Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

720 ratings
Crusader Queens
File Size
2.478 MB
Mar 26, 2014 @ 10:24am
Jul 23, 2015 @ 8:44pm
17 Change Notes ( view )

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Crusader Queens

This mod is no longer being updated. With the addition of rules changes available at the start of the game to enable cognatic succession, and now with the release of CK3, there's not much more that this mod can add to the vanilla experience.

If you're willing to downpatch your game to version 2.4.2, Crusader Queens will still work. Otherwise, sorry friends, but you're on your own.

UPDATE: Now compatible with patch 2.4.2!

This mod makes it much more fun (and much more possible) to play as a female ruler in CK2.

Highlights include:
--All gender succession laws enabled for all religions, cultures, and government types
--No more opinion maluses for female rulers or female heirs
--Women can hold any council position, receive any nickname or minor title, and lead armies
--Ambitious women will set off on adventures to carve out their own demense or claim their birthright
--Every religion accepts and will generate female priests
--Send your nomadic daughters to form their own bands of mercenaries

Finally, this mod has gotten large enough that it is probably not compatible with other medium-to-large mods. If there's a patch you want to see made, let me know and I'll gladly consider it.

Long live the Queen!
Popular Discussions View All (5)
Feb 28, 2018 @ 4:04pm
Old Versions of Crusader Queens
Aug 14, 2015 @ 2:51pm
No Female Priests
Feb 24, 2015 @ 1:49pm
Dorimi's Council Mod Compatibility
Ashadar Re'souley May 29, 2023 @ 7:41pm 
ah a mod that closes the game just what i wanted :steamthumbsdown:
Kaldo May 14, 2021 @ 5:23am 
Would you mind adding the ability to appoint ladies to the council?
Carolus Invictus Aug 27, 2020 @ 11:29am 
The game will crash at the loading screen whenever I turn on this mod. Can you fix that?
Krow51 Dec 10, 2019 @ 4:58pm 
i wish it loaded
ImperialForce9 Nov 9, 2019 @ 2:34am 
is it possible to update this?
Wonabud™ Oct 17, 2019 @ 11:19pm 
Is this still working?
the traveler Aug 27, 2019 @ 10:04am 
god save the queen!
PLASTIC Apr 13, 2019 @ 1:23pm 
To those who still don't like main mechanics I'd advice a mod "Lesbocracy".. Seems interesting when I gave it a shot and it worked suprisingly well with another mod called "republic equaity".. The mod gives you a special secret society you can found if your in a lesbian relationship.. And Republic equality allows you to have female doges..

Only for feudal and republics though, doesn't work for Tribal and Nomands except giving you a option to make it a "matriarchy".. Where women inherit instead of men

Pretty good mod with loads of events that buff their skills, some events around the society itself and some nodges to old greek mythology.. Argueably you can the mod might even be pretty OP.. You can expect many female courtiers and rulers with pretty high stats.. Around 10-20's and 30 or higher if immortal..

And you can force your members of your society to allow equal inherriting between female and male.. You can even go to Enactic.. Where only females can inherit..
ʎpoqon,n. Aug 31, 2018 @ 11:45am 
Of course it's not up to date, there's no reason to update it when the mechanics it used to add have already been added to the vanilla game.
Replicant Six Aug 16, 2018 @ 2:15pm 
My game crashes when I have this mod activated. Do I need a DLC to use this mod or is it just not updated at all?