Realms of Arkania 1 - Blade of Destiny Classic

Realms of Arkania 1 - Blade of Destiny Classic

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Spell Descriptions
By Clever Monkey
Spell descriptions taken from the Amiga Guide with personal opinions from me.
The actual spell descriptions and information are taken from the Amiga Guide posted online at
All Personal remarks are in quotations "..." and may be true or not. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

Your characters may cast spells almost anytime and nearly everywhere. Incombat, characters simply choose Cast Spell. Clicking the Use Magic icon while adventuring will provide the same enchantment. Remember, though, that a character can only cast a spell if his or her spell value is at least -5 and preferably better than that.

Blade allows you to cast any spell you choose. Perhaps your eccentric Warlock likes to throw off little sparklers just to impress the Witch in the group. Whatever the case, your characters have the opportunity to use nearly any spell they please

While in Combat, though, characters have the option to cast a limited amount of spells. As all combat actions are by necessity spontaneous, characters can only use spells that require little or no time to prepare and cast in a fight.

Your magic using characters learn a variety of different spells, according to their Archetype. Spells are grouped by Arcane Lore, the ancient magical beliefs which formed them and guided their schools of thought.

"All spell casting is benefited by a high Arcane Lore skill and resisted by a high Wisdom and Low Superstition score."
Spell Cost
Check the manual for cost. Starting level is dependent on archtype selected.
" I just don't want to do the chart work right now."
ANALYZE ALL ARCANE THINGS:Tell Me What Their Nature Brings. Allows the caster to analyze the nature of a magical artifact."one person should have this spell"

ATTRIBUTES REVEALED BE: Thy Self Reveal To Me. Reveals an opponent's combat values
"not useful as the clue book has stats for enemies and to cast a spell just to see how much life an opponent has is a wasted spell"

EAGLE'S EYE AND LYNX'S EAR:Sharpened Senses Tell Me Clear. Raises the perception value by 7 points."not very useful but if cast on the lead character that has a low perception will help reveal secret doors and such"

EXPOSAMI CREATURES RIFE: ShowTo Me The Tracks of Life. Reveals the presence of living beings nearby"no use in the pc game"

ODEM ARCANUM SENSUM SUCH:Do I Sense The Magic Touch? Shows whether an item or person has a magical aura"lesser version of Analyze spell"

PENETRATING WOOD AND STONE:Through The Walls I Look Alone. Allows the caster's gaze to penetrate solid walls. This reveals a larger area on automapping"combined with the teleport spell you can bypass some barriers"

SENSIBAL CLEAR AND WELL: All Feelings I Can Tell. Allows the caster to read an Opponent's feelings"I feel a sword in my head, useless"
ACCURATE EYE AND HAND THAT'S TRUE - To The Target, Strike it Do. Forms a magic line from the bow to its target, guiding the arrow and helping it hit the spot it is aimed for"If your archer sucks that bad with a bow then you clerarly didn't level it, useless"

ECLIPTIFACTUS DARKNESS MIGHT: Fighting Comrade From The Night The caster`s shadow turns substan tial and fights at his or her side

FULMINICTUS THUNDERBOLT: Hit My Foe And Kill Him. A magic lightning strike causing tremendous damage"each magic user should level this spell as it does good damage"

IGNIFAXUS LANCE OF FIRE: Al though much is unknown about this spell and its origins, witnesses say it conjures a lance of fire that burns the opponent targeted"once leveled high it can do tremendous damage"

IRON RUST AND ROTTED WOOD: The Teeth Of Time Do Blades No Good. Makes an opponent's weapon rot away. The caster has to touch it first, though"Just kill your opponent, no need to dissolve the weapon as you also don't get to pick it up after the fight"

LIGHTNlNG FIND THEE: Lightning Blind Thee. Blinds an opponent with a harsh, blinding magic light making the opponent unable to attack or parry" stops an enemy from attacking for 3 rounds, very useful and cheap"

PLUMBUMBARUM BRACHADEAD: Arms and Armament Be As Lead. The arms of the caster's opponent turn heavy as lead making attacks and parries difficult."better off just killing your enemy or using a domination spell to immobilize for the entire combat"

TERROR BROOM: Lets a witch's broom or warlock's staff move and attack by itself"never actually did anything"

TERROR POWER, TERROR MIGHT: Hit The Foe As None Can. Pushes the spell's target into a berserker-like rage allowing him or her to do more damage to the opposition"combat spell points are better spent in other spells"
NECROPATHIA PUTRID HEAD: Tell Me From Among The Dead. Allows the caster to contact the spirits of the deceased"not useful in PC"

WITCH'S EYE: This spell allows warlocks and witches to recognize each other by looking at their eyes"not useful PC"
BANISH SPIRITS: Banishes ghosts and spirits, removing the magical energy that allows their presence."one person should be able to use this spell"

BLOOD AND FUROR, DEADLY FATE: In This Combat, Be My Aide. Conjures up a Lower Demon

CONJURE SPIRITS: Conjures up ghosts and spirits

HEPTAGON AND EYE OF TOAD: Horned- Head Demons, Cross The Moat. Conjures up a Horned (i e High) Demon.

SKELETARIUS AIR OF DOOM: Rise Up Now From Grave And Tomb. Allows the caster to turn killed opponents to undead doing his bidding in combat

SUMMON CROWS: Conjures up a flock of crows that attack the casters opponents

"All spells that conjure or raise the dead can be useful to even the odds against numerous opponents"
DESTRUCTIBO ARCANITE: Magic Powers, Hide Away. Draws all astral energy from a magic artifact, thus turning it into a mundane non magical item"why? not useful"

DOMINATION DISPELL: Removes a "Domination" enchantment"two people should have this at some level just in case one of the party becomes possessed"

GARIDIANUM PARADEE: From Magic Harm Thou Protect Me. Conjures up a protective dome resistant against a great number of magical attacks (such as Fulminictus or demon attacks)" not very useful unless you have a character with low magic resistance"

ILLUSIONS BEGONE: Dispells all illusions in a small area. Can be used against Duplication"one person not leveled too high will come up rarely"

TRANSFORMATION DISPELL: Removes a "Transformation" enchantment"two people should have this just in case one person gets paralyzed"
ASTRAL THEFT: Withdraws astral points from the spell's target and allows the caster to use these to power a spell.

BALL AND CHAIN: Keeps the spells target from wandering away.

BAMBALADAM: Your Friend I Am. The spell's target thinks the caster a friend In combat, this means an end to all attacks on him or her

CONFUSION: This spell results in its target being quite confused, reducing his or effectiveness in combat

DANCE!: Forces the target to dance until exhausted

EVIL EYE: Turns an Opponent against his or her own companions in combat. Character must be one square away to cast

GREAT NEED: Causes an overwhelming unspecified desire in the spell's target causing him or her to ignore anything else

HORRIPHOBUS DEADLY FEAR: All You See And All You Hear. Causes a blind panic in the caster's opponent. In combat it causes him or her to run away.

MASTER OF ANIMALS: Same effect as Bambaladam, but only on animals.

MEEKNESS: Allows the caster to tame wild animals.

RESPONDAMI VERITU: Tell Me Now And Tell Me True. Forces the target to speak the truth

SOMNIGRAVIS THOUSAND SHEEP: So fall down, be fast asleep. Lets the target fall asleep. Can be used in combat.
CONJURE ELEMENTAL: Conjures up an elemental to fight for the party."Will help with the numbers game"

NIHILATIO GRAVITI: Of All Things Heavy I'll Be Free: Nullifies gravity for a while in the area around the caster."never used it but I imagine it creates a protective barrier"

SOLIDIRID RAINBOW'S HUE: Carry To My Goal True. Creates a magic rainbow bridge of up to 50 paces in length"never used it,never wanted to use it, usefulness I believe is limited"
BALM OF ROOND: Heal This Wound. Turns astral points of the caster's into life points of the patient's"not useful long term as herbs can heal LP along with potions"

HEAL ANIMAL: Works the same as balm, but only on animals."useless"

PURE AND CLEAR, HERBAL TEA: Free From Poison Thou Shalt Be. Removes poison from the targets system"useful until you can heal or treat poison from herbs or skill.put points elsewhere"

REST THE BODY, REST THE MIND: In Healing Sleep New Strength You`ll Find. Enhances the regeneration attained during the following sleep period"even more useless than Balm"

WITCH'S SPIT: Used as a Balm, but with different results depending on whether it is used on poison, illness or wounds
CAMOUFLAGE: The caster appears to any observer in some quite harmless guise, for example as a child or an old woman

CHAMELEONY MIMICRY: To My Foe Disguised I'll Be. This spell allows the caster to blend in with the surrounding area, becoming almost invisible, as long as he or she does not move

DUPLICATION DOUBLE ME: Ac- cursed The Foeman's Eye Shall Be. The caster conjures up a ghostly double of himself (herself) which makes him or her much harder to hit in combat

"the above spells have never seemed to work as advertised"

WITCH'S KNOT This spell creates an illusionary barrier that is impassable for any opponents "never used with no desire to use"
ACCELERATUS SPEEDY STEED: Fly Away With Lightning Speed. Doubles the caster's speed, improving his or her combat values"not very useful as any attack or spell cast ends turn however cast on a character extremely weighted down will allow some movement and action. keep low"

FORAMEN FORAMINOR: Open Up, Lock And Door. Opens the lock on a chest or door" good until lock person is highly skilled and even then I believe there are locks magically sealed"

MOTORICUS MOTILITENS: Lifeless Item, Get Thee Hence. Allows the caster to move small items without touching them" Useless"

TRANSVERSALIS TELPORTI: Get Me Where I Want To Be. A teleport spell that can carry the Caster to any place he or she knows. Difficult to learn."uncastable by non magicians until very high level. well beyond what is needed to finish game"

WALK ON ICE, WALK ON SNOW: Just As I Walk On Ground I Know. The Caster can move across any frozen surface as if it were solid ground" useless"

WITHOUT A TRACE, WITHOUT A TRACK: Be My Step On Sand. Allows the caster to move without leaving any trace of his or her passing."useless"
ARCANO PSYCHOSTABILUR: That Spell I Shall Resist. Raises the spell targets magic resistance. Cannot be cast as self."if character selection is done right your MR should be fairly high already"

EAGLE WOLF AND GREAT WHITE SHARK: Like An Animal In The Dark. Allows the caster to take on an animal shape

FIRES BANE: Makes the caster a lot less suseptible to fire, dragon breath and the Ignifaxus spell "spend points elsewhere"

INCREASE CR, WD etc: Increases the stated attribute value by a number of points. Cannot be cast at self"Can be useful as these spells can be cast out of combat and last quite a while"

MAGIC ARMOUR: Creates a magic armour of variable strength around the caster" can be useful if your AR is horrible"

ON OCEANS FLOOR IN LAKE AND STREAM: Breathe The Water As In A Dream. Allows breathing under water.

PARALYZE PARALONE: Be Still as Stone. Petrifies the spell's target for a long time."domination spells cosat less to cast so usefulness is questionable.

SALOTHER MUTOTHER: Be Another Turns the spell target permanently into a toadstool

VISIBILI VANITENE: Magic Turn Me Unseen. Turns the entire team invisible allowing them to explore a dungeon without constant attack by various monsters"first thing is who would want to, never used"
ABVENENUM BILE AND ROT: Leave This Food Without A Spot. Purifies poisoned or spoiled food

AEOLlTUS, COME AND VEER: Blow The Dust And Smoke From Here. Creates a small breeze

BURN!: Can be used to light flammables, for example, torches without benefit of a tinder box

CALM THE STORM AND STILL THE WINDS: Creates a zone of calm around the caster, protecting him or her and any within that zone from being harmed by a gale.

CLAUDIBUS CLAVISTIBOR: Locked And Bolted Is My Door. Magically locks doors, chests etc. for a certain time.

DARKNESS: Creates a magical darkness that is penetratable for no ones eyes but the casters on whom it is centred. in combat this spell reduces the attack chances of the caster's opponents - unfortunately, it does the same for his or her companions.

FIAT LUX: This spell creates a magic source of light resting on the casters hand and shining with the approximate bright- ness of a torch"raise to 6-8 for a releable light source"

FREEZE THE SOFT, STOP THE FLOW: Turns any fluids into Solid material

MELT THE SOLID, FLOW THE HARD: Turns any lifeless materials soft and easy to shape.

SILENTIUM SILENTILL: All Is Still Suppresses all sound around the caster

"other than Fiat Lux all Transmutation spells seem useless"
These spell descriptions and personal thoughts are for ROA Blade of Destiny only and not on later games in the series. Personal thoughts are based on web reviews from numerous sites and partially on personal experience. If I am mistaken in my use or understanding leave a comment describing the proper use or when a spell would be beneficial.
Clarity May 10, 2015 @ 11:45am 
The EXPOSAMI spell will reveal if the enemy will get reinforcements during battle and if so how many.

The NECROPATHIA can be used a single time in the 3rd game I think, in the dwarf mines.

The SUMMON CROW spell actually doesn't summon anything but just deals some damage to the opponent. Pretty bad IMO.

DESTRUCTIBO and ILLUSIONS BEGONE are only useful in the 3rd game in the magician's tower.

GREAT NEED can be used against undead enemies like skeletons that usually resist HORRIPHOBUS.

NIHILATIO makes you characters float. Only useful in the 3rd game in the dwarf mines to get over a trap.

MOTORICUS is again only useful in the 3rd game in the magician's tower to get a potion.

VISIBILI can be used in the 2nd game to get elves into the dwarf city.

SILENTIUM can be useful in dungeons as it helps with your sneaking checks to avoid random encounters.
Horagen81 Jun 22, 2014 @ 2:01pm 
one thing you should put in the discribtion. There is a chance that demons and elementals will attack the summoner instead.
Tyler Durden Jan 28, 2014 @ 5:48pm 
A few of the transmutation spells are useful in the sequels...
Subdivision_CG Jan 25, 2014 @ 12:53am 
Thank you for the list. I would suggest that you make your own comments easier to distinguish. Maybe put them on a separate line and/or give them a different color.