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Warframe Damage 2.0 Reference Guide
By GravemyndATX and 1 collaborators
The Ultimate Reference to the damage in Warframe! Includes elemental conversions for weapon modding purposes, descriptions of weapon attributes and what mods affect them, damage recommendations for each Faction plus a break down of every enemy/boss health, armor, shield values, abilities, lore and more...
Intro / Announcements / News
Added new section about the mechanics and attributes of Weapon Damage (figured since DE updated the attribute window, i should add a quick reference to what all those numbers and stats actually do). Also verified that damage info numbers are still accurate for all damage types, and tweeked the elemental damage section descriptions.

***Help Us Help You!!***
This guide is almost 6 years old and Warframe has changed ALOT since its creation. There is alot of data in this guide and it's almost impossible to routinely 100% verify ALL the info presented. This is where you, the Tenno, come in! If you find a section with an out of dated piece of information, just let us know in the comments and we will be happy to rectify the issue :) Thank you Tenno and happy hunting!

Strata Relay - Earth
Kuiper Relay - Eris
Leonov Relay - Europa
Vesper Relay - Venus

Damage Mechanics and Weapon Attributes Pt.1
Most attributes are displayed in a window when viewing a weapon, but not everything you can mod for is shown. It’s worth noting that the Attribute Window displays the current stats a single bullet or projectile will have when fired from a weapon, and does not indicate how many bullets or projectiles will be fired, so in the case of weapons that fires several bullets at once the attribute window displays the damage and attributes of each individual bullet or projectile and not the total amount of all bullets fired (except when using Multishot mods, see below).

Accuracy and Spread: +Accuracy and +Spread mods
  • Affects chance to hit where aimed, and width of the “cluster” of bullets fired in a single shot
  • Spread not represented in attribute window, but affected by both Accuracy and Spread mods
  • Increasing Accuracy will reduce Spread, making the “cluster” smaller for concentrated shots
  • Reducing Accuracy increases Spread, making the “cluster” wider to hit more targets at once

Crit Chance and Crit Damage: +Critical Chance mods, +Crit Damage mods
  • Chance of dealing increased damage, based on Crit Damage multiplier
  • Crit Chance above 100% will always Crit and can “super crit,” adding the Crit Damage multiplier -1.0x at every additional 100% Crit Chance
  • i.e. If weapon has 3.0x Crit Damage Multiplier, at 150% Crit Chance it will always Crit for 3.0x Damage with a 50% chance to deal 5.0x Critical Damage instead, and at 250% Crit Chance it will always Crit for 5.0x Crit Damage with a 50% chance to deal 7.0x Crit Damage instead
  • Critical hits are colored yellow below or at 100%, Crits above 100% are colored orange (101-200%) or red (201%+)

Fire Rate and Charge Rate: +Fire Rate mods
  • Affects number of bullets or projectiles fired per second, and wind up time of spool weapons
  • Affects seconds needed to charge weapons with a Charge Trigger type
  • Bow weapons have a passive 2x multiplier for this attribute

Flight Speed and Falloff Damage: +Flight Speed mods
  • Affects flight speed of projectiles from non Hitscan weapons
  • Increases range in meters before Falloff Damage reduction occurs on Shotgun type weapons
  • Falloff damage is the distance a shot can travel before it begins to loose damage, damage reduction begins at first distance shown in attribute window and ends at second distance
  • Each weapon has its own Falloff Damage value, but can be bewteen 20-80% total damage lost at max range
  • Flight Speed not represented in attribute window, but Falloff Damage is when applicable

Max Ammo and Magazine Capacity: +Magazine Capacity mods, +Ammo Maximum mods
  • Every gun has a maximum amount of ammunition you can carry for it, and it not represented in the attribute window
  • Magazine Capacity is represented in the attribute window, and is how many shots you can fire before reloading
  • Adding +Magazine Capacity mods does not increase Max Ammo
  • Increase Max Ammo by equipping +Ammo Maximum mods or using Ammo Mutation mods

Multishot: +Multishot mods
  • Chance weapon will fire an additional shot, or twice as many projectiles for weapons that already fire multiple bullets or projectiles per shot
  • Multishot procs are free and do not use ammunition or consume bullets in your magazine
  • Not directly represented in the attribute window, and is incorrectly represented (in my opinion) when +Multishot mods are equipped by increasing the damage and status chance in the attribute window

Noise Level: -Gunfire/Noise Level mods
  • How much noise your weapon makes when firing, ranging from Alarming to Silent
  • All melee weapons already have 100% Noise Reduction
  • Only maxed rank mods that reduce gunfire noise actually affect the weapon, 100% reduction is needed or its still Alarming
  • Even at 100% Noise Reduction, enemies killed make a sound that can be heard by enemies within ~5 meters

Punch Through: +Punch Through mods
  • Maximum thickness in meters a bullet or projectile can pass through before being stopped, and does not refer to the distance the shot travels
  • Shots that successfully punch through something lose some punch through value based on the thickness in meters of what it passed through
  • Shots fired will continue until it hits something with a high enough value of thickness to stop it, or hits an impenetrable part of the level
  • Certain objects and enemy body parts have higher values of thickness than others, i.e. the thickness of a rail or an enemy’s head can be shot through with low amounts of punch through, while blast doors or an enemy’s torso will be much thicker and require a higher punch through value to penetrate
  • Works better on Hitscan weapons as Projectile weapons will still punch through a target, but will veer off and loose projectile speed

Recoil: -Weapon Recoil mods
  • The amount the aiming reticle moved up from the kick back of your weapon when fired
  • Not represented in weapon attribute window
  • Some weapon’s recoil increases when using +Fire Rate mods

Reload: -Reload Speed mods
  • Seconds spent reloading a weapon
  • Players are still able to use “one-handed” Warframe abilities while reloading.

Status Chance and Status Duration: +Status Chance mods, +Status Duration mods
  • Chance to inflict a single status effect from one of the damage types on the weapon
  • Only one Status effect can proc at a time, when multiple damage types are present, the damage type with the highest amount of damage will occur more often
  • i.e If a weapon has 160 Impact, 30 Puncture, and 10 Slash, when the weapon procs it will proc the Impact effect 80% of the time, the Puncture effect 15% of the time, or the Slash effect 5% of the time
  • Most Status effects have a set duration, Status Duration mods affects a proc’s initial duration, and is not represented in the attribute window
  • The status effects not altered by +Status Duration mods include Impact, Blast, and Corrosive damage

Zoom: +Zoom mods
  • Aiming decreases a player’s field of view, increasing accuracy and reducing spread
  • +Zoom mods further increase the effect of weapons with scopes as a secondary mechanic
  • Equipping a Sentinel with a +Zoom mod increases the range at which the Sentinel can shoot enemies
Damage Mechanics and Weapon Attributes Pt.2 - Melee
These attributes and skills are found on Melee weapons specifically.

Attack Speed: +Attack Speed mods
  • Speed at which it takes a melee weapon to perform its attack animation, 1.0 being the default speed
  • Also reduces the time it takes to perform a melee Charged Attack
  • Different weapon types perform attack animations in different amounts of time, i.e. it takes longer to swing a two-handed weapon than it does a one-handed weapon, even when both have 1.0 Attack Speed

Channeling Cost and Channeling Damage: +Channeling Efficiency mods, +Channeling Dmg mods
  • Energy drained from Warframe for every enemy hit on a successful melee hit
  • Channeling efficiency caps out at 80% Channeling Efficiency, and is not affected by +Ability Efficiency Warframe mods
  • Channeling melee hits deal 50% increased damage, further increased with +Channeling Dmg mods

Charged Attack: +Damage mods, +Attack Speed mods
  • Not represented in the attribute window
  • Holding down melee button allows the players to deal a charged melee attack, dealing up to 3x increased weapon damage when fully charged
  • +Attack Speed mods reduce cast time of Charged Attacks

Slam Attack, Slide Attack, and Wall Attack: +Damage mods
  • These attacks shown in the attribute window have no baseline damage increase, but receive the benefits of any +Damage or +Elemental Mods
  • Some weapon’s Slam Attacks, Slide Attacks, or Wall Attacks may have unique features, like an elemental damaging AoE during Slam Attacks

Finishing Attacks: +Finisher Damage
  • Damage used when dealing an up-close “finishing blow” to a knocked downed or vulnerable enemy
  • This damage is not shown in the attribute window, and is not affected by any weakness or resistances
  • Finishing Attacks have a custom animation and deal different amounts of damage depending on what type of melee weapon you are using
  • Daggers, Dual Daggers, Polearms, and Staves deal 1200% Weapon Damage, Hammers deal 2400% Weapon Damage, all other melee weapons deal 1600% Weapon Damage when performing Finishing Attacks

Stealth Damage and Melee Stealth Attack:
  • Any attack made against unalerted enemies receive an 8x Stealth Damage Multiplier
  • Achieved using Stealth abilities or by “being sneaky” and not being seen or making any noise that can alert your enemies as you attack them
  • Some enemies can be attacked with an up-close Melee Stealth Attack, similar to a Finishing Attack, which has a custom animation and receives an additional damage multiplier on top of the 8x Stealth Multiplier, based on what melee weapon you are using
  • Daggers, Dual Daggers, Polearms, and Staves add 3x Weapon Damage, Hammers add 6x Weapon Damage, all other melee weapons add 4x Weapon Damage on Melee Stealth Attacks

Damage Types and Procs
Since the Damage 2.0 update there are 3 types of physical damage, 4 types of pure elemental damage, and 6 types of combined elemental damage. In addition, each damage type now have a chance to proc a status effect, similar to how critical strikes work, and are not a guarenteed proc like before.

Physical Damage is made up of a combination of 3 types of damage: Impact, Puncture, and Slash damage. It's worth noting that when multiple damage types are present, all types of damage have a chance to proc, with the highest base damage occuring more often. (i.e. if a weapon has 160 Impact, 30 Puncture, and 10 Slash, when the weapon procs it will proc the Impact effect 80% of the time, the Puncture effect 15% of the time, or the Slash effect 5% of the time.)
  • Impact Damage has a chance to Knockback, interrupting the target's action and causing them to stumble a bit before resuming their attack.

  • Puncture Damage has a chance to Weaken, causing the target to deal ~30% less damage for 6 seconds. Affected units will be highlighted in yellow with yellow bubbles floating near them.

  • Slash Damage has a chance to Bleed, applying a DoT dealing ~33% of your weapons Base damage (not Slash damage) 7 times over 6 seconds. DoT damage bypasses shields and armor resistances and can be stacked up multiple times when reapplied to the target, with each application of the DoT having its own timer. Affected units spray blood every time the DoT ticks.*

Elemental Damage is made up of 4 elements, Heat, Cold, Electric, and Toxin. Your Elemental Damage is determined by adding your Impact+Puncture+Slash damage on your chosen weapon when you install an element mod. (i.e. if your gun has 20 Impact, 20 Puncture, and 20 Slash, and you add a 50% Fire damage mod to your weapon, 30 Fire damage will be added to your weapon)
  • Heat Damage has a chance to Burn, applying a DoT dealing ~50% of your weapon's Base damage plus ~50% of your weapon's total Fire damage 7 times over 6 seconds, and can ignite shieldless targets, causing them to flail for a few seconds. DoT does not stack and does not bypass shields or armor resistance, but duration is refreshed when reapplied to target which can be handy with preventing shield regeneration.*

  • Cold Damage has a chance to Freeze, reducing the target's movement speed, ranged and melee attack speed by 50% for 6 seconds, and can completely freeze shieldless targets in place for a few seconds. Reducing movement speed also increases the time it takes for enemies to recover from staggered or knocked down effects.

  • Electric Damage has a chance to Chain Attack, dealing an additional ~50% of your weapon's Base damage plus ~50% of your weapon's Electric damage to the enemy target and all surrounding enemies within ~3 meters, and can stun shieldless enemies hit by the proc for a few seconds.*

  • Toxic Damage has a chance to Poison, applying a DoT that deals ~50% of your weapon's Base damage plus ~50% of your weapon's Toxic damage 9 times over 8 seconds, and can be stacked up multiple times when reapplied to the target, with each application of the DoT having its own timer. DoT damage bypasses shields but not armor resistances.*

Combined Damage, introduced in Damage 2.0, is the combination of 2 pure elements to create a new element with its own stats proc and set of resistances. When combining elements, the original two elements and their effects/resistances are removed and replaced with the new elements. (i.e. Heat + Cold creates Blast, removing the damage bonus to Shield given by Cold and the damage bonus to Infested given by Heat)
  • Blast Damage (Heat+Cold) has a chance to AoE Knockdown, causing the affected target and surrounding enemies within ~5 meters to be thrown from their feet to the ground. Can also proc again on targets already knocked down to prolong their recovery.

  • Corrosive Damage (Electric+Toxin) has a chance of Corrosion, permanently reducing affected target's current armor (not total armor) by 25%. Additional procs will continue to reduce the enemy's armor by the new current total armor, but enemy armor can never be fully removed (impossible to divide a number to equal 0). When it procs, the enemy will be covered in a green coat for a moment. When players are effected by this, the armor reduction only lasts for the duration of the effect, and is not permanent.

  • Radiation Damage (Heat+Electric) has a chance of Confusion, reducing the affected target's accuracy for 12 seconds and causes the target to attack their allies, and be attacked and damaged by their allies as well. Affected enemy will be covered in blue shimmering coat. When players are effected by this, all damage (including your Sentinals and Kubrows) will effect other players for the duration of the effect.

  • Gas Damage (Heat+Toxin) has a chance to AoE Poison, spawning a gas cloud on the affected target that deals ~50% of your weapon's Base damage plus ~50% of your weapon's Toxic damage (not Gas damage) to the target and all surrounding enemies within ~3 meters. Additionally, enemies hit by affected target's gas cloud AoE are also poisoned with a DoT that deals 100% of your weapon's Toxic damage 9 times over 8 seconds, and can be stacked up multiple times when reapplied to the target, with each application of the DoT having its own timer. DoT damage bypasses shields but not armor resistances.*

  • Viral Damage (Cold+Toxin) has a chance to Reduce Max Health reducing the affected target's current and max health by 50% for 6 seconds, additional procs while active will refresh the reduction to max health. When debuff expires, only the target's max health (not current) is restored. Affected target's are coated in yellow.

  • Magnetic Damage (Cold+Electric) has a chance to Reduce Max Shields, reducing affected target's current and max shield by 75% and preventing shield regeneration for 4 seconds, additional procs while active will refresh the debuff. When debuff expires, only the target's shield regeneration and max shield (not current) are restored. Affected targets are covered in a coat of static. When players are affected by this, their HUD will disappear and energy will be completely drained.

*Base damage refers to the weapon's total damage and is increased with +Damage mods, and not +Element Damage or +Physical Damage mods
Armor Resistances & Enemy Body Part Multipliers
There are 3 main factions; the Grineer, the Corpus, and the Infested. Each faction's units have/use different Health/Armor types, although most bosses will have both armoring and a shield. The Orokin Corrupted however, have a mixture of Grineer, Corpus, and Infested Ancient units.

Some units use physical shields that share the same traits as most metal catwalks and cover, allowing weapons with Punch-through to pass right through it.

Grineer infantry units use either Ferrite Armor or Alloy Plate Armor, and have Cloned Flesh, which is different then normal Flesh the Corpus and Wild units have. They also have a couple Machinery units, and a couple of units use Shields, which share the same weakness/resistances as the Corpus Shields.
  • Cloned Flesh:
    25%+ Slash, 25%+ Heat, 75%+ Viral; 25%- Impact, 50%- Gas
  • Ferrite Armor:
    50%+ Puncture, 25%+ Toxin, 75%+ Corrosive; 25%- Slash, 25%- Blast
  • Alloy Plate Armor:
    25%+ Puncture, 25%+ Cold, 75%+ Radiation; 50%- Slash, 50%- Electric, 50%- Magnetic
  • Machinery:
    25%+ Impact, 50%+ Electric, 75%+ Blast; 25%- Toxin, 25%- Viral
Corpus Crewman have normal Flesh and unlike the Grineer, use mostly Robotic units and tech to aid them. All Corpus units use Shields, and some can have high invulnerable Proto Shields.
  • (Normal) Flesh:
    25%+ Slash, 50%+ Toxin, 50%+ VIral; 25%- Impact, 25%- Gas
  • Shields:
    50%+ Impact, 50%+ Cold, 75%+ Magnetic; 25%- Puncture, 25%- Radiation
  • Proto Shield:
    25%+ Impact, 25%+ Toxin, 75%+ Magnetic; 50%- Puncture, 50%- Heat, 50%- Corrosive
  • Robotics:
    25%+ Puncture, 50%+ Electric, 25%+ Radiation; 25%- Slash, 25%- Toxin
Infested units have three main health types; Infested, Infested Flesh, and Fossilized. The fourth health type, Infested Sinew, is used only by the Infested bosses.
  • Infested:
    25%+ Slash, 25%+ Heat, 75%+ Gas; 50%- Radiation, 50%- Viral
  • Infested Flesh:
    50%+ Slash, 50%+ Heat, 50%+ Gas; 50%- Cold
  • Fossilized:
    25%+ Slash, 50%+ Blast, 75%+ Corrosive; 25%- Cold, 50%- Toxin, 75%- Radiation
  • Infested Sinew:
    25%+ Puncture, 25%+ Cold, 50%+ Radiation; 50%- Blast

Armor Values
There are two ways to describe the functionality of armor; as a Damage Reduction or as an Increase in Health. When determining armor as a Damage Reduction, you are finding out the amount of damage that isn't happening to the target, more armor = less damage, where as when determining armor as a Health Increase, you are adding the amount of damage you are not taking to your total health pool. Both equations amount to the same thing, it's just two different ways of looking at it.

Armor as a Damage Reduction:
Damage Recieved = Total Damage Delt ÷ (1 + (Armor ÷ 300))[warframe.wikia.com]

Armor as a Increase in Health:
New Total Health = Base Health × (1 + (Armor ÷ 300))[warframe.wikia.com]

Enemy Body Part Damage Multipliers
Some parts of the enemy’s body have increased damage multipliers, meaning certain body parts take more damage from all types of damage than other parts of the enemy's body. Here is a list of Damage Multipliers for those enemy body parts. For humanoid targets try to aim for the head every time, as not only is there a multiplier for basic headshots, there is an additional 2x Damage Multiplier added for Critical Headshots outside the Crit Damage Multiplier bonuses.
  • Grineer Marines all take 2x Damage from Headshots.
  • Corpus Crewmen and Ospreys all take 2x Damage from Headshots.
  • Bursas take 3x Damage from shots that hit the Console on their back.
  • Corpus and Mutalist MOAs take 3x Damage from shots that hit the Box on their back, and 0.5x Damage from shots that hit their Gun.
  • Infested Chargers take 1x Damage when shot in the Mouth.
  • Runners, Leapers, and Crawlers all take 2x Damage from Headshots.
  • Ancients take 2x Damage from Headshots, as well as 0.5x Damage from shots In the Back.
  • Boilers take 2x Damage from shots that hit their orange Pustules.
  • Brood Mothers take 2x Damage from Headshots, and 2x Damage from shots that hit their exposed Chest.
Recommended Damage Quick Reference

The Grineer
  • Viral and Puncture for all around good damage
  • Corrosive for breaking down high armored enemies, and any Wild enemies you encounter
  • Blast for high damage vs. Machine units, and is great for crowd control

The Corpus
  • Magnetic and Impact for taking down both types of Shields
  • Toxin and Viral for good damage against Crewman after shield drops, Toxin proc also great for bypassing shields
  • Electric for good damage against Robotic units after shield drops, Electric proc also great for stunning shieldless Crewman

The Infested
  • Slash for good all around damage
  • Heat and Gas for good damage against swarms of Runners and Crawlers
  • Blast is good damage against Ancients, and is good for crowd control

The Orokin Corrupted
  • Cold for taking down Shields and is decent damage vs. Lancers and Bombards
  • Toxin for decent damage vs. Crewman, Butchers, Nullifiers, and Heavy Gunners, proc also bypasses Shields given by Ospreys
  • Radiation for good damage vs. Lancers, Bombards, MOAs, Ospreys, and Drones after shields drop, proc may cause tower defenses to attack them as well. Also great against Corrupted Vor in Tower IV void missions.
  • Corrosive for good damage vs. Ancients, Butchers, and Heavy Gunners

  • bring at least 5 different damage types, doesn't matter which elements
  • Physical damage weapons that have balanced Impact, Puncture, and Slash damage are recommended
  • burst damage is important, quickly bringing a Sentient below multiple damage resist points in its health will result in it only being able to resist one of the damage types
The Grineer
The Grineer Empire is comprised of the remaining clones from the Old Wars. Lead by the Twin Sisters, the Grineer seek to expand their conquorous empire over the entire sol system. When they rediscovered cloning technology, the Grineer began fabricating mass quantites of clones. Due to this quick and crude process of copying already unstable clones, all Grineer suffer from severe genetic defects which they try to atone for with nearly endless unit numbers. Also many of the Grineer strengthen their weaker limbs with biomechatronic implants and armoring made of Ferrite and Alloy Plate.

Grineer Units

Melee Units:
  • Butcher 50 Cloned Flesh, 5 Ferrite Armor
    basic melee unit
  • Shield Lancer 100 Cloned Flesh, 5 Ferrite Armor
    carries large physical shield, guards against melee attacks, will charge and knockdown targets
  • Scorpion 150 Cloned Flesh, 150 Ferrite Armor
    throws a grappling hook at enemies, pulling them to ground and reels them in
  • Powerfist 100 Cloned Flesh, 5 Ferrite Armor
    high sprint speed with a heavy damaging charge attack
  • Flameblade 50 Cloned Flesh, 5 Ferrite Armor
    weapon deals fire damage and can teleport to enemies
  • Guardsmen 150 Cloned Flesh, 5 Ferrite Armor
    found in Ceres Shipyards, fast attacking unit weilding a staff, can guard against melee attacks
  • Drahk Master 500 Cloned Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor
    summon up to four Drahk to attack its target, can guards against melee attacks, will disarm and take your equipped ranged weapons with its throwing hammer, leaving it on the ground at it's feet
  • Grineer Manic 350 Cloned Flesh. 25 Ferrite Armor
    spawns when alarms are triggered in a level, takes reduced damage from Warframe abilities and negates many of their effects; moves quickly and restores 2% of its health per second, can cloak itself, dealing high stealth damage; can pin players to ground dealing high burst damage, players pinned to ground are stuck unless the Manic is killed, knocked back from an outside source (other player/compainion), or takes enough damage to make it cloak and run away
  • Bailiff 700 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    weilds rocket hammer and reinforced armor that passivly blocks frontal melee attacks, charges at enemies and uses shockwave ability to knock enemies back
Light Armor Units:
  • Lancer 100 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
    basic infantry unit
  • Trooper 120 Cloned Flesh, 150 Ferrite Armor
    shotgun unit
  • Ballista 100 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
    sniper unit
  • Scorch 120 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
    flamethrower unit
  • Seeker 100 Cloned Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor
    stays back in cover and deploys enemy seeking Latcher bombs
  • Hellion 100 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
    jetpack unit, can fire missle barrages from high in the air
  • Heavy Gunner 300 Cloned Flesh, 500 Ferrite Armor
    high armored minigun unit, will AoE knockdown enemies that get close
  • Commander 500 Cloned Flesh, 95 Ferrite Armor
    uses switch teleport on enemies, stunning them for a couple seconds when they reappear
  • Hyekka Master 650 Cloned Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor
    summon up to four Hyekka to attack its target, can detect invisible units, uses a flamethrower and tosses fire bombs that ignite the impact point with fire
Heavy Armor Units:
  • Elite Lancer 120 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
    heavy armored infantry unit
  • Bombard 300 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    rocket launcher unit
  • Napalm 600 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    napalm launcher unit
  • Eviscerator 150 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
    saw blade launcher unit
Machine Units, Domesticated Creatures, and Utility:
  • Roller 40 Machinery, 100 Ferrite Armor
    large rolling ball with blades, seeks out and jumps at enemies
  • Regulator 10 Machinery, 99 Shield
    floating speaker box that plays grineer propaganda, buffing friendly units with increased damage and attack speed
  • Latcher 1 Machinery
    small rolling bomb deployed by Seeker units, players can roll to detach the bomb before it detonates
  • Drahk 300 Flesh, 175 Ferrite Armor
    armored Kubrow summoned by Drahk Masters, deals slash damage and will atempt to charge and knockdown enemies
  • Hyekka 300 Flesh, 175 Ferrite Armor
    hairless Kavat summoned by Hyekka Masters, surrounds its enemies to charge and pounce on them
  • Sensor Bar 1 Machinery
    found above some Grineer doorways, deals magnetic damage to whoever walks through the door and drains all energy
  • Arc Trap 1 Machinery
    deals constant electric damage to nearby targets, will explode when destroyed
  • Blunt
    often carried by some units and can only be used once, Grineer units will place a backpack that inflates into a deployable cover, health of cover based on the unit's level that deployed it
  • Rampart
    stationary turret that requires a Grineer unit to control it, blocks most projectile damage taken from the front, players can take control of unmanned turrets, has infinite ammo but requires a short recharge time (like Archwing weapons), turret health scales with mission level
Frontier, Arid, Drekar, and other Grineer Unit Variants
Frontier & Arid Units:
On Earth, Mars, and Phobos, the Grineer have visually different varients for some of their units. Some of these units have upgraded weapons or different armor values then their basic counterparts. Frontier Units are found in the orokin forests of Earth, and Arid Units are found in the desert colonies on Mars and Phobos.

  • Frontier/Arid Butcher
    50 Cloned Flesh, 5 Ferrite Armor
  • Frontier/Arid Lancer
    100 Cloned Flesh. 100 Ferrite Armor
  • Frontier Trooper
    65 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
  • Arid Trooper
    120 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
  • Frontier/Arid Seeker
    100 Cloned Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor
    weapon upgraded to machine pistol
  • Frontier/Arid Hellion
    180 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
  • Frontier/Desert Heavy Gunner
    350 Cloned Flesh, 500 Ferrite Armor
  • Frontier/Arid Elite Lancer
    150 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
    frontier unit weapon upgraded to assault rifle
  • Frontier/Arid Eviscerator
    150 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
  • Frontier/Arid Regulator
    1 Machinery, 99 Shield

Drekar Units
Found in the underwater sealabs on Uranus. There is also Submersible areas during most missions where you engage enemies underwater with your Archwing equipment.
  • Drekar Butcher 50 Cloned Flesh, 5 Ferrite Armor
  • Drekar Scorpion 350 Cloned Flesh, 500 Ferrite Armor
  • Drekar Lancer 100 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
  • Drekar Trooper 120 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
  • Drekar Seeker 100 Cloned Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor
    weapon upgraded to machine pistol
  • Drekar Ballista 100 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
  • Drekar Elite Lancer 150 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
    weapon upgraded to harpoon rifle
  • Drekar Hellion 180 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
  • Drekar Heavy Gunner 350 Cloned Flesh, Ferrite Armor
  • Drekar Eviscerator 150 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
  • Drekar Manic 450 Cloned Flesh, 25 Ferrite Armor
  • Drekar Manic Bombard 1750 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    immune to Radiation procs
Submersible Units
Found only in Submersible areas during Grineer sealab missions, players must engage these enemies with their Archwing equipment.
  • Draga 120 Cloned Flesh, 10 Ferrite Armor
    basic scuba suit Grineer, weilds harpoon rifle
  • Darek Draga 130 Cloned Flesh, 10 Ferrite Armor
    weilds cluster missle launcher
  • Shock Draga 150 Cloned Flesh, 10 Ferrite Armor
    weilds electric trident that constantly shocks an enemy within range
  • Sikula 100 Robotic, 50 Ferrite Armor, 50 Shield
    deploys mines which explode into many smaller mines, will drop mines when killed

Nightwatch Units
Dangerous special varients found in some Grineer Tactial Alerts and Nightmare Alerts missions.
  • Nightwatch Lancer 100 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
    weapon upgraded to high damage assault rifle
  • Nightwatch Seeker 100 Cloned Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor
    weapon upgraded to radiation beam pistol
  • Nightwatch Bombard 300 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    model changed to female Grineer Heavy Gunner model
  • Nightwatch Baliff 700 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    more aggressive than basic counterpart
  • Nightwatch Reaver ??? Cloned Flesh, ??? Armor
    weilds a rapid fire grenade launcher and used a jetpack to move around quickly

Grineer Bosses

Grineer Bosses:
  • Captain Vor 900 Cloned Flesh, 250 Alloy Plate, 900 Shield
    Assassanation mission target on Tolstoj, Mercury, and on Iliad, Phobos where he teams up with Lech Krill
  • General Sargas Ruk 2000 Cloned Flesh, 250 Alloy Plate
    Assassanation mission target on Tethys, Saturn
  • Lieutenant Lech Kril 4000 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate, 400 Shield
    Assassanation mission target on Exta, Ceres, and on Iliad, Phobos where he teams up with Vor
  • Tyl Regor 3000 Cloned Flesh, 250 Alloy Plate, 800 Shield
    Assassanation mission target on Titania, Uranus
  • Kela De Thaym 7250 Cloned Flesh, 250 Alloy Plate, 1400 Shield
    Assassanation mission target on Merrow, Sedna
  • Roller Sentry 200 Machinery, 100 Ferrite Armor
    deployed by Kela De Thaym, roller balls that can also change into sentry turrets
  • Councilor Vay Hek 2000 Health, 225 Ferrite Armor
    Assassanation mission target on Oro, Earth, health has no weakness/resistance, has two forms; Drone Form and Terra Frame, he is in Drone Form until players reach the boss room
  • Vay Hek Terra Frame 2500 Health, 225 Ferrite Armor
    Vay Hek's mech suit that players engage in the boss room, health has no weakness/resistance
  • Propaganda Drone 200 Robotic, 25 Ferrite Armor
    deployed by Hek's Terra Frame, hover over allies and increases their damage and defenses while reducing enemy max shields
  • Orbital Strike Drone 300 Robotic, 25 Ferrite Armor
    deployed by Hek's Terra Frame, hover over enemies and fires large missiles that detonate over a large area
Miscellaneous Grineer Units
Grineer warriors cosigned to the service of Kela De Thaym, these Executioners are found in the Arena missions in the Sedna system that need completed in order to Assassinate Kele De Thaym. All Executioners are very resistant to duration based Warframe abilities and can dodge roll away.
  • Executioner Dok Thul 125 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate, 100 Shield
    immune to mind control abilities, casts a shield on allies that absorbs all damage, casted shield explodes when it expires and damages nearby enemies, deploys drones that heal nearby allies, weilds a burst rifle for ranged combat and an electric staff for close combat
  • Executioner Garesh 150 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate, 100 Shield
    immune to blast procs, can deploy mines that shock nearby enemies, weilds twin fire axes and teleports behind enemies, will throw his weapon when enemies are out of range
  • Executioner Gorth 200 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate, 100 Shield
    immune to blast procs, throws slowing grenades, can reduce damage taken for a short time, weilds a rocket launcher for ranged combat and uses a axe/shield for close combat
  • Executioner Harkonar 125 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate, 100 Shield
    can deploy moving decoys, can throw down a smoke screen and turn invisible when approached, weilds a sniper for ranged combat and a dagger for close combat
  • Executioner Nok 150 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate, 100 Shield]/b]
    deploys Carabus drones that deal very high damage with a short ranged beam, casts a groundslam when enemies get close, weilds a shotgun
  • Executioner Reth 125 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate, 100 Shield
    deploy roller balls that turn into stationary turrets, deploys traps that apply magnetic procs to enemies, weilds a shrapnel firing shotgun
  • Executioner Vay Molta 200 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    uses a jetpacl to fly around to fire missles and perform ground slams, weilds an assault rifle for ranged combat and uses a rocket staff for clost combat, will use her jetpack on the ground to perform dashing charge attacks at enemies
  • Executioner Zura 175 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate, 100 Shield
    summons Hyekka to attack her enemies, throw firebombs that leave fire patches on impact, weilds a flamethrower

Other Units:
These units can be found in specific mission types.
  • Grineer Target 600 Health
    Capture Mission target, health has no weakness/resistances to any damage type, take 4x damage from stealth attacks
  • Grineer Warden 600 Cloned Flesh, 500 Ferrite Armor
    found guarding a Rescue Mission target's room, take 16x damage from stealth attacks
  • Sensor Regulator 100 Machinery, 300 Ferrite Armor
    found in Data Vaults of Spy Missions, patrol the area and will set off alarm if it detects a player or takes damage
  • Spark 300 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    spawn in Data Vaults during Spy missions when alarm is triggered, looks like a Bombard and fires slow moving electric orbs
  • Grineer Power Carrier 650 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
    drop power cores needed during Excavation Missions
  • Hellion Power Carrier 100 Cloned Flesh, 100 Ferrite Armor
    drop power cores needed during desert Excavation Missions
  • Manic Bombard 1500 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
    may be found in sealab Sabatage missions, weilds minigun and will teleport away when enemies get to close, throws cluster grenades, will vanish and stealth when it takes damage
  • Ven'kra Tel 400 Cloned Flesh. 150 Ferrite Armor
    spawns beyond the Orokin Gate during Void Tower I and III Sabotage Missions, uses sniper rifle and jet pack, must hit the jet pack to deal damage to target
  • Sprag 600 Cloned Flesh, 150 Ferrite Armor
    spawns beyond the Orokin Gate during Void Tower I and III Sabotage Missions, uses two-handed axe and jet pack, must hit the jet pack to deal damage to target
  • Disruptor Drones 200 Robotic, 25 Ferrite Armor
    only appear in the Nightmare mode of The Law of Retribution Trial mission, cast a nullifiication field as they float around the area

The Corpus
The Corpus are a merchant guild operating under the control of a Board of Directors made up of several dominating human corporations that control the system's solar rail trade routes. Worshiping Profit (as in $$$), they naturally prey for great wealth and power. they share a common goal of finding and trading ancient technology salvaged from the Old Wars, mainly Orokin tech and Tenno warframe armor, which they manipulate to construct thier destuctive weponized technologies. With this tech in tow, they regularly deploy regenerating shields and automated security proxies known as MOAs and the flying Ospreys; even a lone Crewman can be a challenge with this impressive technological arsenal at thier disposal.

Corpus Units:

Corpus Crewman:
  • Crewman 50 Flesh, 150 Shield
    basic Crewman, tan suit
  • Prod Crewman 100 Flesh, 50 Shield
    melee unit, green suit
  • Detron Crewman 60 Flesh, 150 Shield
    shotgun unit, white suit
  • Sniper Crewman 60 Flesh, 150 Proto Shield
    sniper unit, bright yellow suit
  • Elite Crewman 100 Flesh, 200 Shield
    laser beam unit, blue suit
  • Corpus Tech 700 Flesh, 250 Proto Shield
    heavy minigun unit, can deploy Shield Osprey, orange suit
  • Nullifier Crewman 60 Flesh, 150 Proto Shield
    creates an energy field that blocks all projectiles, removes Warframe ability buffs and prevents them from being used while inside it
MOA Units:
  • MOA 60 Robotic, 150 Shield
    basic MOA unit, green paint
  • Shockwave MOA 60 Robotic, 150 Shield
    stomps ground to AoE knockdown enemies, orange paint
  • Railgun MOA 60 Robotic, 150 Shield
    sniper unit, staggers enemies hit by shots, blue paint
  • Fusion MOA 250 Robotic, 100 Shield
    heavy damage laser beam unit, can deploy Attack Drones, white paint
  • Anti MOA 50 Robotic, 500 Shield
    found in Corpus Gas Cities, fire bouncing blue energy orbs that either create an AoE shockwave were it lands or staggers an enemy if hit directly, purple paint
  • Denial Bursa 2500 Robotic, 350 Ferrite Armor, 2400 Shield
    red colored riot MOA, use large riot shields on its legs to defend against frontal attacks, its back can be hacked if stunned, cast shockwaves that knockdown enemies in melee range, weilds energy rifle and fires missle barrages at ranged enemies while defending choke points, deploys laser traps that damage enemies who walk into them, deploys traps that tether and snare nearby enemies with energy beams, fires flashbang grenades that blind enemies, has an aura that weakens nearby enemy armor and slows shield regeneration
  • Drover Bursa 2500 Robotic, 350 Ferrite Armor, 2400 Shield
    blue colored riot MOA, use large riot shields on its legs to defend against frontal attacks, its back can be hacked if stunned, cast shockwaves that knockdown enemies in melee range, weilds energy minigun and fires multiple grenades at ranged enemies while attempting to stay back, launches multiple blue proximity mines that detonate if enemies step into its trigger area, has an aura that weakens nearby enemy armor
  • Isolator Bursa 2500 Robotic, 350 Ferrite Armor, 2400 Shield
    white colored riot MOA, use large riot shields on its legs to defend against frontal attacks, its back can be hacked if stunned, cast shockwaves that knockdown enemies in melee range, weilds energy shotgun and fires a cable at enemies to drag them into a corner, will move in close while firing traps at ranged enemies that slowly create large nullifier bubbles that remove Warframe ability buffs and prevent them from being used while inside them, these grenades can attach to moving targets but players can roll if they attach to them, has an aura that slows enemy shield regeneration
Osprey Units:
  • Shield Osprey 35 Robotic, 50 Shield
    regenerates and channels additional shields on allies, blue paint
  • Mine Osprey 100 Robotic, 50 Shield
    plants energy bombs that explode upon contact, light orange paint
  • Leech Osprey 100 Robotic
    deploy small bots that attach and drain enemy shields, green paint
  • Attack Drone 250 Robotic
    attack unit deployed by Fusion MOAs, armed with minigun, white paint
  • Scavenger Drone 100 Robotic, 50 Shield
    found in Corpus Gas Cities, vacuum up items on ground but will drop the items when killed, armed with minigun and cast shockwaves, yellow paint
  • Oxium Osprey 750 Robotic, 150 Shield
    large osprey armed with heavy minigun, will charge enemies and self-destruct if they make contact, giving no loot/affinity, orange/gold paint
  • Sapping Osprey 200 Robotic, 50 Shield
    fires blue energy bombs that detonate and deal damage over a large area for a few seconds
Comba and Scrambus Units:
  • Comba and Scrambus 1100 Flesh, 400 Shield
    special non-crewman infantry units that use hover boards, Comba (male Corpus) and Scrambus (female Corpus) can be equipped with one of four weapons and one of four Warframe power nullification auras with a 15 meter radius, giving 16 different possibilities of how the unit will appear, their helmets emit a pinging sound when within 50 meters and shooting their helmets off will prevent them from using their auras
    Weapon Types:
    • Swarmer: equipped with handheld shotgun that fires homing shots that deal blast damage
    • Seeker: equipped with handheld rocket launcher that fires slow moving taget seeking missles in burst of four
    • Whip: equipped with electric whip for close-quarters combat
    • Energy Shield: equipped with deployable energy shields on their arms that block all incoming attacks, will also swing at enemies in melee range dealing electric damage
    Aura Varients:
    • Fog: dispells and prevents use of Warframe Perception type powers, such as stealth, distraction, and crowd control abilities
    • Nul: dispells and prevents use of Warframe Buff and Debuff type powers, such as ally enhancement and enemy weakening spells
    • Sap: dispells and prevents use of Warframe Damage type powers, such as periodic and direct damaging abilities
    • Slo: dispells and prevents use of Warframe Mobility type powers, such as movement speed increase, dashing, or teleporting abilities
Corpus Technology:
  • Security Camera 10 Robotic, 10 Shield
    can set off alarm, activate laser barriers at doors, turn on defense turrets, and even spawn MOAs from "contstructers" nearby
  • Corpus Turret 300 Robotic, 100 Ferrite Armor
    miniguns triggered if seen by Security Camera
  • Laser Barriers Cannot damage target
    will knockdown unit and damage shields if they attempt to walk through it
  • Constructors Cannot damage target
    large containers in many Corpus levels, spawn MOA units if alarm is triggered by camera, Players can sometimes hack these to get a temperary MOA follower
Corpus Bosses

Corpus Bosses:
  • Jackal 1200 Robotic, 100 Alloy Plate, 2000 Proto Shield
  • The Sergent 500 Flesh, 150 Ferrite Armor, 1000 Proto Shield
  • Ambulas 3000 Robotic, 300 Proto Shield
  • Hyena Pack:
    Ng, Pd, LN2, & Th 800 Robotic, 25 Alloy Plate, 1000 Proto Shield
  • Raptor 5000 Robotic, 500 Proto Shield
  • Alad V 900 Flesh, 250 Ferrite Armor, 1500 Proto Shield
  • Zanuka 1000 Robotic, 25 Alloy Plate, 15000 Proto Shield
Other Corpus Units
Other Corpus Units:
  • Corpus Target 800 Health
    Capture Mission target, health has no weakness/resistances to any damage type, deploys Shield Osprey and takes 4x more damage from stealth attacks
  • Corpus Warden 400 Flesh, 300 Proto Shield
    guards found in Rescue mission target's room, takes 16x damage from stealth attacks
  • Corpus Power Carrier 650 Flesh, 150 Shield
    drops power cores needed during Excavation Missions
  • Lynx 1000 Robotic, 150 Alloy Plate
    spawns on the other side of the gate during Tower II and IV Void Sabotage Missions, deploys special Osprey and Turrets
  • Lynx Osprey 35 Robotic, 50 Shield
    special Osprey deployed by Lynx, reduces damage Lynx takes while alive
  • Lynx Turret 50 Robotic, 50 Shield
    special turrets deployed by Lynx
The Infested
The vicious Infested are humanoids that have been seized and mutated by the Technocyte plague, the same Technocyte virus the Tenno take advantage of with thier Warframes to enhance thier abilities. Most infested appear to be former Grineer (dog like units) and Corpus (runner and crawler units), but it is also hinted that some of the more ancient and corrupted infested could possibly be failed experiments or even were once Tenno themselves. Alad V has also been experimenting with the Infested and has subsequently strengthened the virus, enabling it to inundate areas much faster as well as being able to infest non-organic beings which has produced new and deadlier foes such as the Mutalist Ospreys and many more. There are three main types of Infested units; Walkers, Crawlers, and Ancients, as well as serveral created by Alad V meddling with the disease. one of these new types are called Hives,
which rapidly infect entire ships ripping them apart and can also enact
defensive conditions through out the ship when in danger.

The Infested

  • Charger 80 Infest
    dog-like melee unit, mutated Grineer
  • Runner 100 Infest
    basic walker, mutated Crewman
  • Leaper 100 Infest
    leaps at enemies knocking them down, mutated Crewman
  • Volatile Runner 80 Infested Flesh
    charges target and self destructs giving no loot/affinity, mutated Crewman
  • Crawler 50 Infested Flesh
    basic crawler
  • Nauseous Crawler 50 Infested Flesh
    sprays enemies with paralizing fluid
  • Toxic Crawler 50 Infested Flesh
    surrounded by poison cloud and releases toxic cloud when killed
  • Electric Crawler 50 Infested Flesh
    surrounded in electricity, continuously electricutes nearby enemies
  • Lobber Crawler 50 Infested Flesh
    lobs toxic explosives that deal AoE poison damage
  • Maggot 20 Infested
    spawned in groups of four or more by Brood Mothers, players can roll to kill all attached Maggots
  • Toxic Ancient 400 Fossilized
    deals toxin damage, aura grants nearby friendly units attacks with additional toxin damage and resistance to toxin and gas damage
  • Ancient Disrupter 400 Fossilized
    attacks also leech energy, aura grants nearby friendly units attacks with energy leech and reduces the damage/effect from powers/abilities
  • Ancient Healer 400 Fossilized
    can heals itslef and nearby allies, aura grants nearby friendly units attacks with life leech, increases their health and reduces all damage taken
  • Boiler 1200 Fossilized
    creates spawn pods near enemies, after a couple seconds these pods will randomly spawn single or multiple Chargers, Runners, or Leapers; can also melee enemies at close range and may spawn a pod upon death
  • Brood Mother 700 Fossilized
    releases a swarm of Maggots that latch onto enemies, slowing them and draining their shields and health
Mutalist Units:
  • Mutalist-Osprey 250 Infested Flesh
    carries Crawler units into battle, charges at enemies and releases toxic clouds, infested Osprey created through Alad V's experiments
  • Swarm-Mutalist MOA 350 Fossilized
    fires swarms of infested spores that deal toxin damage and hinder a player's visibility, will also leap to and away from targets and can cast a ground stomp ability that stuns and knocks down enemies
  • Tar-Mutalist MOA 350 Fossilized
    launches acidic tar that create puddles where it lands, puddles deal toxic damage per second and will slow movement, attack, and ability casting speed, will also leap to and away from targets and can cast a ground stomp ability that stuns and knocks down enemies
Infested Hives:
  • Stabilization Infested Hive 4500 Flesh, 25 Ferrite Armor
    reduces gravity throughout level when killed
  • Lancing Infested Hive 4500 Flesh, 25 Ferrite Armor
    triggers energy beam traps throughout level when killed
  • Security Infested Hive 4500 Flesh, 25 Ferrite Armor
    triggers Corpus turrents to attack throughout level when killed
  • Gas Infested Hive 4500 Flesh, 25 Ferrite Armor
    triggers red gas clouds throughout level when killed
  • Frozen Infested Hive 4500 Flesh, 25 Ferrite Armor
    triggers a reduced shield effect, halving shields for the rest of the mission when killed
  • Pulsing Infested Hive 4500 Flesh, 25 Ferrite Armor
    triggers energy draining bubbles when killed
Special Infested
  • Juggernaut 3500 Infested, 300 Ferrite Armor
    can spawn during any Infested mission after a loud roar; its roar buffs any nearby infested and purges any debuffs from them; prefers ranged attacks and has impenetrable armor, can only be damaged by shooting vulnerable points when it exposes them on it's head and back while it fires needles in clusters; and its underbelly when it raises up on its hind legs to perform a stomp; the stomp creates a shockwave that knocks down enemies, and covers the area with tar that slows enemies that walk into it and spawns various non-Mutalist infested units; will charge at enemies that get within range that knocks down everything in its path, creating a shockwave on impact with a wall; launches volleys of spores over a large area that create toxic clouds that poison enemies that walk into it
  • Juggernaut Behemoth 5250 Infested, 300 Ferrite Armor
    Assassination target on the first part of the Jordas Golem Assassination mission, functions the same as its normal counterpart, killing it will start the second phase in space against the Jordas Golem
Infested Bosses
  • Phorid 5000 Infested Sinew, 25 Ferrite Armor
    replaces the Assassination Boss on planets under attack from an Infested Outbreak
  • Lephantis 1200 Fossilized
  • Mutalist Alad V 2500 Flesh, 500 Ferrite Armor, 1200 Proto Shield
The Orokin Corrupted
The Orokin were a race that gained control over the Solar System for a period of time known as the Orokin Era. They created the Technocyte Virus during the Old Wars in order to combat what were known as the Sentients (see below). Little is known about these precursor races, exept all that remains are their wonderous technological masterpieces that rival and even surpasses Corpus and Grineer's technological capabilities. Advanced AIs can still be found defending the Orokin towers after several millenia in the Void, emplementing laser traps, turrets, and mind-controlling headpieces called Neural Sentries that attach to intruders, forcing them to eternally fight for the ancient AI; defending the tower from other intruders who would look to plunder its vaults. These unfortunate victums, now only known as The Corrupted,
are a mixture of Corpus, Grineer and Infested
Units that have fallen prey to the Orokin's control.

Orokin Corrupted

Corrupted Grineer Units:
  • Corrupted Lancer 60 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
  • Corrupted Butcher 100 Cloned Flesh, 5 Ferrite Armor
  • Corrupted Heavy Gunner 700 Cloned Flesh, 500 Ferrite Armor
  • Corrupted Bombard 300 Cloned Flesh, 500 Alloy Plate
Corrupted Corpus Units:
  • Corrupted Crewman 60 Flesh, 150 Shield
  • Corrupted MOA 250 Robotic, 250 Shield
  • Corrupted Drone 250 Robotic, 75 Shield
    spawns from Corrupted Moas
  • Corrupted Nullifier 60 Flesh, 150 Shield
Other Corrupted Units:
  • Corrupted Ancient 400 Fossilized
  • Orokin Drone 35 Robotic, 50 Shield
  • Orokin Turret 50 Robotic, 50 Shield
    cannot be targeted/damaged unless trap is triggered
Orokin Boss:
  • Corrupted Vor 1500 Cloned Flesh, 250 Alloy Plate, 1500 Shield
    guaranteed to spawn only during Tower IV Void Missions, a short transmission of him will appear before he appears


The Sentient attack units do not have any normal weakness/resistances, but have a unique ability to adapt to damage that it recieves. Sentient attack units have four points where they gain a 95% damage resistance to the highest dealt damage type, first when damaged down to 75% health, then 55% health, then 35% health, and finally at 20% health. Sentient attack units also are very resistant to consecutive applications of Warframe debuff abilities. Additionally, Sentient units can link their health to other nearby Sentients. When Sentient attack units die, they leave behind their core, both players and other Sentient units can pick it up to fully restore health, shields, and energy.
  • Oculyst 300 Robotic, 150 Ferrite Armor
    can randomly appear in Grineer sealab missions and will appear during Orokin Moon missions, will be scanning objects around its location until engaged, does not fight back and scanning it causes it to disappear, summons two Sentient fighting units when engaged during Orokin Moon missions before disappearing
  • Battalyst 1300 Health*, 250 Ferrite Armor
    ranged attack unit, launches exploding electric bombs and an orb that fires lasers in all directions
  • Conculyst 1300 Health*, 250 Ferrite Armor
    melee attack unit, charges at enemies dealing high impact damage, uses a whirlwind attack that deals high damage and knocks down enemies
Wild Enemies and Miscellaneous Units
Wild Units
Wild units are neutral and will engage any enemy factions as well as players.
  • Desert Skate 500 Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor
    found in the desert colonies on Mars and Phobos, resemble stingrays and stay under the sand when not attacking, resistant to damage unless attacking its belly, fire poison darts from their tail
  • Feral Kubrow 250 Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor
    found in the Orokin Forest of Earth, spawn from Kubrow Dens in groups of two, and will spawn an additional Kubrow every time a nearby Den takes damage, can spawn up to four additional Kubrow per Den, eyes will glow red when they become aggressive,
  • Feral Kavat 300 Flesh, 175 Ferrite Armor
    found in the Orokin Derelicts in packs, remain cloaked until an enemy approaches, swarms and charges their enemies with slash damage, runs and leaps on walls when attacking

Miscellaneous Units
These units dont really have a place, being either Quest mission units or special Event mission units.
  • Arcane Boiler 2200 Fossilized
    found during the Stolen Dreams questline, is the same as their normal counterpart besides having more health and colored blue
  • Infested Mesa 1700 Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor, 1000 Shield
    found during the Patient Zero questline, will reflect weapon damage back at players
  • Chroma 2000 Flesh, 200 Ferrite Armor, 1000 Shield
    found during The New Strange questline, must scan five times with the Synthesis Scanner in order to get it to despawn
  • Corpus Scout ? Health
    special Capture target found on Corpus Void ships during the Arid Fear event
  • Black Seed Operative 800 Health
    Capture target during the Black Seed Scourge Tactical Alert, health has no weakness/resistances to any damage type, moves faster then normal Capture targets and has Nullifier shield that also shields against Corpus gunfire
Archwing Units
Released in Update 15, the Archwing system is used by Tenno to fight in three-dimensional space combat. Once you reach Mastery Rank 2, you can start the Archwing quest to get your first set of wings. With this new game types comes new enemies.

It's worth noting that NONE of Your Warframe's Mods will function during these missions, EXCEPT for Warframe Aura Mods because Archwings and their weapons use their own sets of mods obtained from rewards or drops from Archwing missions. so choose whatever Warframe/Aura you want to fly around with.

Grineer Archwing Enemies

Combat Pods:
  • Dreg 100 Cloned Flesh, 50 Ferrite Armor
    fires a homing projectile that explodes, dealing Radiation damage and knocking back all players hit by explosion
  • Lancer Dreg 100 Cloned Flesh, 50 Ferrite Armor
    fires a laser cannon dealing Radiation damage
  • Temporal Dreg 100 Cloned Flesh, 50 Ferrite Armor
    unarmed, but uses a lock-on tractor beam to prevent players from sprinting
  • Ogma 600 Cloned Flesh, 500 Ferrite Armor
    heavy orange-colored combat pod with two arms, when at a range it's left arm fires heavy missles that deal high damage and knock down all players hit, when in close combat it uses the mining drill on it's right arm that deals weak damage with a high chance to proc Slash debuffs per hit. Destroying one arm will force the Ogma to use the remaining arm, and it uses a machine gun on its hull if completely disarmed
  • Ogma Elite 600 Cloned Flesh, 500 Ferrite Armor
    light green, special varient that fires arcing waves of energy that deal hgih Slash damage instead of homing missles
  • Zeplen 400 Cloned Flesh, 2750 Ferrite Armor
    traps nearby enemies within a large energy net that prevents escape until the Zeplen is destroyed

  • Dargyn 200 Cloned Flesh, 300 Ferrite Armor
    basic green colored Grineer spacecraft with pilot, uses a light machine gun and has an armored plate protecting pilot
  • Shield Dargyn 200 Cloned Flesh, 300 Ferrite Armor
    green colored with a white armored plate, uses a front mounted energy shield and fires pulse cannons that deal more damage than the basic Dargyn's weapon
  • Hellion Dargyn 200 Cloned Flesh, 300 Ferrite Armor
    yellow colored, fires homing missle barrages at players, dealing high damage and have a high chance to knock down all players hit by explosions
  • Shield-Hellion Dargyn 300 Cloned Flesh, 300 Ferrite Armor
    red colored, has a front mounted energy shield and fires homing missle barrages at players, dealing high damage and have a high chance to knock down all players hit by explosions

Corpus Archwing Enemies

  • Attack Drone 250 Robotic, 75 Shield
    white colored, fires a rapid-fire energy cannon, identical to the Attack Drones spawned by Fusion MOAs (besides size)
  • Carrier 100 Robotic, 75 Ferrite Armor,100 Shield
    purple colored, fire weak laser cannons but deploy multiple Locust Drones to attack players from a range
  • Corvette 100 Robotic, 75 Ferrite Armor, 100 Shield
    fire multiple grenades at once that explode and deal Electric damage
  • Frigate 100 Robotic, 75 Ferrite Armor, 100 Shield
    light green, fires lasers that deal moderate damage but cannot be dodged
  • Gox 350 Robotic, 500 Ferrite Armor, 250 Shield
    large silver craft with two arms, one a multi-beam laser and the other explosive launcher, when close to death will attempt to self destruct, leaving behind four Locust Drones
  • Locust Drone 10 Cloned Flesh, 50 Ferrite Armor
    small robots deployed by Carriers and Gox, fire a constant laser that tracks players and deals weak physical damage

  • Ranger 100 Flesh, 100 Shield
    basic Crewman that uses a jetpack to engage in space combat, uses basic laser rifle
  • Penta Ranger 100 Flesh, 100 Shield
    yellow suited ranger, uses a high damage grenade launcher
  • Quanta Ranger 100 Flesh, 100 Shield
    red suited Ranger, uses highly accurate beam weapon

Infested Archwing Enemies

  • Attack Mutalist 65 Infested Flesh
    fire infested spores at enemies
  • Mutalist Lightning Carrier 65 Infested Flesh
    carries an Electric Crawler that electricutes nearby enemies
  • Mutalist Toxic Carrier 65 Infested Flesh
    carries a Lobber Crawler that fires toxic grenades

Archwing Boss
  • Jordas Golem 20000 Infested Sinew, 250 Ferrite Armor
    Assassination target found on a Derelict ship in the Eris system
Eximus Units
Eximus Units (originally known as Leader Units) are tough varients of normal enemy units. They can be spotted by their larger size and colored outline, and often cast extravagant auras buffing other enemies in close proximity. Eximus units can be just about any standard unit, and depending on the Eximus' type have a special ability, along with a health multiplier, a blanket resistance to all types of damage, or both. As of update 14, Infested Anceint's base effects/abilities function just like that of an Eximus (see Ancients under the Infested section for full details), and Ancients that spawn as Eximus units will have both the base unit and the Eximus' auras/abilities.

Below is a list of the Eximus types with what factions they can be found in and a brief description of their Eximus abilities:

Blitz Eximus
Faction: Corpus
  • casts AoE knockdown blasts when enemies get close
  • have ~25% resistance to all damage types*

Arson Eximus / Caustic Eximus
Faction: Grineer and Infested
  • casts a large fire wave that can knockdown enemies over a large area, within line of sight
  • buffs nearby allies with additional heat damage
  • have ~25% resistance to all damage types*

Arctic Eximus
Faction: Grineer and Corpus
  • casts a large ice bubble around itself that protects against projectiles
  • buffs nearby allies with additional cold damage
  • have ~25% resistance to all damage types*

Shock Eximus
Faction: Corpus, Grineer
  • passivly drains enemy's shields and energy when in range
  • buffs nearby allies with additional electric damage
  • have ~25% resistance to all damage types*

Venomous Eximus
Faction: Infested
  • passivly emits a toxin aura that has ~75% chance per second to apply a toxic DoT lasting 8 seconds to enemies within range
  • buffs nearby allies with additional toxin damage
  • have ~25% resistance to all damage types*

Leech Eximus / Sanguine Eximus
Faction: Grineer and Infested
  • gains health back when damaging enemies
  • have a 3x larger health pool then their normal counterpart

Energy Leech Eximus / Parasitic Eximus
Faction: Corpus and Infested
  • passivly drains energy from nearby enemies
  • have a 3x larger health pool from their normal counterpart
  • have ~25% resistance to all damage types*

Guardian Eximus
Faction: Corpus
  • casts pulses that restore shields of nearby friendly units
  • have ~50% resistance to all damage types**

Faction: Grineer (Guardsman only)
(special eximus unit found only in the Grineer Shipyards of Ceres, has a unique elemental damage system)
  • have a 3x larger health pool from their normal counterpart
  • have an aura of one of the four base elements (Heat, Cold, Electric, or Toxin) that grant immunity to all other damage types other than itself (unit with heat aura can only take heat damage)
  • casts aura on nearby friendly units granting ~50% resistance to all damage types other than itself (not full immunity like eximus)

* Depending on the unit's resistances, damage types will do the following:
+75% damage is reduced to +50% damage
+50% damage is reduced to +25% damage
+25% damage is reduced to -25% damage
-25% damage for all other damage types (units may be immune if they already have reduced damage against a damage type)

** Depending on the unit's resistances, damage types will do the following:
+75% damage is reduced to +25% damage
+50% damage is reduced to 0% damage
+25% damage is reduced to -25% damage
-50% damage for all other damage types (units may be immune if they already have reduced damage against a damage type)

The Hunter Becomes The Hunted
There are multiple unique enemies that can appear during missions and attempt to kill a player. Beforehand the player will recieve a mail indicating they have been marked for death.

Stalker 100 Flesh, 65 Alloy Plate, 200 Proto Shield
"Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember that day." May appear during a mission after killing an assassination target, resembles a Excalibur Warframe with black smoke. NOTE: this info is mostly out of date.

To survive and defeat the Stalker, check out this awesome guide by Jithvan!

Zanuka Hunter 600 Robotic, 25 Alloy Plate, 1000 Proto Shield
"Thank you for volunteering for the Zanuka Project, you will make a fine addition to my collection." May appear during a Corpus missions after a player has aided the Grineer with invasion missions

To prevent your capture and dissection for the Zanuka Project, check out this awesome guide by Jithvan!

The Grustrag Three:
"The agony treatment has worked! Tests show aggression has been shifted to The Tenno! The Grustrag Three are now ready for release and are eager for orders." May appear during a Grineer mission after a player has aided the Corpus with an invasion mission, all three will attack if you are in a group with 2 or more players

Vem Tabook 1700 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
uses ranged shotgun
Shik Tal 1700 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
uses high powered pistol with physical shield
Leektar 1700 Cloned Flesh, 200 Alloy Plate
uses 2H axe

To avoid being dominated by these mutated defects, check out this awesome guide by Jithvan!
Credits and Things to Come
Roll Credits

  • GravemyndATX 1337 Shield, 20XX Mojlnir Armor
    99% for the Everything from his Codex
  • MarurabaATX 420 Infected Flesh, 117 Rubedo Armor
  • Jithvan 250 Bitcoins, 400 Alloy Armor
    for his awesome How To Kill guides
  • Blackloch[blackloch.deviantart.com] 200 Flesh, 800 Cloned Armor
    for the Banners
  • Yuikami[yuikami-da.deviantart.com] 200 Vor Flesh, 700 Orokin Armor
    for the Holiday Banners
  • Warframe Website/Forum: https://warframe.com

  • Warframe Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki

Coming Soon: Reccomendation for Bosses/Extended Boss Breakdown (Paused)
Syndicate Examus Breakdown and more
Seqan Nov 12, 2016 @ 6:30am 
It looks like the guide may be very out of date with damage modifiers...The Codex indicates damage resistances/bonuses vary GREATLY now from old data. For example, flesh appears to be resistant to slash, and weak to impact? Can anyone verify before I go changing all my builds?
Belial Aug 19, 2015 @ 4:01am 
oh, and you might add a section with the case of 4 Corrosive Projection auras! which is useful against corrupted void missions and grineer too. thats the time when all those fucking slash weapons will be powerful!
slash + viral + heat will be the best combo on endless void and grineer missions.
Belial Aug 19, 2015 @ 3:59am 
one thing: grineer are weak to radiation damage too, so youre best of with a radiation + viral combo (fire+shock & poison+ice). corrosive is a bad choice acutally, since bombards, napalms and eviscerators are a bigger thread than the heavy gunners and butchers.
everything else is really nice and well done. keep up the good work!
The Lifekind Mar 17, 2015 @ 12:24pm 
Also, the Venomous Eximus' poison aura actually has ~75% each second to inflict the toxin damage, you can avoid the proc if you're quick to kill/run away from it.
GravemyndATX  [author] Mar 16, 2015 @ 11:51pm 
Thanks, ill definitly add that to the guide :LotusFlower:
The Lifekind Mar 15, 2015 @ 6:34am 
The effect of Corrosion on players will only reduce armor for the duration of the effect, unlike enemies (not specters), for which the effect is permanent.
MarurabaATX  [author] Feb 14, 2015 @ 11:31am 
the guide is now up to date, we relooked at all the elements/procs and fixed the section accordingly, now we just need to start double checking all the enemies. fun! :LotusFlower:
MarurabaATX  [author] Feb 5, 2015 @ 6:18pm 
nice catch! thanks for the heads up! we will change it soon :) its been awhile since we looked at each element, guess we should do that again :))
Glove Feb 5, 2015 @ 1:40am 
Guide needs to be corrected, corrosive doesn't completely remove targets armor. It stacks infinitely but only reduces enemy's CURRENT armor by 25% similar to viral.
MarurabaATX  [author] Sep 2, 2014 @ 11:01am 
UPDATE: We are about 75% done with the reccomendations for each faction/boss as requested, they are now present under each factions general discription. Grave has also added epic lore text to each faction (bosses to come soon), along with expanded discriptions for almost every unit in the game. Enjoy. :Excalibur: