Life is Feudal: Your Own

Life is Feudal: Your Own

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Life is Feudal Your Own MySQL Ftp accesses on a Nitrado hosted server / Link your server to Feudal Tools for modding
By Warden26
Here i will share with you the informations given to me by German players (o/) and write the walkthrough i made. Soon you will be able to use Feudal Tools with your Nitrado Server:
- How register to Feudal Tools (Basic account, free services, account restricted in downloads and services, Donators account)
- How find your logins informations (server ID, address, port, database) for your Nitrado Server
- How add your Nitrado server in the Board Panel of Feudal Tools to mod it. :)
- Miscellanous : How to access to your database with HeidiSQL
Thanks you very much to German Friends, who take the time to explain me and share their experience o/
Later, i will edit with and add :
(- How custom your map with Feudal Tools:
- French Version on an other guide)
Register on Feudal Tools - Free Account Like

Here for registration:
Basic Account Untrusted:
As you could see an account in Feudal Tools registered with a young Steam account lead to an account with restrictions, you can't download the maps on your computer but you could deploy maps on your hosted server accross their site :) (we will see how later)

Donator Account:

I did'nt test it yet. Probably more times of downloads and operations on the server.
You're really not obliged to donate to have a modded map and your livemap, but it could help the volunteers for the maintenance and support this team of course.
Find your logins informations (server ID, address, port, database) for your Nitrado Server :)
Here the IP adress and the Port of your server on the DASH BOARD of your Nitrado Server.

Here your TOOL "FILE BROWSER" to get your logins for the database

Follow the paths of the files above : home---> lifeisfeudal --> config_local.cs

Here your DATABASE NAME server, your USERNAME and your PASSWORD for it and again your server IP.


Follow the paths of the files above : home---> lifeisfeudal --> config :)
Here your IDserver (number under my red mark)

Add your Nitrado server in the Board Panel of Feudal Tool to mod it :)

Here the German Tutorial for moded maps on Feudal Tools delivered by Nitradowiki o/

Here mine :)

Go to your DASHBOARD in Feudal Tools, click on ADD SERVER

Connection Info:

Gameserver Address: Ipoftheserver:port (Nitrado Dashboard)

Database Address: DatabaseAddress:3306 (3306 is the default port for this db)(The address of the database server you have found in the file config_local.cs)

Database Name: lif_IDserver (See in the Files Browser Tools files ID is a number)

Database User: Database Username

Database Password: Database User Password

And here you go :)
Miscellanous : Access to your database with HeidiSQL
Download Freeware HeidiSQL here :
Donate if you want to contribute. :)

Install and launch it.

IP or name of the host: Database Name
User name: ni........ you have found
User Password: XXXXXXXX you have found
Port: 3306 (port by default for the db)

Save your server, then OPEN it with HeidiSQL :)

I don't advice you to change something if you don't know what you're doing or you will be sometimes obliged to wipe the server to reset this database o/

I recommand to use the Feudal Tools Panels if you wanna custom your server, will be more safe :)
Others Guides and Useful Links
Will be updated.

Made by me:

Next Guide: Livemap on FeudalTools for what uses?

Useful one made by others Steam Customers:

Useful links :) :

Broken wiki, french version for YO is broken, here the archive link, thanks to the savior:

Broken wiki, english version for YO see the "OUTDATED Version....." thanks to certain users of this wiki o/

Skills Calculator:

Gm Commands:
Warden26  [author] Dec 19, 2022 @ 9:46am 
To be sure for the password just copy/past what you found in the config_local.cs
Warden26  [author] Dec 19, 2022 @ 9:45am 
Hope it will help you :)
Warden26  [author] Dec 19, 2022 @ 9:44am 
Ok let do it again :

Gameserver adress : Ipserver:port (Found at the left top corner of your nitrado dashboard)

Database adress: Database Name (Config_local.cs first line, should like
So write

Database Name: lif_IDnumber of your world find in config/world_XXXXXX
So write lif_XXXXXX

Database User : niXXXXX_X (Found in config_local.cs)

Database Password XXXXXXXX (Found in config_local.cs)

If this doesn't work... check your capslock for password, or try it without the _X of your user name
Warden26  [author] Dec 19, 2022 @ 9:10am 
Ok, to make it clear to me, have you a trouble to connect your database to feudal tool or have you a trouble to reach your database via Heidi ?

Did you manage to log on your server on mariadb, yourself, on your computer via heidi mysql ? It will be the first step.... Then we will see for FeudalTool (maybe you could stream me what you're doing)
GHOST Dec 18, 2022 @ 9:31pm 
Hi mate I did exactly every step a zillion times and I still keep getting "Couldn't connect to MariaDB Database 'lif_1xxxxxx5' on (3306)" I got the ID number from the World_ xxxx file & other info from Config_local file as per the tutorial, ive tried it with the server on and off, upside down, side ways backwards you name it lol. im at a loss.
Warden26  [author] Oct 23, 2022 @ 1:33pm 
Hello, i put here :

And here :

All i could read and know about the game, and this aren't faq threads, just pure informations.


If you don't find your answers in my 2 threads, you could post your questions here :


If it's a question about the use of Feudal Tools, you have a forum on their website to help users.
C H E M I K E R Oct 23, 2022 @ 2:52am 
Hey man i got alot of questions.. can you help me maybe?