Back 4 Blood

Back 4 Blood

132 ratings
PRICEless No Hope Guide for Beginners
By PRICEless
Nightmare too easy for you, Veteran not worthy for meme decks? Looking for the hardest content B4B has too offer, but don't know where to start? Then this is the guide for you.
As the description states, this is the hardest challenge B4B has to offer outside of finding a full lobby of swarm that sticks around. No Hope, released in the April update, introduces a whole new difficulty that is way harder than nightmare, as well as significant gameplay changes that imo makes it the most fun mode to play in at the moment.

First off, you start out with your whole deck. this is the biggest change you will notice when coming over from other difficulties, that means, where previously you were capped at 13-14 cards on a flawless deck, and only pick up speed halfway through it, you now go out fully decked out and ready to **** sh*t up. Not only that, you can also pimp yourself out with new cards you find along the way, (provided you can afford it) to get even more juiced up and by the end of the act, you will end up being a supersoldier were you to play on lower difficulties.

How does this mean that it's the hardest challenge, if you start out fully kitted out? Well, tbh, it isn't all that difficult, PROVIDED you work together as a team. This is very important, I cannot stress this enough. Working together, even if you are not the best 733t player in the world, will cause no hope to be a relaxing run, whereas if you and your teammates don't cooperate, it will be hell on earth.

I managed to duo No Hope, with 0-little issues, the only part we ran into a wall was T-5 where the bots were unfortunately too dumb to execute complex teamwork, so we redid it with a full squad. That means we had two sub par players on the team at all times, but because bots work together as a team, (bare minimum) it was fine.

No hope also reduces the extra lives from nightmare to 0, and prevents respawns, which means if you reach 0 hp, that's the end of the road for the rest of the level. Medical cabinets also cost 400 copper and are not allowed any free heals. Most of the time, they don't even spawn outside of stashes. No hope also buffs the damage of mutations by a significant amount, and further boosts their abilites, such as tallboys hitting for a ridiculous 130+ damage, and dont get me started on bruisers should they reach you. Bosses will also regularly 1 hit you if you have less than 100hp even if they are not ferocious or monstrous. The biggest and sneakiest change though, is the complete lack of items in this mode, which the devs conveniently left out of the description. No hope flats out doesn't spawn items, or does it extremely rarely.

There are currently 10 cleaners in B4B, 2 of them being dlc characters, and they all bring different perks to the team or themselves. However, this does not mean all cleaners are equal, some are just better than others in the grand scheme of things. Any deck can be played well on any cleaner, but some decks synergize better with their respective cleaners, like how a melee deck synergizes with Holly, or a medic one with Doc. Pick the one that fits your playstyle the best, and synergizes with the team you're playing with the most, For example, avoid picking Evangelo, if the entire team is deciding to go slow, as his passives are more often than not, wasted in that comp.

I did No Hope in a duo going slow, we did not speedrun anything, same as when we did it with a group of 4. That is just the playstyle my team and I prefer, and so we ran with what we think are the BiS (Best in slot) for the particular comp we were running.

Cards and Decks Part 1
Ah the most important aspect of B4B, deck building. Like previously mentioned, bring a deck that synergizes with the team as a whole, not a selfish one, if you plan to go far in this difficulty. This means, bringing cards you would otherwise not include in your deck, but because it has a bigger impact on the team be it alone or stacked.

Since no hope has extremely few item spawns, and in the later parts of the campaign, include a faster than sprinting speed zombie, blitzers. You must take these 2 points into consideration when building your deck. this includes carrying scavenger cards to make supplies easier to be found in the field, some speed cards, should you need to outmaneuver zombies, and some economy cards, because you will need all the upgrades you can get. Scavenger cards stack, albeit with diminishing returns, especially on lower difficulties, where the director already spawns a lot of items, but in no hope, where items are so scarce, I find that 2 is usually the sweet spot for most, 1 for utilities, and 4 for copper, because copper is doubly important in no hope, since there are a lot of things that you can boost yourself with but comes with a price.

Cards work in the order they are played! So in order to get the most out of cards in no hope, play cards with big tradeoffs at the top of your deck, and cards that give out benefits towards the bottom.

Decks play different roles depending on how they are built. A few examples:

• Melee = Horde clearing and/or facetanking, has decent mutation killing abilities on the lower difficulties.

• Speedrunning = Mobility tanking and/or clutching. Deck type gets a lot of hate due to people using it as a crutch/selfish purposes. But a good speedrunner/mobility deck can help reduce pressure from the team.

• Medic = Healing and/or support. A good medic deck usually buffs the team and debuffs the enemy as well. Support is very powerful if built right and in the right team.

• Sniper = Mutation/Boss killer. Powerful single target deck that decimates mutations and powerful against bosses. Downside is that, depending on your loadout and cards, might have less of an edge against commons/mixed hordes.

• Grenadier = Boss killer and/or support. With this deck, bosses might as well disappear from the game, it just deletes them. Yes, faster than a sniper deck going all in with damage cards! All that while only needing a few core cards, so they can fit in support to further help the team. Struggles with mutations while running a long level or on higher difficulties due to frags being limited, and the only way to get new ones outside of the saferoom consistently is through rng.

Economy should be taken by everyone. Most decks have a couple of free slots available, you dont have to slam every heal or damage card you find into a deck. It's overkill and most of them are too niche to warrant a card slot.

Notable cards for certain categories:


Copper Scavenger

• The single best economy card in the game, in a party of 4, one 25 copper pile you pick up equates to a total value of 100 since copper is shared to everyone in the party, and a 100 copper pile, nets a 400 copper value, which is the same as share the wealth in 1 pickup!

Money Grubbers

• The 2nd most impactful economy card, netting a maximum gain of almost a thousand copper at 25 max stacks. This card nets you 3 copper for the first pile you pick up, and increases it by 3 on the next one, so you would get 6 on the 2nd, 9 on 3rd, 12 on the 4th, etc until the maximum of 75 copper is reached. Synergizes extremely well with copper scavenger for a solid economy base that allows upgrades, purchases, as well as cards.

Compound Interest

• This card requires a fairly good economy to get rolling, but once it does, boy does it work. Boosts all copper you currently have at the start of the level by 5% and up to 20% with 4 copies played. This is a team card, and as such, it's effects will really start to be felt if 4 copies are played, so much so, that combining it with the other two, makes you the richest squad in Fort Hope. If you see it lying around as a random card, get the whole team to buy it immediately, the 2000 investment is well worth it. Does not work in hives, which is a downside, but when you start the next chapter after raiding a hive, pockets filled to the brim with copper, this card really gives that xtra oopmh for purchases.


Mark for Death

• The best damage card in the game, period. All it takes is 1 person with it, to click a button and then the whole team immediately gains a 10% damage boost, roughly equating to a 40% damage buff on 1 person, provided everyone focus fires. Not only that, but it also highlights the mutation giving wallhacks to the entire team, meaning it can't ever run away, and attempt an ambush like those sneaky stinger families and retches. Extremely valuable in a coordinated team. Downside is that it doesn't stack, so multiple copies will only mean more targets can be marked at once, which isnt really used most of the time due to focus fire, but it's something to consider. Must have on at least 1 person.


• Gives a 15% bonus to the whole team at max stacks. Theoretically better than mark for death, but practically falls behind. It is still one of the best damage cards by a large margin. Shooting a target up to 15 times, makes the target take 5% more damage than marked for death, but it does disappear after 3 seconds compared to mark's 30-ishs, so it's kinda hard to keep up in a hectic situation. Can be combined to be the ultimate debuff, and since they are both multiplicative, grants a whopping 26.5% buff to the whole team, That's better than even glass cannon! Does not stack, but multiple copies allow a faster ramp up to 15% damage boost. Only 1 person needs to run it in a squad.

Glass Cannon

• This card gives a massive 25% damage bonus to cleaners who have it equipped, but comes at a cost of being 30% more fragile. the trade off is extremely worth it for big damage dealers like grenadiers or snipers due to it's multiplicative nature which means, any sort of damage they deal is further increased by 25%! Not to be compared to Hyper focused, a card that deals 50% weakspot damage, that is actually one of the weaker cards due to it's additive nature, and how rare it is you actually get to shoot a weakspot, so in reality, it actually boosts damage by roughly 25% when a shot is landed on a weakspot due to the innate 150%-200% weakspot ridden already have. Works well against bosses, but glass cannon is universal.
Cards and Decks Part 2
Here are sample decks my team and I used as well as the cleaners most suited for certain deck playstyles:


This deck allows you to reach up to 65% damage resistance with a melee weapon out, or 75% as Holly. Explosive resistance sits at 85% or a whopping 95%! On top of that, scar tissue reduces any further damage dealth by 1. A melee player's role in the team, is mainly to fend off those pesky commons, they are the kryptonite to commons and in turn mutations are their kryptonite. On No Hope, mutations deal too much damage for a melee to deck to effectively hit trade continuously, and such guns are better suited for them. To fit the role well, I ran a full on defensive build as melee, and i took care of commons, while my team deals with mutations and bosses. No damage boost is needed to 1 shot commons, as the knife already does 40 base damage, and having massive resistances makes me just lodge in a doorway and facetank almost everything while my team stays safe and deals with threats in relative safety. Scar tissue is placed a the bottom of the deck, so that it calculates after damage reduction calculations are made, giving me more reduction compared to running it first. Bomb squad is there, to provide explosive resistances and it stacks additively as well as boosts the grenadier in my team's damage.

Recommended weapons:

• Machete

The best melee weapon for the role of common clearing, clears hordes like no tomorrow.

• Fire axe

Should you decide to take on mutations, or if you have no machetes around, so you can at least contribute to your team in a different way.

• AA12 / Super 90

Close quarter guns that help thin the herd of volatile/acidic/fire ridden before they deal damage to you. Also good to pump lead, when you juke a mutation.

• Ranch rifle

The most accurate gun in the game at higher tiers. Allows you to have a fighting chance against stingers and other ranged ridden, also take care of tallboys from a distance, as you really dont want to be eating 150 damage swings to the face. Only caveat is that you have to stand still for the tight crosshairs, as any sort of movement blows it up really wide.

Recommended cleaners:

• Holly

A good brawler and the melee poster boy girl of the game. A tier due to her innate stamina regen on kills as well as unique 10% damage resistance which snowballs on tank builds. Becomes SSS tier when a Sharice is on the team as she gets all of Sharice's perks as well making her a melee super soldier.

• Sharice

Fits the tank role melee decks in higher difficulties tend to gravitate towards. Her team bolstered health makes vanguard super vauable as well as armor pieces negating any sort of damage once for free per armor plate! Shrug off and laugh at that tallboy trying to pound your face in! S tier and imo the best melee character in the game right now if no Holly is present.

• Evangelo

B tier, but still better than other cleaners trying to melee, Innate stamina regen, and a free breakout ability makes him very hard to get incapped, in turn allowing him to have more uptime in protecting the team. Use if you are unfamiliiar on juking crushers, stalkers, and hockers.


The grenadier is THE boss deleter, a good grenadier in the team effectively turns bosses into a non issue, as they will disappear as soon as they show their mug to the team. This deck goes for MAX damage to lay down the hurt on bosses and mutations alike, and is capable of killing monstrous ogres in as little 3 purple frags despite the bomb squad rework! In total, this deck provides over 431% frag damage, and even more should the team play more copies of bomb squad or if the target is affected by the mark for death + shredder combo. Our grenadier picked a lot of scavenger cards to help aid the other members of the team as they synergize better. Down in front is in there to prevent the grenadier accidentally killing the entire team in a sticky situation. That's how much damage they deal! Pinata is also in there to spawn items during hordes with molotovs that the team carries and drops for our grenadier.

Recommended weapons:

• Assault rifles

Helps clear commons out in the open to help support the melee, or keep them off the teams back. Mutations are somewhat of a threat to the grenadier as frags are limited, hence why pinata is there as well as there being a sniper rifle user in the team.

• Frag grenades

The bread and butter of any grenadier build, never leave the saferoom without your pockets filled with these to delete bosses.

Recommended cleaners:

• Hoffman

The go to character for offensive accessory builds. Hoffman's buff back in Feb made his passive insane to the point he has a built in pinata, which ofc stacks with the pinata card. A hoffman constantly burning hordes with molotovs or pipes is a surefire way to get 1-3 free item spawns per throw. He also has an extra offensive slot for an extra frag to finish the job should the others fail to do so.

• Heng

The weirdest character the devs at TRS have released, this guy is basically just a hoffman lite, with magician's trick and his passive, he has a 15% base reuse chance on accessories, so if you are the gambling type, you can try him out and see if RNGesus is on your side, and grants 6 free throws in a row. He can also spam the hell out of razor wires as at purple tier, they have a 30% reuse chance with him. As for getting hit by mutations to spawn items, it's really rare, so don't even bother. Think of it as a consolation prize for getting the ever living sh*t smacked out of you.
Cards and Decks Part 3


The Sniper acts as the one to handle those troublesome mutations, with huge single target damage, they should be able to handle any kind of mutation heading the team's way. This deck grants a 248% damage bonus max and a 500% damage bonus if hit on the weakspot. it is able to drop most mutations in a few shots and help take care of bosses, should the grenadier run out of frags. Our sniper ran additional copies of scavenger cards to make them spawn easier throughout the level with two is one and one is none at the end to better defend themselves should they be caught out of position. They are also running on your mark as well as bomb squad to help with the ammo economy and boost our grenadiers damage and overrall team resistance to surprise exploders.

Recommended weapons:

• Phoenix

This sniper rifle is usually the one snipers should use mid to late game in no hope as it provides the highest burst damage out of all the sniper rifles, capable of killing mutations the quickest.

• M95

The sniper rifle with the easiest time to stumble mutations, stunlocking them, and allowing easy follow up shots. Loses it's effectiveness mid to late game due to monstrous mutations getting additional stumble resistance and losing the power to reliably stumble monstrous bruisers even with a purple stumble mag, which can cause mass havoc should it break the team's lines.

• Witness

The legendary sniper rifle introduced in the DLC. This is the best sniper rifle in the game by a long shot at the moment, Not only does it do ridiculous amounts of damage, making the phoenix look like a peashooter, it also boosts all damage to the mutation the sniper is firing at by 20% making it a marked for death on steroids and ofc it stacks with the original mark for death. Only downside is that it guzzles ammo, so be mindful about overusing it on commons. Deletes everything the sniper is shooting at!

Recommended cleaners:

• Walker

The cleaner with the most consistent damage in nightmare and no hope, Walker starts to overtake Jim's passive due to the sheer amount of attrition damage your team will take. Recommended for beginners and veterans alike who just want some consistency in their cleaners instead of hitting like a wet noodle just because a charred ridden got within 2m of them. He also reduces damage from mutations by 10% which doesn't mean much, but it could mean the difference between a bruiser dealing 135 damage vs dealing 150 damage and incapping a cleaner in 1 go.

• Jim

In the hands of a skilled (and lucky) player, Jim could outdamage Walker, so if you are confident in your skills and are blessed by God to somehow avoid most of the attrition damage in No Hope, feel free to use him, He has a built in glass cannon passive at max stacks making him deal even more damage than Walker as well as the ability to aim faster, which is ok I guess. Team weakspot bonuses don't really contribute much, but it does boost Jim's damage slightly more should he hit a weakspot.


The medic plays the support role in the team, providing heals and debuffs when needed. This medic deck provides consistent heals and the extra life that is very much needed on no hope. Note that this deck is heavily tailored towards Doc which is why it has no support card slots, since she doesn't need them. Meanwhile, if you prefer to use Mom or other characters, some cards might have to be replaced. The team usually passes all their healing to the medic resulting in the total heal slots at 4 at the very least. The deck also heals a ton of trauma, which is very prevalent in No Hope, with the 2 scavenger cards played by the other two members, providing supplies to be found throughout the level.

Poultice and amped up are in there, to combat the currently bugged? pure chaos corruption which removes ALL heal efficiency bonuses and further reduces the heal by half of its basic version! The two cards mentioned are unaffected by heal efficiency and thus are unaffected by that corruption card.

Recommended weapons:

• SMGs

Submachine guns have extremely high rate of fire, and is able to apply shredder stacks easily, it also controls hordes easily and provides added mobility for the medic to maneuver around. The medic is the last person you want on your team to die first.

• Shotguns

Shotguns can also apply shredder easily thanks to multiple pellets being fired per shot, however, they do need to be quite close to be effective, especially the wider spread shotguns such as the tac-14.

• Bandages

Yes, bandages are technically the superior healing item on medics due to their reuse chance, the odds of using a medkit to grant back a life is very low especially with the inclusion of defibs which prevent a lot of the incapped trauma in the first place. Usually, the team members would be carrying a medkit each, or 1 member(usually the tank), while the medic carries bandages and the rest carry pills for emergency heals. Bandages are also heal efficient as excess efficiency wont go past trauma, and this allows bandages to just about fill up missing health without wasting excess heals.

Recommended cleaners:

• Doc

The BiS for medics, despite the recent nerfs, Doc is still the best medic by a wide margin. Her passives grant more heal efficiency as well as trauma resistance and her ability to have 3 free bandages every level is not to be slept on. The free heals also cure the debuffs brought down upon by the new festering ridden, further cementing her position of being the best medic. S tier.

• Mom

Mom used to be a very solid medic pre April, due to the extra life she provided and a free instant revive making her compete with Doc, but with her recent rework, she has fell from grace from that spot. She now grants the whole team increased revive speed (which falls short in coordinated groups as defibs by the medic are the main way of reviving) and grants reduced temporary hp drain as well as a free copy of the old amped up (grants 25 temporary hp to everyone) everytime someone gets incapped (hp reaches 0 without dying or gets grabbed by a mutation). She does have an extra support slot to overcome her shortcomings, but its just not the same as receiving 3 free ones on Doc. A tier.

• Karlee

Karlee also has potential to be a better than average medic with her inherent use speed to patch up faster as well as the ability to carry one more quick slot, which means 1 extra defib that she can carry and use during emergencies. Sadly other than those two perks, she has nothing over the other 2 characters similar to how Evangelo compares to Holly and Sharice. B tier.
Mutations Part 1
There are 17 mutations in the game (14 special mutations + 3 bosses). It's important to know what each mutation can do as well as how much of a pirority it is in taking them out. An ignored mutation can put a huge dent in the team or worse, wipe it. Mutations on no hope, especially their monstrous variants (big glowing red eyes that have 1.5x hp and deal 2x damage) can be a run ender on their own. So always have someone in the party that can easily dispatch them at all times.


Tallboys are the tall mutations that have a giant arm which looks like they've practiced a certain activity a little too much. They are usually the no 1 on the list of the mutations which you have to kill asap or the team will be going down. There are 4 variants currently:


• Description : Black recolour of the regular tallboy. Smashes your face in, leaving you into the ground if you're lucky, or knocked off a ledge if unlucky.
• HP : Very high
• Damage : Very high
• Speed : Low
• Weakspot : Right shoulder
• Notable abilities : Reducing the team's damage output when it is nearby, 1 shotting anything less than 150hp without resistances.
• Threat : Very high


• Description : King of the singular muscular arm (mostly just for show, bruisers are the true kings) bright red spot on the face and tentacles growing out of it. Grabs cleaners.
• HP : High
• Damage : Low (Very high for traumatic crushers!)
• Speed : Medium
• Weakspot : Jaw
• Notable abilities : Deals massive trauma damage. Has the longest sprint duration out of all tallboys. Can be juked by rushing its left side while it's trying to grab, and just running around in circles.
• Threat : Low (Very high if a teammate is grabbed)


• Description : Poster boy of B4B. Tall bald ridden with a huge right arm. Smashes cleaners and knocking them back with significant force.
• HP : High
• Damage : High
• Speed : Medium (Fast for quick tallboys)
• Weakspot : Right shoulder
• Notable abilities : Quick allows it to combo attacks or straight up almost teleport if it's close so be very very careful when dealing with them. 1 shotting anything less than 100 hp without resistances. Hardened makes them very resistant to frags, but a grenadier can still dispatch in 1 frag due to their damage bonuses.
• Threat : High


• Description : White recolour of the regular tallboy with spikes growing out of it. Fires a projectile that travels in a line when it attacks.
• HP : Very High
• Damage : Medium
• Speed : Medium
• Weakspot : Jaw
• Notable abilities : Disrupts the team, by stunning them with a medium ranged projectile (that ignores walls btw). Some versions fire 3 projectiles in an arc!
• Threat : Medium


Stingers are mostly ranged ridden, that use stealth to damage cleaners. They heavily punish cleaners who are out in the open and are best fought indoors, unlike tallboys.


• Description : Red recolour of the regular stinger. Pins survivors it spits on. Has a long recharge time.
• HP : Low
• Damage : Medium
• Speed : Fast
• Weakspot : Chest
• Notable abilities : Reducing the target's healing taken for quite some time after being pinned. Can be juked by moving the opposite direction once it starts charging up its spit.
• Threat : Low


• Description : A very smart stinger with a very big head. Pounces on survivors, and drags them away. (kinda like the jockey from l4d2)
• HP : Low
• Damage : High
• Speed : Fast
• Weakspot : Head
• Notable abilities : Cleaners it grabs are not immune to friendly fire! Can be pushed off with a bash to the head most times. Stumbles nearby cleaners when it grabs someone
• Threat : High


• Description : A small white ridden that jumps around and shoots projectiles.
• HP : Low
• Damage : High (Very high for stingers that get increased fire rate)
• Speed : Fast
• Weakspot : Chest
• Notable abilities : Slows cleaners that it spits at. On Nightmare and no hope, the increased fire rate buff makes them fire like a machine gun, be careful! Monstrous stingers can hit for up to 30 damage per projectile. Can be extremely deadly if left alive for too long.
• Threat : Very High


• Description : A stalker that fires mines and has spines growing out of it. Mines can be gotten rid of by shooting it.
• HP : Low
• Damage : Low
• Speed : Fast
• Weakspot : Head
• Notable abilities : Mines fired can slow cleaners down, when they are damaged by it. Has no other ranged attack. Mines can rack up damage quite quickly if left to persist and not shot at.
• Threat : Medium


Reekers are ridden that try to zone out cleaners from their position, forcing them to relocate. The least threatening ridden type alone. They act more like supports, amplifying other ridden's combat capabilities.


• Description : A ridden that vomits at cleaners, zoning them out with pools of acid
• HP : Medium
• Damage : Medium (High if staying in acid for too long)
• Speed : Slow
• Weakspot : Head
• Notable abilities : Their vomit is actually pretty damaging if stayed in for prolonged periods of time. And they can even slow cleaner movement speed by a whopping 75% if they have the adhesive perk. Despite this, they can be easily countered by melee tanks with scar tissue.
• Threat : High


• Description : A ridden that charges and explodes. Heavily damaging cleaners if they don't move out of the way
• HP : Medium
• Damage : Very High
• Speed : Medium
• Weakspot : Chest
• Notable abilities : Their explosions are the most damaging attacks in the game, if detonated point blank. That being said, the radius is not that big, but they can get a 100% radius buff. Their explosions can also blind cleaners for 3s sometimes. Can be juked by simply moving out of the way when they charge. They will explode and killthemselves without firing a single bullet. Melee tanks can also facetank their explosions with proper resistances despite it dealing more damage than bruiser hits.
• Threat : Very High


• Description : A ridden that charges and melees cleaners. Hits for a lot, and should it be killed covers them in bile that attracts a horde
• HP : High
• Damage : High
• Speed : Medium
• Weakspot : None
• Notable abilities : Their explosions can debuff cleaners, causing them to take increased damage for some period of time. Has a higher stumble resistance than the others in the family.
• Threat : Medium


• Description : A white reeker that has spikes growing out of it. Pulls cleaners towards it and hits them with damaging swipes. On death, they spew acid in a radius around their body. Death starts the moment they start leaking, don't waste ammo by shooting its flailing corpse!
• HP : Medium
• Damage : High
• Speed : Medium
• Weakspot : Head
• Notable abilities : Pulls cleaners out of their position if left to charge its attack, drawing them out into the open. Has a long charge time, but should it go off, has a very large radius. (Can be blocked by walls). Swipes are also very damaging, almost like a tallboy.
• Threat : High
Mutations Part 2

Snitchers are mutations that alert a horde when they are shot at, if not killed fast enough. They have 2 variants, with one only appearing during The Dark corruption card. These special snitchers have red bulbs on their necks and will always trigger horde even if killed fast enough. They count as alarms and count towards the Silence is Golden objective. Dont worry, red snitchers will only fail the objective if they manage to scream. Killing one quickly will still pass it despite it calling a horde.

• Description : Tall lanky infected that shambles around. Is attracted to noise and gunfire
• HP : Medium
• Damage : Very low
• Speed : Very slow
• Weakspot : Neck
• Notable abilities : Red snitchers during The Dark corruption will always call a horde. Check their necks before you engage! Sometimes its better to just lure it out of the way. On No Hope, snitchers are also immune to stumble and stun guns!
• Threat : Very high if alerted, Very low if not.


Ogres are the big bad of the game. Literally. They are massive ridden that deal high amounts of damage and take a lot of hits to go down. They will also always call a horde whenever they spawn and can't reach cleaners that are indoors. The have massive weakspots that can get destroyed when shot enough times and can also be armored if not found on the basic ogre. On some maps, when reaching half hp, they will run away to fight again for a 2nd time.

• Description : Do I really need to describe it? Look for a massive ridden that is 10m tall
• HP : Extremely high
• Damage : Very High
• Speed : Slow
• Weakspot : Chest and it's back (trapezoids to be exact)
• Notable abilities : Ferocious and monstrous ogres come with armor plates on their weakspots that need to be shot at to get to the juicy part. Their meatballs are also partially guided, and can be shot down by shooting it mid air. On no hope, flashes only work, if it has sustained enough damage within the past few seconds. Not sure what it is, but it's a healthy amount.
• Threat : Very Low. (Yes, you heard that right, this boy is the last thing you have to engage when it spawns, all others are of a higher priority than it, because it's just so slow and limiting on where it can go) The most threatening part is the horde it summons when it tends to spawn right underneath you.


Breakers are huge infected that walk at you menacingly. Don't understimate their walk though, they can leap for significant distances, and are also immune to flashes during this animation. (Probably because it would look silly for a massive hulk to drop down wild-e-coyote style mid air). They spawn a horde and a killzone after the first hit it does. Moving out of the killzone will cause you to take constant damage until you go down. Flashes stop it from calling it down and postpone it till the effect ends. Takes massive damage when a weakspot is destroyed and even stuns it for awhile.

• Description : A ridden that has the body of a bodybuilder, with two gigantic club arms to show for it.
• HP : Extremely high
• Damage : Very High
• Speed : Slow
• Weakspot : Left Chest, 1 on each leg, Top Right Back.
• Notable abilities : Copy pasting here. Ferocious and monstrous breakers come with armor plates on their weakspots that need to be shot at to get to the juicy part. Their leap attack are also uninterruptible, and cant be shot down with flashes. On no hope, breakers deal ridiculous damage, like a bruiser, so be wary. Killzone shrinks in size constantly until the team wipes, or the breaker is.
• Threat : Very High. Best strat is to just simply flash the breaker before he leaps, and wail on him till he dies, throwing another flash before he recovers to stunlock him. Should a horde spawn, throw a pipe bomb to lure it way, or should that fail, deal with it first, before engaging the breaker, though that's like a last resort. In some hives, where the breaker can't summon a killzone, treat it like the ogre.


Hags are mutations that can mess up a run if the team doesn't know how to deal with her. She is by far the easiest boss out of the three, so much so in fact, a normal tallboy poses more of a threat than her to the team. Despite this, she is extremely high on the priority list because if left alone to do her thing, she can instantly take out 1 member of the team at a time.

• Description : A ridden with arms coming out of its mouth. An eerie music theme plays when she is around. Despite this, she blends quite well with the environment, so trigger happy players can sometimes accidentally trigger her thinking it was a roaming ridden.
• HP : Very high
• Damage : Medium (swipes)/Instant Death (If she abducts someone and runs away)
• Speed : Fast
• Weakspot : Back
• Notable abilities : Cleaners abducted/eaten by the hag cannot be defibbed back to life! This means if she succeeds in getting someone on No Hope, the team is permanently down 1 member for the rest of the level. Summons a horde when she's alerted. Can be stalled by flashing or stumbling her while she's berserked. Retreats when she takes a significant amount of damage or fails to capture someone. Will come back with some hp regenerated later in the level, making her the only boss with infinite hp if not bursted down.
• Threat : Extremely high. Yes I know, weird thing to say after my description. Well, it's because if left alone she can permanently cripple the team for the rest of the level on No Hope. She can also come back to harass the team later on during the level countless times as long as she can get away to heal. On some maps where she can't return for repeat abduction attempts like in the Nursery, she is safe to ignore once she starts retreating.
Acts Part 1
Okay, the part of the guide you are probably looking for. In this part, I will help guide on some of the strategies needed to beat each act with as little risk as possible. I will skip most of the mundane tasks you are familiar with by now, but I will go over events in No Hope where the difficulty has been further increased from Nightmare.

Act 1

Act 1 has a ton of events, most of them requiring use speed. As such, have one person on the team stack at least 2-3 use speed cards for a smooth experience in this act. Notable cards are: Combat medic, Screwdriver, Multitool and Cold Brew Coffee. DO NOT take Headband Magnifier. This is a major noob trap. The blind effect is actually 3s compared to the listed 1s since it triggers 3x in a row as well as having quite the high chance to proc.


You start off with 250 copper each, 1k in solo. Buy 1 toolkit for the stash to gain access to the medical cabinet and a bottleneck and another for the bridge should you have the funds to do so. There are no sales on No Hope, so don't try to restart until you can get discounts on toolkits. Karlee is BiS in this act for the overabundance of use speed usage, so if you have her in the team, you start off with 1 right off the bat. Should you not have a toolkit for the bridge, camp at the ledge before you head out the balcony door.

• The camping spot

Tunnel of Blood

A scripted ogre spawns here once you get past the ruined van outside the tunnel. There are 2 strats involved here. Either a) you run past the ogre and hightail it through the tunnels which could lead to a probable wipe, should you be unlucky with mutations blocking your way or b) fall back to the saferoom and engage it there where it will run away after reaching half hp.

For the saferoom engagement, have 2 people standing on the balcony, and not drop down, and 2 people baiting the ogre and the ridden at the bottom. In solo, or duo, the bots will not shoot at the ogre! So you have a bit of an extra responsibility yourself. Either way, buy a pipe or two to deal with the accompanying horde. Triggering the birds below the balcony earlier before the ogre is also recommended, or setting them off exactly when the ogre spawns, so the horde limit is reached.

Second half of the ogre fight is pretty straightforward, just retreat back into the tunnel and shoot at it danger free once the horde is dealth with.

Pain Train

Ah, baby's first wall. Usually the first event that prevents an inexperienced team from progressing further. Unlike recruit and veteran, the ridden horde when the silo is dropped is infinite! I cannot stress this enough. Have at least 1 pipe bomb/firecrackers to make sure you have enough time to run to the saferoom once you can hop onto the train car. As for where to camp out while waiting for the grain to fill up, the ideal spot is on top of a train car right behind the control station. This spot has the ridden coming from only 1 direction, it's back. So you can have 2 people watching that area, and 2 people watching the opposite for any stingers.

• View from on top of the train car

• Zombies can only access through this chokepoint

The Crossing

Buy as many pipe bombs and firecrackers that you can. Once the gas tank explodes part of the wall, rush to the other side, set up the minigun, and get the c4s. In a party of 4, have 2 people hold the minigun and truck area, while the other 2 sneak away and plant the bombs. This will attract most of the ridden into attacking the ones at the minigun area, giving the 2 bomb carriers safe passage to plant the bombs. With less than 4 people, everyone will have to go together, as its a very high chance the bot will not stick to the 1 person holding the minigun area, leaving them exposed to mutations that can incap.

Here's a little trick to speedrun to the bomb area:

A Clean Sweep

A scripted breaker spawns once the gas station horde is cleared. Camp in front of the garage door and immediately flash him before he can leap. Proceed to chain flashes to reset the stun and wail on him with gunfire until he is dead. Pretty straightforward strategy. DO NOT stack the gas cans in front of the garage door if you have a melee user since you will be crippling their damage contribution to the breaker. To rescue the remaining survivors, trigger the alarm, and camp out at the generator. Contrary to popular belief, the horde is indeed not infinite, once it is dealt with, you can take your time to rescue the pinned survivors.

• Generator camping spot


You will have 1 more window to board up compared to nightmare, Fighting a horde in the library is inevitable on No Hope, just find a good spot to hold out once the timer almost reaches 0. Tread carefully and watch out for sleeper spots around every corner. Even more of them are placed on No Hope. Triggering sleepers leads to additional hordes which will further wear you down.

Bar Room Blitz

This one is pretty straightforward, just place razor wires around the bar and hold out. One person can stand on top of the jukebox (preferably the melee) to easily dispatch incoming ridden gunning for it. A side note is that, repairing the jukebox retriggers the horde, so you will get all on horde effects to trigger another time like amped up and on you mark.

The Diner

This event is still a snoozefest on No Hope. SImply camp out on one of the corners and you can go afk with the amount of razor wires that you have stacked at the entrance.

• Place wires in front and go afk
Acts Part 2
Bad Seeds

On No Hope, there will be 1 more additional nest to destroy, Once the last one is destroyed however, unlike in recruit and veteran, the horde will not stop coming! Make you have scavenged every area of the nest before destroying the last one because you will need to rush to the saferoom. Save a pipe for the last hike.

Hell's Bells

A scripted Hag spawns in the swamp area. Simply flash, and kill her or chase her away. If she runs away, she might show up again in front of the church;

As for the church, This event is where No Hope starts to introduce you to how absurd some events can be. You will have to board up ALL the windows in the church. Yes, for a grand total of 12. Have some pipes at the ready, because you will need them.

The main strategy is to immediately chuck a pipe out one of the back windows and quickly place 1 board on the back 6 windows. This will buy enough time as the ridden can't get in while the windows have boards up and they spend a lot of time to break it. While they are busy smashing the windows, proceed to place the 2nd layer of boards on them, then place the 1st layer of boards on the remaining 6. Lastly just fully board up the windows and shut the saferoom door once everything is looted in the church.


The 2nd wall in the game. Getting through here needs some prep work if not running a speedrun deck. FIrst off, the 1st event, after you activate the tow truck, spawns an infinite horde of ridden until you reach the house on the opposite side of the street. At least 2 pipebombs or firecrackers are recommended to get through safely as the ridden here are most likely monstrous blitzing ridden, which means they hit hard and they run even faster.

The event at the mines however, requires pipebombs or frags to shut them down or a never ending stream of ridden (which are monstrous and blitzing i might add) will chase you to the end of the level. There are a total of 6 mines that need to be destroyed. The first one will always have a barrel outiside that you can shoot to shut it. The 2nd is up the hill on the right, 3rd is in the shack on the left of you when you reach the top of the 1st flight of stairs. 4th one is to the right of the stairs, past the truck, 5th is past the cliff overhang with a support tunnel, and the last is next to the shack that may contain a stash.

Finally once you reach to the top of the mines, there is a hidden 7th mine in front of the saferoom, This mine is indestructible and cant be seen so there will be an endless horde once you reach the top of the 2nd flight of stairs There will also be a sleeper waiting for you on the right once you reach the top, so be wary of that.

The Sound of Thunder

The 2nd hardest level you will ever face in No Hope. This event is absolutely insane for the unprepared, and I spent a good few continues on the first attempt. Knowledge is everything in this event. To start with, you cannot drop down anything from the saferoom, so you can only carry whatever you can in your pockets. That means, a limited amount of wires can be used. Secondly, you have an unlimited amount of prep time before you fire the howitzer so take this time to properly strategize for the coming battle.

Now knowing your enemy is winning half the battle. It's a quote from Sun Tzu (I think) which makes me super smart and you should listen to me. Anyway, I will spare you the trouble of figuring out the little details so here you go:

• There will be 3!!! Monstrous Ogres that spawn throughout the event. Yes you read that right. Not 1, not 2, but 3.

• You will need to fire a total of 8 shots into the mine on No Hope. This is where it gets tricky as there are a limited amount of shells you can hoard before they start to despawn. (5 max)

• For the most efficient way of hoarding shells: Place 1 in the howitzer itself, 5 on the ground, and have the person tasked in filling up the howitzer hold 1 in their hands. That makes 7 right? Well, the 8th shell is actually right next to the howitzer, in a crate. DO NOT touch this until at least 4 shells are left on the ground and 1 shot has been fired. I cannot stress this enough. While in the crate, it is immune to retches blowing it up with their vomit and it does not despawn nor count toward to the hoard counter. Now have someone in the party that is not holding the shell to fire and clean the 1st shot, then have the shell carrier take over and fill up the howitzer and continue to do so until all 8 shots are fired. EZ PZ.

• Ogres spawn on after the 2nd,4th and 6th shot fired. This is where it gets intense if you do not have use speed because they will absolutely disrupt the whole process and will need to be dealt with before you can continue firing. Ogres die instantly if a shell is fired into them.

Ogres cannot stack! This means if an ogre is already on the field, a 2nd ogre is not allowed to spawn despite them having their turn. What this means is that if the first ogre from the 2nd shot is still alive after the 4th round is fired, the 2nd ogre cannot and will not spawn! This makes use speed doubly useful as you can skip ogre spawns by just simply focusing on firing the howitzer.

Retches can explode shells with their vomit! They are the absolute no 1 priority in this event. Should a shell come into contact with retch vomit, it will explode, dealing damage to anything nearby and causing you to run to the other side of the map to find a replacement ASAP.

• There are 3 mines in total at the site. One on the right and 2 to the left of the cannon. Close the mines to reduce the spawn rate of ridden and making them funnel from the main mine entrance.

Here's a video demonstration of how to do it smoothly, note that it is a duo strat, a 4 man strat would be even easier:

Acts Part 3

Act 2 is the easiest act in the entire game, with all straightforward objectives that require little planning. A grenadier deck shines here due to the amount of bosses it throws at you.

A Call to Arms

Similar to Act 1, you start with 250 gold and 1k on solo. Buy a toolkit to gain access to the stash which will house a med cabinet and in this particular level, a possible skip to the event!

Should you be unlucky enough to encounter the stash skip. Simply proceed as normal, and destroy the nests 1 by 1. One of the best hold spots is a corner in the parking lot, with a truck parked in the middle.

• Parking lot hold spot

Another thing to note about this level is that there will always be an alarmed door before you cross the bridge into the police station, so prepare as such if you wish to pass the silence is golden objective.

Handy Man

Simple yet difficult level to complete due to the timed hordes mechanic. Unlike other levels, destroying nests here will not call a horde, but a timed one will spawn every 2 minutes on No Hope. Do not linger in 1 place for too long, as you could take too much attrition damage to recover from. After clearing the first nest in the police station, head to the path on the right to get easier access to the stash room and medical cabinet should you need to replenish trauma or lives. Other than that, keep on moving and keep an eye on the timer to find a good spot to hold during the horde.

*There is a major bug currently in this particular chapter. If you destroy a nest (BIg massive node that spawns Bob's body part) it will silently add 2-3 random monstrous mutation corruption cards. This is totally random and uncontrolled so you could end up with 3-4x monstrous bruisers or retches which will obviously end your game as they deal 8x damage and have 8x the hp. So save the nest for last and get the arm asap once 1 is destroyed.*

Pipe Cleaners

There are 2 events on this level that require a pipe bomb/firecrackers. The first is when you raise the gates to gain access to the sewers. Here ridden will not stop spawning until the gates have closed again. So have 1 person watch the gate, 1 watch the entrance you came in from, and 1 on top of the catwalk so that ridden can't pull a sneaky on you and ambush due to the spawn system. Throw a pipe, once you can fit in and rush to the left corner and hold there. A sleeper might spawn next to the gate on the other side, so be wary.

The 2nd event is when you raise the other gate to gain access to the saferoom, The best holdout spot is over on the other side of the canal instead of the control room itself, as ridden will funnel through 1 direction. Keep an eye on the gate, throw a pipe and proceed to rush to the saferoom once the gate is raised.

• View from the hold spot

• Ridden can only come through here


An alarmed door will always spawn before you can access the flooded warehouse. Prepare accordingly if you wish to pass the silence is golden objective.

Similar to A Call to Arms, the event is straightforward, just hold out in a spot while destroying 1 nest at a time. A horde will be summoned everytime 1 is destroyed. There will be 1 additional nest that needs to be destroyed on No Hope compared to nightmare. The horde is not infinite, so don't be disparaged and panic should they keep flooding in after a long time.

Trailer Trashed

Notable part about this level is that contains 2 stash rooms, so bring 2 toolkits if you want access to both. Lowering the bridge will summon a horde and even a breaker should it be the boss spawn on the map so prepare accordingly! Once you enter the flooded trailer area, a random mutation horde timer will start, and it might overlap with existing horde corruption cards, causing the timer to only display for one of them. Once you hear growls that are getting louder, that is the cue that a horde is coming. A scream will signify it has started.

The Clog

Nothing to note about this map, just watch your footing as a slip into the water will permanently end your run for the level since no respawns are allowed. An alarmed double door will always spawn before you enter the boat. A hag will also always spawn right before you drop down from the saferoom if it's the boss. Engaging her before dropping down is recommended.

The Broken Bird

On No Hope, an ogre is very likely to spawn right after you drop down from the saferoom (usually monstrous too). So gear up with a lot of firepower before you drop down. Once you gain sight of the first crate, the chopper will come alerting a horde and you will have to hook it up to the chopper. A breaker will also spawn right after the second crate is hooked up. This particular breaker cannot spawn hordes or summon a killzone.

• Note that while the horde is infinite while a chopper is present. They come in waves, So after every wave, there is a grace period of 5-10s before the next one comes. Take advantage of this and attach the crates during the downtime.

Heralds of the Worm 1

The most simple level design in the game. So simple in fact, that the devs at TRS had to nerf the supplies it gave due to the amount of brainpower needed to beat it. A monstrous ogre will spawn at the end of the street. Gun it down and proceed to the saferoom, that's it. While it's alive, mutations will spawn along with it, and they will have 0 cooldown on their timers. Once the ogre is killed, a timed horde will takeover the mutation spam instead. No stash room on this level, but the toolkit can be used to unlock a minigun with 700 ammo in it.

Heralds of the Worm 2

Another simple level, An ogre will spawn once you pass the gates, the ogre has multiple spawn points though, so be aware. It can spawn behind or in front of you. Either way take it down to 25% hp and a breaker will spawn alongside it. Kill them both and proceed to the saferoom. A horde will spawn for a total of 2 times during this level. Once when the ogre spawns, and another when the breaker screams. No stash room on this level, but the toolkit can be used to unlock a minigun with 700 ammo in it. (Yea i know, I'm a lazy person)

Grave Danger

Barely any changes to the level on No Hope. The only real difference is that, a boss might spawn right outside of the saferoom when you reach the intersection. That's it. Other than that, use the tried and tested method of placing wires in front of the church, and holding out in it when snitches are killed. 2 monstrous breakers will also spawn when the last snitch is triggered. Kill them to get the ending "cutscene".

Acts Part 4

The most difficult act, and the one that needs a lot of preparation and knowledge of how the game works. Resources are also very scarce on this act, even rarer than act 2. Speed is of the utmost importance in this act. However it can still be beaten with teams with a slower approach.

Farther Afield

The act starts out with one of the hardest levels in the game for the unprepared, a fitting wall to test one's knowledge. You start off with 250 copper and 1k on solo. A minimum of 2 toolkits is extremely recommended for this level. See where I am going with here? On duo or solo, you practically have to scavenge for the 2nd toolkit if you want access to the stash or safe passage through the cornfield. Otherwise someone has to either pick Karlee or use up a windfall card. Doesn't help that in solo, you also have 1 quickslot to house a toolkit further impairing the resource management.

This level has scripted snitcher spawns! I cannot stress this enough. They must be dealt with fast before they have a chance to scream, meaning high dps weapons or frags. White frags will only 1 shot snitchers on No Hope if the user has a 40% damage boost. The cornfield houses a bird flock right in the middle, so be wary of that if you plan to cross without activating the tractor.

Should the tractor be activated, a horde will be summoned and all snitchers in the cornfield will flock to either the tractor and get shredded or shamble over to your team. Find a good holdout spot during the horde to deal with them and the potential for extra hordes should they start screaming.

• One of the best spots to hold during the tractor activation is behind the barn

• Scripted bird spawn in the middle of the path. (They will be erased if the tractor is activated and mows them down)

Blazing Trails

The nest event of blazing trails at the end is pretty simple, just camp out in the left toilet. The biggest hurdle is trying to navigate the forest fire. Walking on the ground is a huge trap. There are invisible fire pools, which if you step over on No Hope, will decimate your health. To avoid this, circle around via the right side. Timed hordes will also spawn once you reach the forest, and will go away once you reach the parking lot.

Cabins by the Lake

There are 2 major events on this level. Once again, 2 toolkits are heavily recommended.

In the April patch, the ferry in this level can no longer be bypassed through logic and common sense. The horde will be endless unless you cross over to the pier on the other side of the lake.
To mitigate that, use a toolkit on the ferry, as it will make the ferry go about 2x faster, saving precious time and reducing the risk of the ferry breaking down mid lake. Once at the end, throw a pipe as the horde will now be attacking you out in the open with no cover. You can enter one of the cabins nearby, but remember, past the pier is where bosses start to spawn, so if you are unlucky, you might have a lot of stuff to deal with at one time.

The second event is the rush to the saferoom once the gates are opened. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a full blown rush. So how it works is that a reeker horde with a very short cooldown timer will activate once the gates are opened. Keyword is timer! This means, that there is a grace period in between waves, The timer starts once the last reeker is killed. So if you leave one alive, preferably a retch, it can be delayed. From my observations, it's around 30 seconds till the next wave. Use this opportunity to rush past and clear the commons at the top. There are sleepers below the bridge, so don't try to pull a sneaky move and rush into the hive that can spawn there. Take your time, observe the surroundings, the last thing you want is a horde hot on your heels out in the open.

Garden Party

Another simple level like Blazing Trails. Take out the sleepers on the top of the stairs of the greenhouse and hold out there while destroying nests.

As for the garden maze itself. Always try the left path 1st, if it ends, it's usually very early into the maze. Then head to the right side and navigate through there. You will either have to navigate through the middle of the maze or through the greenhouse on the edge. A sleeper will spawn at the back of the greenhouse. Once at the end of the maze. An alarmed door will always spawn and block your way into the mansion.

• Holdout spot during the nest in the greenhouse


Ah, the biggest wall in the game, and imo the hardest level. T-5 is the ultimate test to a team's coordination and resource management. Set right in the middle of an act. You have limited amounts of upgrades and items. As such, you will have to plan your whole journey throughout the act for this specific chapter in mind. If you fail this chapter, it's back to square 1 as the only checkpoint in act 3 comes after it.

There are multiple strategies to beat it, but the one my group and I used was the slow, methodical way. We bought wires and placed them throughout the ground floor, so that box carriers can freely escape the blitzing ridden. Meanwhile we had 2 people guarding the stairs, a tank and a mutation killer to provide support before the tank gets their face beaten to a bloody pulp. The medic and final team member would then scavenge the house with less pressure on their backs as the majority of them are focused on the cleaners on the stairs. There are a total of 16 boxes which need to be gathered. (8 solo)

1. Place wires on the ground floor of the house. Set up at least 1 at the back stairs and at the back of the main stairs.

2. Immediately gather all the ground floor boxes, and place them at the top of the main stairs.

3. Take out the ogre that has spawned by now and is now chucking meatballs at the house.

4. Box collectors will jump down to the basement via the back stairs and clear it out, bringing the boxes to the top floor via the back stairs, or if thats occupied, cutting through the main stairs, or the one way exit at the back of the basement.

5. Box collectors will clear out the boxes on the top floor. Gather all the boxes that have been collected onto the roof and throw them down from there.

6. Throw pipe bombs and bumrush to place the boxes on the truck. Everyone needs to give a hand during this phase, no slackers. Retreat into the mansion to regroup and heal up if things get too dicey out there. Repeat until the truck is full.

7. GTFO of there, and enjoy your victory over the hardest game challenge.

Here are 2 videos, each from the perspective of both the box carrier and stairs holder. I know they are from 2 different times, but the point still stands, we used the same strat both times.

(Box Carrier)

(Stairs Holder)
Acts Part 5
A Friend in Need

Similar to T-5, in the crematorium, have a tank and dps support hold the main shutter gate, while 2 people scavenge for the card. Once it's found, open the shutter, throw a pipe and deactivate the incinerators. Nothing much to say about this level, it's a breath of fresh air after T-5's sweatiness.

Making the Grade

Similar to other act 3 nests, find a good hold spot while destroying them, the one I always use and would recommend is the teacher's break room, since all the ridden are funneled into 1 doorway. Similarly, for the gymnasium event, just fall back and hold out in the stashroom to deal with the hordes that spawn, then once everything is clear, head outside and dispatch the ogre.

• Break room holdout spot

• Stash holdout spot

The Road to Hell

Another straightforward map. Other than the main event, the most notable thing is that a mutation horde timer will appear as soon as you drop down from the capsized truck next to the tents. Like Trailer Trashed, it can overlap with other horde corruption cards so be aware. It will go away once you have found all the research vials and pass through the gates.

An actual rush section for the event, bring along pipes and firecrackers. Once you enter the main event area, there's no going back so scavenge properly. As soon as the button is pressed and the gates are opening, prepare a pipe bomb and a flash/frag because chances are very high a mutation will be blocking your way, oftentimes a tallboy. Rush to the 2nd gate and holdout till it opens. Repeat for the 3rd gate and your home free to enter the saferoom. Throw pipes whenever a gate opens, and when you are getting swarmed. One of the easiest events in the game. Pipes trivialize it.

Body Dump

The penultimate rush event. Trying to go slow here is suicide. The way the finale works is that like T-5, the ridden never stop coming once you make it past the overpass. To make matters worse, it will be monstrous blitzing ridden hounding your sorry a** the whole way through. DO NOT skip the first ogre. It will spawn a breaker that will obviously immediately end your run, since it will spawn a killzone and unless you deal with it, it's GGs from there. A hag will also spawn alongside the 1st ogre, so just chase her off quickly. (She won't make a return if she runs away). Take pills and defibs as there won't be any time to heal or revive in this level.

• T-5 nades are basically super flashbangs, they kill any common that comes into contact with them, kill festering ridden in 1s, and give anything it doesn't kill a 800% damage taken multiplier, ensuring a quick death. Ofc, the crates are locked on No Hope similar to Nightmare, so save 1 to throw it down when opening it. There are also a limited amount of T-5, so it's not a good idea to have the whole team take it since it will leave some running out of it.

The best method I found for a team with 0 speed cards in their deck (LMAO) like mine is to have 3 guys on pipe duty. That's right we will be going all in on pipes to keep those pesky commons at bay. Meanwhile the guy with the highest offensive slot or tankiest will be the one carrying T-5 grenades to instantly kill stragglers and kill troublesome mutations. At this point, if you have been investing in upgrades, you should have about 4-6 grenade slots. This is more than enough.

Destroy the nests in a circular fashion. The ones we always did was from left to right. So the left nest gets destroyed 1st, followed by the back, then lastly the right. Once that's done, kill the monstrous ogre, and you are home free.


The act everyone does only for achievements. Anyway, No Hope doesn't provide much of a difference here as you always started with your whole deck.

Strats are similar to defeating the abomination on lower difficulties. Take high damage guns to meet the dps checks and shoot at the weakspots. The real difference on No Hope is that, you will have to destroy every single weakspot on the boss to kill it, which means an extra part of the level will have to be accessed since the last weakspot won't show itself until the abomination breaks past the 1st wall.

A horde will be summoned everytime a tentacle is killed! Deal with it first, before proceeding to kill the other tentacles. The last tentacle won't spawn a horde on death. Camp at the generator during horde spawns.

Before jumping down for phase 2, make sure you have scavenged the entirety of the ground floor, there will be no coming back. Another horde will spawn when someone jumps down for the 1st time. Dispatch it before engaging the abomination. It will periodically call mini hordes whenever it roars.

For phase 3, take out the weakspot on the right 1st, followed by the one on its back, then throw a pipe and rush to take out the weakspot on its left. This would have normally killed it on nightmare and below but on No Hope. There is one last weakspot which you will have to destroy. In order to gain access to it, you just have to simply.....

..... wait. That's right, just rush to the 2nd wall, and camp out there, until the last weakspot shows itself. Destroy it and enjoy you newly earned banner from beating all the acts on No Hope!

• The final weakspot seen before it breaks down the 1st wall (can't be damaged)

• The holdout spot waiting for the final weakspot to show up

• Like a moth to a flame!
Congratulations, you've beaten all acts on No Hope and can proudly say you've beaten the best the game has to offer. Feel free to revisit this difficulty as the gameplay is far superior to lower difficulties in my opinion. It promotes creative deck building and coming up with new playstyles with the random cards you find along the way.

A note of thanks to:

• Leon, for suffering through No Hope with me as a duo for the first week and getting f***ed by the director with new surprises not documented yet.

• Nancy, Eth for helping us get past the massive wall that was T-5, which almost gave me aneurysms with how the bots were acting up.

• TRS for the new amazing difficulty and mode. (I gave up playing during the nov changes, but dec really helped spin the game around)

• You, dear reader, for actually reading this guide all the way to the end.
watchkitty Jan 15, 2024 @ 9:12am 
If you put Compound Interest to Economy, it means that you have no fucking idea how the economy works in the game. Outdated Guide.
Felix Jan 2, 2024 @ 8:07pm 
Nice Guide but I would add something to the Ogre which I found usefull.
You can shoot their Thrown Meatballs while they still have them in their Hands before throwing them.
MoxxieMox Aug 14, 2022 @ 6:19am 
-[вαdɠєя]- Jun 2 @ 7:43pm
beginners should not be playing no hope. imho

my guy, i have a 2 friends who just started playing around half a week ago and we already beat nightmare without losing 1 game, its more of dependant on your skill level and how quickly you can learn how to play the stuff
KalEL1ove._x3 Jun 27, 2022 @ 8:41pm 
Its a great guide too bad its outdated TT because June update and stuff
i hope u will do a new guide soon :D
Me and my friend just unlock the Bad Seeds NH starting points yesterday with our nightmare decks so far XD
but anyway hope u'll update a guide soon
dW Jun 14, 2022 @ 4:38pm 
this guy has one of the fattest dicks i've ever seen.
Postal Dude Jun 3, 2022 @ 10:03am 
lmao what a shitty guide
-[Badger]- Jun 2, 2022 @ 5:43pm 
beginners should not be playing no hope. imho
ZeDr'Bunclé Jun 1, 2022 @ 2:21am 
Thank you for the concise guide, me and my friends got as far as The Dinner with our decks, but are definitely stuck there because our builds, frankly, are not as cooperative as No Hope requires. We will give these decks a go to see the difference!
Twim May 19, 2022 @ 11:11am 
wonderful work man. Respect. Thank you
Roshambo Apr 27, 2022 @ 7:48pm 
Well done! Very thorough and well organized. :cupup: