Music Store Simulator

Music Store Simulator

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Warehouse Space
By Allie
A list of the parts, shelf size, and number that each shelf can hold.
This is a basic guide that lists the parts that can be stored in the warehouse along with the shelf size they use and the number that fit on that shelf size. At the time of this writing, there are only 4 acoustic guitars and 2 electric guitar available to build. Some of the parts are interchangeable between multiple guitar types (such as tuning keys), and other are specific to a guitar type and/or wood type. Additionally, some items such as fret marks have multiple different styles.
Guitar Parts
Here are the basic parts for acoustic and electric guitars. The first is the name of the part, the second is shelf size, and the number is the maximum number per shelf.
3-way Selector - small - 20
Backplate - small - 20
Bands - medium - 4
Binding - small - 8
Bottom - small - 8
Bottom, Roundback Guitar - medium - 4
Body - medium - 2
Bridge - small - 10
Bridge Support - small - 40
Frame - small - 8
Fret Markers - small - 10
Fretboard, Acoustic - small - 8
Fretboard, Electric - medium - 4
Frets - small - 10
Jack Input - small - 20
Knob - small - 40
Lower Support - small - 10
Mechanics - small - 10
Neck - medium - 4
Neck Plate - small - 20
Nut - small - 40
Pickguard - small - 5
Pickup - small - 10
Potentiometer - small - 30
Rosette - small - 10
Selector Plate - small - 40
Soundboard - small - 8
Strap Hook - small - 40
Strings - small - 20
Trussrod - small - 20
Tuning Key - small - 10
Upper Support - small - 10

Some tools also take up warehouse space. Clamps do not, but paint, glue, and workbenches do. Paint uses its own shelf system, and each can takes up one space. The list is broken up as tool name, shelf size, and number per shelf.

Glue - small -20
Workbench - large - 1
The default warehouse layout has far too many large shelf spaces and not enough. Since workbenches are the only thing that currently uses large shelves, I would highly recommend changing all but one of these to a different configuration. I would leave one large shelf space just in case you end up needing it at some point.