ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Ark Play-4-Glory Mods
Dies sind die Mods mit der die Ark-Server von Play-4-Glory laufen. Damit ihr diese schon vorzeitig runterladen könnt, stelle ich sie euch hier in einer Kollektion zur Verfügung.
Items (19)
Awesome SpyGlass!
Created by Chris
1404697612 Like a regular SpyGlass, except Awesomer! Works on... - Dinos - Players - Structures - Eggs - Loot - Supply Drops - And more - Shows a bunch of relevant information for the current target (see pics) - Has lots of player customizable options (see...
Awesome Teleporters!
Created by Chris
889745138 This mod adds 3 new items to the game. Teleporter - Place these around the map and Teleport between them (after a short delay) by bringing up the Teleport UI (E). - Only friendly Teleporters or ones that have been set to "Public" via the radial m...
Editable Server UI (WBUI) Open Source
Created by Don Camillo Editable Server UI Clean and stackable The UI will be shown if you hit "F1" per default. it is adjustable via GUS.ini / ingame as admin How to configure this UI: GameUserSettingsini SUPPORT NO SUPPORT VIA THE COMMENTS SECTIO...
Crafting Skill Potion
Created by Firesolved
MOD ID 2307661303 In his video published on November 28, 2020, Syntac said he would like to see a mod that worked similar to a Mindwipe Tonic, but instead of removing all of your engrams it was a potion that reset your stats, put all possible points based ...
MX-E Ark Shop UI
Created by MyrcX シ
MOD ID: 2693727499 Clean & Stackable MX-E Ark Shop UI This mod implements an easy to use interface for the most popular and free shop plugin "Shop, Currency & Kits" also known simply as ArkSho...
[QoL, Open Source] Better Horde Mode
Created by Ferodra
Compatible with every Mod that spawns OSDs and Element Veins OPEN SOURCE THREAD This Mod finally makes OSDs and Element Veins bearable! Don't you always get frustrated and annoyed when the counter again is at "5 Hostiles left" and you cannot seem to find t...
Castles, Keeps, and Forts Remastered
Created by ExileAcid
Mod ID: 1814953878 Publicly Released: 25/07/2019 This mod will work on any and all maps. Server Hosting Provided By LogicServers - Get a server today and use promo code CKF for 20% off! ht...
Structures Plus (S+)
Created by orionsun
Building Features: - Stackable foundations - Ceilings snap flush with foundations - Crop plots snap to foundations & ceilings - Sloped walls can snap to the bottom of walls & ceilings - Foundations can snap to ceilings if there is ground support (ie other ...
Dino Storage v2
Created by Lethal
MOD ID: 1609138312⠀⠀⠀ This mod is clean and stackable. It has no list priority whatsoever No game content is remapped or altered. I only add 5 of my own items to the game This mod should also work with modded dinos, as well as...
Items+ Companion
Created by Lethal
Items+ Companion...
Created by ɳαɳҽყα
Mod is discontinued RR-Medieval RP Doco! With this Mod you can Build a lot of Medieval Items and Deco. If you like this mod, please thumb up and share the mod with your friends Mod works with all Offical DLC´s. Mod Discription...
eco's Garden Decor
Created by eco
MOD ID: 880871931 Craft fountains, topiary, indoor/outdoor lighting, fences, and planters for your garden! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after planting, it will return the exact amount of m...
RR-HomeDeko and more!
Created by ɳαɳҽყα
Mod is discontinued RR-Homedeko and more! With this Mod you can Build a lot of Homedeco. If you like this mod, please thumb up and share the mod with your friends Mod works with all official DLC´s. Mod Discription Mod Id:19766...
Solo Farm Mod
Created by KAVAN
This Mod adds items that makes Solo Farming very easy. Items: Solo Farm Remote: Will allow you to put creatures into the Farmmode were thay will continusly use there attack until the inventory is full. It also has an Menu were you can create a list of item...
LudopARK - Casino
Created by Troyar
Casino Kit of gambling MOD ID: 1546466145 The Commands will be published in the spawn codes discussion. Donations: Host Havoc is sponsoring (LudopARK - Casino) mod. Thanks!
TCC Eventmap
Created by Pullourpo
Information Version = 0.9y Map name = TCC_Eventmap Mod ID = 1680318875 About: Small and light map about 1/4th of The Island. Map focused mainly on events and central hub for clusters, contains all explorer notes and dossiers and when finished should contai...
Simple Spawners
Created by darklore
Mod Id: 1295978823 Mod is clean and stackable. Spawn creatures, harvestable resources, loot crates, or nests anywhere! Make your own biomes! Customize ANY map however you want to! I am working on an ASA version of this mod, it is going to take a while. I m...
Poker After Ark
Created by reinerSCT
ModID: 1814163003 Type: Stackable If you like the mod, please Poker After Ark offers the ability to play NoLimit Hold'em Poker with up to nine players at the same table. There are four different tables to play on. - PokerTab...
Auction House v4.0.3a
Created by Ghazlawl
Mod ID: 898049820 Please refer to the wiki for rules, INI settings, and spawn commands: Auction House This mod allows you to create, bid on, and purchase auctions for items, weapons, blueprints, skins...