Cyrano Story

Cyrano Story

556 ratings
Cyrano Story - 100% Achievements
By Hanni
Guidance for obtaining 100% achievements!
Habitual sleeplessness
Level: Sane

  • "Sleep"
  • Either "Yes" or "No"

A state of intense joy
Level: On the Edge

  • "Photon Sphere"

Irrational suspicion
Level: Crazy

  • "Cell"
  • "Yes"

Auditory hallucination
Level: Insane

  • "Bury"

Paranormal language skills
Level: Mental Breakdown

  • "Ra"

A distressing experience
Level: Higher Plane

  • "Filth"

All credit for the solutions goes to the author of this GDW entry[].
Securing The Future and Improving The Present

Type "Manticore" in any level.

Anger the Gods
You have chosen poorly

Type "Yes" at the beginning of the last level (Higher Plane).

Tried Everything
Type 50 wrong answers

Type 50 wrong answers in any level.

Finish the game in 79 seconds

Complete the game in less than 79 seconds.

Finish the game 7 times

Complete the game at least seven times.

Finish the game on Halloween

Complete the game on October 31st (the year doesn't matter). However, if you change your system time the year shouldn't be too far off in the past or future.

Time Capsule
Feeling nostalgic

Start the game during the year 2063. Note: If you change your computer's system time the game will throw an error, but the achievement will still unlock. If you can't set the year to 2063 in the first place, set the year to 2050, confirm and then set it to 2063.
Scrollzy Mar 4, 2024 @ 5:47pm 
Thank you :praisesun:
themonsterofthenet Sep 24, 2023 @ 6:39pm 
Launch Cyrano story, disconnect, then change the date?
꒦ꋬꋊ꒻ꋬ꓄ꁝꌦꋪꋬ Sep 24, 2023 @ 5:59pm 
@themonsterofthenet Tried this way, but still didn't work :c
themonsterofthenet Sep 20, 2023 @ 9:37am 
You should be in offline mode, and disconnected from the Internet. Anything Internet-related will stop working once you mess with system time/date. Try this: restart Steam, log in, turn off your wifi (or pull out the cable, whichever applies), then Steam should go to offline mode, then change the year to 2063, then launch Cyrano Story. It's been a while since I got the achievement, but I'm pretty sure that's what I did.
$#%HJH%J^@#H$# Sep 20, 2023 @ 12:06am 
I can't get the Time Capsule achievement. Whenever I set my year to 2063, Steam becomes immediately unresponsive and I can't launch Cyrano Story. If I'm not logged in, it won't even let me log in. I tried once having myself logged into steam offline mode already when I changed the date, but Cyrano story still refuses to launch. Is anyone else having this problem and does anyone know how to fix it?
Ischozar99 Dec 7, 2022 @ 11:59pm 
oki danke dir
Hanni  [author] Dec 6, 2022 @ 10:58pm 
Es kann sein, dass es "kurz" nach Halloween nicht funktioniert. Probier es am besten nochmal im Januar.
Ischozar99 Dec 6, 2022 @ 5:37pm 
nope dann kommt ne error nachricht, vl haben ses gefixt dass, man das machen kann
Hanni  [author] Dec 6, 2022 @ 12:53am 
Wie sieht es mit 2023 aus?
Ischozar99 Dec 5, 2022 @ 5:43pm 
ja klar war ja vor kurzem, deswegen dacht ich auch es funzt, hab dann auch wahlweise #21 ausprobiert aber nix hat zum erfolg geführt