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Sahilarious's Feminine Clothes - Part 1
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Mar 7, 2023 @ 1:49am
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Sahilarious's Feminine Clothes - Part 1

**NOTICE** I confirm that Part 2 is already underway! :D
I did not foresee so much positive feedback, so now I am pouring extra time into it.
Your patience will be rewarded. :)

Hello there!

After 600+ hours of playing Kenshi I finally decided to begin modding. Starting with something that I have been wanting since the very beginning: dresses, skirts, and pretty much anything more feminine, and colorful to boot! :D

A tiny bit about me: I am a game dev who has been primarily working in the industry as an engineer. I have a deep background in the arts too and even garnered quite a bit of success modding for the Sims 2 many years ago.

Anywho, I am super excited to get back into modding and to share my first full outfit for the Kenshi ladies. All custom meshes and hand painted textures by me. :)

The research, Sahilarious's Feminine Clothes Part 1, unlocks the Rag Blouse, Apron Skirt, and all their respective recolors.
The Rag Blouse fits in the armor slot and is classified as leather so it can be crafted on the Leather Bench.
The Apron Skirt fits in the legs slot and is cloth so it can be crafted on the Clothing Bench.

By the way, these outfits are truly just designed for women. So Shek, Greenlander, and Scorchlander females only. Don't try to equip them on men, they will just look really weird. xD

I will be creating more sets, when I have the time, and at some point want to figure out how to do NPC overrides for my game. It is my intention to maintain a ragedy lore friendly-ish vibe but ultimately I am also taking creative license and designing/creating what I personally think looks good.

When it comes to improvement I like to set at least one goal for myself for my next project:

- Make fully hand painted normal maps. For now I only used the normal map to cut out transparent parts.

Anyway, if anyone enjoys this please let me know. The more I know my style is appreciated, the more I will prioritize making and sharing mods in my schedule.

Otherwise, please let me know if you run into any issues or have any questions. This being my first mod, I want to make sure all is in order for sure. Thanks! :D
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Mar 8, 2023 @ 8:30pm
Cant find
Red Jul 26 @ 11:39pm 
This is seriously really cool and it's great to see some more feminine clothing in Kenshi. Great work!
Entoco May 17 @ 11:27pm 
I am extremely looking forward for your work since this is really good shit
Sahilarious  [author] Apr 20 @ 1:56pm 
Working on these outfits genuinely makes me happy though and has been a bright spot in my days, when I have the energy. I am so looking forward to sharing what I got and being a more active member of this community. With over a 1000 hours game time in Kenshi, a few hundred of them now in playtesting, this game is near and dear to me. Therefore I am going to keep going. :D
Sahilarious  [author] Apr 20 @ 1:56pm 
Also wanted to provide an update on the next pack. Yes it is still in the works. Sorry for the super lateness everyone. Since my last update my condition got worse but I recently underwent surgery and am now properly on the mend. I already have meshes for 5 new outfits done, and the textures to 3 of them done-ish. I don't want to give an another ETA just in case. Now that I am almost completely better I am now having to undergo a job search again. Considering the current state of the job market in the games industry, it is going to be quite the handful. Plus, I fully hand paint my textures in Gimp so I can be a tad meticulous. xD
Sahilarious  [author] Apr 20 @ 1:41pm 
@Quilboar & @ Black Rabbit: Yes, feel free to use in mod packs. With credits and a link back to the original please. :)
Quilboar Apr 2 @ 2:43pm 
v same question
Black Rabbit Mar 14 @ 4:11am 
do you mind if i use this in a mod pack?
JediKnightSky Jan 25 @ 6:36am 
I really adore this mod. IMO it really does add something much needed. Lets be honest a lot of the clothes mods for the ladies are aimed more at the sexy swords and sorcery genre. And to be fair in a game that features plenty of adult topics, with very real world analogues, they do fit in well.

While I do hope you keep doing clothes like this, if I had one request it would be a well designed kilt. Something in a solid grey like an old Freeman or Mercenary Kilt as they were called back in the day. No need to do anything in any of the popular clan tartans. Your skirt already does a proper apron in this mod, so you are like 70% of a kilt with this model. Shorten it up a touch, have it ride up around the waste at the belly button, and maybe add a few nice ornamental buckles on each side above the hips. If you wanted to add the traditional belt and various bits worn on one for eye candy that would be extra lovely!

Hope your health is on the mend. Stay safe and take care.
DrWilyeCoyote Nov 26, 2023 @ 12:16am 
any chance you could make a sun dress?
Jill Nov 17, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
Wow, it's really nice mod, thank you for your work!