ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

610 ratings
Alfa Stack 10k -90 v1.5
Content Types: Mod, Rebalancing
File Size
804.172 KB
Apr 25, 2023 @ 6:26am
Aug 24, 2023 @ 3:25pm
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Alfa Stack 10k -90 v1.5

Mod ID: 2967069515

This mod increases item stack and reduces item weight

- All items receive 90% weight reduction
- Kibbles have had their stacks increased to 1.000
- Ammo stacks increased to 500
- Eggs stacks increased to 350
- Resources in general had their stacks increased to 10.000

Compatible with the HG Stacks 10000 90%, the list of features is slightly longer, including Gen1 and Gen2 features.

Remember that stack mods must be first in the mod load list for it to work well.

Link to Alfa Stack 2.5k -50% :: HERE
Link to Alfa Stack 2.5k -90% :: HERE

Spawn code:
Travel Element:
cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Stack10000_90/Cross/StackItemResource_TravelElement1.StackItemResource_TravelElement1'" 1 1 0

To block cross-element, add to server settings:

The file that controls engram overlay is at

Popular Discussions View All (1)
Oct 17, 2024 @ 12:26pm
PINNED: Report bugs
PimpleDerek Dec 12, 2024 @ 5:36am 
I added the mod first in my mod list. It removed my learned Simple Rifle Ammo Engram. I cant relearn it! It doesnt allow it. It seems to happen for each ammo type. I even tried mindwipe tonic. Didnt help
matheusrp11  [author] Oct 18, 2024 @ 5:29pm 
Ok Tentacle, let me know if you can solve it. To reinstall the mod, try deleting its folder from your HD before reinstalling, the folder has the same name as the ModID (first line of the description). I hope you succeed 🫡
Tentacle Radio Oct 18, 2024 @ 11:19am 
Okay, I can confirm that the mod sort of stops working as I described previously, whenever I load into a save game on single-player regardless of map. I assume the mod installed incorrectly somehow, so I'll try reinstalling/resubscribing again. Thank you both for your help!
Tentacle Radio Oct 17, 2024 @ 7:24pm 
-however some of the very same resources were still modified by the mod - for example, some of the wood remained affected by the mod
-this would happen every time I quit and loaded back in
-I did not use S+ to store resources or craft items (thanks for the advice regarding this trick, I can give that a try next time), however I did use a modded crafting bench (the Arkitect Crafting Bench) which never caused problems before this save on Scorched Earth

I've just tried another map and the mod seems to be working perfectly fine, as usual. I'll let you know if it acts strangely again. I have no complaints as this is a wonderful mod. Thanks again for all your help!
Tentacle Radio Oct 17, 2024 @ 7:24pm 
Hi again! I hope these details help (long comment so reached character limit, will post next bit):
-this was a new single-player game (Scorched Earth map)
-I already had the mod installed before starting the new game, as I've used it for a while now and throughout multiple single-player worlds without any problems (until Scorched Earth)
-if I quit the game and later loaded my save to get back into the game, most of the resources would revert to act like vanilla - for example, wood being treated as vanilla wood with vanilla properties of weight, stack size
Dark Oct 17, 2024 @ 3:57pm 
looks like i cant cheat in vanilla resources, they auto convert to modded ones. but try to use the S+ omni tool to transfer vanilla items from one inventory to another, which should convert them to the modded version. if not you may have to just take the L and throw them away.
Dark Oct 17, 2024 @ 2:55pm 
i know it used to do that awhile ago, but i'm not sure if it does it now. have to cheat in a vanilla stack to see if it works; but the S+ multi tool "used" to convert items from vanilla to modded when you transferred them between one inventory to another via it's advance transfer option, but i dont know if it does it anymore. once i'm done doing the daily in warframe, i'll hop back on ark and test it.
matheusrp11  [author] Oct 17, 2024 @ 2:28pm 
An addition to what Dark said, if I'm not mistaken, the dedicated S+ has the function of converting resources to stack versions. So perhaps putting pre-mod-stack resources in a dedicated S+ and restarting the game and then picking it up would be enough.
Dark Oct 17, 2024 @ 2:18pm 
Tentacle Radio: are the second stacks of resources not turning into the modded resources being gathered along with the modded ones, or are they mats you had before adding the mod?

pre-existing items wont convert to modded resources, so those have to be deleted. but if you're gaining both vanilla and modded resourced at the same time; then something is wrong with the game and it isnt fully using the stack mod.
matheusrp11  [author] Oct 17, 2024 @ 12:27pm 
I saw your message there, it's really strange, maybe it's because you're adding it to a pre-existing world. Check if it's working with the resources you farm from now on, there's a slight chance that the mod installation is corrupted too.