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Jul 8, 2020 @ 4:20pm
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'We're doing really well really, really we're doing fantastic, I don't think we've ever done better. We got a great deal, a great deal!' The President

The Mopkinster lives bringing you all a REAL LIFE PRESIDENT! He is here to lead your people to glory or a bloody death, in our latest in our America themed trilogy..THE PRESIDENT!

Love him or hate him, The President is here to love or to hate, to recruit or lead, to follow or forget! He will never forget the flag!

START as The President! Will you unite the people or are you set for disaster? Who is he, what will he become? Only you can decide..

RECRUIT the PRESIDENT! If you do not begin a new game as the man himself, then you can find him beggining a new empire in the HUB!

CUSTOM DIALOGUE! - Watch as The President leads and unites his people!

TINY FILE! - Teeny file well worth downloading :D

Original MMD RIP - dalton2192: Without you we lose hope!
The Patrons! - Many thanks most especially to those in the US forces..God bless during this difficult time..

Well there it is, will your president make good and provide jobs to all? Will be become a despot in charge of a ruthless empire? Or will he fall and bleed out like a pig in the sand? His fate is in your hands!!

Donate here if you wanna buy me coffee:


Jump on board the MiG train to make your own dreams come true! Add your own hopes to our growing TOMB of existing support! 26 noble souls cluster our collective effort to bring you the BEST mods! Many pretenders have sprung up in the wake of our success, but don't take the rest, rent out the best at the MiG Factory :D

We are the best so take time to invest! NOW we push for everything we hope for :) xx

I hope you enjoy THE PRESIDENT! If you have and comments they go below, like fav and rate if ya'll think this is a crease! :D xxx MiG
SavageCrow Feb 12 @ 8:10am 
Love it - always wanted to play as a god.
Ren'Dahu Nation Nov 28, 2024 @ 3:10pm 
to all the lil wokies..... cope.
knopi Nov 25, 2024 @ 12:54am 
does he not shut up :csgohelmet:
evantime Nov 30, 2023 @ 12:00pm 
Oh man it's straight into the peeler with this guy
mopsisgone  [author] Jun 26, 2023 @ 12:24pm 
@Joe Winko: Sure, how big is your paypal account? :D
Seriously though I made rude and reno and zelensky mod with craftables but if you wanna pay me to do more work on worse suits then that takes time and time costs money and makes little sense. If you want it done I can do but the time you gotta buy! Rude and reno is a good option because that patron paid well and got the best..already made and wouldn't cost either of us time or money which I am sure we both value :) x
Joe Winko Jun 19, 2023 @ 1:32am 
is there a way we can make the tuxedo in kenshi too so other squad memebers can wear it?
VHEMT Apr 28, 2023 @ 4:06am 
mopsisgone  [author] Jan 3, 2023 @ 11:28pm 
@[AJSA] skprog : America was already great and still is x
[AJSA] skprog Jan 3, 2023 @ 7:07pm 
Space_Lettuce_OG Dec 26, 2022 @ 6:34am 
We were so much better off with him.
I want him to come back so badly.