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Bag End - The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings
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Mar 20, 2021 @ 3:11am
Mar 24, 2022 @ 3:10pm
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Bag End - The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings

Welcome to Bag End, home of Bilbo Baggins, in a smaller version of Hobbiton(Loosely based on/inspired by the real Hobbiton), from J.R.R. Tolkien's: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Bag End is based on the movie set used for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings movies by Peter Jackson / Weta Workshop / Weta Digital.

I wasn't even sure if I was going to make this, as I knew it would be a huge undertaking. But decided to give it a go anyway. And once I had started it, I had to finish it. It was quite slow going in the beginning getting all the details as close as I could to Bag End from the movies. But after many many hours, This is what I ended up with. It's not perfect, but should be close enough to experience Bag End from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings movies.

I was originally only going to make the inside of the house, and just have a few things to look at when looking out of the windows. But when I did a quick test with an outdoor area, I couldn't not have it. So I had a small outdoor area, that was quite different to the real place, to keep the performance in check. Then one day I decided to try creating it more like the real outdoor area... and it turned out much better than what I had created before, so I kept it. And in later updates I made the outside area even bigger. But I did have to change a few things to make it work, and to keep the outdoor area from being too big for performance reasons. So I have now created a more condensed/mini version of Hobbiton around Bag End, with a few changes to the location of things to make it look better.

It isn't an exact replica, due to not having the blueprint/plans for the house. But I did have a basic floor plan I found online(official floor plan designed by Weta Workshop) to use as a guide for the layout of the house. I've had to make everything(walls, ceilings, doors, custom tables, etc) based on the photos I have of the house from the movies and the movie sets. So what I can't see, I've had to make up my own stuff. I've also had to simplify some things because it was gonna be too difficult or time consuming to create them. As it is, I've probably spent around 150+ hours creating this. But I've tried to create it as much as I could like the real place.

I've made this entirely in the Hammer editor (except for the initial floor layout, which was made in another program to get the initial floor layout close to the floor plan I was using, then imported it into Hammer. The floor was then changed/edited within Hammer itself to make it line up better with the walls(the imported floor wasn't perfect), and to create the steps and ramp in the house.). Everything from the custom props(kitchen, dining room, atrium, parlour, and entrance hall tables, study desk, book shelf, etc), walls, doors, windows, wooden beams, ceiling, trim, etc, were all made using the Hammer editor. I've also used many props made by Valve Software.

As always, I've hidden a few things around the map for those who like exploring.

I've also included a few more interactive things this time.

Hopefully the frame rate isn't too bad. Near the front gate, looking up toward the front door is one of the most demanding spots with so much detail to render. I wanted to add even more detail(grass, bushes, etc) around outside, but didn't want it to be a slideshow. I'm only using a Radeon RX480, so if you've got better than that, you should have no worries running this.

Have fun exploring, and being able to experience what it'd be like living in Bag End.

This is the official WETA floor plan that I used for my version of Bag End: - (Not my photo)

Credit & Thanks to:
Valve Software for their asset packs, props, textures, etc, used in the making of this.
Peter Jackson/Weta Workshop/Digital for their amazing design of Bilbo Baggins hobbit house from J.R.R. Tolkien's: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings books.
ZAPSPLAT for the ambient and door sound effects.
LucidKiwi  [author] Jun 3, 2023 @ 1:01am 
Hey, sorry I have no plans of making this for Oculus. I haven't thought about making it as a standalone app though, I'll have to think about doing something like that down the track. No promises tho. Sorry to hear about your wife. It would be an amazing place to live. I'm glad to hear you really enjoyed it. I have made it for VRChat, but it's only for the PC version due to how much detail is in the world.
On VRChat it's called: Bag End - Hobbiton. Tags are: hobbit, lotr, shire, bagend, hobbiton
robert.cedotal.jr Jun 3, 2023 @ 12:14am 
What's the tag for vrchat? I've looked all over can't find this world listed
robert.cedotal.jr Jun 2, 2023 @ 11:36pm 
I really hope that this will eventually be a download able app I can keep on my Oculus, and be able to jump in offline. The detail, the homey feel, it's everything I hoped to see. I really would love to have locomotive movement, I know in steam home teleporting is the only option. This is amazing find, this was the home me and my wife, who's no longer with me, dreamt of. It's such a great escape, please post if you ever do make this into a standalone app, being able to jump in anywhere regardless of internet and freely walk around would be so relaxing and relieving. Thank you for making this.
LucidKiwi  [author] Dec 4, 2022 @ 12:32pm 
This is the floor plan I based my version of Bag End on:
whomhavei Dec 4, 2022 @ 7:45am 
Can you post a photo of the floorplan? That would be awesome!
LucidKiwi  [author] Nov 21, 2022 @ 6:23pm 
Thanks for the kind words Andy. I'm glad I can bring joy to others with my creations. :)
💎 Andy 💎 Nov 21, 2022 @ 5:52am 
My friend.

You Sir, are a genius.

Having brought so many, a "dream come true." To be able to explore, in "all around, life sized VR," the beloved Bag End.

As well as being able to wander through (even part of ) the Shire, with its rolling, tranquil beauty. Is a special thing indeed.

You have my, and I am sure MANY more LOTR lovers, thanks.

"You have my Bow." :Shoot:
LucidKiwi  [author] Nov 19, 2022 @ 12:32pm 
You're welcome. :)
theguyB Nov 19, 2022 @ 2:56am 
thank you so much for this ^^
LucidKiwi  [author] Sep 9, 2022 @ 10:27pm 
The VRChat version of this is out now.

It has a completely different style to this one. It's a more vibrant and cartoony version. In saying that, Bag End itself probably looks more detailed and accurate in the VRChat version, mostly due to the baked global illumination lighting. Which I wasn't able to do for the SteamVR Home version, due to it crashing when baking the global illumination in Hammer. Probably due to not enough RAM.

The landscape around Bag End is also bigger, and I've also added some rooms to some of the other hobbit houses around my smaller version of Hobbiton.