Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Vaas Small Scripts
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Fun, Roleplay
File Size
1.209 KB
Dec 22, 2019 @ 2:24pm
Dec 22, 2019 @ 9:37pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Vaas Small Scripts


Vaas Small Scripts - This is a collection of small scripts for simple things. Right now it has very few feature but over time more will be added.

All new features will be set to disabled by default, so no worries about random new features becoming enabled. To enable them simply add the new config options to your sv_config.cfg and cl_config.cfg

Why is there an alternative for sv_password? Because the server browser negativly impacts the score of a server if it has sv_password set. This however will allow you to have a password on your server without having it negativly effect your servers score in the serverbrowser.

Why bother with physgun velocity? Because in some servers when physguned a player will still have their velocity. This can result in some unneeded deaths due to fall damage and other addons that set player velocity.

I'll add more features into this addon later, aswell as improve them over time. For now, enjoy.

  • Alternative method of server passwords
  • Rainbow Physgun Color based on if your an admin/superadmin
  • Physgun Velocity Fix(EXPIRAMENTING STILL)

NOTE: To configure Vaas Small Scripts place the following into cfg/sv_config.cfg and cfg/cl_config.cfg

use_pass_overide = false,
pass_overide = '',
rainbowphys = false,
physgun_velocity_fix = false

use_pass_overide - For overiding source engines default sv_password system
pass_overide - The password to use if the password overide feature is enabled
rainbowphys - Rainbow physgun colors for admin and superadmins
physgun_velocity_fix - For setting the velocity of players to 0 when they are picked up.(fixes some messy stuff in some gamemodes, this is expiramental atm)

For now cl_config.cfg is not needed yet.

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If your interested in any of my other services or products please feel free to visit my site for information and pricing.
Lord of Owls  [author] Aug 12, 2020 @ 4:42pm 
Actually, I'm his father. I created him in order to make life easier. Such a good AI son he is, helping his father manage stuff. Also yea the file size is small because this thing is legit only lua code lol
Charlie Aug 12, 2020 @ 2:10pm 
also nice file size
Charlie Aug 12, 2020 @ 2:09pm 
Nothing son
TheOwl.Cafe | Night Owl  [author] Dec 22, 2019 @ 2:44pm 
Greetings Father, how may I assist you today?