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Rebels HEX Inventory Sorter
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Jan 13, 2023 @ 10:57am
Jan 5 @ 3:26am
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Rebels HEX Inventory Sorter

A simple TAG-based inventory sorter script which brings order to your mess.
it unfolds its full strength on Rebels-Games HEX, but also works on vanilla servers.

How to use:
Just put one or more [TAG] in the name of your container and the script will sort it.

Available Tags are:

The script is using yielding, means it is artificially slowed down. This means it
require, dependend of your base size, between 1 and 30 seconds for a full cleanup
You can follow the progress on the Programable Block LCD.

Description of Tags:
[ORE] -> Vanilla Ore
[COMP] -> Vanilla Components
[ING] -> Vanilla Ingots
[ICE] -> Frozen Water
[BOTTLE] -> Hydrogen/Oxygen Bottles
[TOOLS] -> Grinder, Welder, Drills
[GUNS] -> Items you can shoot with
[AMMO] -> Vanilla Ammunition
[MOD_ORE] -> Modded Ore
[MOD_COMP] -> Modded Components
[MOD_ING] -> Modded Ingots
[FOOD] -> Eat, Drink, Medicals, Alcohol etc...
[MOD_AMMO] -> Modded Ammunition
[PAD] -> Datapads
[$$] -> Valuable things like Credits, Keys etc..

Spezial Tag:
[IGNORE] -> Blocks with this TAG don't get filled or cleared

Logo made by TIM#7379 (c)

g.  [author] Sep 28 @ 9:41am 
This function is allready implemented since release. If one container get damaged it sorts into the next container with the same tag, if it has storage capacity left.
Reign Jun 15 @ 4:27am 
Excellent script, and great performance choices; I really enjoy it. However, after some testing, would it be possible to divide items across multiple containers with the same tags? Losing access to the [comp] crate is really difficult to overcome quickly in the heat of battle.
jokerace45 Mar 16 @ 3:38pm 
Is there any way to set this up to use a blocks custom data fields for the tags?
g.  [author] Feb 18 @ 1:52am 
it cleans all the time, take a break and start cleaning again.
If you want to speed it up, you need to change the delay time in code.

// 6 Ticks/Minute * 60 Seconds * 5 = 5 Minutes
Config.Sleep_Ticks_After_Cleaning = 6 * 60 * 5;

If you want to run it once per minute instead once each 5 minutes you need to set:
Config.Sleep_Ticks_After_Cleaning = 6 * 60 * 1;

But keep in mind: this could slow down the server or overheat PBlimiter, if it runs on your server.
3dfxorchid Feb 17 @ 12:14pm 
What is to do, when i will that the script clear a bit more, like 8 times instead of 6 times?
g.  [author] Jan 10 @ 8:40am 
good idea, maybe in a future update
In the script, I'd give the player the option to use the Custom Data field rather than the Custom Name field. Maybe a boolean the player could change like "UseCustomData = False". If they change it to "TRUE" and recompile, the script will look to the Custom Data.

Using the Block Name can get rather messy, especially with long strings.
g.  [author] Dec 27, 2023 @ 10:33am 
@Owo³ It basicly sorts into by detecting the ingame item. If the author of the modded item make a component out of it, the sorter also think it's a component.

The sorter is made for the Rebels-Games HEX server and don't know the items other people create. As described above - it also works on vanilla server (does not mean it can sort any new items the script dont even know)

Sorry to say but you need to look out for another sorter which support your items, this one do not.
OwO³ Dec 27, 2023 @ 8:55am 
Upon further watching it also isn't moving some of my modded ammo.
OwO³ Dec 27, 2023 @ 8:52am 
I'm trying to sort Concrete from the AQD mod into the mod components cargo container I have, but for some reason it just isn't. In the assembler the concrete is listed under mod components so I don't know if its the mod or the script just not recognizing it.