Arma 3
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Fish Camo Cream
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Character
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96.720 MB
Feb 4, 2023 @ 5:08pm
Feb 9, 2023 @ 10:32am
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Fish Camo Cream

In 1 collection by Fisher
Fish Camo Cream
2 items
Fisher presents, after some sweaty dev and artwork for a weekend, Fish Camo Cream.

Inspired by CamoFaces by Sk3y this mod offers a wide range of camo cream kits based on the Caplock LLC Camtech series. All colour pallets are taken from the actual Camtech kits and reference images from NATO forces to add acurate facepaint options to the game.

This mod also works with DLC faces.

The mod contains 4 kits:
  • CAM-Tropical
  • CAM-Centre Europe
  • CAM-Desert
  • CAM-Snow

Each kit is in a separate PBO which makes it easy to pick and choose for groups. Because yes you have full permission to reupload/include this mod wherever you'd like as long as it has some form of modification (Or a cherry picked version). A mention would be nice though.

By default each seperate kit gives you the option to apply face camo for that specific type through the ace interaction menu. If you'd wish to disable the need to carry each individual kit you can configure this through the addon options.

You can also configure the time it takes to apply or remove camo cream in addon options.

Camo Cream will also (partially) block the face's IR signature.

How does it work?
Get a Cam Cream kit of your choosing from the arsenal and open the ace self-interact menu. Hover over the camo faces option and select Apply camo cream. This will start a progress bar, once this is done your cam cream is applied!

Adding camo faces to AI
Adding camo faces to AI is quite simple. Once you placed down a unit in the editor you can edit it's face with the following snipet in the units init:

_face = (face this + "_fish_europe_regular_cream"); this setFace _face;

A list of possible camo types:

_fish_europe_regular_cream _fish_europe_dark_cream _fish_europe_light_cream _fish_europe_half_cream _fish_desert_regular_cream _fish_desert_dark_cream _fish_desert_light_cream _fish_desert_half_cream _fish_snow_regular_cream _fish_snow_dark_cream _fish_snow_light_cream _fish_snow_half_cream _fish_tropical_regular_cream _fish_tropical_dark_cream _fish_tropical_light_cream _fish_tropical_half_cream

Kit Classnames
FISH_Cream_Kit_Europe FISH_Cream_Kit_Desert FISH_Cream_Kit_Snow FISH_Cream_Kit_Tropical

Thanks to
RoJSteph - Emotional support & Testing
TheBlueAttack - Emotional support & Testing
Zhasik - Russian Translations

If you would like to contribute to the mod you can do so via Github[]

Fisher  [author] Dec 5, 2023 @ 7:26am 
@Lcuky Luctus, in ArmA hands and arms are part of the uniform 3d model. So unless the uniform that the player is currently wearing can be modified this won't really be possible AFAIK
Tragedy Nov 21, 2023 @ 3:01pm 
Does anyone know a mod which gives the camo faces camo arms and hands for the recon fatigues and stuff?
Fisher  [author] Aug 30, 2023 @ 1:20am 
@Tex When you go into the extra folder the camo overlays should be in there.

@Drebin692 You can have a look at the github page to see how to make compat addons. Pretty much the same as how the base ones are made (desert, tropical etc.). Largely based on the ACE3 coding and expansion style. If that's not clear let me know and I'll have a look once I have the time.
Tex Aug 7, 2023 @ 4:58pm 
I briefly looked at the Github, but do you happen to have camo overlay source files for custom faces? Or does this have custom face compatibility?
Rabbit Jun 7, 2023 @ 10:52am 
When you are not busy can you write a readme on how we can create a compat ourselves, this way you don't have to worry about doing all that work adding support for a bunch of face mods.
Fisher  [author] Jun 2, 2023 @ 4:26pm 
@Lotto, I will have a look at this, no promises as I'm quite busy
Lotto May 28, 2023 @ 3:08am 
Any chance for ASCZ_Heads support?
Fisher  [author] May 7, 2023 @ 5:36pm 
@Warhammer Actual are you using any other mods? This error doesn't sound like it came from this mod as I don't have any classes prefixed EXPS.
Fisher  [author] Apr 2, 2023 @ 10:43am 
@SatNav by default non of the AI should spawn with the faces, however some mods might allow AI to have any face then it might show.
SatNav Mar 30, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
Is there a way to stop it spawning on AI?