XCOM: Chimera Squad

XCOM: Chimera Squad

330 ratings
New Agent: Julian Shen
Tags: Gameplay, Agent
File Size
18.892 MB
Apr 24, 2020 @ 7:06pm
May 7, 2020 @ 7:15pm
13 Change Notes ( view )

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New Agent: Julian Shen

In 1 collection by RealityMachina
RealityMachina's Chimera Squad Mods
21 items
Welcome back a familiar not quite friend in a not quite familiar body.

The Rundown
Agent Shen's got a particular history with XCOM (and especially with Chief Lily Shen), but as for Chimera Squad, he's been a surprisingly good fit for the squad.

Like a conventional Android, he can use SMGs, shotguns, and assault rifles. Unlike conventional androids, he has specialized in being a gunner, able to output many shots, and knowing the best locations to fire at, not for precision reasons, but for more demolition oriented reasons.

His starting abilities is Lead the Target, a targeted shot that's guaranteed to hit but needs to wait until the targeted enemy starts their turn, and Battle Droid, an ability that lets him shoot without ending his turn.

His breach ability that needs to be unlocked is Demolition, this is a seemingly normal attack, but even if he misses a target, the shot will destroy the cover off the target. Useful, if you need to double team an aggressive target. However, this does use 1 ammo, so account for that with your later strategies.

His first passive choice is between Return Fire, and Kill Confirm, which grants Julian 1.5x damage on the last two shots of his primary weapon.

His second active is Hail of Bullets, it uses 3 ammo and can't crit, but is guaranteed to hit.

His second passive choice is between Robotic Reflexes, granting him +15 aim with reaction fire and the ability to crit with them, and Hello There, which enables his first two shots of his primary weapon to destroy cover, akin to his breach ability.

His final active is Harvester, granting Julian both Banish and Soul Harvester . This is a one time per mission ability, so use it wisely.

Other Mechanics
Julian generally works like the other agents of Chimera Squad and not like other Androids, due to a specialized body developed by Chief Shen. This primarily means he can "bleed" out when taking enough damage, instead of blowing up. Conversely this does mean he can not use the android modifications that can be developed, however.

Julian also has a set of trainings available at HQ, ending at getting Guardian, enabling multiple overwatch shots as long as ammo remains in the weapon.

How to receive
Like any other agent. He's a random chance to appear in squad select, or you can give him one of your starting slots at the start of a game.

How to use the voicepack
Navigate to (whatever drive Chimera Squad is installed)\steamapps\workshop\content\882100\2073095846

You should see a CookedPCConsole folder. Copy and paste that folder to:

Documents\My Games\XCOM Chimera Squad\XComGame

Merge it with any other CookedPCConsole folder if it exists from another mod you've installed. This will enable Julian to use his old voice again.

Can I use this mod for my own?
Sure, go ahead, peak at my github if you want to know all the various details (or just fork it and make changes as you need to) - https://github.com/RealityMachina/Agent-Julian

Known Issues
His HQ animations aren't perfect due to reusing Patchwork's.

Shiremct for the XCOM 2 Proficiency Class Perk, which this mod copies ability code from.
Robojumper for helping me figure out how to successfully add new dialogue events without wrecking the base game ones.
Sha Sep 22, 2024 @ 7:45pm 
"Hello there" classic ob1 upon finding r2d2... classic!... instant fav!
Soli Deo Gloria Apr 29, 2024 @ 12:41am 
hi! i know its abit late, but how do i get my shen bot to equip a shotgun? all i can seem to let him use is an assault rifle :(
JayHog1992 Feb 2, 2023 @ 11:57am 
I hate myself that I didn't notice I had to manually install Julian's voice for him to actually talk, so I played him a whole campaign being mute. -.-

Also, I think I made him too OP, using Harvester to kill almost a whole encounter with 11 bullets. Robot is too powerful, help! XD
TamTroll Jan 22, 2023 @ 4:18am 
Can someone explain his final ability "Harvester" to me? It says "Grants banish and the ability to hit multiple targets with it" but... how do i do that second part? I've got the "Banish" part down pat, but it only ever works on a single target, even if they go down with only one shot and Julien has full ammo, his turn just stops instead of switching to a new target.
Trackerere Jun 17, 2022 @ 4:00pm 
Missed opportunity. The ability "Hello There" should have instead been called "Hello World".

Other than that, 10/10
九月孤竹 Jun 28, 2021 @ 3:13pm 
Axios2002 Jun 3, 2021 @ 7:16am 
Hey, I wantedd to replay the game, its been a long time, and I cant do it without my favourite god complex toaster. I was wondering however, is there any way I could take his voice from XCOM 2 in my language and use it instead of the voicepack that comes with this mod?
Inaire Apr 27, 2021 @ 7:29am 
love Julian
JayBee 🔰 Mar 28, 2021 @ 7:34pm 
His aim is 10 too much.
RoboCobra Mar 26, 2021 @ 2:45pm 
Julian and his voice work fine, but it seems whatever weapon he is using doesn't make sounds? Is it just mod weapons that will do that?