Portal 2

Portal 2

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In 1 collection by Fumbly Bumbly
Fumbly Bumbly's Puzzlemaker Chambers
74 items
Medium Difficulty

Creeping, crawling, on the floorboards... a frightful sight indeed.
Creeping, crawling slowly forwards... like a centipede.

A monoportal puzzle utilising Konclan's slim modification of the sendificator by HMW.

Please report any exploits and such in the comments.
Your feedback is appreciated!
mabelpines Jan 20 @ 9:50pm 
best mono portal map oat in my opinion
Aneonen Jun 11, 2022 @ 11:48pm 
What a fun setup! I was surprised by the number of chains. I can't help but wonder what that cube sitting in its own room in a trigger is doing, haha.
Spider_Dawg Feb 27, 2022 @ 8:20am 
Awesome puzzle! Took me a while to remember the sendificator mechanics, and then a lot of F6/F7 to minimize alignments, and a TON of thought to figure out what to do. After watching the video I realized that I had spent excess time by not stacking the cubes, but sendificating them individually . Overall, one of the most rewarding screenshots for me thus far: Success!!! . Much fun, thanks as always.
nock Nov 30, 2021 @ 1:52am 
Very interesting concept fumbly, glad I knew what I was doing (ish) fairly early on :)

SpielSatzFail Aug 8, 2021 @ 1:43pm 
I also encountered the bug bullfrog mentioned. Can it have to do with he laser bug? I mean, it's a laser cube that is sent with a laser, maybe for a short time the bug applies, so the other cubes stay in mid air.
In terms of the whole map... it's not my cup of tea. The idea is nice and the title matches perfectly. If you know the sendificator (I do), you basically know what to do. But all the different moves plus alignment problems plus mediocre visibility plus the fragility (I used A LOT of F6/F7)...make it not slightly but massively tedious imo. I think I did some steps differently than in the walkthrough, not easier, just some other way around. I don't have the motivation to check this in particular :-/
With almost 50 more or less clueless minutes it's a medium-hard for me.
impgangboss Jun 26, 2021 @ 12:28pm 
excellent map
zeo1337 Jun 26, 2021 @ 10:16am 
Honestly this would have been a lot harder if I didn't know about sendificators and ghost cubes

Leo Jun 26, 2021 @ 6:40am 
Creative! I had never seen that mechanic before, although to be fair I'm not very familiar with the sendificator to begin with. The solution here is definitely quite clever and takes some thought. Overall a highly interesting puzzle, thumbs way up!
bullfrog Jun 24, 2021 @ 12:28pm 
Unless I'm doing it the wrong way, "I had no noticeable alignment problems" either :)
•‹†ρđ› ĐūšР2ķ• Jun 24, 2021 @ 12:08pm 
Nice map Fumbly! I don't mind the repetition because the logic is cool