Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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Northern Timber 3.0.13
Buildings: Buildings
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Dec 5, 2019 @ 5:18am
Nov 4, 2024 @ 12:11pm
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Northern Timber 3.0.13

In 1 collection by shogakusha
Asshuri Protectorate Mods
18 items
Northern Timber is a 95 piece Tier 1 build set designed to be a better visual fit in the northern areas. It offers minor Cold Insulation. The set is designed to allow upgrade from Sandstone T1. Now includes a Snowy Thatch Roof option!

Stockade Build Set is a 61 piece Tier 2 build set designed to feel right at home in the cold north and can be used to upgrade from Northern Timber Tier 1.

The Bossonian Build Set is a 139 piece Tier 3 set designed to feel right at home in the cold north and can be used to upgrade from Northern Timber Tier 1 and Stockade Tier 2. Now includes a Snowy Roof option!

The Murayama Build Set is a 120 piece Tier 3 set as a cold weather couterpart to the original Yamatai set and can be used to upgrade from Northern Timber Tier 1, Stockade Tier 2 and Bossonian Tier 3. The Murayama set does not include Wedge Foundation, Wedge Ceiling or Wedge Roof tiles by design. The Yamatai generally build using right angles. Instead there are multiple ceiling tiles, standard 45 degree and shallow 26 degree pitched roof tiles. There are also Half Walls, Half Sloping Walls and a Half Stair.

[ModID: 1928978003]

My Mods Discord:
When you land in #Welcome, type !moduser-role to gain access

You can find my other mods here:
Arena Piers -
Asshuri Treasures -
Fire and Ice -
Sand and Stone -

Build Piece List can now be found on Google Docs (It was getting a bit too long!)

This mod contains assets (art, music, code, items, systems and/or designs) that are the intellectual property of Funcom Oslo AS or their licensors
Popular Discussions View All (16)
Sep 17, 2020 @ 2:54am
BUG: Conan Exiles client crash when player pickup/dismantle certain Northern Timber build pieces
Dec 21, 2024 @ 12:23pm
Servers running Northern Timber
Feb 20, 2021 @ 11:25am
Showcase - Show us what you have built using these pieces!
Hrimnir 19 minutes ago 
So, weirdest shit. It's still not working on the exiled lands server i had initially setup. But I set up a new server after many hours of work for Savage Wilds, and its now showing. Literally exact same mods as the original server, so, I'm not entirely sure why the original one doesn't like it lol!

Either way, ill do some more trouble shooting, its clearly something on my end so to speak. Thank you for everything!
shogakusha  [author] Feb 10 @ 5:39am 
@Hrimnir odd, I am going to ask you to join my discord if you want to try to troubleshoot this. First thing there is my troubleshooting guide. But it will also be easier to track this there, share screenshots, etc.

My Mods Discord:
Hrimnir Feb 9 @ 8:31pm 
TY for response @shogakusha. To answer your question, i host the server on an old PC using the ConanExilesServer tool thingy heh. That being said i only spooled up the server 4 days ago and i added your mod 1 day ago.

To answer the second question, I don't see it in the knowledge section, or in the list on the left side with the build hammer.
shogakusha  [author] Feb 9 @ 4:35pm 
Hi @Hrimnir doesn't seem likely but it is possible. Are all your mods up to date?

You say you don't see my sets "in the list" you mean in Knowledge where you would learn them, or you mean in the Construction Hammer once you have learned them? (or something else?)
Hrimnir Feb 9 @ 12:49am 
Is it possible this mod may conflict with some others? I'm not seeing any of the sets in the list, perhaps also maybe mod order?
shogakusha  [author] Feb 4 @ 7:01am 
Hi Oficial Dimitry, unlikely to do curved foundations.

Suggest curved ceiling on pillar and either suspend a Curved Wall or Curved Fence Foundation. Then build up from there.
Oficial Dimitry Feb 3 @ 6:51pm 
Please, add curved foundations!!!

There are curved ceilings already, but no foundations

I beg you!!!

Please add it!!!
Khaahan Dec 7, 2024 @ 3:23pm 
I'm quite sure there is already the option, in the devkit, of using a "Desature" node in the material itself without going to retouch the textures at all.
It's a very easy step I would have done myself in less than a minute if I had the source file.
I believe a 20-25% desaturation would be enough to match the Frontier pieces and make them perfectly compatible.

It doesn't need to be perfectly matching but just that little bit enough to make them look like coming together. I hope you can at least just give that a try.
I've even looked for a tutorial about that, for you, and found a very short one {less than 2 minutes literally} you might find useful for this particular case but also in your other projects as well.

shogakusha  [author] Dec 7, 2024 @ 1:48pm 
He Khaahan

I am unlikely to try to color match, but at some point I may go back and investigate what the effort would be to make Bossonian compatible with Emberlight Chroma feature. The first three sets in Northern Timber mod were all created pre-Chroma and the materials used are absolutely not set up to work with Chroma. But if I do get to that, you would be able to do your own tinting ;-)
Khaahan Dec 7, 2024 @ 9:23am 
Hi! It's good to see you're still invoved in modding this game...

I'm back after 4-5 years of absence {almost lot the count at this point} from the game and I saw FunCom still didn't update the Savage Frotier DLC to add the clearly missing internal walls and some other so needed pieces.

The Bossonian indoor wall from Northern Timber is still the only possible replacement I could find so far. Now, I'm sure I've asked for this in the past, here or on Discord, and I guess it wasn't possible for you at that time to make a version of that wall with less satured colors to match this wall

The reason why FunCom didn't make one wall with the same look on both sides is beyond my understanding humans!

I'm sure many would truly appreciate if you could do that because I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue and some of the most recent comments I've just read seem to prove me right.

I really keep up my hopes.
