Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

515 ratings
AG - Architecture
Features: Features
Map: Map
Buildings: Buildings
Balance: Balance
File Size
1.565 GB
Jun 28, 2021 @ 12:46am
Jan 2 @ 2:47pm
49 Change Notes ( view )

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AG - Architecture

New Building Pieces and new Immersive game mechanics, Braziers and Decor.

ID = 2530326064

Genre: Temples - Gothic - Medieval

Mods are in maintenance mode, which means they will only be updated to ensure compatibility with official updates and to fix bugs, but no new content or changes are planned.


The complete guide is available on the discord server, in the future it will also be available on a dedicated website too.

>>>Read the release notes to stay updated


The collections are based on the material rather than on the style or culture of reference, thus providing different variations of many pieces.

For example, the granite wall can be made out of bricks, bare bricks or granite and gold, in the old or new "Lemurian" style.
This make it easy to create buildings with homogeneous colors and materials, albeit with different style areas.

The materials available now are:
Refined Sandstone (T1)
Granite (T4)
Basalt (T4)
Adamantine Ice (T4)

This mod adds many building pieces and some new features and feats.
As with my other mods, immersion and balance are a very important factor, and this mod also respects these parameters.

In addition to many building pieces, this mod adds new crafting stations and recipes for the creation of the ingredient that determines the T4 level of constructions with natural materials such as basalt or granite.
This ingredient is directly inspired by Roman cement, already known thousands of years ago, and therefore pertinent to a setting such as the Hyborian Age.

Unlike the original, the hardness of the version featured in the mod comes from another real-world construction technique, which involves adding steel slag to the dough, for example.

Mining new materials - New Rock Types

As new material-based sets are added to the mod, new materials can be mined from rocks, or obtained through alchemy.

In general, each rock will continue to give the vanilla materials, to which new materials are added, so as not to limit the recipes for the base game building pieces.


This mod contains assets (art, music, code, items, systems and/or designs) that are the intellectual property of Funcom Oslo AS or their licensors.