Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

57 ratings
Hogwarts-Kollektion by Galaxy Gaming
Hier befinden sich stets alle wichtigen sowie aktuellen Inhalten, die für den Hogwarts-Server von Galaxy Gaming, zusätzlich benötigen werden.
Items (160)
[OLD] Alchemy Mod
Created by Xenikay
Create a custom potion with an alchemy table ! Make strange composition and drink it ! All ingredient have their effects , enjoy ! Report any lua error please :D Logo : ● 1.02 : - Change Brial effect - Add Venenum - Add Vanillio - Add Aumuro...
Created by Heox
Players stuck in other Players?! No longer with this addon! ...
Atlas Chat Server Content
Created by [GG] Flo
Easy Bodygroup Tool
Created by Rubat
An improved bodygroup tool, also supporting skins! And it works on effects too! Usage Right/Left click on an entity to select it. Reload to select yourself If the entity is highlighted with halo effect, then open context menu and make changes. Everything i...
Extended Properties
Created by Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Falco's Prop Protection (FPP)
Created by (FPtje) Falco
Falco's famous prop protection, FPP. DON'T REPORT BUGS HERE, REPORT THEM ON GITHUB:
Food and Household items
Created by Figge Ferrum
This pack contains well over 200 props, mainly food but also cleaning products and other types of groceries. Includes: McDonald's Food Kinder Surprise + Box Chips bags Cillit Bang Wine bottles Much, much, more... 🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕🍔🍞🍉🍩🎂🍟🍗🍕...
Gmod Legs 3
Created by Valkyrie
Gmod Legs Works with most custom playermodels Actively maintained since 2012 Like this addon? Award it! and checkout my GmodRPG im working on This will allow you to see your legs in first person, just like in Left 4 Dead or any modern FPS Info: Hold you co...
Improved Stacker
Created by Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
Originahl Scripts - All Contents in one Pack
*This is not a addon, but just content pack for my scripts: Models + Materials + Sounds ☰ OSGmod (Originahl Scripts) ☰ My Gmod Store ☰ To get technical support open a ticket ☰ Discord ☰ SCALEWAY DEDIBOX the largest choice of high-end dedicated servers by N...
Created by Malboro
RemoveProps 1.0 Remove map props. Perma Props: If you have any question, add me on steam, or ask your question on the workshop comments ! Don't forget to rate the tool :)...
Smart Weld
Makes the stock Weld tool obsolete! ---How do I use it?--- Select every prop you want then you have a few options. Weld all of the selected props to each other, weld them to the world, weld them all to one prop. Hold E and Left Click to auto-select. Hold E...
Created by
This is a client-side tool for building contraptions with extreme precision, aligning objects for either aesthetic or functional perfection. To accomplish this task a grid is projected onto the object you are pointing at and by pressing the use-button your...
VJ Base
Created by DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
[GG] HogwartsRP #1
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon: einfach-g...
[GG] HogwartsRP #10
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon:
[GG] HogwartsRP #2
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon: einfach-g...
[GG] HogwartsRP #3
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon: einfach-g...
[GG] HogwartsRP #4
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon: einfach-g...
[GG] HogwartsRP #5
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon: einfach-g...
[GG] HogwartsRP #6
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon: einfach-g...
[GG] Serverpack #2
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon:
[GG] HogwartsRP #8
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon:
[GG] HogwartsRP #9
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon:
[GG] HogwartsRP Content #2
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon:
[GG] HogwartsRP Content #3
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon:
[GG] HogwartsRP Content #4
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon:
[Official] Precision Tool
Created by [XTT] General Wrex
IF YOU GET GETINFONUM ERRORS, DO THIS IN YOUR CONSOLE precision_defaultrestore Formerly 'Easy Precision', this tool allows exact movement of objects for accurate building. Push/pull, rotate, and snap props together at specif...
aMenu Content
Created by liam
Content for aMenu F4 menu....
iNPC - Artifical Intelligence Module (Improved NPC AI)
Created by xyzzy
iNPC (Improved NPCs) is an addon that adds huge improvements to the existing HL2 NPCs. If you find that the NPCs in GMod are dumb, or too easy to fight, then iNPC will solve your problems. iNPC's goal is to make NPCs a challenge to fight, and add new dynam...
rp_hogwarts content
Created by Steinman
This is the content pack needed to play rp_hogwarts....
Dark Messiah SNPCs
Created by DrVrej
Welcome to my Dark Messiah SNPCs! *NOTICE* VJ Base is required for this addon to work! Link Update Changelogs are located in the Change Notes. FEATURES Check VJ Base's workshop page for full feature list! Adds 4 New SNPCs & Entities Spider Queen Spider Gia...
Particle System Tester
Created by Clavus
This tool can be used to spawn particle effects from several Valve games. It currently contains all particle effects from HL2, CSS, Portal, Portal 2, TF2 and Alien Swarm. They will only be listed if their respective game is mounted. You can find this tool ...
Amnesia Lantern Rework
Created by Buu342
A complete rework (from the ground up) of my original Amnesia: TDD Lantern Swep. This is an incredible improvement over my old mod, and I think it shows well just how much passion and willingness to keep trying and improve can affect someone's work. I bare...
Craftingmod Content
Created by Eryk
Witcher 3 Prop Pack 3
Created by AleXXX_007
Ported by AleXXX_007. Original models by Horsey: Special for Witcher RolePlay:
Dark Messiah: Of Might & Magic Props
Created by V92
Includes various things like lockpicks, keys, furniture, ladders, and my favourite, a training dummy. Want usable versions of the ladders? Click here!...
(vj) Effect Npc : dream
Created by Lawrence
============================================================ Welcome to my Effect Npc, you need VJbase to make it work. Lost some special effects?Maybe you need half life 2 ep1 ep2. if the addon isn't working please read this
Empty Hands
Created by Zor
Here are empty hands as pretty as that of Groot! Can be useful for the RolePlay server or for shooting video clips. No backdoor, you can check by yourself if you want. Categories: Weapons > Other This addon is in French, you can find others in English on t...
Created by CapsAdm¡n
ABOUT: Gives you the ability to personalize your player model's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from putting just a hat on your head to creating an entire new player model. PAC can also work on vehicles or props. You can wear yo...
Ragdoll Hats
Created by Joch 5
Just a bunch of ragdolls wearing hats...
GMod Tower: Accessories Pack
Created by MacDGuy
Models/Textures: samm5506, MacDGuy, Mr. Sunabouzu, CaptainBigButt, Vipes, and Dustpup For more information on the developers, make sure to visit: ***Make sure to give credit to the authors if you decide to use this for projects besi...
[GTA V] Giant Accessories Pack
Created by Sal
Models by Rockstar for GTA V Ported by Sal using OpenIV Follow me on the workshop for more content: Info: I've ported these for a server I was working on with some friends. It is no longer in the works, so...
Darken217's SciFi Weapons
Created by Hedron
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION TO AVOID UNNECESSARY PROBLEMS Introducing my latest creation: Darken217's SciFi Weapons. This is my first gmod addon. Please keep that in mind... I've updated it over the years to address issues and add more content. It's a coll...
Skyrim Sweps
Created by Polp Retsim
THE PICTURES DO NOT SHOW THE ENTIRE PACK. Thanks to Hellsing for the models and bow's lua. This pack contain lot of Skyrim Sweps, but not every one (too much work haha) This mainly contains Daedric stuff, daugr stuff, some nordic axes etc... Well. I hope y...
[GG] Hogwarts Sounds #1
Created by ninqx
[GG] Rosenkohl
Created by Drac Master
Rosenkohl-Content for
[GG] Erdbeery
Created by Drac Master
Azok30 Shared Textures
Created by Azok30
SHARED TEXTURES Obligatoire pour utiliser mes véhicules ! Informations Cet objet contient toutes mes textures/models pour mes véhicules. Me suivre Pour être tenu informé de mes prochains addons, screenshots, artworks et autres, rendez-vous sur cette page p...
[GG] Rosels
Created by Monschita
[GG] Script Content
Created by ninqx
This Addon only contains Content for my Scripts, exclusively made for Galaxy Gamings' Hogwarts Roleplay Server. I will not sell any of my scripts to anyone, so please do not tempt to ask me or any other staff of this community....
[GG]M #2.5
Created by Monschita
[GG]M #2.2
Created by Monschita
[GG] Teamlern
Created by Drac Master
Steampunk Plague Doctor
Created by Half-Dead
Something quick I did overnight. Made mostly of Killing Floor stuff with CoD heads. Bodygroups, skingroups, faceposing, nude pics of Ninja_Nub, seperate props and playermodels included. Credits to Tripwire Interactive and Infinity Ward. Feel free to make n...
More Materials!
Created by Dr. Spicket
This simple little addon adds many stock materials to be selected on your material STool list. All materials come from either HL2 or Garry's Mod. CSS materials are also added, but only if CSS is mounted. You do not need CSS for this mod to work. This works...
More materials
Created by ParSec
What is More Materials? More materials is a pure LUA script aiming to fix a problem that you do not have all the materials from source games you own and are mounted to gmod. This script purely adds materials from games you BOUGHT and MOUNTED in your gmod, ...
Tea set props
Created by CubicTuxedo
Originally from, this is a model pack of a tea set, complete with teabags and a teapot and saucers, suitable for all your British-approved needs! They're more appropriate for posing with ragdolls in screenshots. The original author is unknow...
Collision Resizer (ENHANCED)
Created by tau
MASSIVE UPDATE October 31st, 2015 Physics now work on the client! Resizing is now compatible with HL2/engine saves! Resizing is now fully compatible with demo recordings! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Advanced Bone Tool
Created by Thirteen
A tool to edit angles, scaling and the location of props bones. You can use this on any prop in gmod*. Also availible on GitHub: *Some props will not allow for rotation or translation due to them being tied...
gScripts - Content Pack
Created by Encrypt
Shard Series Content
Created by Zephruz
This is the contents for ShardHUD, a HUD sold on
[wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Full Version)
Created by King David™
[wOS] Fortnite Dances
Created by King David™
There might be better ways to express yourself.. The number one thing nobody really asked for ( at least I try to pretend nobody did ) is here! Just in time for Valentine's Day. The Fortnite Dances addon finally allows you to do the things you always wante...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Familiar Dances
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! Man these dances sure look familiar huh.. These are a collection of Familiar Dance animations ported by wiltOS Technologies. They are being reworked animations to fit the gmod skeleton, as the ga...
Bloodborne (Hunter Set) Playermodels
Created by Tech
"The Moon is close. It will be a long Hunt tonight." — Gehrman The hunters are a group of people dedicated to the hunting of beasts. They specialize in hunting and destroying any blood tainted creature or beast using custom made trick weapons and flintlock...
Zeros LuminaFX - Contentpack
Created by Zerochain
Brick's Crafting - Content
Created by Brickwall
Dark Souls III - Fallen Knight [Fixed Hitboxes]
Created by Talson
I am not the original creator of this playermodel, all I did was fix the hitboxes since they were bad on the original addon. Original Creator: Original Addon:
Alex Mercer Player Model [Prototype]
Created by Brawler14801
This is a player model based on Alex Mercer (More specifically the Prototype 2 version) To make this model I grabbed the model that was published by LamitrizShow and rigged it so it could work as a player model. Originally, I was going to keep this model p...
Created by [LOS] Sensei Hiraku
[GG] HogwartsRP Hud Materials
Created by [GG] Flo All files this content pack include are copyrighted to their respective owners. Do not reupload this addons on Steam and other one. This is only for USE on Galaxgaming.De Whitelist to USE this Addon: einfach-g...
Xenin - The Xenin Framework
Created by sleeppyy
A Lua framework that provides a lot of pre-built functionality. Includes: - SQL query builder - SQL migrations - MySQL/SQLite support - Easily integrable in-game config system - Tons of pre-built UI panels - Lots of helper functions - Permissions interface...
Splatoon Full Hats Pack
Created by FissionMetroid101
Please to the shopping! Don't forget to leave a thumbs up! It can make a big difference Every hat from Splatoon is now available to help make your Inkling/Octoling even fresher than ever! The pack also includes a beta variation of the Stealth Goggles as we...
Toasty Fatality SWEP
Created by Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Scorpion Playermodel is not included! My special contribution to Mortal Kombat fandom and Spooktober. This is Scorpion's Toasty Fatality ported to Garry's Mod as SWEP. There's Mortal Kombat 2 and Mortal Kombat 4 vers...
Potions Models
Created by Sohald & Spike
Hello Eveyone... we´re back again (After a long time...) with another addon, and we think this one will be usefull for ya (Specially for halloween or Medieval scenes & animations). POTIONS!!! What you can find on this addon are 5 Potions with 8 Different S...
Created by Monschita
Created by Monschita
[GG] ModernRP #1
Created by [GG] Flo
Garry's Fireworks 2
This addon was not created by me! It was created by Rogue Cheney I had Garry's Fireworks 2 on my pc so i decided to reupload it. Enjoy! Rogue Cheney allowed all of his work to be uploaded, modified or redistributed. ----------------------------------------...
GG HWRP 170520
Created by Thunaer
GmodAdminSuite ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Click For Support⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (G)mod(A)dmin(S)uite or GAS is a set of admin utilities that work on top of admin mods such as ULX or SAM to provide a better experience for server owners and ...
BellKiller (Murdered: Soul Suspect)
Created by TheFaddey
UPDATE: Big thanks, props, kisses to UnknownFusion for providing us with a playermodel, you can subscribe to it here: and be sure to give the author lots of virtual or real hugs :3 Bellkiller,...
Aquaman - Jason Momoa Playermodel (Injustice 2 IOS)
Created by Kryptonite
"Aquaman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger, the character debuted in More Fun Comics #73 (November 1941).1 Initially a backup feature in DC’s anthology titles, Aquam...
gucci cap
Created by mintyhandzzz
just a model. fitted for anime models...
Harry Potter Music Speakers Part.1
Created by Caldryk
This addon is the same as Star Wars Music Speakers (Extended) but in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter ! Includes: - Battlefield (Year 7/2) - Big Beat Repeat (BONUS) - Broomstick and Fire (Year 7/2) - Chess Game (Year 1) - Christmas (Year ?) - Courtyard ...
Harry Potter Music Speakers Part.2
Created by Caldryk
This addon is a sort of DLC for the First Harry Potter Music Speakers ! Download the first pack here: - The Story Continues (Year 4) - Voldemorts End (Year 7) - Dumbledore's Farewell (Year 6) ...
Ronan O'Connor (Murdered: Soul Suspect)
Created by TheFaddey
Ronan O'Connor from Airtight Games's Murdered: Soul Suspect. Only the alive version, as the ghostly one doesn't have a proper transparency in Source Engine. It has all that you need: finger/face/eye posing and some small bodygroups. This is my first Worksh...
Bear Trap
Created by Machinehead
Bear Trap addons 1 Entity 1 Weapon 2 props Paypal :
Created by Monschita
Created by Monschita
[GG]Model #7
Created by Monschita
[GG]Model #11
Created by Monschita
[GG]Model #12
Created by Monschita
Created by Drac Master
Die hier hochgeladen Inhalt sind ausnahmslos urheberrechtlich geschützt! Das vervielfältigen und/oder erneute hochladen, sowie die widerrechtliche Verwendung, stellt eine Urheberrechtsverletzung da. Der in dem Addon befindliche Content ist exklusiv für den...
Created by Drac Master
Die hier hochgeladen Inhalt sind ausnahmslos urheberrechtlich geschützt! Das vervielfältigen und/oder erneute hochladen, sowie die widerrechtliche Verwendung, stellt eine Urheberrechtsverletzung da. Der in dem Addon befindliche Content ist exklusiv für den...
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Dead By Daylight: Ghost Face Materials
Created by Wheatley
Just the materials for Ghost Face, nothing to see here....
[GG]Model #13
Created by Monschita
[GG]M #2.3
Created by Monschita
Created by Drac Master
[GG]M #2.4
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
Created by Drac Master
[GG]M #2.1
Created by Drac Master
[GG] Cooperation
Created by [GG] Flo
______________________________________________________________ This is for the Galaxy Gaming Hogwarts RP Server! just don't cover up map branding's That includes logos & ♥♥♥♥ you know! ______________________________________________________________...
[DIZ] Pius Thicknesse [PM]
Created by TheDizcordumSeventh
Game: Harry Potter Tha Game Character: Pius Thicknesse Addon has a Playermodel with finger posing and first person hands Have Fun! Leave a like and share! Because its free! my thanks for that :3 Models list: models/dizcordum/hands.mdl models/dizcordum/pius...
[DIZ] Bartemius Crouch Sr [PM]
Created by TheDizcordumSeventh
Game: Harry Potter The Game Character: Bartemius Crouch Sr Addon has a Playermodel with finger posing and first person hands Have Fun! Leave a like and share! Because its free! my thanks for that :3 Models list: models/dizcordum/Crauch_hands.mdl models/diz...
Placeable Particle Effects
Created by The Lawnmower Man
READTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHIS ======== What is this addon about? ======== Placeable Particle Effects is an addon that lets you place or attach (weld) various effects to spice up your work, like screenshots, artwork, anima...
Aquas Content
Created by Aqua
Server Content: - krzragbe - kentba Any questions visit:
Cleaning Broom
Created by
The swep has no animation yet, but cleaning dust and sound effects! The original Addon you can find here: Don't forget to sub to the original! This is my first Addon on Steam, so be kind if ...
Advanced Duplicator 2
Created by WireTeam
Ground up rewrite meant to make up for some of the shortcomings of the first iteration of AdvDupe. Still considered alpha! Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord:
Created by Drac Master
Harry Potter Brooms
Created by Deika
I promised to bring the brooms back on to the steam workshop. Well here it is. NOT MINE JUST TO LET YOU KNOW. They belong to HK47 (kekc) but he removed them, then Mr. Mind uploaded them, then deleted them. Then I did so i can see happiness from you. It com...
Created by Drac Master
Zeros Lua Libary
Created by Zerochain
Mostly consists of utility functions for other scripts....
StormFox 2
Created by Nak
Version: 2.55 StormFox 2 is the successor to StormFox applying weather, light and effects to the map. SF2 is created with a focus on asynchronization, letting clients handle the effects. Warning! This will not work with Stor...
gm_abstraction_extended Prop Pack
Created by Nita
Another separate add-on pack with props that I have used in the map gm_abstraction_extended. My abstraction’s remake was released more than a year ago, so I don’t remember the exact source of some models. Nonetheless, full source list has been published in...
MGS4: Big Boss P.M. and Ragdoll
Created by Lenoax
If you want, and you like my workshop, I think the donation is the best thing you can do to help me! and if you do that, I will appreciate that, thank you for your collaboration! This is a old project, I just, rem...