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How To Votekick A Teammate
By lydocia
A quick guide to answer a question I see asked very often: "How do I start a votekick?"
Option 1: through chat
If the person you want to votekick has recently spoken in chat, you can simply click their username and choose "votekick" from the drop-down menu.

A votekick is then started.

Option 2: through console
Press your console button once to open the console line, press it twice to open the entire console output. Check your keybind settings if you don't know what this button is.

Type in "PlayerList" and press enter.

Re-open the console by pressing the console button twice.

A full list of all the players, their Steam ID and their in-game ID is shown. Find the person you want to votekick:

Type "votekick #" with # being the number of the person you want to kick.

Press enter, and a votekick is started.

Please do NOT abuse this command to troll or annoy your teammates.

Instead, use it whenever someone is griefing, team killing, aiding the enemy or otherwise undermining a fair and fun game.
lydocia  [author] Jul 15, 2020 @ 11:40am 
I think it came with the right-click in chat option a couple of updates ago.

I hadn't noticed it either, so thanks for mentioning it!
Spagootnoodels Jul 15, 2020 @ 8:03am 
Much easier to press esc, click the scoreboard button at the top, right click the person and choose votekick. For some reason I've never witnessed anyone mention this method, I don't think it's new either.