Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Journey Adventure Quest JAQ
Type: Game
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 6
Play Time: 30 minutes
Language: English
File Size
468.947 KB
Dec 4, 2021 @ 2:40pm
Jul 8, 2023 @ 8:41am
90 Change Notes ( view )

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Journey Adventure Quest JAQ

Gear up, heroes, for thrilling adventures and battles against formidable monsters in this drafting strategy game. The core of Journey Adventure Quest involves stacking cards to build attack, defense, and knowledge while skillfully avoiding damage. Heroes embark on a daily quest, searching from dawn to dusk for equipment and spells. Crafting sets offered by different guilds is often vital to successfully completing Adventures and Quests.

JAQ is a captivating and enjoyable strategy game with intuitive mechanics that are easy to learn, yet it offers complex strategies that evolve with each game. It serves as a fantastic "gateway" game, helping players transition from classic board games to strategic gameplay, while continuing to engage those who have played it for years (including ourselves—we still love it!).

Stay updated by signing up on our website ( or reach out to us at with any JAQ-related questions or if you're interested in playing a game with the creators.

We greatly rely on our community, and we understand that we cannot succeed without you. If you're a fan of the game, we kindly ask you to take a moment to leave a rating for JAQ on BBG (BoardGameGeek) at (Search for Journey Adventure Quest).

Here are some quick notes on how to play JAQ in TTS:

1) Familiarize yourself with the rules displayed on the table's edge. The first and last pages are helpful, and the FAQ section near the end is also useful. It's worth noting the winning conditions as well; that section provides valuable information.

2) Have all players choose their seats.

3) Click "Setup" and watch as the cards will appear in their respective positions.

4) Once players have placed a card on their Dawn/Noon/Dusk boards, click "Pass cards" to rotate everyone's hands to the next player. (If hands don't switch, it usually means someone hasn't played.)

5) Left-click to increase VP (Victory Points), coin, and blood counters, and right-click to decrease them.

6) Attack, defense, and knowledge tokens are taken from the bags in the center. Don't worry, these bags never run out. (Remember to return the tokens at the start of each Journey!)

7) Once everyone has played all their cards (including the final discard), click the Turn Navigation token located near "setup."

If you'd like to schedule a game with us, simply post on our Triceratops Games Facebook page, and we'll be thrilled to set something up!

(Note: This is the 3-6 player version; a separate 2-player version is also available if you search for JAQ again.)
Kohler  [author] Jul 19, 2022 @ 2:41pm 
Ok, This might be good news. I went through every card, and I did find 2 cards that the stats were a bit off. One of the cards was the "Dragon Dagger". I hope that is it.
The Wise Wolf Jul 18, 2022 @ 5:04am 
Yeah, I think that might be it since we also had some situations where removing all cards from a slot and then placing them back helped fix the stats, but for at least one issue it didn't. There is something weird going on.

Sadly the values themselves aren't easily available (some mods put them in the description of the card and pull them from there) so I couldn't check if the base vales are correct.
Kohler  [author] Jul 17, 2022 @ 9:10pm 
Thank you again, for playing and giving the feedback. I think it might be a issue that occurs later in the script. I am looking in to it. For the Red's bowl issue I move the spell slots down.
The Wise Wolf Jul 15, 2022 @ 8:08am 
Also Red's bowl is in the way of longer spells.
The Wise Wolf Jul 15, 2022 @ 7:56am 
Dragon Dagger of Vision seems to add 5 attack. We also ran into some other mistakes in stats.
Maybe the stats on the actual items are ok but something breaks further on scripting?
The Wise Wolf Jul 12, 2022 @ 3:46pm 
We'll check the next time we play. I was quite sure it was the drum, but maybe it was some weird interaction between multiple items.
Kohler  [author] Jul 12, 2022 @ 3:39pm 
I fixed the defense token counters to make them work like the other counters. I tested the Shaman Hallowed Drum and it seemed to work. Though, there might be another issue that caused it not to work in the game you played. Please let me know if you see anything else. Thanks
The Wise Wolf Jul 12, 2022 @ 1:25am 
Regarding the tokens, I swear I remember them not going away yesterday, but I'll check, might have misremembered something.
As for the manual adjustment, we figured that out, but for some reason were unable to adjust Red player's Defense stat. Other stats worked.
Kohler  [author] Jul 11, 2022 @ 8:08pm 
If something doesn't calculate correctly you can right click and left click on the token counters to adjust the totals manually. That is not intuitive ether, but still works in a pinch :)
Kohler  [author] Jul 11, 2022 @ 7:59pm 
1) Rule question. The temporary stats on the 3rd level monsters are there because of expansion ideas. We wanted the monsters to work if we have a 4th level.

2) Thank you so much for finding things like this. I will check the Shaman Hallowed Drum stats.

3) The tokens should just remove themselves automatically when you do the pass click between monster battles. So, you don't have to remove them they should just go away. Sorry that was not very clear.

4) Note: there is a 2 player version on TTS as well. I am also working on getting the solo mod working. That was one of our stretch goals on our Kickstarter.