Dungeon Village 2

Dungeon Village 2

33 ratings
Steam Achievement Guide for Dungeon Village 2
By pamkhat
A succinct guide to the Steam achievements for Kairosoft's Dungeon Village 2.
To the world of dungeon village! Let's go!
Proof that the monster has become a friend.
  • Successfully tame a monster as a pet.
    Tips: You need a Monster Tamer adventurer to tame a monster. Fido Malkin is the first adventurer of that class, and he starts visiting the Plains map early in the game. Monster Tamers have a chance to tame a monster when on "Infestation" and "Defeat the Monster" quests.
I'm sure it will be an unforgettable town.
Proof of maximizing the town rank.
  • Reach a 5-star ranking on any map.
    Tips: You can complete this on any of the maps in Dungeon Village. Each map does have different qualifications, however. Check the requirements for each star ranking by selecting Menu > Manage > Upgrade Town.
You can cry if you clear it.
Proof of contribution to the development of the two villages.
  • There are 7 maps in Dungeon Village 2. You start on the Plains map and eventually move to the Forest map. Luckily, you can move some of your adventurers back and forth between the maps on the same save. To unlock this achievement you'll need to "beat" the first 2 maps.
    Tips: Beating a map consists of defeating the final boss of the area. The Plains boss is Dragington Sr. and the Forest boss is Puddikin. You will need to complete a number of quests to unlock the boss of an area.
I'm not scared if we live together.
Proof of having 30 homes.
  • While you play, adventurers with high satisfaction will want to move into your current town. Having 30 occupied homes on one map will unlock this achievement.
    Tips: This is much easier in a higher ranking town after unlocking town expansions. You'll need the room to place the houses after all! Playing on one map for several years makes this simple. I believe the earliest you can do this is on the Forest map since the adventurers from the Plains map and the Forest map will want to move in simultaneously. You'll have to wait for the Adventure News pop up about having 30 homes to earn the achievement.
I also want to give you the title of charisma manager.
Proof of 50 titles earned.
  • Titles are earned for combinations of traits in the game. Placing certain buildings, using different items, selecting specific classes, and much more give varying trait points. More titles open up on each map.
    Tips: Check out what titles require by visiting Menu > Manage > Town Guide Contest. You're also rewarded with a town title each year at the end of the third month based on your combination of trait points. Go to Menu > Info > Town Details and on page 3 more information is given on each trait. If you've earned points toward that trait you can see what actually gave you those points there. Some traits cannot be earned until later maps.
SLG that weaves the future with me.
Proof of becoming Kairobot.
  • After reaching a 5-star rank on the Tropical map (the third map), the Kairobot job is unlocked. Having an adventurer switch to this job will unlock the achievement.
    Tips: The Kairobot job requires 25 diamond points and 10 medals. The adventurer must be male to choose this job. You are constantly rewarded diamond points for earning different titles. Medals are also consistently, although randomly, rewarded for reaching pop. milestones in 100 point increments.
ActustheKaktus Oct 11, 2023 @ 3:27pm 
thx for the guide! :)