Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall

Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall

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The guide to land of Magyar
Av Brutus too och 1 medverkande
The rise of Mikhail Gorbachev to power in the Soviet Union in 1985 had changed course for Hungary. By late 1988, activists within the party and bureaucracy and Budapest-based intellectuals were increasing pressure for change. Some of these became reformist social democrats, while others began movements which were to develop into parties. Young liberals formed the Federation of Young Democrats (Fidesz). A core from the so-called Democratic Opposition formed the Association of Free Democrats (SZDSZ) and the national opposition established the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF). Nationalist movements, such as the Jobbik, only reappeared after a rapid decline in nationalist sentiment following the establishment of the new Republic. Civic activism intensified to a level not seen since the 1956 revolution.
How is any leader supposed to deal with this?!
What is the world situation,elvtárs Kadar?

-Poland's reformist are gaining more and more power, now Gorbachev has forced the PUWP to have talks with the FBI puppet movement. Are we next?!
-The USSR is weakening and many of our diplomats speak of acceleration of reforms reminiscent of Nagy and Dubcek!
-Our debts are reaching their deadlines and if we anger the Gorbachev our incomes shall collapse. The western debts are approaching too!
-The opposition didn't stop due to our appeasement it only hibernated and now Grosz is becoming weak, without the USSR we have no legitimacy to rule, what is to be done?
-The USSR is pressuring us and from Jeruzelski's example we know they won't help us!
What did Kadar leave us?
1.India's having a arms race against Pakistan,which we due to our alignment and need for money shall supply them with weaponry along with sanctioning it .(Trade with the Indian state with your weapons and sanction Pakistan)
2.Let's use Gorbachev's non-interference to restore relations to non-aligned Egypt and reformist France.
3.Send a shipment to North Korea for 3 million rubles, then conclude a information deal with the JCP.
4. Remove the platformists of the Reformism and Nationalism by replacing Karpati with Hegedus giving needed upgrades to our equipment and innovation in the science department. And put a fellow moderate in Lazar to tighten the screws on the active opposition.
5 Delegate the regional industries to the managers for a high price under our watch, along with the TV services in the capital.
6.Create 2 new Research Institutes and then sell to the appointed heads of them to give us a profit from it. And finally create a sector of our intelligence meant to expand our foreign influence.
7.And to appease Gorbachev and our eager reformists open the border under heavy sanctions to provide money that the people shall need.

1989 January
-1.The USSR has asked us to play the movie called "Intergirl" in our theaters which is far beyond our restrictions. Soviet newspapers say this is a move towards westernisation of film industries, but what does the already infested Hungary need of such moves when we allow our enemies free reign? Grosz refused the invitation and our people are once again as they were before 1956 , yearning for the west.
2. The west has declared another treaty for "world peace" that restricts Hungarian weaponry to "humane ways of murder". We, unlike most nations, require no such restriction for we are not bound by rules of a another "League of Nations".
3.The movement to reforms shall only allow our enemies the ability to handle our dept and economy. Poland is a example, and Grosz, along with Kadar's blessing, called the Poliburo for patience for a ~year to deal with the country as not to lead to collapse.
And so cracks began to show.
-1. A border to the west was once more opened with heavy cost to the dissatisfied traitors.
-Since the budget was enough, we created another department of our foreign agency.
-A border to the west was once more opened with heavy cost to the dissatisfied traitors.
-A border to the west was once more opened with heavy cost to the dissatisfied traitors.
-The Vietnamese's Xiaoping has fallen to sickness, and unrest spreads in his party, but we have no strength to interfere in Vietnam. So Grosz only offered a get well message to the Chinese Puppet.
-A border to the west was once more opened with heavy cost to the dissatisfied traitors.
-Burma after the Ne Yin's idiotic "socialism without socialist characteristics" has finally gotten a new dictator who seems open to trade with any willing nation, but some of our far-left members offer a complete transformation to socialism in Burma. Grosz refused to make a Far-left dictatorship in Burma and the issue was dropped.
-The Reformists have offered us a way to deal with the economic problems in our country, to establish trade with Austria and improve our standing with the West and Gorbachev, but Grosz was also offered a deal by the Far-left wing to subsidise the expelling of many dissatisfied persons of our country and dissidents who plague our streets.Grosz supported the expelling which the world pointed towards Stalin's re-population's and Gorbachev was annoyed, resulting in a formal warning.
-Grosz, due to Gorbachev's uncertainty with us, decided to speak at a party congress about the destruction of Horthy's reign and how the Hungarian's communists are in dept to the USSR.
-Our re-equipment of the special forces finished, two more research institutes were created and once more paid of to the managers.After this, the research towards Mass surveillance and Post-industrial industries started.
-Tiananmen Square protests have ended in the collapse of the opposition and we have made no comment to the death of Liberal opposition to appease the festered USSR.
-The Reformists rose and sent us demands before Grosz and Kadar. In response, we encased them in their Dachas with Sandor Bolbely's support, leading to the reformists getting removed one by one without a word of protest to them being blamed for the country's weakness after the 1956 revolt. Under Borbely's recommendation, Bela Biszku was rehabilitated and our position was saved yet we are no more stable than before.
-Trade with Libya was established as Gaddafi was pushed into trading to the Warsaw pact through our country.
-Over two weeks, we have gotten to the great choice of who shall lead Hungary and its fate. What shall Grosz do to change the party of The United Hungarian workers party?

-The USSR has declared the freedom of ideology in the Warsaw pact and we spoke at the declaration of coming reforms.
-We decided not to interfere in the Japanese elections.
-The great vezető died! Janos Kadar died of cancer at the age of 77 and was buried on the order of Grosz himself as a normal citizen without special treatment. This further pushed Kadar's personality of modesty and incorruptibility forward to the party and people.
-Today we buried the rotten remains of Imre Nagy in a new grave as a appeasement of the reformists, but refused to rehabilitate other traitors. Furthermore, this was done without promotion or condemnation of Nagy.
-In a unprovoked move, nationalistic members were allowed back into the party apparatus by Grosz as a symbol to the opposition, but this was used by Grosz to weaken the remaining Reformists even further, resulting in him now being unchallengeable as General Secretary.
-Budget was collected for the expanding of research.
-The introduction of DPC's and MACC's has started along with further application of Genetics into our medical institutes.
-We, due to the Iranian leader Khoimeini's death, declared open trade with them and expect them to slowly stop their friendship with the Afganistani Mujahideen
-We started to supply the USSR with Loans to maintain their favourable trade.
-Another agency was built to defeat the reformists.
-Now that the Reformist wing is in cracks, the open opposition to us is defenceless! Gorbachev was disregarded as Grosz put the opposition to the S.P.A's sword, from this and after Kadarism is no longer Goulash-communism.
-Agents were allowed to regrow.
November and December
-Before the elections in India, we organised the asylum plans for our party members in the case of revolt, along with getting Gaddafi to create a emergency storage of oil for our country in case of another oil glut.
-We sadly couldn't save INC in the elections but gave them money for the future elections.
-We saved the the Pan-Helenic socialist movement from loss due to scandals leading up to the elections. Trade has been established with us and all the Warsaw pact.
-We spoke against Revisionism and the West.
-We supported Albania and Poland to prevent collapse of our stability.
-We established a union against Gorbachev and saved the Cambodian communists and continued the war for independence.
-We saved Panama's Pinochet but still wish him a rotten existence.
-We helped the Sardinista's finally escape from American contras.
-We then reformed the CMEA after Gorbachev announced weakening of aid resulting in Hungary becoming the former of a alliance that came to rival the EU.
Results: The GKCHP restored sane ideology and leadership to the USSR and soon after Gennady Zyuganov(The newly elected General Secretary) moved toward Kadarism with eased foreign trade restrictions, limited freedom to the workings of the market, and allowed a limited number of small businesses to operate in the services sector. Grosz is now known as the new vezető who has a influence beyond himself into the world due to loss of previous debts.
No elections are in place but, after Grosz died, in 1996 came in a orthodox Marxist by the name of Gyula Thürmer who has started pushing for Rakossi-era politics to save us from libaralism!


-We collected a record budget!
-We heavy heartedly accepted and even spoke of the Sinatra doctrine and all the reforms following suit.
-The JCP lost, losing the last bastion of Korean-Japanese peace.
-The great vezeto rests amongst the greatest Magyars of history and his statue rests over all of Budapest.
-We mothballed one of our intelligence departments
-The Party once again split on the issue of Imre but thankfully our leadership through sheer belief in Kadar's words.
-We sent a record 8 million roubles into a Swiss account.
-The most insane event in history of Hungary just transpired, Karoly Grosz rehabilitate all the former members of the Stalino-Hoxhaist wing of the party with Bela Bizku calling for Anti-Revisionism and Liberation from Soviet Social imperialism and western dept.
-We recognised Syrian Lebanon, and then took inspiration with annalists in the DPRK.
-Ramiz Alia was given blank check support allowing our "Hoxhaist inspired nation" to trade with Albania
-We restart the intelligence department.
-It was decided just as it was decided in 1956 to remove the revisionist and puppet leader of our nation now the true proletarian Militia leader Sandor Borbely. However the people seemed...afraid?
-We expanded our research into Sorm and mass introduction of DPC and MACC.
-We started the second or technically third Indo-Pakistan war which saddly ended quickly but in favour of India leading to the INC staying in our stead.
-We shattered the opposition with the workers militia rippping their sense of unity into infighting and suicidle terrorism.
Thus he wins his victory, thus he conquers the Earth!(Trotskyism under Krausz)

July-The coward Kadar has finally died,may his revisionism rot with him in a small grave!.
-The reformists in Poliburo asked us to rebury Nagy, in response Krausz said'Why would we need to rebury him? We hanged him for his crimes and gave him what he deserved, a unmarked grave. Crushing him with a tank would have been a fitting end to him!
-Grosz decided to restore the "bourgeoisie nationalists" into the party, Trotskyists and Left-communists have congregated around Tamas Krausz.
-After the influx of reformists the reign of Grosz came to a end.The trotskyist Tamas Krausz shall burn the fires of revisionism and raise the great Hungarian revolution back!
-We tightened the screws on the councils and managers of our factories and farms, this was also assisted by the Left-Communists under Krausz's leadership.
August-The budget hasn't been affected and is steadily filling up.
-The screws on the economy were tightened once more, our planned economy is almost restored!
September-The Iranian dictator reigns dead and they desire traded from us let us offer to do the same.
-The opposition has been aching for direct action for us and we have given in spades!
Krausz has ordered workers militia to work with the internal services in salami tactics against the opposition ironically Krausz a Trotskyist quoted Rakossi by saying "The party line is only in one way and that way is headed by progress not inaction".
-Incase of loss of western petrol we have created a oil store in Libya with the Assistance of Gaddafi.Our party is still believing in Krausz and this shall soon be challenged once more.
-We tightened the screws on the councils and managers of our factories and farms once more.
-We tightened the screws on the councils and managers of our factories and farms.
-Today Krausz has withstood the affects of the IMF we refused to pay the loans that snagged our economy into collapse and in suprising turn of event a new law has been adopted that prevents us from accepting foreign loans. Stalinists united in solidarity with us and our position seems to be grounded!.
- In Greece the former communist resistance has been supported and has survived the shaking scandal that rocked it, now they started Trade with our entire alliance and have provided us with another anti-nato ally.
-India has sadly lost its treaties with us as the new leaderships policy is pro-west, atleast we provided some money for the cause cause of our party allies the INC.
-In face of the changes in the country Krausz has sworn that the people shouldn't fear loss of privileges they already hold as long as they arm and fight against Revisionism that caused their suffering under the rat Kadar.
December-Nothing unexpected happened...
-We took to heart all promises to world revolution we saved the Warsaw pact by supporting Leftists around world allowing the smooth transition from the Revisionist USSR to a equal union between the remaining socialist state.
Klausz continued to lead far past the 2000s due to relative age compared to the veterans of the party.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky became the leader of the USSR leading to rigid centralisation into Dengist-esc refoms making the USSR stay alive at the expense of living standards and rights, but the opposition is turning more and more left as the leadership falls into further liberalism. Maybe the new Tsar shall lose his throne soon enough.
3 kommentarer
𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐨 7 jan, 2021 @ 18:17 
Thank you Comrade.
tiagotrimd 27 apr, 2020 @ 18:14 
Very nice comrade. congratulations
dcpcp 17 apr, 2020 @ 23:25 
to get trots in power u have to immediately support the jcp for the free agent and build 2 HQ's by feb. then u wait and when the four reformers event happnes you can eliminate them as u have 6.1 agents. Then u bury kadar with cult of personality and dont rebury nagy. You can then rehabilite everyone and go trot.