ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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[ML] Ark Mods
Collection of my favorite ARK mods
Items (14)
Awesome SpyGlass!
Created by Chris
1404697612 Like a regular SpyGlass, except Awesomer! Works on... - Dinos - Players - Structures - Eggs - Loot - Supply Drops - And more - Shows a bunch of relevant information for the current target (see pics) - Has lots of player customizable options (see...
Dino Storage v2
Created by Lethal
MOD ID: 1609138312⠀⠀⠀ This mod is clean and stackable. It has no list priority whatsoever No game content is remapped or altered. I only add 5 of my own items to the game This mod should also work with modded dinos, as well as...
StackMeMore (v1.55)
Created by Default
***PLEASE NOTE*** This mod was originally created by Simiyet as well as the preview image. Credit goes to him for this mods Idea. This is a re-worked and updated version of SMM, and I will continue to maintain this mod for the future. If you have issues yo...
Structures Plus (S+)
Created by orionsun
Building Features: - Stackable foundations - Ceilings snap flush with foundations - Crop plots snap to foundations & ceilings - Sloped walls can snap to the bottom of walls & ceilings - Foundations can snap to ceilings if there is ground support (ie other ...
Upgrade Station v1.8i
Created by Ghazlawl
Mod ID: 821530042 Allows you to upgrade the quality of weapons, armor, tools, and saddles from primitive all the way to ascendant. Even works with items from other mods! Can also salvage items for resources. This mod doesn't change any core files and is st...
eco's Empires - Vikings
Created by eco
MOD ID: 2147192126 • Take part in history by handcrafting regional foods, learn how to fight with and protect yourself with time period weapons, and setup a home to protect the land you fight for! • Recreate historic battles or create ones never possible b...
Immersive Taming
Created by Burgesssssss Immersive Taming offers an alternative to Ark's vanilla taming methods, by allowing creatures to be tamed through in game actions vs traditional inventory items and timers. As taming increases, ...
Shiny! Dinos
Created by nevcairiel
ModID: 2016338122 Are you bored with the constant dreary colors of Ark Dinos? Make your life more Shiny! That feeling when you walk over the Ark, and you see a pretty Dino you absolutely must have? That's Shiny! Shiny Dinos! Shiny will populate your Ark wi...
Rare Sightings
Created by Ertosi
An automated server event system. Rare Sightings allows a limited number of higher than max level dinos to occasionally spawn and notifies the entire server when they do. Tame them or slay them first for unique rewards! Mod Id: 1300713111 https://steamuser...
Better Waypoints V2
Created by Joehelp
This mod is clean and stackable Mod ID: 2769908652 Be sure to check out the discussions for extra and more involved info about the mod. If you enjoy this mod, please like and favorite You can also join my discord Description...
eco's Highland Homes
Created by eco
MOD ID: 2795947433 Pre-built cottage style homes, treehouses, foliage, clothing, wagons, and more that blend seamlessly into the countryside. 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after placing, it...
eco's Primordial Saddles
Created by eco
MOD ID: 1741916864 Craft primeval saddles for your Tribe's best creatures to help survive the unforgiving lands. Upgrade your Primitive Tribe Saddles to Ascendant by co...
Castles, Keeps, and Forts Remastered
Created by ExileAcid
Mod ID: 1814953878 Publicly Released: 25/07/2019 This mod will work on any and all maps. Server Hosting Provided By LogicServers - Get a server today and use promo code CKF for 20% off! ht...
eco's Empires - Tokugawa
Created by eco
MOD ID: 2053416662 • Take part in history by handcrafting regional foods, learn how to fight with and protect yourself with time period weapons, and setup a home to protect the land you fight for! • Recreate historic battles or create ones never possible b...