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Items (21)
战场只有晴天The battlefield is only sunny
Created by Marks
MOD简介: 修改战斗地图中晴天出现的机率改为100%。 雾天,雨天和雪天改为0%。不影响大地图的季节方面的任何数据或者加成。 讨厌雨天等天气的画面效果的同学可以使用,显著提高FPS,低配档的福音。 兼容性:兼容所有MOD Introduction to MOD: Modify the chance of appearing on a sunny day in the battle map to 100%. Change to 0% for fog, rain and snow. Does not affe...
기병이 패주 중인 보병을 더 쉽게 제거
Created by 떠도는구름
기병의 패주 중인 적에 대한 점프 공격의 빈도를 높여 패주 중인 적 보병들을 더 쉽게 죽일 수 있게 해줍니다....
3 Turn Reforms 3 回合改革
Created by Alex Zhao
Now you can unlock a new reform every three turns after the fist reform for Han factions. Bandits, Eight Princes and Yellow Turban's research cost were decreased to 3/5 of the original cost. Also affects AI....
abdication//退位让贤 1.7
Created by hidde
Think the current leader is too old to work? Should we give it to the young? Click "abdicate" on the portrait of the faction leader in the palace, and let your faction leader abdicate to the faction heir. Make sure your heir is over 18 before you abdicate....
AI Won’t Execute Characters AI 不处决人物
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod prevent AI execute captured character, now they will only recruit or release them. However characters killed in a battle still will be dead. I also decreased the relationship bonus from releasing captive....
The Gathering : Core Object 1.2.2
Created by Inter-object
Modified the core object of the TW:TK script to make the game run more reliably 삼탈워 엔진의 코어 오브젝트를 개조하여 게임이 더 안정적으로 돌아갈 수 있도록합니다 修改了TW:TK脚本的核心对象,以使游戏运行更可靠 In TW:3K, events are like the heartbeat of a game. The core object is a...
Artillery for Commanders
Created by Shamim
Simple mod that allows Commanders to recruit and employ trebuchets and multiple bolt crossbows just like strategists can. I found it a bit weird that despite being a commander, they are unable to employe artillery. This should make it more so that now ther...
Enhanced Battle Camera
Created by Petellius This mod is designed to give you further control of the in-game camera, allowing you to get closer (or further away) to the battlefield. This will be perfect for those who want a more cinematic view of their handy work, or s...
Everyone can command the army.pack
Created by elenion
# 갈라진운명 적용완료 (2021. 3. 12) 통솔장군에서 소외받는 지휘관과 감시자,모사를 위한 모드입니다 특정스킬에 추가능력치를 부여합니다 한나라 1. 이해 :캠페인이동거리증가25% 2. 안정 :수행원 유격배치부여 3. 정확 :통솔시 충원5% 도적 1. 신속: 켐페인이동거리증가 25% 2. 변수: 수행원 유격배치부여 3. 정확: 통솔시 충원5% 이외에도 용장과 선봉장 스킬 '복수'를 통해 불화살 효과를 부여 (활용예시: 기본제공 궁수or 백마의종 공손...
Guv's Fewer Standard-bearers Mod (Update 2023-08-28)
Created by Guvenoren
Greetings, Traveler So, here we are again. Another Three Kingdoms mod! My third to be exact. So, this time we're taking a look at a major bother of mine in the base game. Too, many, standard bearers. Why are there so many? In extreme sizes, a single unit c...
Guaranteed Duels
Created by JFred
Tired of the AI refusing to duel you unless it has the high ground? Then this mod is for you! The AI will now accept all duels, regardless of the projected outcome. The mod is save-game compatible. *Generals will now run away again to prevent issues with c...
More Skill Points + Quicker Upgrade 更多的技能点+降低升级经验
Created by Alex Zhao
Experiences needed to level up are decreased by 1/3. Characters will also get 2 skill points at level 8 and 9, 10 skill points at level 10, so you can unlock all skills. Lu Bu start at level 9 in 194, so he won't be able to unlock all skills when playing i...
Make unique general's skill useful
Created by elenion
#갈라진운명 적용완료 (2021 . 3. 12) 기존 유니크장수들의 아쉬운 스킬들을 조정,상향시킨 모드입니다 (2021. 3. 12 업데이트) 변경사항 1. 하후연 전광석화: 피로증가 삭제, 이동속도 25% 추가 , 범위스킬화 (50m) 2. 관우 무신: 회피율-100%,갑옷-100%추가(무조건 명중) 3.대교,소교 강동이교: 스킬범위조정 (5000->150), 사기증가 (10 ->30), 이동속도 25%, 숲제약무시 추가 4.장굉,장소 강동이장: 스킬범...
No X
Created by sadness
改善将领之间的关系,即使是仇人也很难出现×,张飞、夏侯惇再讨厌我试试? Improve the relationship between the generals, even if it is an enemy, it is difficult to appear ×...
Release Captives and take weapons 释放俘虏并拿走武器
Created by Gold
Items should have never been part of bargain for life. 物品绝不应该成为终身讨价还价的一部分。 Compatible with almost everything. 与几乎所有东西兼容。...
Reset skills
Created by Little Fighter
Function: Reset characters' skills when you start new campaign (new savefile required) Reset characters' skills when you recruit them Only available to player, but you can reset AI when they join you Available to those who just come to age I made an except...
Reset wound
Created by Little Fighter
Function: When new turn start, replace characters' wound trait (Lame, One-eyed, Maimed) with 'Scarred' Xiahou dun will reserve "One-eyed" and change his special artwork. Only available to player, but you can reset AI when they join you "scarred" is the onl...
[WDG2] Season2 update!!!
Created by artmongky
모드 호환성 / mod compatibility / mod互換性 : With MTU? ,With Puzzle?, With WU? : << Add_on Required With Generic Generals Overhaul? NO! With DIY Face? No / With Cloak Fix(망토 추가 모드)? No / ***WDG를 다른 모드들보다 위로 해주세요. ***Put WDG above other mod. Use case MTU + PUZZLE ...
[TUP] Total Unique Pack(1.7.1v)
Created by artmongky
TUP 모드는 Puzzle illust, Puzzle3D, Add Puzzle Skill 3가지 모드의 제작자가 의기투합하여 하나의 통합모드로 완성한 것입니다. MTU와 WDG2를 베이스로 작업하였기에 해당모드가 반드시 필요합니다. 한국분들은 MTU 한글 애드온도 필수입니다. ENGLISH USERS SUBSCRIBE TO THIS MOD:
Created by Illustrator.noob
English users may not need this mod unless you are want to using Korean version of MTU...