Arma 3
285 ratings
USP Gear - ACE
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Character, Equipment
File Size
1.802 MB
Apr 10, 2020 @ 5:50pm
Sep 26, 2024 @ 5:56pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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USP Gear - ACE

In 1 collection by UnderSiege Productions
UnderSiege Productions Mods
16 items
Version: 0.8.5

USP Gear ACE contains compatibility files and functions in order to make USP Gear modules fully ACE compatible. Not only do these items use ACE features, but they also include a multitude of various ACE interactions. This in-depth interaction system will allow players to swap attachments/accessories on the go and bring a new light to gear customization. These are not standalone and require their host USP Gear module to function. Only recommended to be used with similar versions.

The following PBOs are present in USP Gear - ACE:

- usp_gear_face_ace.pbo
- usp_gear_nvg_ace.pbo

This pack requires using the standalone packs or the AIO in order to function correctly. Do not use both!

Please keep in mind that most, if not all, content is still a Work In Progress (WIP) and not meant to be taken as the finished product. This mod is released in an alpha state, where there are still known issues and bugs which we are working to fix. With that in mind, most error/issues that are found are more then likely already accounted for. If you do wish to submit bug reports, we will have a bugtracker setup soon and will update with a link to it.

Development Team:

Siege-A - Project Lead
OMA - Asset Creator, Models
Krogar - Asset Creator, Models
Warden_1 - Asset Creator, Models
Ardvarkdb - Asset Creator, Textures and Models, Configuration / Scripting
Dirks - Asset Creator, Textures and Models
Lyy Amao - Asset Creator, Textures and Models, Configuration / Scripting
Monk - Asset Creator, Textures and Models
Foxone - Asset Creator, Models
Steve - Asset Creator, Textures and Models
S. Rodge - Asset Creator, Textures and Models, Configuration / Scripting
ZeeAlex - Asset Creator, Textures and Models, Rigging, Consulting


Sabre - Asset Creator, Textures
Fingolfin - Asset Creator, Textures
G. Smith - Configuration / Scripting
NissanLawyer - Asset Creator, Models
Gerard Mery - Asset Creator, Models
Adacas - Asset Creator, Models
Cunico - Asset Creator, Models
MikePhoeniX - Asset Creator, Textures and Models
Zen - Asset Creator, Textures and Models
DustyPeek - Asset Creator, Textures and Models, Sound Design
Shifty - Asset Creator, Animations
WolfeActual - QA Test Lead, Asset Creator, Models

Special Thanks:

Fritts - Administration, Configuration, File Hosting, Moderation
Baxter - Screenshots
Mr. Mustache - Screenshots
Shermanator - Screenshots/Videos
Yooles - Screenshots
M_Kola - Consulting
Tan_rifle - Consulting

And if you would like to stay updated on our work, please visit our subreddit page which is our primary location for posting WIP updates.

You can also drop by our home page if you would like to learn more about the mod itself.

©2020 by UnderSiege Productions
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License:

Please refer to the included documentation for further license and agreements information.

This work is not allowed to be reuploaded by any other than UnderSiege Productions.
Mik92 Feb 2 @ 9:44pm 
The IHPS with CT3 headsets do not have electronic hearing protection since the ACE Update for it came out.
Mumus Dec 26, 2024 @ 11:08pm 
Hearing protection does not work on USP helmets where it would otherwise be justified.
Siege-A  [author] Aug 3, 2024 @ 7:27am 
@KalbiKırık [MG] That will be fixed soon, just busy with other things at the moment. The classnames for NVGs changed a bit with the last update, so the interactions need to have the classnames updated.
KalbiKırık [MG] Jul 17, 2024 @ 12:23am 
I've a question about NVGs. I don't know why but there is a problem in NVGs' ACE interaction. I couldn't use NVG interaction menu after NVG Update. Can you explain to me how can i solve that problem ?
Siege-A  [author] Jul 1, 2024 @ 2:38pm 
@Ayso Currently its fairly limited for facewear, but there are options to add or remove shades or shemaghs. So if you were just using shades, and have a shemagh in your inventory, then you would get an option to equip it (while keeping the shades on). Basically allowing you to combine or separate facewear items without having to go equip a new set. You can also flip shades up or down.
Eva May 8, 2024 @ 7:14am 
what does the ace compat for faceware do? im a bit confused
Brim Mar 2, 2024 @ 9:48pm 
Are V lights in game for the opscores like in your video?
Siege-A  [author] Jan 21, 2024 @ 6:45am 
@Jäger Yes
Jäger Jan 17, 2024 @ 7:42pm 
is this mod still being worked on
Siege-A  [author] Oct 28, 2023 @ 8:44am 
@RicGonzalez The USP uniform interactions are not included yet. Currently this only has interactions for USP_Gear_Face and USP_Gear_NVG.