators: 2 (min 1)

Early experiments with helium led to the creation of the first helium-filled propeller-powered airship "Swallow". It allowed for transportation of cargo and passengers across the map no matter the terrain.
Size: 3x5
Fuel: 150 Chemfuel
Cost to make: 400 Steel, 500 Cloth, 15 Component, 150 Helium
Cargo: 500
Pilots: 1
Passengers: 2

The development of international relations and increased volume of trade required the development of a new type of airship. Thus "Corsair" propeller-powered helium-filled airship was brought to light. It can provide bigger flight range and cargo capacity.
Size: 5x11
Fuel: 450 Chemfuel
Cost to make: 1000 Steel, 1500 Cloth, 40 Component, 450 Helium
Cargo: 2000
Pilots: 1
Passengers: 10

Once the need for heavy lifting arrived, the largest of it kind the "Whale" was born. This massive helium-filled propeller-powered airship is capable of carrying tons of cargo and dozens of passengers.
Size: 9x21
Fuel: 3000 Chemfuel
Cost to make: 3000 Steel, 6000 Cloth, 160 Component, 1500 Helium
Cargo: 10000
Pilots: 3 (min 1)
Passengers: 48

A lighter-than-air gas that has density lower than normal atmospheric gases and rises above them as a result. It is required for airships to create buoyancy.
Helium can be made on Biofuel Refinery with Chemfuel to Helium ratio 2:1 after research.

Starting Scenario: Eye of the Storm
Two people on airship get lost due to storm.

Upgrade system
Available for Swallow, Corsair and Whale.


Discord [discord.gg]

Mod Compatibility

Should have no compatibility issues with other mods, unless Vehicle Framework have.

Supported languages: English, Russian.
Machine translated: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional).


Airships Fleet mod should be safe to add to existing save. But when you want to remove it, better make backup save just in case and deconstruct all airships, if you wanna resources back.

To Do
- 2 airships (waiting for aerial combat to be added)
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [author] Jan 10 @ 4:03am 
Dr. Quackers M.D., this is simple .xml mod, where airships works like helicopter type. So it use all code and mechanics from Vehicle Framework, thus all issues related to logic and coding should be refered to them. Plus I'm constantly using it, so I can assure you that it have no problems with landing back to settlement. So it possible there is something else that we missing with your problem.
Dr. Quackers M.D. Jan 10 @ 2:43am 
Unable to bring back to settlement because it never lets me select a landing zone the ability to place it never shows up. If it wasnt for the set up camp mod my pawn would be trap in an airship until death
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [author] Aug 25, 2024 @ 3:38pm 
счастье, такой мод уже существует, так что не хотелось бы повторять особо
счастье Aug 25, 2024 @ 2:35pm 
а как это? мод на дирижабли а Кирова в нем нет?
Nebula Aug 21, 2024 @ 1:18am 
Hmm. Yes, thanks for the answer. I figured out the reason...
The Rails and Roads mod breaks everything. They are not compatible.
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [author] Aug 20, 2024 @ 3:37pm 
Nebula, how it could be incompatible with mod it relly on? It doesn't have any additional logic outside what Vehicle Framework had, so if you have any issue like that, then helicopters suppose to have same problem, which mean it should be reported to VF.
Nebula Aug 20, 2024 @ 2:20pm 
When flying to a point on the planet map (not a populated area) - the airship stops at the specified end point of the route, and there is no possibility to continue moving or land. This is incompatible with - Vehicle Framework?
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [author] May 22, 2024 @ 3:01am 
EnderNyktos, you know, they kinda flying. They have same logic as helicopters.
EnderNyktos May 22, 2024 @ 12:36am 
Do they ignore terrain difficulty?
[Zerg03] MrHydralisk  [author] May 21, 2024 @ 3:00pm 
EnderNyktos, no. It depends on size and whenever they have engines for horizontal thrust.