Military Conflict: Vietnam

Military Conflict: Vietnam

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[WIP] Windows Dedicated Server using ./SSM
By SHOUBI and 1 collaborators
Create and manage a dedicated server using Powershell:
Downloads SteamCMD/SourceMods, Creates Server Folder, Installs server, Manage Server including Install, Check process, Backup, monitoring with Discord Alerts, Starting, Stopping, Restart, Validate, Update, Pull Gamedig details. All Done from a PS terminal. >_

I'm SHOUBI i'm hosting since several years my project at using Linux GSM mainly.
Feel free to check the BTK Vietnam page if you own day of infamy and seek for NAM coop session. (which is lacking as of now on MCV)

As of now Linux MCV Dedicated Server binaries are not yet ready and i heavily doubt i will make an another linux steam guide anytime soon , problably will wait for Linux GSM to add support for MCV on this side. (

Requierements / Recommended tool
Required prerequisites on your Host.

create a windows user: non-admin to install, run ./SSM, and game server. (i've skip this step in the video showcase)

Open and forward ports for game server. Source TV (optional)

RCON Source Admin Tool (HLSW Alternative)

(grab the lastest version NO github login link) (FAST DL compression)

text editor (visual code, geany ,...) to edit ps1 easier
Video Tutorial (French)
sv_pure 0
sv_allow_user_workshop_content 1
(Allow users to join with their own workshop content mounted.)

to allows workshop mods server side!!!

- Dedicated server can download workshop addons by using command

As of now Workshop support server side isn't yet fully supported that's why you need to use FAST DL / Web server to transfer files as a workaround.

Next MCV dev patch should maybe fix WS dedicated server support

//----------------------------------------------- // Default MCV Dedicated Server Configuration File // By SHOUBI //----------------------------------------------- // Set the Host Name hostname "Mile High Gaming 24/7 Rainforest" //sv_password "" //public or password protected server! sv_tags "fastdl" sv_contact "" // HTTP redirect download URL sv_downloadurl "http://webserverIP/vietnam/" sv_allowdownload 1 // ........................... RCON Configuration .......................... // // RCON - remote console password. rcon_password "INSERT STRONG PASSWORD RANDOM" // Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication // min. 0 sv_rcon_banpenalty 0 //permanent ban! // Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned // min. 1 max. 20 sv_rcon_maxfailures 3 //---------------------------------------------- // server cvars //---------------------------------------------- sv_alltalk 1 bot_quota 20 bot_quota_mode "fill" sv_allow_votes 0 //disable vote to avoid too much abuse mp_autokick 0 // avoid getting kick due to inactivity use afk manager plugin for better results //---------------------------------------------- // server logging //---------------------------------------------- log on sv_logbans 1 sv_logecho 1 sv_logfile 1 sv_log_onefile 1 //---------------------------------------------- // Execute Banned user files. //---------------------------------------------- exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg writeid writeip
gamemodes_server.txt (override default map pool)
"GameModes.txt" { "mapgroups" { "only" { "name" "only" "maps" { "rainforest" "2" } } } }

and add '+mapgroup only' to launch parameter from Variables-mcvserver.ps1
Allows you to play in loop specific maps if you want a 24/7 map specific server

Force a specific gametype:
+game_mode [value]


Please refer to the 'gamemodes.txt' located in gamedir for more info.

Ultimate Mapchooser - UMC3
Hello, CrazyRus29 here.

At the time of writing that part of a guide, i'm administrating an MCV server called [RU] Community Server, and SHOUBI asked me to write down a part about UMC3 - a SourceMod-based alternative for game-built-in map changer.

The thread related to UMC3 is located here: Click[].

You may ask "Why picking UMC3 over the default map changing system?" For me, picking UMC3 was a better option due to quite modular system of settings that allow to separate map groups to various themes (like, dividing Vietnam-themed maps from others) or setting up various map weights, allowing some maps to appear more often the others. Besides, original map changing system requires to tinker with "gamemodes_server" configuration file that may corrupt the whole gameplay of the server.

To install UMC3, you need the following:
  • An installed ./SSM[] with MCV files[] connected to it. If you're running some other hosting, like PingPerfect, you may skip that step;
  • The latest builds of SourceMod[] and Metamod:Source[];
  • And, finally, the UMC3 itself[].
  • The following line should be added to "server.cfg" file to prevent the conflict between the built-in map votes and UMC3 ones:
    mp_endmatch_votenextmap 0

Installation requires simply dropping Sourcemod, Metamod:Source and UMC3 files to server files directory.

Setting up UMC3 Maplist:
In ../vietnam/ directory, UMC3 will create a file called "umc_mapcycle.txt". Inside of it, you'll find the fully described options and code you may edit in that file, but for now we will take the shortcut and describe the possible mapcycle tree with a few maps taken for example: mcv_rainforest, mcv_kalt_classic and mcv_hamrong, and divide them to two groups. The part of code starting from // are comments and may be removed from the final code:

"umc_mapcycle" // This is the part you shouldn't change, it describes the beggining of mapcycle file { "Vietnam | Вьетнам" // This is a name of map group. You may call it whatever you like, even your cats name! { "maps_invote" "2" // This part of a code sets up the amount of maps that will be picked from that group for vote "mcv_rainforest" // This is where you should set the map file name. All maps should be located within ../vietnam/maps directory! { "display" "Rainforest [by HARDCELL and SHOUBI]" // This is the map name you'll see in game's menu during the vote. You may name it whatever you like! } "mcv_hamrong" // This is where the setting for second map starts. All things are the same as for previous map { "display" "Hamrong [by ThatRomus and Tirmiks]" } } "WW2 | Вторая мировая" // That's where we start the second map group. You may create more groups, but every part of a code should be separated by { and } symbols to show where the code ends { "maps_invote" "1" "mcv_kalt_classic" { "display" "Kalt [by Valve and =J0R0N=]" } } }

And that's pretty much the whole code for some simple UMC3 configuration. Now, after calling a vote on your server through command or at the time of vote, you should see two groups and three maps in this vote. To call the vote, type down "!rtv" command in the game chat, or "!nominate" to nominate the map for next vote.
edit: workshop status current build (as of july 2024)

there is currently no way to get a workshop map as starting map because we still need to enter manually commands in server console to get them working right.

Best current methode if you wish avoid web server / fast dl , simply use a stock map mcv_* from vanilla game as default starting map in .bat launch parameters then it will auto changelevel using

host_workshop_collection <ID>

then using mapgroups or UMC methode tweaks your mapcycle to your liking.


Please refers to the video tutorial for install process, just keep in mind that temporary ban are not saved after server reboot natively by source engine.
For this you will need SourceBans++

As of now linux branch of metamod/sourcemod is not yet fully working for MCV, and windows works even if some signatures offsets from gamedata.txt are not yet fully up to date.

Before you jump to edit files, you need to know what CVARs are available.

You can generate cvarlist manually by typing this into the server console:
cvarlist log cvarlist.txt
it will store whole cvarlist to a text file located in “..\vietnam” directory. If you choose this method, it’s recommended to generate cvarlist each server update !
А теперь на русском: Введение
Перевод в процессе
- CrazyRus29

Я SHOUBI и я хостю несколько лет мой проект, расположенный по адресу в основном используя Linux GSM.
Обязательно приходите на нашу страницу по Born To Kill - Vietnam если у вас есть Day of Infamy и вы хотели бы поиграть одну-другую сессию в кооператив (которого на данный момент не завезли в MCV).

На текущий момент, бинарники Linux MCV Dedicated Server ещё не готовы, и я сильно сомневаюсь что я напишу гайд касательно Linux в ближайшее время, и скорее всего подожду пока Linux GSM добавит поддержку MCV со своей стороны. (