Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

30 ratings
Escort The Sleigh!
File Size
5.383 GB
Dec 30, 2020 @ 8:08pm
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Escort The Sleigh!

YouAlwaysWin PRESENTS:

Escort The Sleigh
Save Christmas!


-Escort Santa's sleigh across town

-WaW, BO1, BO2, 2019 MW and Infinite Warfare CUSTOM WEAPONS

**NOTE** Some weapons have an alternate fire which is activated by pressing 4 on the keyboard. There is no
hint for it on the HUD, pressing 4 will switch or activate any gun that has the second mode
for the ones you don't know about yet.

-No Perk Limit

-Lots of background ambient music tracks
***NOTE*** - YouTube Audio Library. All 'Attribution Not Required'

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Rollonmath42 (Special Weapons)
NSmithZombies (Various Scripts)
Harry BO2 (Large Gun Pack, Weapon Boxes, Pack A Punch, Bosses)
Zeroy (Flamethrower)
Erthrock (Zombie Models)
DTZxPorter (Wraith Model Exporter)
Treyarch (Mod Tools, Being Awesome!)
ConvictioNDR (Game Modes, Fixed Dogs)
Symbo, Ardivee and Emox (Collective Challenges)
iAmThatMichael (Flare Spawners)
TheSkyeLord (LOTS of custom weapons)
IceGrenade (Teleport Script)
NightOfTheLivingDad Dec 26, 2023 @ 3:57am 
fun map! merry xmas. heres my completion
jeronimato1 Jun 28, 2023 @ 12:21am 
Good map
BigCCarl Jan 9, 2021 @ 3:09pm 
Really fun and different map i had a great time beating it maybe make the hats at the start need less souls and make the buy able ending a little more expensive but overall i had a blast beating it thanks for another great map!!

Here is the link for the video of my play through if u would like to see the map!!
Mylzers Jan 2, 2021 @ 2:18am 
Full play through wasn’t able to complete it but got to the buyable ending shows off full map here’s my full play through
Mista_Brown Dec 30, 2020 @ 11:25pm 
i mean its ok there are some dumb stuff with it like when u finish the mag of the m1911 when ads the 1911 will just sit still with no recoil for a second but its not that big of a deal.the map is hard but fun the zombies are on crack on round 1 they swing really damn fast but its a good map its fun to play i did not really get to high rounds cuz the map is really damn hard i would only really get the map if your good at zombies and if u can train cuz u need to train on the map i dont think there's camping spots on the map so u really need to train.i do like how jug is on the 3rd door its not too far down the map but its close. the wall weapons are good at the start. other then that its a pretty damn good map.also can u make the round 1 zombies not sprint and be on crack.oh and also sorry for making this really long so i need to say thanks for your time if your reading this(: