Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

37 ratings
Eaton Lut
File Size
35.146 KB
Sep 6, 2022 @ 4:18pm
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Eaton Lut

A Lut created for autumnal cities or cities that have a darker/vintage vibe

Hello guys!

I've been testing many luts from the workshop - one of my favorites is Protorealistic, which I always use in my cities. But as I'm using a lot of autumn trees, I missed a lut that could match them more, with a more vintage vibe, with stronger red tones.

So came the idea of creating my first Lut, which I created for my city called Eaton - that's the reason for the name of the lut.

I just use Theme Mixer to calibrate light exposure + Daylight Classic. But I already texted only with Theme Mixer and it gave a good result.

Hope you like it :)

If you liked it, don't forget to leave a like!

ZotaPeaches Mar 8, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
NVM I forgot it shows up in the game as zirrah LUT. Once again, love this realistic LUT.
ZotaPeaches Mar 7, 2023 @ 8:31pm 
This is my favorite LUT but for some reason it has stopped appearing for me :(
Zirrah  [author] Nov 7, 2022 @ 3:32am 
good to hear that, Patchemka!! :DD
Patchemka Oct 13, 2022 @ 1:01am 
I was about to get mad with the rendering.
After searching realism, bleach, filter, filmic... in the workshop.
I found your LUT by searching exposure.
The last word was the good one.
Your LUT fixed all the problems.
True colors.
Zirrah  [author] Sep 15, 2022 @ 4:25pm 
@p.seydewitz hello! U can use this with theme mixer or just select in game menu while playing. Just pause and go to menu and see graphics options!
p.seydewitz Sep 12, 2022 @ 9:09am 
Looking for an Autumn style LUT.
However, I cannot find it in the Content Manager to enable and also not in-game...any idea?