

43 ratings
Not widely known tips for beginners (and beyond)
By Omegadelta
This guide contains helpful tips that not alot of begginers know about
This guide details tips that beginners probably wouldn't know about when they just start. Feel free to comment any tips you think would be helpful or interesting for beginners, or corrections I need to make.
1. You can change your Warframe's and weapon's colors by going to your arsenal, selecting appearance, then select the colors you want (note: only basic colors are available at the start, any other pallets will have to be bought with platinum (there are seasonal color palates that only cost 1 Credit, but they are usually available around specific holidays like Valentine's Day or Halloween)).

2. Your gear wheel has no slot restrictions meaning you can put anything and everything you want.

3. In the arsenal, when you select equip (for Warframes and weapons) you can buy their blueprints as long as they can be purchased (note: the blueprints cost credits but it will either cost credits or platinum to buy the actual thing not the blueprint).

4. When Doing mastery rank missions/tests, you can always practice before hand so you know what to do before you take the test (note: it takes a full day to try again if you fail the mission but you can retry the practice test without restrictions).

5. You can color and decorate your orbiter buy pressing esc, selecting equipment, then selecting orbiter, then select orbiter appearance for the inside and outside, and you can customize your landing craft by selecting landing craft.

6. You can upgrade your mods as long as you have enough credits and Endo (note: Endo is a resource not a currency).

7. You can use codex scanners (a gear item) on enemy corpses as long as you haven't scanned them yet.

8. You can buy blueprints for various things in the market.

9. When at communities (such as Cetus, Fortuna, Necralist, etc.) the bounties will give you standing (or items that can be traded for standing for ones like necralist) which is their own currency for buying things at the shops there (there are other ways of getting standing but it's different for each one).

10. When getting exp for your mastery rank, you can only get it from weapons and Warframes that haven't reached max rank otherwise you won't earn any thing.

11. For some bows, there is a sweet spot for drawing back arrows, which is shown on the reticle Image of the reticle for Nataruk within the sweet spot while aiming and being drawn (the orange ring indicates how drawn back the arrow is. (orange means it is within the sweet spot, red means it is underdrawn (before it is in the sweet spot) or overdrawn (after it passes the sweet spot)) the ring will only turn orange when it is in between the lines marked here https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2029471895373749335/03F919FD1572DB54747736F31FC0CF8F12498B2E/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false
Image of the reticle for Nataruk in a neutral/aiming state https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2029471895373652930/9C6F61E4E38FC0232787C0B0BF77E0671945A08B/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false

12. Weapons gained from defeating Kuva Liches, or Sisters of Parvos, have a higher max rank than normal weapons. The max rank for these weapons is 40, and requires a forma to be used to get the max rank to 32, then to rank 34, 36, 38, then 40 after reaching rank 30, and one forma for each 2 ranks to get the weapon to max rank 40. After reaching rank 40, the weapon will then be shown as "Max Rank". You gain affinity for your mastery rank for the extra 10 ranks (from 30-40), but will not gain any affinity for your mastery rank after the first time you get your Kuva Lich or Sister of Parvos weapon from rank 0 to rank 30, after that, you only get affinity from ranks 31-40 (You start getting affinity after using a forma on a rank 30 lich or sister weapon starting from rank 30 (when the affinity starts increasing FROM rank 30)).

13. There are various secrets hidden in each level on every planet, some require a few or a lot of extra steps before being able to reach them.

14. Some of the secrets mentioned in tip 13, need to be scanned with a codex scanner in order to view/obtain them.

15. To increase your standing rank for communities, you will need to have the max standing currently obtainable, as well as two kinds of resources obtained from the bounties for that communities (for example, needing to have 15,000 standing, as well as two different resources).

16. Similar to tip 12, Nechramechs also act the same way as weapons gotten from Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos in terms of having a higher max rank, as well as needing to use formas to get to max rank (i.e. from 30-32 then 32-34, and so on).

17. Some weapons and their blueprints as well as the the blueprints for their parts can only be gotten from labs only accessible in clan dojos. You need to join a clan in order to be able to access the labs.

18. Some quests give you the full set of blueprints for a Warframe or weapon, or give you the fully built one after completing them, or will have you find the parts and build them yourself during the quest itself.

19. Its better to have a modded Warframe and modded weapons (preferably at max rank) to make most quests easier.
These are tips that I personally thought would be useful or helpful to beginners, but if you have any other tips you want me to add please comment them and I will try to add them
burger boy Nov 2, 2022 @ 2:25am 
here's a mobility tip from me that I figured out through hours of experimentation: ( if you run forwards and jump, then both slide and glide simultaneously, you can do an " guide-able air kick " manoeuvre, and if you repeat the sequence rapidly, you can build up a massive amount of speed from " self-acceleration " and essentially get as close as possible to being able to fly. ). I call this method I came up with ( rocketeering ).
robotfly Oct 31, 2022 @ 4:25am 
tip here
dont be afraid to open relics. if ya dont know what to pick when it opens thats fine! i usually go with anything thats worth the most "ducats" (hover over the item in the relic menu itll be at the bottom of the item) and bring some friends along. itll increase your choices as you will have your relic and thiers to choose from when it opens!
Horano Oct 31, 2022 @ 4:18am 
Tip number 11 for a beginner:

A lot of the warframe community are nice people. A lot of them have played for years and have way too much of everything that a beginner needs to acquire.

Get free stuff from a friend. It helps. A lot.

You can buy mk1 weapons for credits.

You should absolutely get all the help you can. Boost a warframe and weapons to 30, etc.
goujosamma Oct 12, 2022 @ 6:29pm 
Extra tip here:
Keep your damaged Mods!!!
Many of them will come in handy while you're leveling your equipment. It works like this: each damaged mod has a point where its gives better modifiers to your weapon than the non-damaged version will for the same drain cost. So, when you are leveling up the weapon, and you only have a few points to get that last mod on... It can make a noticeable difference.
AngelofDeath Oct 5, 2022 @ 5:58pm 
This is some the most helpful info i have found for beginners out there keep up the good work
Jdtm Sep 29, 2022 @ 6:53pm 
Need more colors for customization, but can't afford any color pallets?Try this:
-Options > Accessibility > Customize HUD colors
-Click any of the HUD entries on the left to bring up the color pallets.
-Notice how there's an extra color pallet here named 'Accessibility'?
-Browse the colors and mark any colors you'd like from it as a favorite, using right mouse.
-Once you've marked a few favorites, back out and go to your warframe/weapon/etc's appearance page
-Access the favorites color tab above the pallet list (Icon looks like a star)
BOOM, extra colors you can use to color whatever you'd like to with!
Not the greatest pallet, but hey, its free!
Omegadelta  [author] Sep 29, 2022 @ 6:17am 
btw, sometimes I will add my own tips in addition to the ones you guys comment. for example, in this interval, I will add a tip about the retical bows have. so sometimes there will be more than 10 tips added.
Omegadelta  [author] Sep 28, 2022 @ 3:33pm 
also after the first new 10 tips i will go over the first 10 tips and try to revise some if I need to.
Omegadelta  [author] Sep 28, 2022 @ 3:31pm 
ngl I can't believe this guide has been getting so much attention recently, thank you guys so much! btw I will add more tips in intervals of 10, so for every ten tips you guys comment, i will add them (as long as they are for beginners).
Raven Sep 28, 2022 @ 3:00pm 
Probably should add that new players who want more slots for weapons/warframes can get free slots via Nightwave. Also if you can't complete some of the Nightwave "acts" you can recover them later to complete them. So no pressure.