Arma 3
472 ratings
Project RACS SLA 2023
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2.590 GB
Mar 31, 2023 @ 8:23pm
May 31, 2024 @ 9:59pm
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Project RACS SLA 2023

Project RACS

Sahrani Liberation Army 2023

UPDATE 5-31-2024

I have always wanted to do a OPFOR or RED faction. I wasnt satisfied with the content of A3. So after a break for a few years i cam back to start this part of the MOD. With a lot of help from the RHS guys i started this mod. Its intent is to be a generic 80's style Eastern Block/Cubanesque style army. The resurgence and rebuilding of the SLA post Sahani Civil war. Some may call this mod "♥♥♥♥♥♥ and substandard" but it is definitely not "generic spec ops guys with no context"

This mod is not about having the most perfect textures or ultra high poly models. This is about giving you a complete faction with a logical complete ORBAT for gameplay. Forgive us if some things are still a work in progress. We are always striving to make things better and more fun to play with. So much more stuff to come.

What the mod includes:

when combined with the RACS portion over 1000 troops, vehicles, weapons, planes, and a couple boats too...

8 Brigade elements with varying troop equipment, weapons, and uniforms. All with various group structures.

Several formations of special operations Especas troops of varying tiers and capabilities.

Tracked and wheeled armored vehicles include BTR60/80, Type63 APC, Tigr, BMD, MTLB, and others in several variants and weapon systems each.

Battle tanks T-72 Trueno and T-80U

Hind, Z-11, and Mi-8 attack helicopters

Transport choppers Mi8

Fighter and attack aircraft MiG-23/27, Su-22m Su-25, and MiG-21 in several liveries and functions

Artillery from 2S1 and 2S3 to D30 and M46 as well as SCUD, Grad, and RM-70

Transport An-12

SA-2, SA-6, SA-8, SA-9, SA-13, SA17, SAM systems with S-60, ZPU-4, and ZSU-23 AA guns

Trucks and support vehicles MAz 435 and Urals

Plus so many more objects, items, battlefield gear, and structures.

This mod does NOT include Royal Army Corps Sahrani or RACS, it can be downloaded from:

For bug reports and other support requests please join us on our discord:

Please read and review the README documentation included n your download for individual credits and permissions for each and every portion of the MOD.

This mod is obfuscated to help protect the IP rights of the modders contributing assets to be used here. I have done my best to and always will fight against hackers, rippers, and those who wish to abuse the privilege of using this work in their gaming. If you would like to reskin, modify, or otherwise work with an item inside one of my PBOs please join our discord or use the contact info included in your download to get in touch with me. I will always be happy to listen to your requests and do everything i can to help you out.

Popular Discussions View All (1)
Oct 29, 2023 @ 1:26pm
SLA based gaming groups or clans
Жёпїтн Jan 30 @ 12:24am 
@Leonard L. Church Any core issues with RHS T-72s are not something we can do anything about, but if you're referencing the issues with the associated seats in the SLA T-72s, yes, those will be fixed next update.
Leonard L. Church Jan 24 @ 6:49pm 
Good to hear yall are back in action what type of equipment could we be looking forward too, and just so im clear on this the problem with the normal RHS T-72 is going to be fixed next update?
wld427  [author] Jan 20 @ 7:21pm 
@Luixs2 absolutely not
Luixs2 Jan 20 @ 5:06pm 
Will you guys ever release the SAM systems in both mods as standalone mods?
wld427  [author] Jan 20 @ 10:02am 
As Xenith said, apologies on the bugs. I kind of took the summer off and are grinding back into it with a big update and new content. Finalizing that in the next few days
Жёпїтн Jan 20 @ 12:33am 
Apologies for not monitoring these comments for some time. It it highly recommended you divert all bug reports and questions to our discord. Invite in mod description.

@Gyrfalcon No plans on adding major chinese MBTs yet, that's more or less a limitation of available models, and how much beer wld has on hand.

@J-Money The Grizzly has a much smaller radar, but can data link. Could just be an AI aggro thing. If you can explain your scenario a bit more I'll see about checking it out myself.
Жёпїтн Jan 20 @ 12:33am 
@Logo110 T-72 variants are fixed and will be posted next update. As for SAM reloads it's not planned due to the nature of how the loadout system works. Not to mention these types of SAMs would always have ammo trucks stationed at the emplacement sites.

@Elpedro Welcome to communism lad.

@CoreX Fixed and will be updated next build.

@WhiteFeather84 Not happening, A because neither were ever exported, and because SLA is not that big of capable nation.

@Parzival I presume you mean the SCUD, it launches similar to the RHS one, as they use the same system. You can reload it using the MAZ re-arm.
Rooivalk Nov 8, 2024 @ 5:45am 
is there plans to add a ztz-85 into this mod? i feel like the ztz-85 fits perfectly in this mod
J-Money Nov 5, 2024 @ 2:02pm 
@Logo110 agreed, a reload time on SAMs would be awesome. Like 2 or 3 minute reload time so that they stay a threat.

This is one of the greatest mods on the workshop. so much quality content.

BUT. Im having trouble with getting SAMs to lock on my plane. I place a Grizzly down, group it with a radar vehicle. they still wont lock my F18. any suggestions to get them to lock on to me?
Logo110 Oct 30, 2024 @ 8:49am 
When this mod is loaded RHS T-72B (1984 and 1985) Don't have a commander and commader MG has frozen muzzle flash.