Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

48 ratings
Map of the city with icons
By Amysel
I made a map of the entire city with the intention of helping people who get lost and can't find where to swap characters or teleport. I also made a blank version in case someone wants to make their own guide with it or use it for any reason. Its very probable that I missed one or two things on it, I will fix it if necessary. I also noticed that every area of the map connected fairly well with each others with the exception of the hideout where its kinda impossible to put it somewhere on the map without having the roads cross each others which made it more confusing to know where areas were supposed to be.

VERS Dec 19, 2024 @ 5:06pm 
Helped a ton, thanks! I added location names if anyone wants it
Amysel  [author] Mar 24, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
At this point the game has been updated to feature most of those icons on the phone map and if you play on pc you can mod the ability to just teleport and swap characters anywhere, but feel free to download the image and edit it to your heart's content. This was mostly just made so people could use it to make guides and because the game released with UI/UX that was somehow worse than JSRF in 2002 and it was super frustrating.
MasterDan118 Mar 24, 2024 @ 1:24pm 
I would also suggest labeling each area.
odditypardonme Aug 22, 2023 @ 6:58am 
Thanks for this! A suggestion I would make is perhaps making the dots bigger. I'm red/green colorblind and cannot really make out the difference between the toilets and taxis :bomberrat: