189 ratings
RedFalcon Mosquito Mk III
Type: Mod
File Size
45.535 MB
May 15, 2022 @ 10:08pm
Feb 6 @ 8:04am
22 Change Notes ( view )

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RedFalcon Mosquito Mk III

The Mosquito Mk III is a single seat, open cockpit helicopter branched from the RedFalcon Flight System - Heliz mod. This was originally developed for inclusion in the Deer Isle map mod but is also being released as a standalone mod so that anyone can use it. This mod is fully compatible with the RedFalcon Flight System - Heliz mod, but has some functional differences, different helicopter parts, and can be used completely independently.

While the helicopter itself provides no room for storage, either a wooden crate or a sea chest can be attach providing enough storage to carry loot from here to there.

The tutorial guide for the JSON configuration file can be found here:

If you're interested in trying the heli out, I have a test server available:
RedFalcon Flight System Heliz Test Center

Example config files (types.xml, trader, etc.) as well as a tutorial on managing the JSON config file can be found at RedFalcon Github[]

For more information about this mod, to get assistance, or report any issues please join our Discord at

If you like the work that I do and would like to show your appreciation, please consider donating to support my mod development, Join my discord, navigate to the #donations channel and type donate or use .

Repacking or reposting of this mod to the Steam Workshop is NOT ALLOWED. (don't even bother asking because the answer will always be no, plus you'll get a lecture about the pointlessness of endless server repacks)

Monetization while using this mod is APPROVED.

Copyright 2022 RedFalcon Modz. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account