Cursed House 12

Cursed House 12

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Cursed House 12 walkthrough
By SynthpopAddict
Text walkthrough for all 110 M3 levels and the 25 Diamonds (Sokoban) minigames.
Gameplay Basics
I like this new cursed house scene. Unearthly pink and purple glows, and a fountain which looks like it’s filled with a pink drink made from a certain brand of powder! The gargoyles look like they’re wondering what they’ve gotten into because the place isn’t quite creepy enough for them? Yes, it’s horror lite, but awesome for scaredy-cat me!

You need to use the powerups given from larger matches to get through the obstacles. M4 gives you a small moving bomb that moves when you match next to it. M5 or bigger gives you a morphing powerup (rocket, lightning, or large bomb). Right-click to select the morph, then left-click or drag to activate it. Exploding bombs aren’t just good for clearing obstacles, but also great for spreading fire.

Clay and rocks do not break with matches and must be bombed or hit with cannon shots if they are in the way. Unlike several other games this developer’s released recently, the vast majority of coins here do NOT have gravity, so won’t fall into empty spaces or passively downwards with matches.

If you are playing in limited moves, dragging on a powerup counts as a move, but double clicking to activate a powerup does not.

There is plenty of help in the help book at the top left corner of the level screen, so I will not explain the plethora of gadgets otherwise. In order to win, you need to collect all the coins in the playfield. Any moves which don’t help get rid of obstacles or obtain coins are extraneous.

Any level or minigame which you’ve unlocked is replayable from the side menu which you can view by hovering the cursor over the arrowhead on the right side of the house scene.
Levels 1-5, Sokoban 1
Level 1:
1) Get rid of all the magnets. You will need to make a bomb of some sort to blast out the clay blocking the lowest one.
2) Make a lightning powerup and use it on blue crystals.
3) Remove the wood blocking the light ray at the top left and let it zap the dark coins on the top right so the right side populates.
4) Pick up all the coins on the right and bomb the 2 mirrors blocking the light ray. If the 3rd mirror in the bottom left is still there, either blast it or move it out of the way.
5) Burn up the coal on the bottom right.
6) Use the torch which lights in the bottom center to burn up the rest of the coal.
7) Join the coin halves at the top left and pick up the remaining coins.

Level 2:
1) Make matches of the tile types in the order listed on the papyrus going from the top down to remove the papyrus. Tip: If you run out of available matches, using a bomb on the next tile type in the sequence will keep the sequence going for you.
2) I had a vertical match setup on the far right which removes the magnet, but if this doesn’t occur for you when the papyrus vanishes, fire the cannon to shoot out the magnet.
3) Make a lightning powerup and use it on either blue pieces or skulls so half the chains on the bottom break.
4) Get rid of the wood blocking the light ray.
5) Make a lightning powerup and note what tile type is below the up-arrow deflector (next to the upper set of frozen coins). Use the lightning on that tile.
6) After the up-arrow deflector drops down into the cannon’s path, fire the cannon to burn up the coal.
7) The frozen coins on the bottom are easy to get with the flames on the bottom left.
8) Remove the shielded tiles blocking the permanent bombs on the top left so the flames will come out on the top for the remaining frozen coins.

Level 3:
1) Collect the 3 trunk coins.
2) Make matches focusing on pink crystals whenever possible until the pink crystal shield vanishes. Tip: bombing pink crystals also counts towards lowering the number on the shield.
3) Using the electricity generator on the bottom right, hook up blue lightning pieces in the open pathway (the spaces which aren’t filled with sand) starting at the generator and going towards the light bulb until it lights. Tip: You can drag a lightning piece one space over WITHOUT needing to make a match if the lightning piece is one space away from the electrified chain or electricity generator.
4) The electricity generator on the bottom left is now freed, so use it to light up the bulb in the bottom left.
5) The shielded tile previously in the way drops downwards, so use the last electricity generator to light the bulb on the top left. Ignore that bulb surrounded by sand on the top right - it’s there to fool you!
6) Make a lightning powerup and use it on the tile type which is sitting above the trunk. The rest of the coins will appear.

Sokoban 1:
1) The beetle starts to the left of a gem. Push it right 2, then down into the slot.
2) Push the gem on the left into the slot.
3) Go to the right of the last gem and push it left 2, down 1, left 2, and down into the slot.

Level 4: I couldn’t figure out what that yellow tile was at first. Sure is an interesting looking candle!

1) Get the locked coin, then remove the magnet.
2) Make a lightning and use it on swords (there is one sword over the red bombs) so the bombs will explode.
3) On the bottom left corner, there are 2 hats in the 3rd column from the left. Move the lower of the 2 hats one space right, so the gray statuettes form a match setup. Do not make this match yet…
4) Check the other 2 areas that have playing tiles in them for match setups of the other tile types you need to remove the papyrus. Shuffle the playing pieces around and/or make some bombs to help you complete the sequence.
5) Make the gray statuette match, then finish the papyrus match sequence. Important: Do not make your moves too quickly. Wait for the arrowheads to move along the papyrus before going to the next step or the game will not register all your moves! If this happens, you’re hopelessly stuck and will have to restart the level.
6) Make a lightning powerup in the bottom center, which is the only one with leaves. Use the lightning on leaves to get the top left to populate.
7) The cloth displays the order (going from left to right) to click the runes in the playfield to remove the cloth. If for some reason you didn’t get all the rune types, just make some matches in the top left until all the different runes appear.
8) All the board sections are now populated, so join the coin halves and get all the coins.

Level 5:
1) The only electric generator and bulb which are accessible are the lowest generator and the bulb just a few spaces away. Light the bulb.
2) Wait for the chain reaction to finish – a timed bomb will take a few seconds to explode – then use the lowest electric generator remaining to light the bulb on the far left under the shielded tiles.
3) Wait for the chain reaction to finish again; this will take a few seconds with the timed bomb. If the trunk did not activate, pick up any trunk coins remaining on the playfield to activate the trunk.
4) Light the last bulb.
5) Drag drops into the vase until it disappears and wait for the chain reaction to finish.
6) Remove the bug with a bomb or rocket and pick up the coins.
Levels 6-10, Sokoban 2
Level 6:
1) Collect the locked coin, then remove the wood which was behind it.
2) Get those pesky mirrors out of the light’s path and wait for the light ray to finish zapping all the dark spots on the left. The chain reaction which occurs removes the shield in the top right corner.
3) Collect blue pieces from the top half until the blue piece shield vanishes.
4) Break the chains off the pieces by the permanent bombs and trip the bombs to fire the cannon, removing a coin.
5) Keep firing the cannon by tripping the permanent bombs until the red square on the left goes off.
6) The last magnet was removed, so make a lightning powerup and use it on one of the tile types which is chained at the left.
7) Gather the rest of the coins.

Level 7: That magnet can’t be removed, so lightning and rockets won’t work.

1) Spread the fire over to the coal so it burns up.
2) Use the torch which lighted to get the frozen coins on the top.
3) Move the mirrors out of the light’s path so it zaps the dark spot on the top left.
4) This dropped a wood box out of the way of the other light ray. Move the mirrors out of its path so it can get all the dark spots on the top right.
5) Triangle pieces and other tiles now populate the top right. Gather enough triangles to make the shield on the bottom vanish.
6) The electricity generator on the bottom left now has a clear pathway to put blue lightning pieces into to light the bulb.
7) Drag drops into the vase until it goes away and pick up the remaining coins.

Level 8:
1) Pick up the 2 trunk coins which are reachable, then bomb the clay for another trunk coin.
2) Make 2 rockets and use them to get the remaining trunk coins so the trunk activates.
3) Trip the trunk by matching next to it. This adds a space to the playfield so the flames can be spread to burn up the coal in the bottom left center.
4) Get the drop into the slot below, which frees the light ray so it zaps the dark spots on the right.
5) Collect all the coins from the bottom, then burn up the coal on the bottom right center.
6) Note what tile type is above the torch which got lit. Make a lightning and use it on this tile to burn up the remaining coal.
7) Use the torch which lighted in the top left to melt the snow there.
8) Blast the clay blocking the key from the locked coin and pick up the rest of the coins.

Level 9:
1) Gather the 2 frozen coins on the bottom left.
2) Remove the shielded tile blocking the cannon’s path.
3) Trip the permanent bomb on the other side of the cannon twice so it gets a coin, then breaks the chain from the axe blocking the drop on the far left.
4) Drag drops into the vase until it vanishes, removing the magnet for you.
5) Make a lightning and use it on axes. This frees the runes from the ice, but you’re still missing a rune for the cloth, so…
6) Make another lightning and use it on the brown mask piece. This explodes the red bombs on the right.
7) The bottom right populates including runes and purple crystals. Remove the papyrus on the top right.
8) Remove the cloth from the bottom by clicking on the correct runes in the playfield in order.
9) Collect all the coins. In a fantastic display of my M3 prowess, I couldn’t figure out why the level wouldn’t end while staring at the key and locked coin! I’m not making this up.

Sokoban 2: Do not move any of the other gems while pushing something or moving to the next gem.

1) Get under the highest gem in the playfield (this is the one immediately next to the big center wall) and push it up 1, then all the way right until it’s in the slot.
2) Go to the left of the highest gem remaining and push it right 1, up 2, then all the way right. You may then push it into either of the slots, but I pushed it up into the top slot.
3) Move to the space in between the last 2 gems. Push the gem on the left 2 spaces left into the slot.
4) Move to the right of the last gem. Push it left 3, up 1, left 1, up 3, and all the way right. Then push it into the last slot.

Level 10: The developer has confirmed my suspicion of a programming error, as the steps given in the Hint button cause the rocks to collapse every time and the “Replay” button to flash. Below is the only way I ever managed to prevent the rocks from falling but this is REALLY hard to accomplish and I only managed it once in dozens of tries. Even though you’re most likely going to “mess it up”, it’s not impossible, so don’t worry too much.

1) Get the 2 coins from the bottom left, then blast the clay blocking the magnet and cannon. Remove the magnet from the bottom left.
2) Gather purple crystals from the bottom left until the shield in the top left vanishes and remove the magnet which was below it. Do not spread any fire while doing this. Tip: if the flames do spread, match on the bottom long enough and the fire will go out.
3) Without spreading fire or removing all the fog, get rid of the 2 magnets (and coins) in the top center. 4) Now it gets really crazy super hard to not get the “Replay” button flashing at you. Keep working your way across the top without removing the fog and get the 2 coins in the top right. Make a small bomb and explode it in the 2nd spot from the top of the far right to trip the red square without setting off the red bomb. This keeps the coal from burning up and preserves the cannon’s pathway below to get the last coins.
5) 99.9% of the time, either the flames will light the coal or else the bomb explodes and burns up the coal for you anyway. Don’t panic, this simply means you have to fire the cannon several more times to remove the rocks which fell in the way until you can shoot out the coins. If you manage to get a couple of rockets made, use those to help get the coins faster. Small bombs exploding by the cannon will fire the cannon if you don’t have a match by it. Another tip is if you’re fast enough, you can fire the cannon and get one of the coins before the rocks fall down, so if you see the coal burning, try to fire the cannon immediately. Ugh!
Levels 11-15
Level 11:
1) Bomb the 3 purple crystals scattered in the playfield to remove the shield.
2) The electricity generator is freed, so light the bulb.
3) Let the light ray zap the dark spot, then get the fire over to the unlit torch on the left to light it.
4) Remove the shielded tiles so you can clear out the magnet and open up a pathway around the sand because sand doesn’t just not conduct electricity, it also won’t spread fire. Collect the frozen coins.
5) Make a lightning and use it on red pieces. This not only gets rid of the shielded tile blocking the drop, but causes a chain reaction on the right which gets all the coins there.
6) Pick up the rest of the coins.

Level 12:
1) Do not spread the fire and ignore the frozen coins for now. Break the wood and pick up the regular coins as you go along.
2) When you get close to the left side, do not break the clay! Just remove the magnets and coins there, but leave the clay and red square alone.
3) Make a lightning in the top center so the fire doesn’t spread and the clay on the left doesn’t get broken, and use it on books. This causes an arrow deflector piece to fall down into the cannon’s pathway.
4) Without spreading fire or breaking the clay on the left, make another lightning and use it on the red-eyed skulls to break the chains blocking the bottom right.
5) Fire the cannon to trip the green square.
6) Now blast the clay on the left and trip the red square.
7) You can finally go get those frozen coins!

Level 13:
1) Fire the bottom cannon; the shot gets deflected to the left to remove a wood box.
2) Drag drops into the vase until it vanishes. If the cannon on the left didn’t fire itself, fire it to cause a small chain reaction.
3) Use the torch which lit on the top right to get the frozen coins blocking the permanent bomb as well as burning up the coal on the right.
4) Fire the top right cannon until the shot gets deflected to the red bomb at the top.
5) Use the lighted torches to get the rest of the frozen coins.
6) Trip the permanent bomb at the bottom to get rid of the magnet, then use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 14:
1) Pick up all the accessible coins from the bottom.
2) Fire the cannon twice, which gets you a coin and drops a rune out of the ice.
3) Work through the wood at the top and explode the red bomb. All the runes will be freed after the light ray finishes its job.
4) Click the runes in the correct order to remove the cloth, then get rid of the magnet.
5) Use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 15:
1) Blast the clay blocking the red bomb in the center so you can explode the bomb.
2) The torch on the bottom lighted, so get the frozen coins from the bottom left. The torch by the cannon may light itself too, but ignore it otherwise as lighting it is optional.
3) After all the flames die out, light the bulb by dragging the single blue lightning piece 1 space left to finish the chain.
4) The red piece at the top falls down into a match setup. Make the horizontal match.
5) Fire the cannon on the left 3 times. The right side will populate.
6) Gather the coins on the bottom right and remove the magnet.
7) Use a rocket on the last coin.
Levels 16-20, Sokoban 3
Level 16:
1) Gather leaves on the left until the shield vanishes, then remove the magnet. You will likely get several morphing powerups here while doing this; ignore them and let them morph for now.
2) Make a lightning in the bottom half – there’s a M5 setup of the teal owls already there to use. Use the lightning on owls to remove the shielded tile blocking the key.
3) Unlock the locked coin, but leave all the coins on the bottom there for now.
4) Light the bulb which is accessible.
5) Get the coins in the way of the drop, then remove the shielded tile blocking the last bulb.
6) Light the last bulb and pick up all the rest of the coins from the bottom
7) Use a rocket on the coins at the top. I don’t know if this is a luck thing or maybe the level is programmed such that the rocket always hits the coin in the middle of the group, but in a few replays of this level, the rocket always went to the middle coin so the swords would then match themselves and get all the rest of the coins. If that doesn’t happen, keep using rockets.

Level 17: ‘Round and ‘round and ‘round that cannon shot goes…

1) Clear out the fog blocking the fire in the bottom left corner, then burn up the coal in the left center so the torch lights.
2) Collect the 2 frozen coins in the top left. The vase may go away on its own with drops falling into it while you’re doing this, but if it hasn’t…
3) Remove the vase, which fires the cannon for you.
4) Fire the cannon 2 more times. You’re finished when the magnet on the right has been shot out.
5) Note what tile type is above the red bomb at the bottom right corner. Use a lightning on this tile.
6) The torch on the right lights so you can get the rest of the frozen coins.
7) Break the shielded tiles on the top left for the last coin.

Sokoban 3:
1) Get into the space between the 2 lowest gems and push the gem on the left 2 spaces left, then up into the slot.
2) Go to the right of the lowest gem remaining and push it left 4, then up 2 into the slot.
3) Move to the left of the highest gem and push it right 2, but then leave it alone for now.
4) Go to the other gem and push it down 2, left 5, and down into the slot.
5) Get back to the gem you pushed in step 3 and push it right 1, down 3, left 4, down 1, right 2, then down until it’s in the slot.

Level 18:
1) Clear the fog, breaking the chains off the chained pieces as you go along and pick up the coins which were behind the fog. Breaking the chains sets off the red bombs in small chain reactions, removing all the magnets.
2) Make 2 lightning powerups.
3) Use one lightning on blue pieces and the other on green pieces so both runes on the top left fall out of the ice.
4) Click the runes in the order shown on the cloth to remove the cloth.
5) Trip the permanent bomb by the cannon and wait for the deflector pieces to move the shot to a coin. Keep doing this until all the coins are gone.

Level 19:
1) Bomb the clay blocking the light ray, then move those pesky mirrors out of the way so the dark spot on the left gets zapped.
2) Trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon, which will trip the red square as the shot is deflected.
3) Pick up all the coins in the top half. The fire has to go through that narrow 1 space gap, which is easier done once the locked coin is gone.
4) Trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon again. This time, the shot is deflected to the bottom left and drops the shielded tiles down.
5) Set up matches and/or bombs by the requisite tiles for the papyrus sequence and remove the papyrus. Some tiles are only in certain sections of the playfield so you have to use the whole level.
6) Remove the 2nd papyrus which unlocked.
7) Clear out the shielded tiles to get the 2 coins behind and remove the magnet.
8) Use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 20:
1) The hard part is in the beginning. Make the vertical match of books under the electricity generator and a blue lightning piece will fall down under the spiral path beneath the generator. A few other lightning pieces will shuffle themselves near the pathway on the left. This is important because you need the blue pieces in the columns with the generator and immediately to the left in place – you won’t have “flow” there later when the chain is getting built. Don’t match those blue pieces out!
2) Light the bulb by winding the blue lightning pieces around the spiral path. Drag the pieces you’d set up in step 1 into place when the chain gets there. Avoid making powerups if you can on the right side of the pathway because they will block “flow” of the rest of the lightning pieces you need. If needed, move small bombs upwards away from the chain before blowing them up and “waste” morphing powerups by picking lightning so the magnet gets rid of them when you trigger them.
3) The light ray will zap the dark spot and the drops will remove the vase, which takes out the magnet.
4) Collect the reachable coins, then make a lightning and use it on blue lightning pieces for the rest of the coins.
Levels 21-25, Sokoban 4-5
Level 21:
1) Get the locked coin. This frees a light ray which zaps a dark spot.
2) Move the mirrors out of the way of the next light ray so it zaps a dark spot on the right.
3) Repeat with the next light ray which will zap a dark spot on the left. Wait for the coal to burn up.
4) Move the mirrors out of the way of the last light ray, which will light the bulb in a chain reaction that removes a magnet.
5) Collect the frozen coins with the torch that lighted and remove the last magnet.
6) Use a rocket on the last coin.

Sokoban 4:
1) Get in between the 2 gems at the top and push the gem on the left 1 space left.
2) Go to the right of the other gem at the top and push it 1 space left.
3) There’s now a gem under the beetle. Push this gem down 2, left 1, right 2, then down until it’s in the slot.
4) Move to the 2 paired gems at the left. Push one of them up 2 into the slot.
5) Push the other gem down 1 into the slot.
6) Get in between the 2 gems at the top again. Push the rightmost one right 1, down 3, left 4, down 1, right 2, and down until it’s in the slot.
7) Push the last gem right 3, down 3, left 4, down 1, right 2, and down until it’s in the slot.

Level 22:
1) Clear the fog on the bottom right and remove the 2 magnets. Blow up the single yellow piece.
2) Clear the fog on the top right and blow up the other singleton yellow piece, which makes the shield disappear.
3) The last magnet was removed in the chain reaction. Note what tile type is next to the coins on the top left (for me this was a red-eyed skull) and use lightning on that tile.
4) The top left is now accessible, so get the remaining coins there and let the light ray zap the dark spot so the vase vanishes.
5) Pick up the last coins.

Level 23:
1) Collect red flasks until the shield disappears and the left side populates.
2) Remove the papyrus. You need the entire playfield because the different pieces are in different areas.
3) Repeat with the 2nd papyrus.
4) Wait for the light rays to finish, then get the coins from the bottom, remove the magnet, and burn up the coal.
5) Melt all the snow around the magnet on the bottom left, get rid of the magnet, and burn up the coal on the top left.
6) Note what tile type is to the right of the red bomb by the cannon. Use lightning on it, which fires the cannon. For me, this was a purple crystal, which is only in the bottom right otherwise, so I made the lightning in the bottom right.
7) Pick up the coins by the fire, then get the frozen coin.

Level 24:
1) Light the bulb by extending the electrified chain all the way to the right.
2) Get the locked coin blocking the cannon and fire the cannon until there’s decent “flow” in the bottom right.
3) Get the frozen coins in the bottom left and burn up the coal if that didn’t happen while you were working on firing the cannon in step 2.
4) Click on the runes in the bottom right in the order shown on the cloth to remove the cloth.
5) Gather all the frozen coins from the bottom right and remove the magnet in the top left; join the coin halves there and get those coins.
6) Use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 25: That chain isn’t for lighting the bulb, which can’t be reached anyway.

1) Do not touch the 2 trunk coins on the top left for now. Work through the fog and blast the clay on the right using small bombs. Be careful NOT to break the electrified chain with the explosions!
2) It seems counterintuitive, but get the 4 dirty coins which will turn themselves into trunk coins to be collected and remove all the coins from the top half of the playfield.
3) Make a small bomb and scoot it into range of the electrified chain, then blow up the chain. The pieces falling down will trip the red bombs and the red square will go off.
4) The trunk gives you a bunch of rocks on the top right (which is why you had to remove the coins there earlier) and a matching piece to clear the dirt automatically from the bottom left.
5) Gather the last coins from the bottom left.

Sokoban 5:
1) Push the one gem you can reach at the start all the way left into the slot.
2) There’s 3 gems at the top in a V-shape. Go to the rightmost one of the 3 and push it down 4.
3) Now go to the right of the gem on the bottom row and push it all the way left into the slot.
4) There’s a row in the middle of the playfield with only 3 spaces and a gem in the middle space. Get underneath this gem and push it up 2.
5) Move under the other gem in the top area and push it up until it goes into the slot.
6) Go to the right of the last gem in the top and push it left 2, up 1, and left into the slot.
7) Go below the rightmost gem remaining near the bottom and push it up 3.
8) Now go to the other gem near the bottom and push it left into the slot.
9) Push the last gem down 3, then right until it’s in the slot.
Levels 26-30
Level 26:
1) Spread the fire up and left to light the torch in the top center.
2) Use the top center torch to get the frozen coins on the top left, then light another torch in the center. Pick up the coin from the drop.
3) Melt the snow. Scoot the key which was freed to the right for a locked coin.
4) Blast the clay in the center and burn up the coal below. This frees the cannon’s path.
5) Fire the cannon to drop the wood and shielded tile out of the last key’s way. Collect the last 2 coins.

Level 27:
1) Blast the clay above the cannon and scoot the key at least 1 space right so you can remove the shielded tile blocking the cannon’s path.
2) Scoot the key out of the way of the permanent bomb and trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon. This trips the red square.
3) Wait for the chain reaction to finish, then remove the wood on the left so you can get the locked coin.
4) Collect purple crystals from the left side until the shield vanishes.
5) Get the last locked coin from the bottom. This lowers the stack of shielded tiles.
6) Break enough of the shielded tile stack to be able to work on clearing the fog and go for those last coins.

Level 28:
1) Bomb the clay so the fire can be spread to the coal and unlit torch in the top center.
2) Use the top center torch to get the frozen coins in the top left, then burn up the coal which was below so the bottom left populates.
3) Fire the cannon to remove the magnet.
4) Note what tile type is between the fire and coal on the far right. Use a lightning on it so the coal burns up and lights the torch in the bottom right.
5) Collect all the frozen coins on the bottom right. The light ray will zap a dark spot, dropping a shielded tile down.
6) Burn up the coal on the bottom to light a torch in the bottom left and get the frozen coins there.
7) Note what tile type is in between the torch and last coal vein. Use a lightning on it to burn up the coal and get the last coin from the halves.

Level 29:
1) Clear the fog, then scoot the coin half on the right one space to the right so you can trip the red square.
2) Remove the magnet and coins on the bottom right, then get rid of the cloth.
3) Collect the coin blocking the light ray so it zaps the dark spot.
4) Make a lightning in the bottom right and use it on purple crystals to explode the red bombs. The chain reaction will remove several obstacles.
5) Gather purple crystals from the bottom right until the shield in the bottom left goes away, then get all the coins. Oddly, getting those last coins from the bottom was the hardest part for me!

Level 30:
1) Blast the clay, then get the frozen coin and burn up the coal.
2) Get through the fog in the top left and collect the frozen coins there.
3) Get rid of the ice blocking the key and collect the locked coin. Fire the lower cannon. The shot gets deflected into the top center where it frees the other cannon’s pathway.
4) Fire the top cannon to remove a shielded tile. Get the coin from the drop and then the locked coin.
5) Pick up the coin from the last drop and get the last locked coin.
Levels 31-35, Sokoban 6-7
Level 31: This must be a record for longest solution in a Cursed House level!

1) Shuffle the pieces around in all the different areas of the playfield until you either have match setups or bombs next to the requisite pieces needed to clear the papyrus. Remove the papyrus.
2) Get rid of the magnet on the top right and burn up the coal in the top center.
3) Use the torch which lighted to get the frozen coins in the top left. Pick up the coin from the drop.
4) While the flames are still around, trip the permanent bomb so the fire goes down and lights the torch below.
5) Get the frozen coins from the bottom left.
6) Shuffle the pieces in the top left around until a down-arrow deflector lands in the cannon’s pathway which is also aligned with one of the deflector pieces above the cannon below.
7) Trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon on the top left. The deflectors really move that shot oddly!
8) Remove the magnet in the top left which was freed.
9) Shuffle the pieces around in the bottom right so an up-arrow deflector is in the lower cannon’s path and also aligned with one of the red bombs.
10) Fire the lower cannon to take out the magnet inside the center walls.
11) Now move all the deflectors out of the lower cannon’s way and fire it so the magnet directly across is removed.
12) Use a rocket on the last coin.

Sokoban 6:
1) Push the gem to the beetle’s left 2 spaces left.
2) Move the beetle 3 spaces right so it’s to the left of another gem. Push this gem right 1, then up into the slot.
3) There’s 2 vertically paired gems. Move to the left of the upper one of the pair and push it right 1.
4) The beetle is now above the other gem of the pair. Push this gem down 1, then left into the slot.
5) In the top right center is one gem in the narrow pathway. Push this gem all the way right, then up until it’s in the slot.
6) Get below the lowest gem in the playfield and push it up 1, left 2, up 2, left 1, and up into the slot.
7) Push the gem which is next to a slot right into the slot.
8) Go under the gem in the top left and push it up 2, then left into the slot.
9) Push the last gem up 1, left 2, up 2, left 6, up 2, and left into the slot.

Level 32: This one is trying to make you forget you’ve only got to collect the 10 coins which are already there. Don’t trip that red square until the very end!

1) Bomb the clay and get through the fog and collect all the frozen and dirty coins on the top right.
2) Spread the fire to the left and break the ice when you get there. Gather all the frozen and other coins from the top left.
3) Break the chain off the blue lightning piece by using a bomb on it so the bulb lights. Join the coin halves and get the last coin. The red square will trip itself in a chain reaction at the end of the level so you get to see the wall of rocks which appears.

Level 33:
1) Work through the fog and get the 4 trunk coins to activate the trunk, then trip the trunk.
2) Get through the fog by the red bomb on the bottom right and explode the bomb to fire the cannon.
3) Fire the cannon on the top right to remove a wood box so the rune above it falls out of the ice.
4) Clear out the fog in the bottom left, then scoot the key over for the locked coin.
5) Remove the shielded tile blocking the cannon on the left. Fire the cannon to remove the magnet.
6) Use lightning to remove the last tile keeping a rune in ice (for me, this was blue crystals).
7) Click the runes in order to get rid of the cloth. Collect the coins.

Level 34:
1) Using the upper of the 2 torches, spread fire right, down, then up to get the frozen coin on the far right.
2) The electricity generator is freed, so light the bulb.
3) Get the locked coin. Drag both drops into the vase.
4) The cannon fires automatically, removing a magnet.
5) Trip the permanent bombs 2 more times to fire the cannon twice more. The last magnet goes away.
6) Put the drop into the slot and pick up all the coins from the bottom.

Level 35:
1) Get match setups or bombs made for the tiles of the papyrus sequence and remove the papyrus.
2) Clear the fog so the key on the right can get to its locked coin.
3) The shielded tiles drop out of the way of the last key, so pick up its locked coin.
4) Clear enough of the large stack of shielded tiles which drops down to be able to fire the cannon.
5) The cannon shot gets deflected backwards to remove the magnet.
6) Use lightning on gray bats to trip the red square.

Sokoban 7: Tip – if the beetle is next to a gem, you can push faster by dragging in the direction you want to go, which is awesome for moving gems in the long corridor.

1) There are 3 gems in a column near the beetle. Push the 2 highest ones left into slots.
2) The 3 gems on the bottom row can’t be moved up, so push each one of them leftwards into the slots on the bottom row starting with the leftmost gem and then continuing onwards with the leftmost gem after that until they’re all gone.
3) The 2 gems in the long row can’t be moved down, so push each one rightwards and then up into the slots on the top right starting with the rightmost gem.
4) Push the last gem down 1, left 1, and up until it’s in the slot.
Levels 36-40, Sokoban 8
Level 36:
1) Collect the brown masks until the shield goes away.
2) Get the locked coin blocking the vase. This frees the other key for the second locked coin.
3) Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon, which burns up the coal and frees the cannon on the top left.
4) Fire the top left cannon to trip the red square, then pick up the coins at the top.
5) Remove the papyrus, then trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon. The deflector which dropped down after the papyrus was removed will take out the magnet.
6) Use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 37:
1) Avoid blasting the clay by the upper of the 2 coins by the key because you don’t want to collect that coin yet. Knock out only the 2 pieces of clay blocking the key and the lower coin. Pick up only the lower coin, then get the locked coin on the right.
2) Without blasting the last clay piece so the coin behind it doesn’t get picked up, carefully spread the fire up and right to burn up the coal. Wait for the chain reaction to finish so the magnet is removed.
3) Use rockets to evict the bugs. Make sure the rockets aren’t made too close to that clay because you still don’t want to remove it.
4) Collect the coin blocking the light ray on the bottom right so the drops fall into their slots.
5) Now you can finally blast that last clay and get the coin behind it, which will let the light ray trip the red square.

Sokoban 8:
1) Push the gem on the bottom row right 6.
2) Move to underneath the leftmost of the 3 gems in the row above. Push it up 3, right 2, and up into the slot.
3) Push the lowest gem (the one you moved in step 1) left 3 to get it out of the way.
4) Get above the only gem which you can be on the top side and push it down 1, right 1 to move it out of the way.
5) You now have a vertical pair of gems in the bottom right. Push the upper one of the pair left 2, up 3, right 2, and left until it’s in the slot.
6) Go to the right of the rightmost gem remaining and push it left 1, up 1, left 1, up 3, right 2, left 3, and up into the slot.
7) Push the last gem right 2, up 1, left 1, up 3, right 2, left 4, down 1, and left until it’s in the slot.

Level 38: The first level featuring coins with gravity. You can’t remove all the magnets.

1) Bomb the clay blocking the light and green square. It’s a narrow access point, but trip the green square.
2) Remove the magnet in the top right and gather the coins.
3) Break the wood blocking the light ray, move the mirrors out of the way if necessary, and wait for the dark squares to be zapped.
4) When the bottom right populates, get the coin from the halves there, then make sure you have setups of all the tiles needed to clear the papyrus.
5) Remove the papyrus, but do not explode the red bomb nearby yet.
6) Blast the clay blocking the light ray in the bottom right, then move the mirrors out of the way so the dark square in the bottom left corner goes away.
7) Explode the red bomb to break the chain from the red piece in the top left corner and it will trip the red square in a chain reaction.
8) The final few coins are the only ones with gravity…let them drop down and collect them.

Level 39: Can’t get rid of those magnets here either.

1) Clear out the fog and clay immediately under the rectangular hole in the playfield so the electricity generator has a pathway to the bulb and light the bulb.
2) Finish blasting the clay so the light ray will eventually be able to go all the way across.
3) Fire the cannon until all the trunk coins have been obtained and the trunk activates.
4) It’s a narrow access point to the trunk, so probably easier to scoot a small bomb in range and explode the bomb to trip the trunk.
5) Pick up the last coins.

Level 40:
1) Collect brown gloves until the shield vanishes. Pick up all the accessible coins in the area while you’re at it. The frozen coins can’t be obtained yet.
2) Remove the magnet, then use lightning on brown gloves to lower the deflector pieces on the right.
3) Fire the cannon on the right and the shot will be deflected to remove the wood in the top left corner, dropping a deflector piece into the left cannon’s path.
4) Fire the left cannon and its shot will be deflected to remove the shielded tile blocking the bottom cannon.
5) Fire the bottom cannon to trip the red square with the deflected shot.
6) Now you can finally get those frozen coins.
Levels 41-45
Level 41: There’s a serious element of luck involved with getting the lightning pieces in the right spots at the right times if you’re playing in limited moves and you’ll need the cascades to help you out as well as not having powerups appear in inopportune places. Waste the small bombs where they don’t break the electrified chain so you have more working room. It took me a few tries to not run out of moves.

1) Use the lower electricity generator to light the bulb on the right because the top one is there just to look at for now. The bulb close by can’t be reached either.
2) Wait for the chain reaction to finish and the trunk to open up some spaces in the playfield.
3) There is now an open pathway to light the remaining bulb using the top electricity generator.
4) Get the coin from the halves.
5) Use a rocket on the bug. When the bug coins turn into regular ones, use another rocket to get one of them so the bombs will explode for the rest. Pick up the locked coin.

Level 42: In an example of “I’m stupidly easily amused”, think those dark spots look especially great against the fog. In more serious thoughts, I’m wondering if this level originally had a different design and was redone at the last minute since some of the obstacles don’t quite make sense.

1) Blast the clay and get through the fog so the light ray can zap those dark spots. The fog blocks the light ray, so if it looks “stuck” it’s because there’s a spot of fog there.
2) Keep going through the fog until the permanent bombs can be tripped. Use them to fire the cannon, which will remove a magnet.
3) Trip the single permanent bomb on the left to fire the other cannon twice. The runes will fall out of the ice.
4) Click those runes in order to remove the cloth. Gather the trunk coins at the bottom to activate the trunk, then trip the trunk and pick up the last coins.

Level 43: I’m spoiled by another well-known M3 series where you can use the empty spaces for moves and constantly forget you can’t do that trick here! It would’ve saved a lot of work if the unreachable magnet wasn’t there, but that magnet causes a good deal of extra work anyway.

1) Pick up the locked coin in the 2nd row from the bottom.
2) Blast the clay blocking the key on the bottom row and get the other locked coin. This drops a shielded tile out of the bulb’s way.
3) Bomb the chain off the mirror in the middle so the light ray can zap the dark spot.
4) This frees the bulb, so use the electricity generator on the right to light the bulb.
5) The chain reaction drops the missing lightning piece needed to start the chain at the bottom electricity generator. Light the remaining bulb.
6) The coins in the top left corner have gravity and will fall into the cannon’s pathway, so shoot them all out and pick up the last coins in the top right corner.

Level 44:
1) Collect all the coins in that row, then light the bulb.
2) The shielded tiles drop down one row, freeing a set of coin halves to get a coin.
3) Let the light ray finish its work, then pick up the 2 coins from the bottom left. Make sure you have setups for the pieces needed in the papyrus.
4) Remove the papyrus.
5) Fire the cannon. The shot is deflected to take out a shielded tile in the top left.
6) Fire the cannon two more times to remove the magnet on the right and drop a rune out of the ice.
7) Click the runes in order to remove the cloth.
8) Fire the cannon and the shot will be deflected up to take out a shielded tile on the top right.
9) The last coin halves are now free to get the coin.

Level 45:
1) Trip the row of permanent bombs twice so two shielded tiles are removed.
2) Fire the left cannon repeatedly until the shielded tiles block it.
3) Trip the row of permanent bombs twice to take out a couple more shielded tiles.
4) Fire the left cannon to remove a shielded tile.
5) Fire the right cannon twice.
6) Fire the left cannon and all the shielded tiles are now gone.
7) Wait for the light ray to finish and the gravity coin will fall down for you to collect.
8) Use a rocket on the trunk coin to activate the trunk.
9) Whatever tile type lands on top of the activated trunk, use lightning on it to trip the trunk.
10) Keep tripping the permanent bombs until all the coins are gone.
Levels 46-50, Sokoban 9-10
Level 46:
1) Use lightning on blue pieces. This makes the key scoot to the left and the drops will fall in the vase, starting a chain reaction.
2) Wait for the light ray to finish, then make a lightning on the bottom half and use it on red pieces to get some shielded tiles out of the way in the top.
3) Break the wood blocking the vase so the drops fall in. The vase takes out the last shielded tile.
4) Get the locked coin and trip the red square.
5) The runes are all free, so remove the cloth.
6) Gather all the regular coins, burn up the coal, and get the frozen coins.

Sokoban 9: Rather elaborate solution for a minigame. I’m impressed.

1) In the 2nd row from the top are a pair of gems. Go to the left one and push it down 1, right 1.
2) The beetle is above another gem. Push this gem down 1.
3) There’s a gem on the beetle’s right. Push that gem right 1.
4) Now you finally have an exit path to move around in. Go to the gem on the far right and push it left until it goes into the slot.
5) Go back around to the topmost gem and push it right 3, then up into the slot.
6) Get underneath the rightmost of the 2 horizontally paired gems in the 3rd row from the bottom. Push this gem up 1.
7) Push the gem which is on the beetle’s left 3 spaces left, then down into the slot.
8) Go all the way around to get above the gem you moved out of the way in step 6 (the leftmost one in the playfield). Push it down 1, left 4, then up until it’s in the slot.
9) Move to the right of the singleton gem (rightmost one in the playfield) and push it left 2, then go around and push it down 1, left 3, and up until it’s in the slot.
10) Move to the lower of the 2 gems remaining and push it left 1.
11) Go all the way around and push the other gem down until it’s in the slot.
12) Push the last gem right 1, down 3, right 6, and up until it’s in the slot.

Level 47:
1) Pick up the 2 coins in the top to get more working room, then collect green pieces until the shield disappears.
2) Wait for the light ray to finish. Use the fire to burn up the coal.
3) Collect the frozen coins in the bottom left.
4) The deflector tiles are in the correct locations now, so trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon.
5) The pesky magnet is shot out, lowering the shielded tile out of the coin half’s way. Remove the other shielded tile blocking the other half and get the coin.
6) Make a lightning in the bottom right and use it on leaves for the last coins.

Level 48:
1) Bomb the clay on the top right blocking the light ray, then move the pesky mirrors out of the way so the dark spot in the top left gets zapped.
2) Wait for the next light ray to finish. The bottom right populates. Trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon. This removes a shielded tile.
3) Get rid of the other shielded tile blocking the coin half and get the coin from the halves.
4) Move the mirrors out of the light ray’s path so the bottom left populates.
5) Get the locked coin and explode the red bomb behind it.
6) Spread the fire to the permanent bomb, then trip the permanent bomb to transmit the fire to the other side and get the frozen coins.
7) Make a lightning somewhere in the bottom half and use it on pumpkins for the last coins.

Level 49:
1) Light the bulb aligned with the electricity generators.
2) The pathway above is now freed for the other bulb to be lit.
3) Fire the cannon. The shot is deflected around the bottom and removes a magnet.
4) Get the upper of the 2 locked coins, then the lower one. The vase takes out another magnet.
5) Fire the cannon to remove the last magnet.
6) Use lightning on the blue lightning pieces (LOL) for the last coins.

Level 50:
1) Get the locked coin. Pick up the coin on the bulb’s right.
2) Move the mirrors out of the light ray’s path so it zaps the dark spot over the vase.
3) After the vase goes away, the pathway’s clear to light the bulb.
4) Collect the 2 regular coins and explode the red bomb.
5) Fire the cannon twice. This removes the magnet with the deflected shots.
6) Use lightning on purple crystals to burn up the coal and light the torch.
7) Use the torch to burn the last coal vein so the torch at the top lights.
8) Get the frozen coins.

Sokoban 10:
1) Get above the gem in the bottom left corner and push it down into the slot.
2) Go to the gem in the top left which has the slot to its right and push it right into the slot.
3) Push the 2 gems that have slots to their left leftwards into the slots.
4) Push the gem in the 3rd row from the top right 2. You will have 3 gems in a column.
5) Go to the right of the lowest gem of the column and push it left 1, then go around and push it down into the slot.
6) Move to the lowest gem of the paired ones in the column and push it right 1, then up until it’s in the slot.
7) Push the last gem of the “column” (rightmost one remaining in playfield) up 1, right 1, up 1, and right until it’s in the slot.
8) Push the final gem right 2, up 1, left 3, up 2, and left until it’s in the slot.
Levels 51-55, Sokoban 11
Level 51:
1) Blast the clay, clear the fog, and explode the red bombs. Wait for the chain reaction to finish after the first light ray drops a rune out of the ice. There will be a match setup of mirrors at the bottom blocking another light ray.
2) Match the mirrors so the next light ray drops another rune out from the ice.
3) Pick up the locked coin, then click the runes in the correct order to remove the cloth.
4) There is a narrow access to remove the magnet. After the magnet is gone, make a lightning and use it on whatever tile type is next to the coins.
5) The fire is freed and the rest of the coins on the left are easy to get. Gather the frozen coins on the right.

Level 52:
1) Blast only the clay on the left and leave the other clay blocking an electricity generator in place. This prevents both generators accidentally being used together and rendering the level impossible.
2) Using the left electricity generator, light the bulb on the left.
3) Now blast the clay blocking the remaining electricity generator and light the bulb on the right.
4) Get the coin from the halves and remove the shielded tiles and wood in the bottom center.
5) Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon. A rune falls out of the ice.
6) Blast the chain off the deflector piece so it drops down into the cannon’s path. Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon and the deflected shot will remove the magnet.
7) Use lightning on blue lightning pieces (oh the irony) to drop the last rune from the ice.
8) Click the runes in the correct order to remove the cloth.
9) Remove the papyrus and pick up all the accessible coins.
10) Use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 53:
1) Blow up the clay and remove the 3 magnets.
2) Fire the cannon 3 times to remove assorted obstacles.
3) Get the locked coin, then the frozen coins.
4) Fire the cannon and the deflected shot removes the last magnet.
5) Use a rocket on the coin blocking the light ray. The trunk will automatically trip in the chain reaction. Pick up the last coins.

Sokoban 11:
1) Push the gem which has a slot immediately above it up into the slot.
2) Push the gem with a slot to its right (the top right corner gem) rightwards into the slot.
3) There are 3 gems in a column nearby. Move to the lowest one and push it left 1, then go around and push it down into the slot.
4) Move to the lower gem of the paired 2 remaining in that column and push it right 1, up 2, right 3, and down into the slot.
5) Get in between the 2 gems in the 3rd row from the top. Push the gem on the left leftwards until it’s in the slot.
6) Push the gem in the bottom left down into the slot.
7) Move to the left of the lowest gem remaining. Push it right 3.
8) Go to the other gem and push it left 4, up 1, and left into the slot.
9) Push the last gem up 1, left 4, up 2, and left into the slot.

Level 54:
1) Pick up some of the trunk coins in the top left just until you get the runes needed to remove the lowest cloth.
2) Get rid of the lowest cloth. This drops a purple crystal next to the trunk coin at the bottom.
3) Shuffle the tiles around in the top left again if you don’t have the runes for the middle cloth; pick up some trunk coins. Remove the middle cloth.
4) Shuffle the tiles around in the top left if you don’t have the runes for the last cloth. Get rid of the last cloth. The chain reaction will get the trunk coin on the bottom and remove the magnet.
5) Pick up any trunk coins remaining in the top left, then trip the trunk.
6) Blast the single red-eyed skull piece the trunk gave you to remove the shield below.
7) Wait for the light ray to finish, then get the locked coin and burn up the coal so you can get the coins from the drops.

Level 55:
1) Use the upper of the 2 electricity generators to light the bulb in the center.
2) Remove the wood blocking the lower drop so it falls into its slot.
3) Explode the red bombs and the other drop will fall into its slot.
4) Pick up the coin, then work through the fog so you can explode the red bomb.
5) The pathway is freed for the electricity generator to light the bulb. The level will finish itself in a long chain reaction.
Levels 56-60, Sokoban 12
Level 56:
1) Work through the fog and pick up the coins from the bottom.
2) Keep tripping the permanent bomb to fire the cannon until you can access all the trunk coins on the left.
3) Trip the trunk, then remove the magnet and break the shielded tiles until you can clear out the dirt tile.
4) If you get seriously lucky with a match setup falling into the far left, you can match that last coin out, but using a rocket is a lot easier.

Sokoban 12:
1) Get in between the 2 gems near the bottom and push the gem on the left leftwards until it’s in the slot.
2) Push the other gem near the bottom left 5, then up until it’s in the slot.
3) Push the 2 gems that have slots immediately below them down into the slots.
4) Move to the leftmost gem remaining and push it down 1, left 2, and down until it’s in the slot.
5) Push the last gem left 2 and up until it’s in the slot.

Level 57: The magnet can’t be removed.

1) Collect red flasks from the bottom right until the shield in the top left corner vanishes. The chain reaction will populate the bottom left.
2) Collect purple crystals from the top right until the shield on the bottom disappears.
3) The light ray drops the shielded tiles down, so get the locked coin.
4) Gather the frozen coins on the bottom, then light the torch on the bottom row and get the frozen coins on the bottom right. Burn up the coal.
5) Get the last frozen coins in the top right. The shielded tiles will drop out of the way of the coin halves.

Level 58:
1) Work through the fog to uncover the key and dark spots, then break the wood so the light ray zaps the dark spots.
2) Get the locked coin, then remove the magnet which was behind the key and get the rest of the coins in the bottom right corner.
3) Break the shielded tiles which fall into the bottom right until the key in the top right has a free path. Collect the coins in the top right so the light rays can do their work.
4) Get rid of the magnet. Make a lightning in the bottom left and use it on mirrors so the drops fall into the vase.
5) Pick up the last coins.

Level 59: Yeesh, what a pesky water tile!

1) Light the higher of the 2 bulbs.
2) Break the shielded tiles, then pick up the trunk coin if you haven’t gotten it already, and light the remaining bulb.
3) Burn up the coal on the left.
4) Break the shielded tiles on the bottom right enough to be able to get the fire over to the coal on the right.
5) Collect the trunk coin in the top right so the bomb removes a magnet.
6) Scoot the key towards the right so you can match next to the shielded tile to break it. Remove the wood which was below it to set off a red bomb.
7) Keep working your way through the remaining wood in the top left to blow up the rest of the bombs.
8) Get the locked coin, then remove the last magnet.
9) Use a rocket on the last trunk coin and trip the trunk for the remaining coins.

Level 60:
1) Blast all the clay in the top section. Move the mirrors out of the light ray’s path. The chain reaction drops the gravity coins down.
2) Wait for the chain reaction to finish.
3) Move any mirrors out of the upper light ray’s path so the dark spot on the top left is zapped, if the light ray did not go all the way over in step 2.
4) Remove the wood blocking the last light ray and move the mirrors out of the way so all the last dark spots are zapped. The red square gets tripped.
5) Collect the coins in the top center and remove the magnet.
6) Get rid of the shielded tile blocking the cannon and fire it until all the rest of the coins are gone.
Levels 61-65, Sokoban 13
Level 61:
1) Use the one reachable electricity generator to zigzag a lightning piece pathway to the bulb on the left of the red square.
2) Wait for the chain reaction to finish and the light ray to disappear. Use the electricity generator which got freed to light the bulb in the center.
3) Wait for the chain reaction again, then light the last bulb.
4) Pick up the coin on the left and the pieces will fall into the unreachable section for a chain reaction which gets the last coins.

Awww, the pink fountain drink got un-cursed, LOL!

Level 62: Although this is a pretty elaborate solution requiring a lot of larger matches, may not take as many moves as you’d think. I was shocked to finish it in merely 21 moves!

1) Break the chains on the top right so you can blast the clay.
2) The shielded tiles drop down and the coin halves join themselves. Pick up the coin.
3) Break the shielded tiles. Collect the coins which were behind and remove the magnet.
4) A chain reaction occurs, tripping the red square. Several of the bugs will be driven off.
5) Note what tile type landed atop the green square at the bottom right corner. Use lightning on it to trip the green square.
6) Use small bombs to evict the remaining bugs from the left.
7) Use a rocket on the regular coin which appeared at the bottom.
8) Click the runes in the correct order to remove the cloth and get the last coins.

Sokoban 13:
1) Go to the highest of the 3 gems in that column and push it right 2.
2) Now go to the gem on the bottom row and push it right 1.
3) The beetle has a gem immediately above it now. Push this gem up 1.
4) Push the gem on the beetle’s right rightwards into the slot.
5) Push the gem on the bottom row left until it’s in the slot.
6) Push the gem on the top row left into the slot.
7) You have 4 gems forming a square-shaped pattern now. Push the “top right corner” gem up 1, then left until it goes into the slot.
8) Push the gem that’s immediately next to a slot left into the slot.
9) Go to the rightmost of the 2 gems remaining and push it up 3, left 3, and down into the slot.
10) Push the last gem right 2, up 3, and left until it’s in the slot.

Level 63:
1) Blast the 2 purple crystals and the clay in the bottom left.
2) Trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon. The shot is deflected to the bottom right, removing a dirt tile.
3) Wait for the light ray to finish so the bottom right populates. Blast the single purple crystal there so the shield goes away.
4) Wait for the next light ray to zap a dark spot, then trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon two more times to remove various obstacles.
5) Collect the frozen coin in the top left.
6) Note what tile type is under the mirror blocking the last light ray. Use lightning on it to drop the mirror out of the way.
7) Get the coin from the drop, then use a rocket on the last trunk coin at the top. Trip the trunk for the last coins.

Level 64:
1) Shuffle the pieces in the bottom right such that up-arrow deflectors land in the cannon’s pathway which are also aligned with one of the frozen runes above. Fire the cannon to free the rune from the ice and keep doing this process until all the runes are freed.
2) Click the runes in the correct order to remove the cloth.
3) Wait for the light ray to finish, then pick up all the accessible coins.
4) Now it gets tricky. You need to get an up-arrow deflector aligned with the cannon, and higher up in the same column, a left-arrow deflector which is aligned with one of the red bombs on the left.
5) Fire the cannon to explode the red bombs with the deflected shot. This fires the bottom left corner cannon to remove the magnet.
6) Use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 65:
1) Light the accessible bulb.
2) Wait for the chain reaction to finish. All but one light ray will go away when it’s done.
3) Collect the coin blocking the remaining bulb and light the bulb.
4) Wait for the chain reaction again, where the bug flies away at the end, and you can now get all the coins.
Levels 66-70, Sokoban 14-15
Level 66:
1) Make the match of mirrors at the top center, which removes a fog patch so the light ray zaps all the dark spots.
2) Most of the rest of the bottom half populates, so pick up the coin at the bottom and blast the clay. Remove the shielded tiles blocking the cannon’s path. Clear the fog so the key can get to the locked coin.
3) Trip the red square on the left. The cannon fires once in the chain reaction, removing the clay blocking the deflector tile.
4) Gather the frozen coins in the top, and the far right column will populate.
5) Use lightning on whatever tile type landed next to the cannon to fire it. The deflected shot takes out the dirt blocking the light ray so the dark coins will become gravity coins.
6) Blast the clay on the left and all the gravity coins will fall out into the bottom area with matches.

Sokoban 14: Starts out easy, gets complicated at the end.

1) Push the gem which has the slot immediately to its left leftwards into the slot.
2) Go to the lowest gem in the playfield and push it down 1, then left until it’s in the slot.
3) There are 2 gems in the 3rd row from the bottom. Get under the rightmost one and push it up 4, then left until it’s in the slot.
4) Push the remaining gem in the 3rd row from the bottom right 1, up 4, and left until it’s in the slot.
5) Go to the lowest gem remaining and push it left 1.
6) The other gem is now above the beetle. Push this gem up 1.
7) Move back to the gem you pushed in step 5 (leftmost one) and push it down 2, left 1.
8) Go to the gem near the top and push it down 2, left 1, up 2, left 3, and down into the slot.
9) Push the final gem right 1, up 4, and left until it’s in the slot.

Level 67: Lighting the bulbs in the wrong order renders the level impossible to complete! Ignore the magnet.

1) Get the coin from the coin halves, then blast the clay blocking the bulb on the left. Use the electricity generator on the bottom to light the bulb.
2) Blast the clay blocking the bulb on the top and use the electricity generator on the right to light the bulb.
3) Wait for the chain reaction to finish. The trunk will get tripped in the process, giving all the rest of the coins.

Level 68:
1) Get the locked coin on the right. Pick up one of the coins from the drops while you’re there. The other drop is blocked for now.
2) Note what tile type is immediately above the shielded tile blocking the light ray on the right. Use lightning on it so the light ray can do its job.
3) Pick up the locked coin on the left (you’ll also collect a coin in the middle in the process).
4) Collect the coin blocking the vase and let the other drops remove the vase.
5) Put the drops into their slots as they fall down, so the light ray can get all the way to the right.
6) Break the shielded tiles on the bottom right and get the coin from the drop.
7) Gather the rest of the coins.

Level 69: Ignore that magnet.

1) Bomb the clay blocking the fire and unlit torch, then work around the water to burn up the coal on the bottom left.
2) The chain reaction lights all the torches. Use the upper middle right one to burn up the coal on the top left.
3) Collect all the frozen coins and the locked coin in the top.
4) Fire the cannon twice to get the last coins.

Level 70: It looks like this one was modified from whatever original design it had, but don’t panic with the bombs not doing anything in the beginning.

1) Bomb the 2 mirrors blocking the light ray. It looks like the bombs were supposed to take out a wood box and magnet, but unfortunately there’s a shielded tile instead, so doesn’t happen.
2) Blast the clay blocking the electrified chain and keep extending it to light the bulb.
3) A down-arrow deflector tile drops into the cannon’s pathway. Fire the cannon so the shot explodes a red bomb in the bottom left corner.
4) The bulb on the bottom is freed, so light it.
5) Explode the red bomb in the bottom left corner and break some of the wood to lower the shielded tile away from the magnet.
6) Fire the cannon to remove the magnet.
7) Use lightning on whatever tile type is next to the trunk to trip it, then collect the coins.

Sokoban 15: Lots of moving gems out of the way before getting them where they need to go.

1) Push the gem above the beetle up 1.
2) Move to the gem which has a slot 2 spaces under it and push it down until it’s in the slot.
3) The 2nd column from the right has 2 gems in it. Push the upper gem left 1.
4) The beetle is now above the other gem. Push it down 1, left 5, down 1, and left into the slot.
5) Go to the lowest gem remaining in the playfield and push it left 1.
6) The 3rd column from the right has 2 gems in it. Push the lower gem left 1, down 2, left 1.
7) Move to the highest gem in the playfield and push it down 2, left 1, up 3, and left until it’s in the slot.
8) Go to the lowest gem remaining and push it right 1, up 5, and left until it’s in the slot.
9) Push the last gem right 2, up 3, left 3, and down into the slot.
Levels 71-75, Sokoban 16
Level 71:
1) Work through all that fog to uncover the bug coins and free the light ray.
2) A shielded tile falls down blocking the light ray, so remove that tile.
3) Fire the cannon until all the bugs and the magnet on the left are gone. Remove the magnet which became freed in the larger area after collecting the coins.
4) Pick up all the accessible coins, then use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 72:
1) The rightmost electricity generator is the only one reachable at this point. Use it to light the bulb in the bottom center by the red bomb, magnet, and light ray.
2) Wait for the chain reaction to finish, in which one trunk opens and the other trunk activates.
3) Another electricity generator is now available to light a bulb on the right.
4) Wait for the chain reaction again. A bug appears on the right.
5) Use the last electricity generator to light the final bulb.
6) Use a bomb on the bug (I had to wake it up with one small bomb, then use another small bomb to evict it after it crawled into the larger area) and pick up all the reachable coins.
7) Remove the magnets, then use a rocket on the coins below to set off the bombs for the remaining coins.

Level 73:
1) Clear some of the fog to get a little more working room, then make setups of all the tile types needed to remove the papyrus in the top section.
2) Get rid of that papyrus. If you get lucky, a match setup will be revealed where the papyrus used to be, but if there is no match in that column, use lightning to remove at least 1 of the tiles so at least one of the shielded tiles breaks.
3) If there are still shielded tiles blocking the light ray, get rid of them. Wait for the light ray to finish. The top left populates. Get the 2 coins there and remove the papyrus on the bottom.
4) Wait for the chain reaction to finish. All the drops will fall into their slots and there will be only 2 light rays remaining. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and the cascades will remove the wood blocking one of the light rays, leaving you just one light ray.
5) If you still have 2 light rays, break the wood blocking the one on the bottom so the key in the top right can get to its locked coin.
6) Wait for the last light ray to zap all the dark spots in the bottom left, then go for all the coins.

Level 74: This one is a lot harder than it looks if you’re playing in limited moves. It took me several tries to not run out of moves.

1) Collect the locked coin. Be careful not to break the electrified chain with bombs.
2) Get the coin from the drop, then blast the 2 pieces of clay and pick up the coins in the pathway to the bulb if you didn’t collect them while working on step 1.
3) Finish extending the electrified chain to light the bulb.
4) Wait for the light ray to finish, then remove the magnets.
5) Use a rocket to evict the bug, then use another rocket on the coin in the way of the last light ray.
6) Pick up the coin by the clay and bomb the clay, then light the bulb on the bottom.
7) Explode the red bomb, then break enough of the wood and shielded tiles to get the frozen coins.

Sokoban 16:
1) Push the gem down into the slot.
2) Go to the lower of the 2 gems in the 5th column from the left and push it right 1, then go around and push it down into the slot.
3) Move up to the last gem in the 5th column from the left and push it left 1, then up until it’s in the slot.
4) Get in between the 3 gems which are forming an upside-down V-shape and push the top one up into the slot.
5) Move the beetle down 1 space so it’s in between the 2 gems. Push the one on the beetle’s left 1 space left, then up 2, left 1, and up until it’s in the slot.
6) Go to the lowest gem remaining and push it left 3, up 2, left 1, down 1 (you have to go around), left 3, up 3, and left until it’s in the slot.
7) Push the final gem left 1, down 3, left 4, up 2, left 1, down 1, left 3, up 3, and left until it’s in the slot.

Level 75:
1) Pick up the trunk coin to activate both trunks.
2) Use the electricity generator on the bottom center to light the bulb on the left.
3) Trip the trunk on the bottom left. Now use the electricity generator on the left to light the bulb on the bottom right.
4) Remove the shielded tile blocking the pathway to the last bulb and light it. Pick up the coins the trunk gives you.
Levels 76-80, Sokoban 17-18
Level 76:
1) Clear the fog and pick up the regular coins. The dark ones are stuck there for now.
2) Bomb the chains off the runes so you can remove the cloth.
3) Wait for the light ray to finish so the bottom right populates, then get rid of all the magnets at the bottom and pick up 2 coins.
4) Make a lightning in the bottom right and use it on gray statuettes to get another coin and remove the shielded tiles in the middle.
5) The light ray will zap the first dark coin, so get the regular coin it turned into and keep repeating this process with the other dark coins until you’re done.

Sokoban 17: Didn’t we just get one of these puzzles? Odd placement for minigames sometimes…

1) Push the gem which is on the beetle’s left 1 space left.
2) There are 2 gems remaining in the 2nd column from the right. Go under the lower one and push it up 1.
3) You now have 3 gems all together in the 3rd row from the bottom. Get under the middle gem and push it up 1.
4) The beetle has a gem to its left. Push this gem left 2 into the slot.
5) Move up to the topmost gem (the beetle can walk over slots) and push this gem down into the slot.
6) Go down a bit and push the gem which has the slot immediately above it up into the slot.
7) Move to the single gem in the 3rd row from the bottom and push it all the way left until it’s in the slot.
8) There are only 2 gems remaining. Go to the rightmost one and push it down 1.
9) Push the gem on the beetle’s left leftwards into the slot.
10) Push the final gem left 1, up 2, and left until it’s in the slot.

Level 77:
1) Get those pesky mirrors blocking the light ray on the right so it zaps the dark spot by the electricity generator on the left.
2) Use the freed generator to light the bulb in the top center.
3) Drag the drops into the vase to remove it. Pick up the gravity coins.
4) Move the mirrors out of the last light ray’s path so it zaps the dark spot by the remaining electricity generator.
5) Light the bulb on the left. The vase goes away in a chain reaction, dropping the last gravity coins.

Level 78:
1) Light the bulb on the right. Be careful not to break the electrified chain at the bottom.
2) The trunk trips in a chain reaction. Extend the electrified chain on the bottom up and around to light the remaining bulb.
3) All the runes will drop out of the ice. Remove the cloth.
4) Gather the coins at the top right and remove the magnet.
5) Use a rocket on the bug and pick up the last coins.

Level 79:
1) Bomb the 2 bugs. Pick up the coin and get rid of the magnet.
2) Use lightning on books so the mirror drops out of the light ray’s path.
3) Wait for the chain reaction to finish. The bottom right will be populated.
4) Collect the frozen coins.
5) All the runes are out of the ice now, so remove the cloth and get the locked coin.

Level 80:
1) Blast the 3 clay pieces on the bottom right and use the rightmost electricity generator to light the bottom right bulb.
2) The light ray will zap the dark spot on the bottom left, dropping the shielded tile out of the way. Break the wood in the pathway between the electricity generator and bulb on the bottom left. Use the leftmost electricity generator to light the bulb.
3) Wait for the light ray to finish, then light the last bulb.
4) The final light ray takes out the last magnet. Use lightning on books to trip the red square.
5) Gather all the coins.

Sokoban 18:
1) Push the gem immediately under the beetle down 1.
2) Push the gem on the beetle’s left leftwards into the slot.
3) Move to the gem on the 2nd row from the bottom and push it right until it’s in the slot.
4) Go to the single gem on the left side. Push it left 2, then right until it’s in the slot.
5) Move to the leftmost of the 2 gems on the 3rd row from the bottom. Push this gem up 1.
6) The beetle now has the other gem to its right. Push this gem right 2.
7) Move to the gem you pushed in step 5 – it’s now the leftmost gem on the 2nd row from the top – and push it left until it’s in the slot.
8) Go to the lowest gem remaining in the playfield. Push it left 4, up 1, left 2, and up into the slot.
9) Push the gem that’s got the slot to its left leftwards into the slot.
10) Push the last gem down until it’s in the slot.
Levels 81-85, Sokoban 19
Level 81:
1) Scoot the key 1 space right so you can explode the red bomb.
2) Wait for the light ray to finish. This sets off some more bombs.
3) Remove the wood and 1 shielded tile on the top right so the coins are reachable.
4) Fire the cannon until the red square is tripped by the deflected shots.
5) Get rid of the magnet and pick up a coin from the halves at the bottom.
6) Clear out the shielded tiles if necessary so you can get through the fog and remove the 2 magnets on the left.
7) Use a rocket on the bug and gather the rest of the coins.

Level 82:
1) Snake the fire around the water and get the frozen coin.
2) Gather all the coins from the bottom right.
3) Make a lightning in the bottom right and use it on gray statuettes to drop the gravity coins into the bottom left.
4) Blast the clay in the top center so the pieces will fall in to explode the red bomb. The left side populates.
5) Pick up the coins.

Level 83:
1) Bomb one of the clay pieces and get the mirrors out of the way so the light ray can do its work.
2) Repeat with the other clay piece and mirrors so the other light ray at the top can get the remaining dark spots at the top.
3) Pick up all the coins from the top half if you haven’t already done so.
4) Use the 3 free runes to remove the cloth in the center.
5) Get rid of the magnet on the bottom and remove the dirt blocking the light ray. Move the mirrors out of the pathway so the dark spot on the right is zapped.
6) The last rune is freed. Remove the cloth on the bottom left.
7) Collect the coins blocking the last light ray, then get the locked coin.

Level 84:
1) Blast the clay in the bottom left corner and get the locked coin.
2) The light ray in the bottom left is freed and zaps a dark spot on the bottom right.
3) Break the shielded tile and wood blocking the light ray in the bottom right. Get the locked coin in the vicinity.
4) Collect the locked coin in the top right.
5) Fire the top right cannon twice to drop a deflector piece to the bottom.
6) Fire the bottom right cannon twice to get rid of 2 magnets.
7) Trip the permanent bomb to fire the bottom left cannon. A deflector piece falls to the bottom.
8) Fire the bottom right cannon to get rid of the last magnet.
9) Keep tripping the permanent bomb to keep picking up the gravity coins as the dark coins above are zapped until they’re all gone.

Sokoban 19: The key move to make correctly is in step 5.

1) Push the gem below the beetle down 2.
2) The beetle now has a gem to its left. Push it left into the slot.
3) Go around the wall on the right and push the gem at the top of the 2nd column from the right left 1, then go back around and push it up into the slot.
4) Move to the gem on the top row and push it right into the slot.
5) There’s a gem with a slot immediately to its right, but that’s NOT where it goes! Push this gem left 2, then up into the slot.
6) In the bottom left are 2 gems next to each other on the 2nd row from the bottom. Get underneath the right gem of the pair and push it up 1.
7) Move to the other gem of the pair in the bottom left and push this gem right 1.
8) You now have the 2 gems paired vertically in the 5th column from the left. Go to the right of the upper gem and push it left 2, up 3, and left into the slot.
9) Get underneath the gem remaining in the 5th column from the left and push it up 1, left 2, up 3, and left until it’s in the slot.
10) Go under the single gem in the bottom center and push it up 2, left 2, and up into the slot.
11) Get under the leftmost of the 2 gems remaining. Push this gem up 1.
12) Go to the right of the other gem and push it left 4, up 2, left 2, and up until it’s in the slot.
13) Push the last gem down 1, left 3, up 2, left 2, and up until it’s in the slot.

Level 85:
1) Gather leaves in the top half until the shield disappears.
2) Pick up the 4 trunk coins to activate the trunk.
3) Light the bulb in the bottom left.
4) Blast the 3 clay pieces on the top left so the light ray can zap the dark spot.
5) Light the bulb in the top left.
6) The chain reaction trips the trunk. Evict the bug and get the coins.
Levels 86-90, Sokoban 20-21
Level 86:
1) Explode the red bomb by the key.
2) The key scoots in the way of the light ray, so scoot it back 1 space left and the light ray will zap the dark spot at the top.
3) Make the match of cups at the top to trip the red square.
4) Scoot the key 1 space right so the other light ray can zap the dark spot in the top left corner, triggering a chain reaction that trips the green square.
5) Collect the locked coin. The light ray is freed and begins zapping the dark coins, which become gravity coins.
6) Gather the gravity coins as they fall so the light ray can keep on doing its work. Get the coin from the halves.

Sokoban 20:
1) Push the gem below the beetle down until it’s in the slot.
2) Move to the highest gem in the playfield (top right corner one) and push it left until it’s in the slot.
3) In the 4th row from the top are 3 gems grouped together. Push the middle one up 2, then left until it’s in the slot.
4) Go to the rightmost gem in the playfield and push it left 1, up 2, then left until it’s in the slot.
5) For the last gem in the 4th row from the top, push it right 1, up 2, left 2, then up into the slot.
6) Move to the single gem in the 4th row from the bottom. Push this gem left into the slot.
7) You have just 3 gems in a row at the bottom left now. Go to the leftmost one and push it down 1.
8) Move to the rightmost gem and push it down 1.
9) Push the last gem in the 3rd row from the bottom left 1.
10) Move to the gem that has a slot immediately to the left of it and push it left into the slot.
11) The beetle is now under another gem. Push it up 1, then left into the slot.
12) Push the final gem up 2, then right into the slot.

Level 87: There are a lot of cannons in this one. The 4 in the top section I will call top left, center left, center right, and top right. The cannon in the bottom section I will call the bottom cannon.

1) Fire the top left cannon. The horizontal match by this cannon also fires the center left cannon. All the bugs wake and they’ll start crawling around randomly with every move.
2) Fire whichever cannon has a bug aligned with it next. Keep doing this with the 4 cannons in the top section until all the bugs are gone. When there aren’t many bugs left you will likely have to “waste” some cannon shots to get the last few bugs to move into position.
3) Collect 3 coins from the top section. The bottom section will populate.
4) Pick up the locked coin and the coin under the bottom cannon.
5) Fire the bottom cannon and the deflected shot will remove the wood blocking the light ray.
6) Make matches involving the 4th column from the left to get the gravity coins to drop out into the bottom area and the light ray will keep zapping the dark coins above.
7) Get rid of the magnet and pick up the last coin.

Level 88:
1) In the top right, get the locked coin, then the coin from the drop, then the frozen coins. Remove the magnet while you’re at it.
2) The light ray zaps 3 dark spots and the bottom populates. Pick up the locked coin from the bottom row. Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon, removing the wood blocking the light ray; it will zap the last dark spot.
3) A vertical match of blue crystals is revealed in the top left. Make this match to get rid of the magnet.
4) Use lightning on brown masks to explode the red bombs.
5) Collect the locked coin using the key which just got freed. Then get the 2 coins from the drops.
6) Trip the permanent bombs until the 2 gravity coins are gone.

Level 89: Don’t break that electrified chain. Seriously. Just don’t do it.

1) Work through the fog and use small bombs on the bugs at the left. Make sure you don’t blow anything up in range of the electrified chain.
2) Get rid of the magnet and pick up the coin at the top left.
3) Use a rocket on the last bug. The rocket creates a small explosion when it takes off, so don’t make the rocket too close to the electrified chain.
4) Use lightning on either hats or brown masks to pick up the coins from the unreachable bottom section.
5) Remove the shielded tile blocking the cannon and fire the cannon for a coin below. Gather the remaining coins on the top right. Why the game always wants to flash the “Replay” button here, don’t know as the level is finished.

Level 90:
1) Dang you, pesky water square in front of the fire! Use lightning on green pieces to spread fire to the left instead, burning up the coal in the process.
2) Use the torch which lighted to get the frozen coins in the bottom right. A chain reaction occurs where the dark coins in the top left are zapped and become gravity coins.
3) When the frozen coins are gone, the light ray at the bottom will zap the rest of the dark spots and free the runes and a purple crystal from the ice.
4) Pick up the locked coin at the bottom and remove the shielded tile blocking the cannon.
5) Blast the purple crystal to remove the shield in the top right, then remove the cloth with the runes.
6) Collect the locked coin in the top section. Trip the red square.
7) Keep triggering the permanent bombs to fire the cannons until all the coins in the bottom left are gone.

Sokoban 21:
1) Go to the leftmost gem in the playfield and push it up into the slot.
2) There are 2 gems in the 2nd row from the bottom. Go around the big wall and push the leftmost one of this pair down 1, then right until it’s in the slot.
3) Push the remaining gem in the 2nd row from the bottom left 1, then go around the big wall and push the gem down 1, then left until it’s in the slot.
4) Move to the left of the lowest gem remaining in the playfield. Push this gem right 1.
5) Go up a little and push the leftmost gem left 1, then up into the slot.
6) Go back to the gem you pushed in step 4 (it’s still the lowest one in the playfield) and push it left until it’s in the slot.
7) Push the final gem up until it’s in the slot.
Levels 91-95, Sokoban 22
Level 91:
1) Use the top left corner electricity generator to light the bulb on the right.
2) The chain reaction trips the trunk, opening up a pathway for the remaining electricity generator in the top right corner to light the bulb in the left.
3) The chain reaction occurring here removes the magnet and the light ray zaps the last dark spot.
4) Blast the clay blocking the light ray at the bottom left, then pick up the coins.
5) The light ray zaps the last dark coin, so all you have to do is clean up in the bottom right.

Level 92:
1) Get through the assorted obstacles in the top so the light rays can zap the dark spots on the right.
2) Work through the fog some more and remove the magnet.
3) Fire the cannon to remove the clay below and wait for the light ray to finish.
4) Clear the fog in the bottom and collect the coins.
5) Use lightning on green lamps to drop the gravity coins at the right.
6) Keep on tripping the permanent bomb until all the coins are gone.

The Amulet hasn’t been fully charged in quite a while…looks like a weak attempt to draw the game out longer.

Level 93:
1) Shuffle the pieces around in the top areas until you have matches or bombs by the requisite tiles to remove the papyrus.
2) The bottom populates. Blast the 3 clay pieces blocking the light ray and wait for the light ray to finish.
3) Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon, removing a shielded tile blocking the cannon on the top left.
4) Fire the top left cannon twice to remove a bug and explode the red bombs.
5) Use a rocket on the last bug.
6) Pick up all the coins. Use lightning to reach the coins in the bottom left.

Sokoban 22:
1) Move the beetle down 2, then push the gem on its right rightwards until it’s in the slot.
2) Push the leftmost gem left into the slot.
3) Push the gem which has a slot immediately to its right rightwards into the slot.
4) Go underneath the gem nearby and push it up until it’s in the slot.
5) Move atop the gem which has the slot immediately below and push it down into the slot.
6) Push the rightmost gem remaining up 1, right 1, then up until it’s in the slot.
7) Push the final gem up 1, right 5, then up until it’s in the slot.

Level 94:
1) Get through the ice and get rid of the bug and magnet.
2) Use a rocket on the bug in the “island”.
3) Gather the 4 coins on the right and scoot the key to the right so the red bomb can be exploded.
4) Wait for the chain reaction to finish, then keep the fire going while you remove the dirt blocking the coal. Burn up the coal.
5) Remove the papyrus to drop the shielded tile out of the way and get the locked coin.
6) Collect the frozen coins.

Level 95:
1) Clear the fog and break the clay over the rightmost coin. Pick the coin up.
2) Break the next rightmost clay piece and get the coin below.
3) Keep doing this with the next rightmost clay and coin until all the regular coins in the center section are gone.
4) Get the frozen coin on the left, then work your way back across to get the frozen coins on the right.
Levels 96-100, Sokoban 23
Level 96:
1) Blast the clay in the top right section (there’s a M5 setup close by for you to get a large bomb).
2) Burn up the coal connecting the 2 top sections so the torch lights.
3) Light the 2 bulbs in the left sections.
4) Pick up the coin blocking the vase. The cannon fires automatically.
5) Fire the top cannon again to remove the other shielded tile blocking the bottom left cannon.
6) Fire the bottom left cannon to remove a wood box.
7) A deflector tile falls into the top right cannon’s path.
8) Trip the permanent bomb to fire the top right cannon, which takes out the magnet.
9) Use lightning on whatever’s next to the trunk (for me this was a hat) to trip the trunk.
10) Gather the coins.

Level 97:
1) Collect yellow eyes until the shield vanishes.
2) The right side populates. Get rid of the magnet.
3) Wait for all the tiles to stop moving, then note what tile type is above the shielded tile blocking the light ray in the top right corner.
4) Make a lightning in the top left section and use it on whatever tile is above the shielded tile mentioned in step 3.
5) Wait for the light ray to zap the 2 dark spots, then fire the cannon three times to remove obstacles elsewhere.
6) Pick up the coins in the bottom right, then burn up the coal.
7) Get the frozen coins in the top left. Fire the cannon to get the coin halves to join, then shoot the last coin out.

Level 98:
1) Collect the 4 regular coins at the bottom for more working room, then remove the papyrus at the top left.
2) The light ray zaps a few dark spots. Remove the 2nd papyrus.
3) Wait for the light ray (there will still be a dark spot left on the top right corner when it stops) and get rid of the last papyrus. Some of the pieces needed are only in the top right.
4) A small chain reaction occurs, freeing the cannon on the top left. Trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon, which removes a magnet.
5) Get the locked coin in the top right, then the coin from the drop.
6) Another chain reaction occurs. Wait for the bottom light ray to finish, then you should be able to figure the rest out.

Wow, the Amulet zapped mostly “finished” parts of the scene and really only got rid of that one last purple-glowing lamp…

Level 99:
1) Bomb the bugs in the open areas since rockets don’t work for now. There are 2 M5 setups near each one to get large bombs.
2) Remove the wood blocking the bottom right light ray so it zaps the dark spot holding up a shielded tile.
3) Collect the locked coin in the top section.
4) Remove the shielded tile blocking the top light ray and the red bombs below will explode.
5) Get the locked coin blocking the bottom left light ray so the light can start zapping the dark coins above.
6) Pick up the coins in the top left as they become regular coins so the light ray can keep going. Get rid of the magnets.
7) Collect the last locked coin on the bottom right which starts a chain reaction.
8) Use a rocket on the last bug and pick up the last coins.

Sokoban 23: Yikes! This one had me stumped for a while.

1) Push the gem immediately below the beetle down 1.
2) The beetle now has a gem to its left. Push this gem leftwards until it’s in the slot.
3) Move to the gem which has the slot immediately below it and push it down into the slot.
4) Push the leftmost gem remaining in the playfield down 3, then right into the slot.
5) Go straight up and push the gem by the slot right 3.
6) You have 2 pairs of gems in the 2nd row from the top at this point. Go to the rightmost gem in the playfield and push it down 1.
7) Move into the space between the single gem and the pair of gems on the 2nd row from the top. Push the single gem right 1.
8) You now have a vertically arranged pair of gems on the right. Go to the lower one of the pair and push it right 2, then down until it’s in the slot.
9) Get underneath the leftmost gem on the 2nd row from the top. Push it up 1.
10) The beetle has another gem to its right. Push this gem right 1.
11) Move up to the gem which has the slot immediately to its left and push it left into the slot.
12) Get in between the 2 gems remaining and push the left gem left until it’s in the slot.
13) Push the final gem left 5, then down until it’s in the slot.

Level 100: Dang you, unreachable magnet…

1) Shuffle the pieces around in the top section until you get all the runes needed for the cloth. Remove the cloth so a shielded tile drops out of the upper key’s way.
2) Collect the locked coin which is accessible.
3) This frees a space to remove the shielded tile blocking the other key. Get the locked coin.
4) Trip the red square. Fire the bottom cannon.
5) Fire the cannon on the right to move the stack of shielded tiles down. Get through the fog and pick up the coins on the left.
6) Blast the single red triangular piece at the bottom and gather the coins on the bottom right.
7) When the bottom left populates, remove the magnets. Blast the shielded tile above the last key so the pieces will flow on both sides of the key.
8) Get the last locked coin.
9) Break the shielded tiles which are now freed so the light ray can zap the dark coin and pick up the last coin.
Levels 101-105, Sokoban 24
Level 101: Can’t get rid of that magnet either.

1) Get through the fog and pick up the trunk coins along the way.
2) Spread the fire back to the torch by the cannon, then get the frozen coin on the left.
3) Trip the green square on the left.
4) Remove the shielded tiles blocking the coin halves at the top. Pick up the coin, then fire the top cannon.
5) Fire the lower left cannon and the deflected shot will trip the trunk. Get the last coins.

Level 102:
1) Blast the clay in the middle of the playfield. Move the mirrors out of the way of the light ray and it explodes the bomb on the left.
2) Wait for the chain reaction to complete. Move the mirrors out of the way of the light ray in the center so the fire is freed.
3) Blast the clay on the bottom row and burn up the coal.
4) Work the fire around that narrow gap at the top and get the frozen coins in the top left section.
5) A gap opens up to the left of the red bombs in the center. Explode the bombs and the level will finish itself.

Sokoban 24:
1) Push the gem on the beetle’s right rightwards until it’s in the slot.
2) Move to the highest gem in the playfield and push it right until it’s in the slot.
3) There’s only 1 gem on the right side now. Push this gem left 11, right 1, and down into the slot.
4) Move below the leftmost gem in the playfield and push it up 1, right 8.
5) Go under the leftmost gem in the playfield and push it up 1, right 5. You should have two groupings of 2 gems one space away from each other, one group on the 3rd row from the bottom on the right and the other group on the 2nd row from the bottom in the middle.
6) Get in between the 2 gems of the center group. Push the gem on the left 3 spaces left, then down into the slot.
7) Move to the last gem on the 2nd row from the bottom. Push it left 5, then up until it’s in the slot.
8) Get in between the last 2 gems. Push the gem on the left 2 spaces left, right 1, then up until it’s in the slot.
9) Push the final gem left 4, right 1, then up until it’s in the slot.

Level 103: Don’t remove that papyrus too early.

1) There are only 1 free bulb and electricity generator to use for lighting the bulb at the start. Make sure you don’t complete the papyrus sequence while hooking up the blue lightning pieces.
2) Still without completing the papyrus sequence (make a “wrong” match to reset the papyrus if necessary), get past the fog and pick up the trunk coins on the top left.
3) After the trunk activates, remove the papyrus. Break the wood in the way and the pieces will fall in and trip the trunk.
4) Evict the bugs, then light the remaining lamp. The chain reaction frees the runes on the right.
5) Bomb the chain off the remaining rune on the left. Remove the cloth and collect the coins.

Level 104:
1) Finish extending the electrified chain at the bottom to light the bulb.
2) Wait for the 2 light rays in the top left to finish. Then collect axes in the top section until the shield in the top right vanishes.
3) The freed light ray begins zapping the dark coins. Collect the gravity coins as they appear so the light ray can keep going.
4) Get the locked coin and remove the magnet.
5) Pick up the 4 coins in the bottom right and break the shielded tiles and wood in the bottom center to expose the dark spot.
6) Use lightning on whatever tile type is below the shielded tile blocking the last light ray.
7) Remove the shielded tile blocking the drop and get the last coin.

Level 105:
1) Get through the wood and clay in the center; pick up the coins and remove the magnet.
2) Use lightning on blue crystals. In several replays, I always got a blue crystal above the stack of shielded tiles on the left, so believe it’s programmed that way. This fires the cannon on the right and removes several obstacles.
3) Break the shielded tile blocking the light ray and get the coin which was behind it. The light ray zaps the dark spot.
4) Break the last shielded tile blocking the cannon in the top left corner.
5) Use lightning on whatever tile type is above the permanent bomb in the top right corner so the top right cannon fires. The chain reaction will fire the top left cannon for you.
6) Use the torch which lighted to obtain the frozen coins. A chain reaction occurs which trips the red square and the level should finish itself.
Levels 106-110, Sokoban 25
Level 106:
1) Use the electricity generator in the bottom left to light the bulb there.
2) Wait for the chain reaction to finish – a cannon shot is deflected around the board and hits the magnet in the top center.
3) Use lightning on mirrors to trip the trunk.
4) Gather all the accessible coins. Light the bulb in the top right, then move the mirrors out of the way of the light ray.
5) Pick up the last coins.

Level 107:
1) Bomb the clay and break the wood holding up the brown mask in the top right so it drops into the larger area. The rune in the top right corner will fall out of the ice.
2) Remove the cloth on the bottom left.
3) Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon. The shot is deflected to remove a magnet.
4) Get rid of the rest of the magnets. Pick up the frozen coin while you’re at it.
5) Remove the last cloth.
6) Collect the 3 coins on the bottom left, then fire the cannon to trip the red square and the level will finish itself.

Level 108:
1) Extend the electrified chain coming from the bottom left up and right to light the bulb in the middle.
2) Pick up the trunk coin to activate the trunk. Extend the chain from the bottom center to the lower bulb on the left.
3) Light the last bulb. The trunk trips in a chain reaction; pick up all the coins.

Sokoban 25:
1) Push the gem on the 4th row from the top to the left until it’s in the slot.
2) Go to the gem in the top left which has the slot immediately to its left and push it left into the slot.
3) There are 2 vertically paired gems a bit lower down. Go to the lower one of this pair and push it left 1, then walk around the other gem without moving it and push the lower gem down 3, then up 7, then left into the slot.
4) Push the remaining gem on the left side up into the slot.
5) Get below the rightmost gem still in the playfield. Push it up 1, left 5, right 6, then up until it’s in the slot.
6) Push the final gem right 2, then up until it’s in the slot.

Level 109:
1) Blast the clay blocking the right coin half and scoot the coin half somewhere to the left so the bottom right populates.
2) Get rid of the magnet in the bottom right corner and fire the bottom right cannon to remove the other magnet.
3) The bottom left populates. Scoot the right coin half to the left to let the light ray pass. Then scoot the left coin half above to the right so the light ray can zap the dark spot blocking the cannon.
4) Fire the top cannon to remove the bug.
5) Pick up all the regular coins, then join the halves for the rest of the coins. Get the coin from the halves on the top first so the bottom left has “flow”.

Level 110:
1) Blast the bug since you can’t use rockets yet. There’s a M5 setup right next to it for a large bomb.
2) Pick up the 2 accessible trunk coins. Light the bulb.
3) Wait for the light ray to finish. Fire the cannon twice for a trunk coin and to remove the magnet.
4) Use lightning on whatever tile type is above the trunk to trip it, then gather the coins.
End Notes
Endless mode unlocks upon finishing level 110, where M3 levels come in random order. You can go to the level replay area in the scene and pick any minigame or M3 level to replay, but the M3 replay will still give you a random level, so you’ll have to use the scroll arrows at the top to pick a level.

Minigames: 25 Sokoban, 15 solitaire, 2 HOS, 8 spot the difference.