Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Lucre - Fantasy TTRPG Counting Coinpurse
Type: Objects
Game Category: Role-playing Games
Assets: Props
Language: English
File Size
76.790 KB
Jun 11, 2021 @ 9:27pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Lucre - Fantasy TTRPG Counting Coinpurse

This mod lets your players track their precious gold pieces (and other assorted coinage/gems).

Dump your loot in. Withdraw lump sums of loot (instead of pulling out 1 coin at a time).

When you request an amount from the bag, it will do its best to find a combination of yours coins & gems totaling that amount. But, it cannot dole out that money in any denominations you do not have.

If you have 10 gp and 5 cp in your coinpurse and attempt to remove "0.21" (2 sp, 1 cp) to pay for equipment/bribes/drinks/wenches/etc, the bag will not magically make change and spit out 2 sp and 1 cp for you.

The best the purse can offer you is 1gp (you will get 7sp and 9cp in change) or, 1gp and 1cp (you will get 8sp in change).

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SinfulPetGirlRD Aug 5, 2021 @ 12:31pm 
ahhhhhh i love this its almost perfect!! I say almost though because I wish you could type like 4sp and get (if you have it) 4 sliver pieces or like type 8cp and get 8 copper pices again if you have it, if you don't, since it cant give change it would instead just spit if you want 8 copper but only have 5 it just spits out a sliver pice and dm can give you change...make sense?? cause idk about most but my players arn't...well the best at figuring out money so i like to make things as easy as possible for them