Arma 3
624 ratings
Arma 3 Performance Extension
Data Type: Mod
File Size
86.851 KB
Aug 4, 2021 @ 10:14am
Aug 11, 2021 @ 8:12pm
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Arma 3 Performance Extension

Arma 3 Performance Extension:

This mod aims to fix Arma's performance. If you have played ArmA and I assume you have since you have found this page... You know that Arma'a performance is horrible. I can't fix how Arma calculates certain things but I can change who calculates them. I hope you enjoy this mod and improves your Arma experience.

Performance Data:

This is data that I collected when testing the mod:
Note: Your performance may vary.

Number of AI
Mod ON
Increase %
100 AI
46 FPS Avg.
60 FPS Avg.
200 AI
36 FPS Avg.
51 FPS Avg.
300 AI
31 FPS Avg.
42 FPS Avg.
400 AI
21 FPS Avg.
43 FPS Avg.

Note: Works in single player but performance improvements may be limited

How it Works:

The improves performance by hiding objects you can't see. The objects the mod hides include:
  • AI Units
  • Dead Bodies

The objects are only hidden on YOUR computer. This means other players can see the AI and the server can "see" the AI meaning the AI can still move and shoot even if YOU can not see them.

All the calculations to detect what AI the player can see are done on the server. This means your computer does not need to worry about doing these calculations.

Note: If the server FPS is low players will be able to see the AI hiding and "unhiding". This can also happen if there are a TON of AI the server needs to loop over. TEST THE MOD OUT AND MAKE SURE YOUR SERVER CAN HANDLE THE MOD.

How to use it:
The mod needs to be on the server AND you need have it loaded
For example:

The server NEEDS to have the mod but not ALL players need to load it

If the server has the mod this mod is OPTIONAL for players

So if Billy has a good PC he does not need to load it, but if little Timmy has a laptop he can load it to improve his FPS. As long as the mod is on the server players do not NEED to load it but they have the option to.

To toggle the mod press ( U ) on your keyboard. This key can be changed in your settings.

In your chat it will tell you if the mod is ON or OFF.

Final Notes:
  • None ATM



A3E Discord:

RunForRest Dec 11, 2024 @ 9:08pm 
just note there were some significant changes to LS for Win11 users recently. Win10 stayed the same.
Basic thing is - lock game fps ingame and/or in driver(Adrenalin settings for AMD) 1 below half of ur desired screen refreshrate e.g. 59, lockfps in driver for LS 3 fps lower than the screen refreshrate eg. 117.
For freesync/gsync enable in driver for game, but not in driver for LS. But enbale gsync option in LS itself. Done
RunForRest Dec 11, 2024 @ 8:38pm 
sure try this
just adapt the driver settings from Skyrim to ArmA3, ignore anythign Skyrim mod related
Bit.Byte Dec 11, 2024 @ 7:59pm 
@RunForRest Hey man, any chance I can grab your settings for Lossless Scaling? What do you have your stuff set too?

Dunno if you can write it here, or if you can maybe add me / message me or whatever.
Hopefully I've actually replied to you properly and you'll actually even see this. xD haha
soulend281 Dec 10, 2024 @ 9:20pm 
This Arma 3 Performance Extension mods average performance metrics printed above are incorrect.

Its conflicting as per my findings as well as OperaterDrewski and others.

The average FPS with the mod not loaded with 35 or more A.I. is roughly 24fps with an average budget server.

With the mod loaded it climbs to about 30fps.
RunForRest Nov 11, 2024 @ 2:35am 
For DOUBLE fps through frame generation only (or even more with upscaling on top) get
As long as the GPU has headroom this will work and u will have no input lag.
For me this means im finally able to play above 60 fps 90% of the time, with very very high graphic settings, high viewdistance, no matter how bad the situation ingame is. Only a hardware upgrade of 2-3k € would normaly achieve this. Try it!! (im on 5600x|6700xt - 100fps in Arma is now not rare anymore)
Godslayer4000 Sep 26, 2024 @ 3:13pm 
this mod decreases performance heavily, do not download.
Cursed Aug 24, 2024 @ 6:01am 
such a waste for not updating, might rename this an schizophrenic mod :steammocking::steamthis:
ItsManamus Aug 13, 2024 @ 12:06pm 
Wish someone would update this and fix the last few issues.
Irish Aug 3, 2024 @ 7:06am 
AI disappears (Literally blinks out of existence) with this mod. I was 300m away from the AI and they crouched and completely disappeared off my screen while they were firing at me. Removing this mod because it's just not worth it.
elpedrochicoraulalfonsotejada Jun 22, 2024 @ 6:19pm 
Would be great to have low res soldiers instead of them just disappearing