Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Earth Planet Missile Intercept Test Setup Complete
Type: World
Mod category: Experimental
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33.352 MB
Feb 10, 2022 @ 10:37pm
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Earth Planet Missile Intercept Test Setup Complete

Darkaiser  [author] Feb 10, 2022 @ 11:01pm 
This is a test as requested by one of the SE Moderators regarding the complete inability of guns to intercept missiles. In order to keep the results as solid as possible, I took the following steps:

1) I set up 5 of the OG Gatling Turrets alternating with 5 custom 'ball turrets' made with the popular 'hinge part and guns' method. All turrets are set to target missiles and NOTHING else so that the guns won't be confused by other targets. The OG turrets are set to aim out to 750 meters while the custom turrets are set to 600 meters (the maximum range).

2) I then set up 8 or so OG Missile Turrets and set these to target Stations ONLY, again to prevent the AI from being confused. These were mounted on a T-shaped tower with a reactor for power and an Antenna for long-range control. The tower is set at 780 meters from the antenna signal in the base. This will keep the defense guns from destroying the missile launchers and skewing the results.