Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire

Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire

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Optional Objectives Fix
By Hfero
Fixes scripts for three optional objectives.
Fixed unobtainable objectives
- Operation Snowball: Mission 3: Rendezvous (Arctic 3) - "Almost the entire boat crew survived".
- Operation Nomad: Mission 2: Airshow (Africa 2) - "Destroy enemy armoured vehicle".
- Operation Overlord: Mission 2: Blade Dancer (Normandy 2) - "Rescue as many allies as you can".

Extract archive to main game folder, example of correct path after extraction:
..\Hidden and Dangerous 2\scripts\AFRICA2

New start of missions is required for fix to work as old data are stored in quicksaves.

Google Disk [drive.google.com]
Extra fix notes
Arctic 3 - objective requires 2 disembarking soldiers to survive. Third one is always killed by script, but he is required to survive by objective. Fixed by changing requirement to other one.

Africa 2 - objective requires destruction of tank, not working script is defined standalone for some reason. Fixed by integrating it to script that stops tank functions after its destruction.

Normandy 2 - objective requires survival of all 5 american soldiers. Also at least two must stay alive to not fail the mission. Number of alive soldiers is stored in counter, but value is written only after first soldier is killed. Optional objective counter (= 5) is dependant on main one. But if all soldiers survive main counter value doesnt ever exists (and also it can never equal 5). Fixed by making standalone counter for optional objective.